Dictionary 2

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Anxious (enxos) anxious to see the eva’s concert Broad (bro^d) Large, general, big, liberal

Mention (chion) cite Even (iven) Equal, (ate ou mesmo)

Row (Ruow) line of something Bit (=) Small piece of something
Seat (=) a space reserved for sitting Shout (chaut) Scream (=), talk very high
Delay (=) Upset (=) Aborrecido
Fell (fel) past of ‘fal’, x, follen Knock (nok) “hit” (sound) something
Crowd (craud) a large nº of people together Swear (suear) promise saying true
Fluffy (flofi) like down or soft as down Blame (bleim) attribute responsibly to
Pretty (pr^eti) extent; delicate or grace Found (faund) Past (2x) find
Sit (sit) take a seat which (uitch) Used Interrogative; o que
Worst (uorst) superlative of “bad” Bold (=) Courageous; atrevido
Heard (rerd) learned; listened Wonder (=) Amaze, wish or disire
Later (leirer) afterward Whether (=) Se; ‘similar than “if”
Guess (=) estimate, judge, imagine Hurt (rurt) Damage: physical or felling
Someone (=) unspecific person, somebody Aye (ai) yes
Anyone (=) specific persons, anybody Naught (not) zero
No one (=) nobody Tough (t’of) ‘hard’ used to person
Hear (riar) listen; Rules (rioules) regarded as a normative
heard (r^ord) Past (paest) of Hear Enough (enaff) as much as necessary
Such (sach) Much (exaggerate) Fool (fuol) crazy guy
Which (uich) (o) Que, (o) qual, Naked (nequed) completed unclothed
Finer (=) great, excellent; Past fine,xfinest Tool (tuol) ferramenta
Also (olso) addition; too (= such or finer) Worse (uorse) comparative of ‘bad’
Beer (biar) alcoholic drink made by cereal Mood (=) humor
Bear (b`ear) animal Feet (fiit) par of legs
Least (liast) “o menor or menos” quantity Straight (estreit) directly, without a break
Wide (uide) broad (=); extenso or comprido Always (oueis) at all time, ever
Allow (allow) give permission, Whole (Roul) totally, altogether, complete
Sound (s`aund) noise (noisy) Nature (Neitchur) controlling things in the wo
Without (uitaut) free from, absent Perhaps (pireps) chance, possibility, maybe
Soon (suu^n) in the near future (fiutxre) sort (=) kind, example
Sun /son (son) Lend (=) “can u lend your car?”
Suddenly (san..) happening unexpectedly Several (S’everal) count nouns, but not many
Neither (nither) nenum (nem outro) Within (=) among, between, inside
Both (b^oth) two thing together Either (ider) also, likewise, too
Among (=) between Set (=) group, ready, fix
Trust (trost) allow without fear Therefore (=) used to introduce a conclus
Hurry (r^oue) haste (reist), move very fast Ear (iar) piece of organ to listen
Snap (=) take something very fast Earn (earn) get or make something; ‘wi
Seize (c`ize) catch, grab (greb), take of Awful (anfou) terrible, exceptionally bad
Size (saize) “how big is it” Fair (fer) good enough
Might (maith) Fear (fiar) to be afraid; pain
To Split (=) divide into parts Dry (dray) dry clothes (secar)
To Spot (=) one specific place Law (l’ow) rule (ruule)
Huge (iuge) Vast Reply (replai) answer, respond
Taught (tot) Past of teach Flavour (fleivor) ice cream of melon, strawb
Lead (leed) Conduct someone Trunk base; earth
Glad (=) Happy Ground (graund) concern (matter; worry)
Laugh (l’af) Smile a lot Fear (fiar) get something
Scare (squ^ear) Panic; assustar (ado) Receive (reciiv) come out
Due (duu) Fitting (conveniente, oportuno) Appear (apiar) (a)parecer
Matter (marer) Import, Able (eibow) “alem (de)”
Desire (desaiar) “Question”, importar Beyond (biond) question, duvida
Led (l’ed) past of lead Doubt (daut) sagrado
Than ( thanz) conjunction comparative Holy (roly) yellow product made by be
Then (d’en) “after”, subsequently Honey (rani) want something impossible
Them (d^emm) pronoun “they” Desire (dezaire) specific felling of desire
Thus (das) therefore, hence Wish (=) desire for specific food
Those (d^ose) plural of that Crave (creave) merit
These (thize) plural of “this” Deserve (diserv) por, colocar
“make up” stuff girls; make a decision in Lay (ley) Speak softly, low voice
Wig (=) artificial hair Whisper (=) Todavia, no entanto
Clear (=) past (clearer, clearest) However
Increase(incrise) a quantity that is add Whatever
Reach (uitx) alcancar telephone or a person Whoever Whatever person
Rich (uitx) have much money Award (aowrd) Conceder
Sore (sor^e) painful (dor); offended Sat (set) Pp of sit
Wore (=) past wear, x, worn; be dress in Lately (letily) Recently
Nasty (nesty) offensive or even malicious Own (^ou’n) Possess
Sort (=) kind of something Which (uitx) Fogao
Shot (=) past (2x) of shoot Stove (stouv) forno
Shoot (shuut) atirar Shut (sh’ot) close
Shock (=) chocado Nearly (=) almost
Knock (n’ok) sound of hit (door) Pain (p’ein) Sore
Knowledge (=) range of learning, conhecimento Raise (reyz) Levanter; aumentar
Blind (blaind) can’t see (accident or illness) Craft (=) Skills, trade; boat
Grab (greb) catch, take hold of Overcome (=a=) Win (defeat); emotionally
Mistake (=) error, wrong action Avoid (=) Evitar
Ride (raide) go somewhere by car or bike Although (altouu) Embora
Strike (straik) stop working for something Lobby (=) Pressionar; hall, large entra
Advise(adiv’aiz) suggest or proposed Such (sach) Tal, semelhante; tao
Jealous (j’elos) ciumento Wave (weive) Acenar; onda
Wet (=) molhado Petty (Pery) Unimportant (insignificante
Pull (P’ou) opposite of push Awesome (ansome) Impressive
Pool (Puol) beach in the house Root (ruut) Raiz
jellyfish (jelei~) Animal: live-water Shame (sheim) vergonha
slippery (sl’ip~) escorreagdio Shy (shai) Timido
Quit (=) finish Deny (denay) negar
Quiet (quaiet) calm Heaven (=) paraiso
Quite (qu’aite) completely Honk (R’onk) Buzibar
Ride (u-raide) “walk” by bike, horse, car Fill (=) Enxer tanke
Shore (shor) Coast Shave (shav) Barbear
Draw (dr’o) Throw (trow) Jogar?
Duty (diut’y) Obligation, responsibility Stroke (strouke) Alisar
Fate (feit) Touch (t’och) tocar
Trouble (tr’obol) Difficulty, problem, disturb Punch (p’anch) Murro, soco
Weight (weit) Breath (breth) Respiracao
Empty (‘empt’e) Waste (weist) desperdicio
Pith (=) Belong (=) Be Owned by; partencer
Pitch (=) Beyond (=) Alem, mais adiante
Prefect Lean (li’n) Encostar, inclinar
Development () Chest (=) Peito, torax
Sauce (s’os) Molho
Fair Source (sors) place where something beg
Hook Feed (fiid) Alimentar
Realize Tidy (taidi) Arrumar, tidy up
At all Narrow (narrou) Estreito; apertado
Proud (praud) Orgulhoso; vaidoso

“half an hour” (ralf anauer)
“how are you doing?”
“gotta…” go to
“way at all”
“what’s going on”
“could you do me a favor” => favor
“hurry up” => fast fast
“not at all” =>
“in order to”

Documentary about environment:

Dr. Susuki
Al gore
The hour
- john coleman (against)

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