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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Thursday | January 7, 2021

Biden confirmed after pro-Trump mob storms Capitol

OCH investigates
ICU director for
tweets supporting
D.C. violence
Huxford claims 2020
election was stolen; OCH
trustees and administration
promise to take action

OCH Regional Medi-

cal Center’s leaders said
Wednesday they will in-
vestigate tweets posted
by hospital intensive care
unit director that seemed
to support rioters who
stormed the U.S. Capitol
AP Photo/Julio Cortez building in Washington, Huxford
Trump supporters try to break through a police barrier Wednesday at the Capitol in Washington. As Congress prepared D.C.
to affirm President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, thousands of people gathered to show their support for President Donald INSIDE
In multiple tweets post- n OUR VIEW:
Trump and his claims of election fraud. ed Tuesday and Wednes- Reputation
day, Dr. Cameron Huxford and credibility
Rioters were egged on by Trump, who had urged his sions high and the na-
tion’s capital on alert.
falsely claimed the 2020 are on the line
when stating
U.S. presidential election views publicly.
supporters to descend on Washington to protest Before dawn Thurs-
day, lawmakers finished
was rigged and expressed a Page 4A
desire to join Wednesday’s
Congress’ formal approval of Biden’s victory their work, confirming riot led by supporters of President Donald
Biden won the election. Trump, some of whom were armed.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tion, undercut the nation’s democracy Vice President Mike “If I didn’t have to man the Covid wards
and keep Trump in the White House. Pence, presiding over on 1/6/2021, I’d be in the caravan headed
WASHINGTON — Congress con- Lawmakers were resolved to com- the joint session, an- Biden to Washington!” Huxford tweeted Tues-
firmed Democrat Joe Biden as the plete the Electoral College tally in a nounced the tally, 306-232. day in reference to the planned protests at
presidential election winner early display to the country, and the world, Trump, who had repeatedly re- the U.S. Capitol during Congress’ vote to
Thursday after a violent mob loyal to of the nation’s enduring commitment fused to concede the election, said in certify President-elect Joe Biden’s win in
President Donald Trump stormed the to uphold the will of the voters and a statement immediately after the vote the Electoral College.
U.S. Capitol in a stunning attempt to the peaceful transfer of power. They that there will be a smooth transition As Wednesday’s demonstration be-
overturn America’s presidential elec- pushed through the night with ten- See BIDEN, 6A See HUXFORD, 6A


over 75 can
now make
to receive
COVID vaccine
Vaccinations may move
to larger facility, have
one day added after
appointments fill up in Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
Masha Tsvetkova, 9, gets her laps in Wednesday afternoon Downtown YMCA pool in Columbus. Tsvetkova is a member of the Swim
Oktibbeha County Columbus swim team, which is preparing for the state swim meet in February. “The breastroke is my favorite,” Tsvetkova said.

Seniors ages 75 and older will

begin receiving COVID-19 vaccina-
tions as early as today, but appoint-
ment times are quickly filling up,
Peco Foods will close in Brooksville, expand in West Point
just a day after the Mississippi State
Department of Health rolled out the
Ongoing expansion will add 200 jobs at West Point site to the press release.
“Peco is working diligently to pro-
program. DISPATCH STAFF REPORT this morning in a press release. vide team members at the affected loca-
As of this morning, 10 of the 18 The chicken processing company tions with opportunities throughout the
sites in the state where seniors can Peco Foods will close three plants, in- currently employs 7,000 people at its company wherever possible, living out
receive vaccines had no remaining cluding the one in Brooksville, in order 13 locations in Alabama, Arkansas and the company’s core value of doing the
appointments, including in Oktib- to expand three more, including the one Mississippi. The plants in Canton and right thing for their people,” the press
See VACCINE, 3A in West Point, the company announced Philadelphia will also close, according See PECO, 3A


Business 5B 1 Which British auction house Jan. 12: Starkville-Oktibbeha
Classifieds 6B beat Sotheby’s in a 2005 game Today Consolidated School District
Comics 4B of rock paper scissors, for the ■ Exhibit Board of Trustees meeting, 6
Crossword 6B right to sell a Japanese art reception: The p.m., 401 Greensboro St.
Dear Abby 4B collection? Columbus Arts Jan. 14: Starkville-Oktibbeha
Obituaries 5A 2 At what music festival did Council hosts a
the duo OutKast kick off their Consolidated School District
Opinions 4A free reception,
reunion in 2014? 5:30-7 p.m., Board of Trustees meeting, 6
3 What Chinese e-commerce opening “South- p.m., 401 Greensboro St.
giant started trading on the New
WEATHER York Stock Exchange in 2014 in
ern Expressions,”
a show by Leslie
Jan. 15: Starkville Board of
Aldermen work session, 10
the biggest IPO of all time?
48 Low 37
Peebles in the a.m., City Hall
4 What four awards did songwrit- main gallery.
High er Robert Lopez win to become Jan. 19: Oktibbeha Coun-
Breezy with rain Work by Kelsey ty Board of Supervisors
the youngest member of the
Full forecast on exclusive EGOT club? Cockrell will be meeting, 9 a.m., Chancery
page 3A. 5 The most active volcano in the displayed in Artist Courthouse
world is in what country? Alley. Stop by the
Jan. 19: Starkville Board
Rosenzweig Arts
Center, 501 Main of Aldermen meeting, 5:30
Answers, 6B
St., Columbus. p.m., City Hall
662-328-2787 or Bobby Neely, of Starkville, is working Jan. 29: Starkville Board of
columbus-arts. on windows for a historic building Aldermen work session, 10
org. renovation downtown. a.m., City Hall


2A THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 The Dispatch •

Ossoff seals Democrats’ sweep;

will be youngest US senator
Ossoff defeated Republican David Perdue in runoff opponent’s exaggerated claim that
he was pursuing a “radical socialist
that was held Tuesday after neither he nor Perdue agenda.” At a debate in October,
he called the 71-year-old former
received 50 percent of the vote in November corporate executive “a crook” who
used the COVID-19 pandemic to
BY SUDHIN THANAWALA Perdue in the runoff that was held protect his stock portfolio while
The Associated Press Tuesday after neither he nor Per- downplaying the seriousness of the
due received 50 percent of the vote virus. Perdue insisted the allega-
ATLANTA — As in November. tions were false.
a teenager, Jon Os- This is Ossoff’s first election Ossoff is smart, has a “good
soff was inspired by to public office, and he will be the heart” and will put in the work to
the pivotal role John youngest member of the Senate. be a good senator, said Sarah Riggs
Lewis played in the But he has never let youth and in- Amico, a fellow Democrat who ran
fight for racial equal- experience be barriers to his aspi- for lieutenant governor in Georgia
ity when the civil rations. in 2018 and challenged Ossoff in
rights icon was in his In 2017, at the age of 29, he ran the Senate primary.
early 20s. for Congress in Georgia in a race “The reality is government func-
He was in awe of Lewis’ life, he closely watched as an early referen- tions better when there are people
told The Associated Press in De- dum on President Donald Trump. from a wide variety of backgrounds
cember, particularly how someone Though he lost, he shattered who come to the table,” she said.
“so young” had achieved such a fundraising records and made the Voter Kaitlynn Poborsky, 28,
prominent position as chairman of contest in a once reliably Repub- said she chose Ossoff because she
the Student Nonviolent Coordinat- lican district competitive. For his is looking for change and a senator
ing Committee. Senate campaign, he took a sharp- who is passionate about address-
At 33, the millennial Democrat er approach. His platform was un- ing the coronavirus and climate
will assume his own leadership abashedly liberal, calling for a $15 change. She did not have concerns
mantle after being one of two can- minimum wage, a “public option” about his age.
didates to help the party sweep government health plan, and a new “I think we need young peo-
Georgia’s crucial U.S. Senate run- voting rights act to restore federal ple,” she said outside a polling site
off elections, a victory that sealed oversight of state election laws. in downtown Atlanta on Tuesday.
Democrats’ control of the chamber. He also launched a fierce attack “People who are in office are too
Ossoff defeated Republican David on Perdue while shrugging off his old.”

Lawmakers vow to investigate police after Capitol breach

Representative: Breach ‘raises grave security concerns’ chief, said it was “painful-
ly obvious” that Capitol
BY MAT THEW DALY the hourslong occupation the House Administra- police “were not prepared
The Associated Press of the complex before it tion Committee, said the for today. I certainly
was cleared Wednesday breach “raises grave se- thought that we would
WASHINGTON — evening. curity concerns,” adding have had a stronger show
Lawmakers are vowing that her committee will of force, that there would
Four people died, one
an investigation into how have been steps taken
of them a woman who work with House and Sen-
law enforcement han- in the very beginning to
was shot and killed by ate leaders to review the
dled Wednesday’s violent make sure that there was
police inside the Capitol. police response — and its
breach at the Capitol,
Three other people died preparedness. a designated area for the
questioning whether a
after suffering “medical Lawmakers crouched protesters in a safe dis-
lack of preparedness al-
emergencies” related to under desks and donned tance from the Capitol.’’
lowed a mob to occupy
and vandalize the build- the breach, said Robert gas masks while police In an interview with
ing. Contee, chief of the city’s futilely tried to barricade MSNBC Wednesday
U.S. Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police De- the building when peo- night, Demings said it ap-
who are charged with pro- partment. ple marched to the Cap- peared police were woe-
tecting Congress, turned Police said 52 peo- itol from a rally near the fully understaffed, adding
to other law enforcement ple were arrested as of White House in support of that “it did not seem that
for help with the mob that Wednesday night, in- President Donald Trump. they had a clear opera-
overwhelmed the com- cluding 26 on the Capitol Washington’s mayor insti- tional plan to really deal
plex and sent lawmak- grounds. Fourteen police tuted an evening curfew with” thousands of pro-
ers into hiding. Both law officers were injured, in an attempt to contain testers who descended
enforcement and Trump Contee said. the violence. on the Capitol following
supporters deployed Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Val Demings, Trump’s complaints of a
chemical irritants during D-Calif., chairwoman of D-Fla., a former police “rigged election.’’

Capitol violence sparks a social media reckoning with Trump

Experts noted that the companies’ to rally loyalists, castigate
enemies and spread false
gram, which Facebook
owns, followed up in the
actions follow years of hemming and rumors.
Twitter locked Trump
evening, announcing that
Trump wouldn’t be able
hawing on Trump and his supporters out of his account for 12
hours and said that future
to post for 24 hours fol-
lowing two violations of
spreading dangerous misinformation violations by Trump could its policies. The White
result in a permanent sus- House did not immediate-
BY BARBARA ORTUTAY oric from the president. pension. The company
AND DAVID KLEPPER ly offer a response to the
On Wednesday, in an required the removal of
The Associated Press actions.
unprecedented step, the three of Trump’s tweets,
While some cheered
two companies tempo- including a short video
All it took for so- rarily suspended Trump the platforms’ actions,
in which he urged those
cial-media giants Twitter from posting to their plat- supporters to “go home” experts noted that the
and Facebook to even forms after a mob of his while also repeating false- companies’ actions follow
temporarily bar President supporters stormed the hoods about the integrity years of hemming and
Donald Trump from ad- house of Congress. It was of the presidential elec- hawing on Trump and
dressing their vast audi- the most aggressive ac- tion. Trump’s account de- his supporters spreading
ences was a violent insur- tion either company has leted those posts, Twitter dangerous misinforma-
rection at the U.S. Capitol, yet taken against Trump, said; had they remained, tion and encouraging
fueled by years of false who more than a decade Twitter had threatened to violence that have con-
statements, conspiracy ago embraced the imme- extend his suspension. tributed to Wednesday’s
theories and violent rhet- diacy and scale of Twitter Facebook and Insta- violence.

More than a week later, FBI avoids terror label for Nashville bombing
BY KIMBERLEE KRUESI was motivated by political event. We haven’t tied that damaged more than 40
AND ERIC TUCKER ideology — a key factor in yet,” Doug Korneski, the businesses.
The Associated Press any formal declaration of FBI agent in charge of the Since then, a handful of
terrorism. The bureau is agency’s Memphis office, state and city leaders have
NASHVILLE, Tenn. still examining evidence told reporters last week at raised concerns about the
— The FBI investigation and has not announced a news conference. terrorism designation,
into whether the Nash- any conclusions, but in- The FBI investigates
ville bombing was a ter- arguing that authorities
vestigators are known two types of terrorism would have acted differ-
rorist act has sparked to be reviewing whether that are defined not by the
criticism about a possible ently if the 63-year-old
Anthony Warner believed ethnicity or background Warner had not been a
racial double standard in conspiracy theories in- of the suspect but by the
and drawn questions from white man.
volving aliens and 5G cell- person’s motivation or
downtown business own- “To those bending over
phone technology. ideology. International
ers whose insurance cov- backward to not call this
Warner died in the terrorism involves acts by
erage could be affected by Christmas Day explosion people who are inspired an act of terror, if Warner
the bureau’s assessment. of a recreational vehicle by, or acting at the direc- had been a Muslim/im-
More than a week after that also wounded three tion of, foreign terrorist migrant/black, will you
an explosion that struck at other people. organizations. Domestic say the same thing or will
the heart of a major Amer- “When we assess an terrorism generally in- you be one of the millions
ican city, the FBI has re- event for domestic ter- volves politically motivat- condemning not just him
sisted labeling it an act of rorism nexus, it has to be ed violence intended to but his entire communi-
terrorism, an indication tied to an ideology. It’s the further a particular cause ty?” Nashville City Coun-
that evidence gathered so use of force or violence in or agenda. cil member Zulfat Suara
far does not conclusively the furtherance of a polit- The explosion in Music tweeted just days after the
establish that the bomber ical or social ideology or City’s historic downtown bombing.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 3A

New Mississippi flag without rebel symbol being put into law
Republican Gov. Tate Reeves is expected to more, a state that has decided
to come together — it has to
changed, it should only be done
by another referendum.
proposed design would go on
the ballot for a yes-or-no vote.
sign the bill into law in the next several days feel good to those young men
and women,” Barnett said after
Momentum to change the
flag built quickly in June as
About 71 percent of people who
voted in November said yes to
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS at the Capitol. the Senate vote Tuesday. “It has protests against racial injus- the change.
The Associated Press The magnolia blossom on to feel good to know that I can tice took place across the U.S. Republican Sen. Melanie So-
the new flag is encircled by come back home not just to the after Minneapolis police killed journer of Natchez voted Tues-
JACKSON — Mississippi white stars representing Mis- United States of America but to George Floyd, a Black man in day against putting the new flag
is updating its laws to include sissippi as the 20th state, plus the united state of Mississippi.” their custody. Young activists into law because she wanted to
a new state flag with a magno- a single gold star representing Mississippi had used the and groups representing busi- keep flag with the Confeder-
lia and the phrase “In God We Native Americans. The gold same flag since 1894. The up- ness, education, religion and ate symbol. Sojourner, who is
Trust,” six months after legisla- star is made of diamond shapes per left corner had the Confed- sports — including the Missis- white, also objected the magno-
tors ditched the last state flag in that are significant to the Choc- erate battle emblem — a red sippi Baptist Convention and lia design being the only option
the U.S. that had the Confeder- taw culture. The flag also has field topped by a blue X with 13 the Southeastern Conference on the ballot.
ate battle emblem. gold stripes representing the white stars. Critics said for gen- — lobbied legislators to dump “I vowed to the people in my
Voters approved the mag- artistic heritage of state that erations that the banner was a the old flag and come up with district that I would stand by
nolia flag in November after a has produced blues great B.B. racist symbol that failed to rep- a new one that could represent their right to have a choice,” So-
commission recommended the King, and Nobel Prize-winning resent a state with the largest the diverse state. journer said.
design. novelist William Faulkner. percentage of Black residents After emotional debates, Hours after the Senate vote,
Legislators must put a de- Democratic state Sen. Juan in the nation. legislators voted in late June to about 30 demonstrators stood
scription of the new flag into Barnett of Heidelberg, who is Voters chose to keep the make the change, and Missis- on the south steps of the Mis-
law. Senators on Wednesday Black and a military veteran, Confederate-themed flag in sippi has been a state without sissippi Capitol to show their
voted 38-7 to pass such a bill, a said the old flag with the Con- a 2001 election, but all of the a flag for several months. The support for President Donald
day after the House voted 119-1. federate symbol divided the state’s public universities and bill that retired the old flag Trump and to call for another
Republican Gov. Tate Reeves state but the new flag unites it. several cities and counties had specified that a commission state flag election that would in-
is expected to sign the bill into “Those individuals like me stopped flying the flag in recent would design a new one that clude the retired banner. Some
law in the next several days. who can go off and defend this years. Conservative politicians, could not include Confederate carried Trump flags and some
After that, officials will have a country ... and come home to including Reeves, had long imagery and must have “In God carried the old flag with the
ceremony to raise the new flag a state that is not divided any- said if the flag was going to be We Trust,” and that the single Confederate symbol.

Continued from Page 1A
beha County. In Lowndes on Jan. 20,” Campanella cinated, you have to be flu,” she said. “The worst
County, an appointment said. “They are obviously under observation for 15 thing about it was I had
is not available until Jan. filling up very fast. At the minutes in case there are to stay cooped up in my
28. In both counties, vac- start, the vaccinations are side effects. That’s what house for 14 days. Every
cines are distributed at being done on Wednes- slows the process down. time I wanted to sneak out
the county health depart- days and Fridays (9 a.m.-4 It takes about 20 minutes (my son) would give me a
ments. p.m.), but I expect a third or so.” sermon.”
Oktibbeha County day will be added pretty Annette McElrath, 78, Paul Ackerman
Emergency Services soon and we’re definitely of Columbus said she has learned of the vaccination
Director working on finding a larg- no plans to get the vac-
for those 75 and older as
K risten er place.” cine.
he was working out on the
Campanella The free vaccines are “I’m not able to be vac-
said more available through ap- cinated because of my treadmill at the downtown
vaccination pointment only by visiting heart and my blood situ- YMCA in Columbus.
dates will cov idv ac c i ne .u mc .edu ation,” McElrath said. “I “Terrific,” said Acker-
be added online or by calling 877- can’t even get the flu shot.” man, 87. “I’ll definitely get
in the near 978-6453. Prior to now, Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff She said she had con- the vaccine. Why wouldn’t
future and Campanella vaccinations were avail- Paul Ackerman, 87, of Columbus, said he’ll definitely tracted the virus in De- I? That’s what we’ve all
that testing able only to health care take the COVD-19 vaccination now that it is available to cember. been waiting on all this
in the county may soon be workers and long-term seniors over age 75. “This is what we’ve been waiting “It was a lot like the time, right?”
shifted to a larger facility. care facility residents. for,” he said.
Mississippi Horse Park Those visiting the on-
Director Bricklee Miller, line site are first directed formed. Any highlighted Clay or Noxubee counties.
who also serves as coun- to a page that asks if you site means appointments Campanella said one of
ty supervisor for District are a health care worker. are still available at that the difficulties in vaccinat-
4, said she has talked to After clicking “no,” visi- site. Those not highlight- ing large numbers of peo-
Campanella about using tors are asked if they are ed have no remaining vac- ple is time required.
the facility for vaccines, age 75 or older, then must cination slots available. “There is some pa-
but that decision has not answer seven screening Vaccinations in Lown- perwork involved, even
been made yet. questions before being des County are held on though the vaccination
“When I looked earlier taken to a page that lists Tuesdays and Thursdays. itself only takes a few sec-
today, the first appoint- the sites where the vac- Vaccination programs onds,” Campanella said.
ment I could find here was cinations are being per- have yet to be set up in “But once you are vac-

Continued from Page 1A
release reads. are “further” processing Joe Max Higgins, CEO make sure that everyone
Peco will also expand plants, meaning they pro- of the Golden Triangle who wants a job has a job.
its facilities in Sebastopol duce “value-added prod- Development LINK, told We’re working with the
and Pocahontas, Arkan- ucts like chicken nuggets The Dispatch he supports company on the addition-
sas, in order to “expand and breaded filets” rath- Peco’s repositioning ef- al investment at the West
value-added product lines er than plain processed forts. Point facility and making
and meet rising demands meats. “The past year has sure team members in
for customer-driven, inno- The plant in Brooks- been tre- the Brooksville facility
vative foods,” according to ville employs 275 people, mendously get placed quickly.”
the press release. and the one in West Point difficult for Peco’s other Missis-
“By streamlining our employs 44 but will add compa n ies
sippi facilities are in Lake
operations, we can contin- 200 more over the course all over
and Bay Springs, and all
ue building a sustainable of three years when the the Golden
addition of a par-fry facili- Tr i a n g l e ,” seven locations in the
company that will support
the families and communi- ty is complete. Par-frying Higgins state have a total of about
ties of our team members (short for partial frying) is said. “We’re Higgins 3,600 employees.
and customers for years the first step in the frying com m it ted
to come,” Chief Operating process, and the food is to supporting Peco Foods
Officer Bill Griffith said in frozen, packaged and dis- as they position them-
the press release. tributed afterward. The fa- selves to be successful
Both the West Point cility has been under con- and remain committed
and Brooksville facilities struction since late 2019. to our communities to


King Jr. Jackson Jones Mosley Hamilton Kemp

The following arrests
were made by the Oktib-
beha County Sheriff’s Of-
n John King Jr., 35,
was charged with attempt
to commit a crime and
armed robbery. SOLUNAR TABLE
Williams Hairston Kelly Quinn The solunar period indicates
n Desmen Jackson, peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Thurs. Fri.
32, was charged with two sion of a controlled sub- dering prosecution, driv- Major 7:38p 8:31p
Minor 2:39a 3:49a
counts sale of cocaine and stance. ing on a suspended license Major 8:04a 8:58a
bond surrender. n Harold Kemp, 40, and DUI 2nd. Minor 2:19p 2:58p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department

n Christopher Jones, was charged with posses- n Michael Kelly, 51, of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
28, was charged with do- sion of a controlled sub- was charged with sexual
mestic violence-aggravat- stance. battery, burglary of a resi-
ed assault. n Emilio Williams, 28, dence, aggravated domes-
n Danaye Mosley, 20, was charged with aggra- tic assault and stalking. The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
was charged with domes- vated assault and disorder- n Martin Quinn, 43, Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
tic violence-aggravated ly conduct. was charged with two Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
assault. n Shanquenna Hair- counts receiving stolen The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
n Edwin Hamilton, 65, ston, 28, was charged with property and possession Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
was charged with posses- assault on an officer, hin- of paraphernalia.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Reputation and credibility are on the line when stating views publicly
mericans watched in of 1812. Since then, no matter sobering scene for those who false. Claims of fraud in the abhorrent. All they risk is their
horror Wednesday how divided and threatened love our country. election have been universally own reputation and credibility.
afternoon as a mob our nation has been, the There were, sadly, excep- rejected for lack of evidence. But Huxford is an employee
descended on the nation’s Capitol stood, a symbol of our tions - a misguided few who No fewer than 60 courts have of a county-owned hospital.
Capitol, smashing windows, nation’s strength, resolve and celebrated the action of the made that abundantly clear. So In this case, as it was in July
assaulting Capitol police and permanence. rioters. has the FBI and the attorney when Huxford sought to un-
vandalizing offices and spaces. Even in the early years of Most publicly prominent general of the United States. dermine public health efforts
Within hours, law enforcement the Civil War, when Wash- among them locally was Dr. State legislatures in every to make wearing a mask man-
cleared the Capitol grounds ington was under the threat Cameron Huxford, Director state have confirmed the elec- datory in the city of Starkville,
of the violent rioters, but of invasion by Confederate of the Intensive Care Unit at tion results as valid. Huxford’s actions undermine
not before four people were forces, the Capitol was not Oktibbeha County Hospital. It is his second comment the credibility of his employer
confirmed dead and multiple breached. Yet on Wednesday, Responding to a tweet that that is most disturbing, howev- and damage its reputation by
suspected explosive devices a photo of a rioter carrying a read “This feels like terror- er. As violent rioters invaded what can only be described as
in the area were dispatched by Confederate flag inside the ism,” Huxford replied in a our nation’s Capitol, endanger- a disgusting show of support
the FBI. This is what domestic Capitol was widely distributed, now-deleted tweet, “What’s ing lives, destroying property for criminals.
terrorism looks like. its bearer having achieved in happened on November 3 by and showing the world a por- Huxford’s comments bring
It was the first successful a few hours what Rebel forces the stealing of the election was trait of America as a banana shame on the hospital and
assault on our nation’s Capitol had been unable to do in four domestic terrorism!. Wish I republic, Huxford applauded undermines public confidence
since British troops invaded years of war. was there (with) them. Free- from the sidelines. in the hospital. OCH adminis-
and burned the Capitol on What unfolded Wednesday dom isn’t free!” Americans are entitled to tration should take that very
Aug. 24, 1814 during the War was a heart-breaking and Huxford’s first comment is their views, no matter how seriously.


The people who assaulted the Capitol
will still exist on Jan. 21
Yesterday was the culmination of the
fears that the President’s candidacy was
enough to spark in me back in 2015. But
I had no plans to write. I know we live in
the Deep South, but I thought, probably
naively, that seeing the confederate flag
being paraded in the Capitol building
ought to have been enough, that it was
so obvious. And saying “I told you so”
would not have helped at all.
But then I learned that a lot of people
were blaming the takeover of the Capitol
Building on Antifa. Apparently, the truth
was not obvious to everyone, after all.
If you take the time to check legiti-
mate news sources – not Facebook or
your Twitter feed, but a legitimate media
(Fox News would have been sufficient)
– the picture should become clear. I sin-
cerely doubt the President would release
a video telling Antifa that he loves them
and that they are special. After all, he,
with help from Rudy Giuliani, was the
one who urged them to go. That’s all on
Some Republican senators came to
their senses afterwards and reversed
their earlier decisions to object to the
Electoral College. Shamefully, our own
Senator, Cindy Hyde-Smith, was not
among them. Perhaps she felt safe under
the cover of darkness. Seems to me the
political winds are more than she can
I do suspect a lot of Trump voters
were disgusted as those Senators who
changed their minds. They know Trump
owns this, as do Giuliani, and in my
The Republican Party must split
view, Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz. s Donald Trump’s results. And don’t even wouldn’t mind a different party ID.
But what about the rest of us? The Republican Party think, they said, about The point is that many Democrats
ones not yet sufficiently outraged. If you descends into mad- using the military to keep are happy to cross party lines on the
are one of the latter, what will you do ness, dragged down by the Trump in office. state and local level if the candidates
now? What proof do you need to recog- president’s lies, threats Almost 200 top busi- are pragmatic and socially liberal.
nize the danger this president poses? and possible mental ness executives, many of A new centrist party could attract
Do you support violence against Con- illness, it’s become hard to them heavy donors to the Democrats aggravated by their
gress even as you condemn the violence imagine democracy-loving Republican Party, issued party’s woke left fringe. It would have
that occurred in some BLM protests? conservatives continuing a letter urging Congress to come to terms with guaranteed
Putting the lives of congresspersons at to live in the same house. to certify Joe Biden’s win health coverage and addressing the
risk? Because that’s what the president They’re in a marriage that and cooperate in the tran- climate crisis, but center-right parties
instigated amongst his supporters. can’t be saved. sition to the new adminis- in Europe went there long ago.
The next 12 days are extremely The framework for a Froma Harrop tration. True conservatives must know that
dangerous; I hope appropriate action new party is already up, A new center-right any dream of taking back the Repub-
is taken. But they are just the most thanks to the seasoned party could attract some lican Party as the Trump clown car
dangerous days ahead. The people that Republican operatives behind the of the former Republicans who’ve leaves town is futile. That’s because
assaulted the Capitol will still exist on never-Trump movement. They can turned independent in recent years. it’s not one car but nearly the entire
January 21st. establish a safe space for the likes Last year, for the first time, more showroom. Over 100 Republican
So, what will you do now? of Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, Nebras- Americans were registered as inde- congressmen participated in the out-
Paul Mack ka Sen. Ben Sasse and Illinois Rep. pendent than Republican. Many of rageous effort to ignore the Electoral
Columbus Adam Kinzinger, among others. And them could conceivably join a tradi- College results. And 87 percent of
their tribe will increase. tional party more resembling the one self-identified Republicans approve of
The new bloc could call itself the they left. Trump, according to the latest Gallup
Responsibility for anticipated tax Lincoln Party or the Elephant Party The spectacle of Trump enforcers poll. There’s not much there to take
increase or even the New Republican Party. menacing good Republicans cannot back.
A recent Wall Street Journal editorial Meanwhile, its leaders could reas- have enhanced party membership. They should also realize that
reprinted in The Dispatch states, “If the sure conservatives that a divorce Trump scraped the bottom when being called a RINO — Republican in
Republicans lose their two Georgia seats from the Trump cult would not neces- he delivered a Mafia-style threat of Name Only — has lost its sting. The
and their majority, Republicans across sarily lead to splitting their votes. On criminal action against Georgia Sec- shine is truly off the Republican label.
the country should know to thank Mr. the contrary. retary of State Brad Raffensperger And so, leave the banners and the
Trump for their 2021 tax increase.” First off, the Trump wing isn’t con- if he didn’t throw the state’s election old Republican letterhead behind
I’m a Democrat, but I want to thank servative. It’s radical right. There’s results his way. (That creep show and start anew. America needs a
Mr. Trump also for the tax increase, nothing conservative about a per- certainly could have enhanced the center-right party to rein in Dem-
because these two seats in Georgia that sonality cult willing to grovel before Democrats’ vote counts in the U.S. ocratic excesses. Now and forever,
the Republicans lost will protect our an authoritarian thug. Stalin was a Senate runoffs in Georgia.) pro-democracy Republicans need to
democracy for another four years, es- communist. And what about moderate work with Democrats to ensure the
pecially with Mitch McConnell reduced Moreover, America’s conserva- Democrats? They’re known to split survival of the republic.
to the Senate minority leader. It’s been tive institutions have already turned tickets. All six New England states And their survival requires that
a rough day for the Republicans, but a against Trump. All 10 living former have become reliably blue in national they get out of that house.
wonderful day for America. defense secretaries, including two elections, yet three of them have very Froma Harrop, a syndicated colum-
James Hodges who served under Trump — Jim Mat- popular Republican governors. Same nist, writes for the Providence (Rhode
Steens tis and Mark Esper — have joined to story in Maryland. Massachusetts Island) Journal. Her e-mail address is
warn against overturning the election Gov. Charlie Baker, for one, probably
A letter to the editor is an excellent
way to participate in your community.
We request the tone of your letters be

Make Your Voice Heard

constructive and respectful and the length
be limited to 450 words. We reserve the
right to edit letters for clarity, grammar

Write The Dispatch:

and length. We welcome all letters emailed
to or mailed to The
Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO
Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 5A

Governors scramble to speed vaccine effort after slow start

CDC: As of Wednesday, more than three it is OK to expand eligibility to
lower-priority groups.
lems, including a lack of fund-
ing and direction from Wash-
seniors and front-line workers
such as teachers and police
weeks into the U.S. vaccination campaign, “We need to not be overly ington, mismatches between next week,
prescriptive in that, especial- supply and demand, a patch- The U.S. has an estimated 21
5.3 million people had gotten their first shot ly as we see governors who work of approaches by state million health care workers and
are leaving vaccines sitting in and local governments, distrust 3 million residents of nursing
out of the 17 million doses distributed so far freezers rather than getting it of the vaccine, and disarray cre- homes and other long-term care
out into people’s arms,” he said. ated by the holidays. centers. The CDC said about
BY MICHELLE R. SMITH the sluggish rollout of the vac- As of Wednesday, more than Across much of the nation, 512,000 people in such centers
The Associated Press cine, state leaders and other
three weeks into the U.S. vac- health care workers and nurs- have been vaccinated through
politicians around the U.S. are
New York’s governor threat- cination campaign, 5.3 million ing home residents are being a partnership between the gov-
turning up the pressure, impro-
ened to fine hospitals if they vising and seeking to bend the people had gotten their first given priority for the initial, ernment and the CVS and Wal-
don’t use their allotment of rules to get shots in arms more shot out of the 17 million doses limited supplies of the vaccine greens drugstore chains.
COVID-19 vaccine fast enough. quickly. distributed so far, according to at this stage. But pressure is Government officials over
His South Carolina counterpart Meanwhile, U.S. Health and the Centers for Disease Con- building to let other groups the past few days reported that
warned health care workers Human Services Secretary trol and Prevention. While that step up. Louisiana began vac- the number of people receiving
they have until Jan. 15 to get Alex Azar said Wednesday that is believed to an undercount cinating older people Monday, shots has accelerated to about
a shot or move to the back of the government will allow more because of a lag in reporting, while Alaska and Mississippi a half-million a day, and Dr.
the line. California’s governor drugstores to start giving vac- health officials are still well be- have given the OK for the elder- Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top
wants to use dentists to vacci- cinations to speed up the pro- hind where they wanted to be. ly to start receiving shots over infectious disease expert, said
nate people. cess. If health workers aren’t The slow rollout has been the next few days. Michigan the pace could soon reach 1 mil-
With frustration rising over lining up fast enough, he said, blamed on a multitude of prob- will begin giving vaccines to lion or more.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH of St. Luke United born to the late Orman William Gray Smothers Gurley; and Road, in Aberdeen.
OBITUARY POLICY Methodist Church. Keith Anderson and one grandchild. Tisdale-Lann Memo-
Obituaries with basic informa- COLUMBUS — Wil-
He is survived by Doris Clardy Anderson. liam Gray, 80, died Jan. He is survived by his rial Funeral Home of
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided his wife, Roxie Trull He was a member of 5, 2021, in Columbus. wife, Ann Dunn Smoth- Aberdeen is in charge
free of charge. Extended obit- McAdams; daughter, the National Guard and Graveside services ers; siblings, Donna of arrangements.
uaries with a photograph, de- Jamie; son, Kyle; and was formerly employed will be at 1:30 p.m. Fri- Smothers Scarborough Infant Luker was
tailed biographical information brothers, Steve of with Borden Milk Com- day, at Union Cemetery, of Arizona and Larry born Nov. 28, 2020, in
and other details families may Newnan, Georgia and pany. He was a member with the Rev. Michael Smothers of West Point; Amory, to Ervin Du-
wish to include, are available Terry of Vernon. of Meadowview Baptist Tate officiating. Burial and two grandchildren. rance Luker and Hanna
for a fee. Obituaries must be
Memorials may be Church. will follow. Visitation Pallbearers will be Luker.
submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s made to St. Luke Unit- In addition to his is from 1-5 p.m. today, Alan Gurley, Duane In addition to his
body has been donated to ed Methodist Church, parents, he was pre- at Hairston and Hair- Ott, Frank Bender, parents, he is survived
science. If the deceased’s 2605 Skyland Blvd. E., ceded in death by his ston Funeral Home. Chester Patterson, Jeff by his siblings, Chey-
body was donated to science, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 son, James Keith Ellis Hairston and Hairston Grubbs, and Jeff Fair. enne Kordell Luker and
the family must provide official or to Hospice of West Anderson. Funeral Home of Co- Brentley Atticus Luker.
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form pro-
Alabama, 3851 Loop He is survived by his lumbus is in charge of Bobbie Douglas
vided by The Commercial Dis-
Road, Tuscaloosa, AL wife, Charlotte Odom arrangements. COLUMBUS — Infant Brentley Luker
patch. Free notices must be 35404. Anderson; daughter, Mr. Gray was born Bobbie J. Douglas, 75, ABERDEEN — In-
submitted to the newspaper Dawn Holliday; son, July 17, 1940, in Co- died Jan. 6, 2021, at her fant Brentley Atticus
no later than 3 p.m. the day Jesse Ussery Ashley Anderson; four lumbus, to the late residence. Luker died Jan. 6, 2021,
prior for publication Tuesday
COLUMBUS — Re- grandchildren; and six James Gray and Elise Arrangements are at his residence.
through Friday; no later than 4 great-grandchildren. incomplete and will be Graveside services
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
tired Master Sergeant Manning Gray. He was
edition; and no later than 7:30 Jesse Will Memorials may be formerly employed with announced by Carter’s will be at 10 a.m.
a.m. for the Monday edition. Ussery, 79, made to Meadowview Sanderson Plumbing. Funeral Services of Saturday, at Mennonite
Incomplete notices must be died Dec. Baptist Church, He is survived by his Columbus. Christian Cemetery,
received no later than 7:30 29, 2020. 300 Linden Circle, children, Antonio Gray with David Lee offici-
a.m. for the Monday through No ser- Starkville, MS 39759. of Columbus, Georgia, Raymond Blake ating. Visitation will
Friday editions. Paid notices
vices will Reginald Gray and COLUMBUS — Ray- be held until the time
must be finalized by 3 p.m. for
inclusion the next day Monday be held at James Evans Terrell Gray, both of mond Blake passed of services Thursday
this time. Ussery WEST POINT — Columbus, and Tommie away. through Saturday, at
through Thursday; and on
Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday Lee-Sykes James Henry Evans, Rice of West Virginia; Grave- the home of David
and Monday publication. For Funeral 83, died Nov. 10, 2020, and sister, Irma Jean side ser- Lee, 20723 Egypt
more information, call 662- Home of Columbus is at Oktibbeha County Henderson of New vices will Road, in Aberdeen.
328-2471. in charge of arrange- Hospital, in Starkville. York, New York. be at noon Tisdale-Lann Memo-
ments. Graveside services Friday, rial Funeral Home of
Robert Akin at Union Aberdeen is in charge
Ret. Msgt. Ussery will be at 3:30 p.m. Fri- Charles Jordan of arrangements.
CARROLLTON, Ala. was born June 28, 1941, day, at New Hope M.B. STARKVILLE — Cemetery.
— Robert Hugh Akin, in Steens, to the late Church Cemetery, Visitation Blake Infant Luker was
Charles R. Jordan, 65, born Nov. 28, 2020, in
63, died Dec. 30, 2020, James Ussery and Al- with the Rev. Randy died Jan. 1, 2021, in is from
berta Hudson Ussery. L. Conley Jr. officiat- noon-5 p.m. today, at Amory, to Ervin Du-
at his residence. Meridian.
He attended Columbus ing. Burial will follow. Lee-Sykes Funeral rance Luker and Hanna
Graveside services Graveside services
schools and was a 1973 No visitation will be Home. Lee-Sykes Luker.
will be at 1 p.m. Sun- and burial will be at
graduate of Roger held. Carte’s Mortuary Funeral Home of Co- He was preceded in
day, at Pilgrim Rest Sixteenth Section
Williams University in Services of West Point lumbus is in charge of death by his brother,
Cemetery, with the Cemetery. Visitation is
Bristol, Rhode Island. is in charge of arrange- arrangements. Braxton Asher Luker.
Rev. Larry Potts offici- from 2-6 p.m. today, at
He was a U.S. Army ments. Mr. Blake was born In addition to his par-
ating. Burial will follow. West Memorial Funeral
Reserves veteran and Mr. Evans was born in Columbus, May 15, ents, he is survived by
Skelton Funeral Home Home. West Memo-
1937, to the late Abe his brother, Cheyenne
of Reform is in charge a member of Hopewell March 12, 1937, in rial Funeral Home of
Blake and Mary Hatch Kordell Luker.
of arrangements. Baptist Church in Co- Monroe County, to the Starkville is in charge
Mr. Akin was born lumbus and Ebenezer late Alonzo Evans Sr. of arrangements. Blake. He was a grad-
Nov. 23, 1957, in Alicev- Baptist Church in and Marie Bucking- He is survived by uate of Robert E. Hunt
ille, to Lorin Wright Providence. ham. He was formerly his daughters, Latoya High School and at-
Akin and the late Wil- In addition to his employed as a chef. Weaver, Nitieka Jordan, tended UCLA. He was
liam Jordan Akin. He parents, he was pre- He is survived by and Charolette Ander- a veteran of the United
was a 1976 graduate of ceded in death by his his brothers, Mark son, all of Starkville; States Army. He was
Pickens Academy and brothers, James Ira Sims and Marion Louis sisters, Eula Addison, a member of Midtown
was formerly employed Ussery, Burrell Lee Tally; and sisters, Ann Alberta Yarbrough, Church of Christ.
in the logging industry. Ussery, and the Rev. Johnson and Bernice Juretha Williams, In addition to his par-
He was a member of Sgt. First Class Hud- Ewings. Syslee Jordan, and Vera ents, he was preceded
Pleasant Hill Baptist son Ussery; and sister, Jordan; brothers, C.L. in death by his siblings,
Alfred B. Blake, Ed-
Church. Mattie Lou Bynum. James Davidson Jordan, Norris Jordan,
ward L. Blake, Robert
In addition to his He is survived by his WEST POINT — Willie C. Jordan, and
father, he was preceded wife, Lucinda Shep- Bobbie Jordan; and five Blake and Peggy L.
James L. Davidson,
in death by his brother, ard Ussery; children, 62, died Dec. 22, 2020, grandchildren. Blake. Nancy Campassi
David Earl Akin. Janice Marie Ussery of He is survived by Funeral Mass:
at his residence, in Friday, Jan. 8 • 11 AM
In addition to his Pawtucket, Bernadette his siblings, Mary
Ussery of Houston,
Pheba. Robert Smothers Jean Blake Jenkins
Annunciation Catholic Church
mother, he is survived Graveside services ABERDEEN — Rob- Friendship Cemetery
by his brother, James Texas, and Gregory of Clarksdale, Bobby
will be at 11 a.m. Fri- ert Jerry Smothers, 77, College St. Location
William Akin; and Neal Ussery of Bir- Blake and Albert Blake
day, at Dixie Communi- died Dec. 29, 2020, at of Columbus.
sisters, Evelyn Akin mingham, Alabama; ty Cemetery, in Wood- North Mississippi Med- James Anderson III
McElroy and Ruth Akin brother, Albert B. land, with Dr. Charles ical Center of Tupelo. Incomplete
Greer. Ussery of Providence; Davidson officiating. Graveside services Infant Braxton Luker College St. Location
sisters, Nettie Lue Burial will follow. Visi- will be at 2 p.m. Sat- ABERDEEN — In-
David McAdams Richardson of Warwick tation is from 10:30-11 urday, at Odd Fellows fant Braxton Asher
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. and Lucy Ware of Alsip, a.m. prior to services at Rest Cemetery, with Luker died Jan. 4, 2021,
— David McAdams, Illinois; and three the cemetery. Carter’s at his residence.
Mike Tucker and Ron-
70, died Jan. 4, 2021, at grandchildren. Mortuary Services of Graveside services
nie Boozer officiating.
will be at 10 a.m.
Hospice of West Ala- West Point is in charge Tisdale-Lann Memo-
bama, in Tuscaloosa. James Anderson of arrangements. Saturday, at Mennonite
rial Funeral Home of
No services will STARKVILLE — Mr. Davidson was Christian Cemetery,
Aberdeen is in charge
be held at this time. James “Jimmy” Keith born Dec. 7, 1958, in with David Lee offici-
of arrangements.
Dowdle Funeral Home Anderson, 74, died Clay County, to the late ating. Visitation will
Mr. Smothers was
of Millport is in charge Jan.6, 2021, at OCH Re- Finchie Mae David- be held until the time
born March 3, 1943, in
of arrangements. gional Medical Center, son. He was formerly Aberdeen, to the late
of services Thursday Art happens.
in Starkville. employed as a furniture through Saturday, at 328-ARTS
Mr. McAdams was Robert E. and Pat Wal-
Services will be at 2 the home of David
born Nov. 9, 1950, in maker. ters Smothers. He was
Lee, 20723 Egypt
Fayette, to the late p.m. Friday, at Mead- He is survived by his a graduate of Aberdeen
James S. and Marian owview Baptist Church, wife, Brenda McGee High School. He was
McAdams. He attended with the Rev. Jason Davidson; son, James formerly employed with
Kennedy High School Middleton officiating. L. Davidson Jr.; daugh- Walker Manufacturing
and was a graduate Burial will follow at ters, Precious Jones, and as a supervisor
of the University of Craig Springs Ceme- Briana Davidson, La- of customer quality con-
Alabama and Samford tery in Sturgis. Visita- Tonya Wilkerson, and trol-order placement
University. He was tion will be one hour Kendra McGee; broth- with Kerr McGee. He
formerly employed prior to services at the er, DeKenth Davidson; was a member of First
with several Fortune church. Welch Funeral sisters, Jacqueline Baptist Church.
500 companies and was Home of Starkville is Davidson and Patri- In addition to his
a founding partner of in charge of arrange- cia D. Jefferson; six parents, he was pre-
Team Air Distributing ments. grandchildren; and one ceded in death by his
Inc. He was a member Mr. Anderson was great-grandchild. daughter, Kimberly
6A THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
came violent — with
throngs of Trump sup-
porters breaking into the
Capitol, fighting police and
temporarily forcing Con-
gress to stop the Constitu-
tional process and go into
hiding — Huxford replied
to someone else’s tweet
that stated the violence
“feels like terrorism” with
a doubled-down support of
the riot.
“What’s happened on
November 3 by the steal-
ing of the election was
domestic terrorism!” Hux-
ford tweeted at 2:14 p.m. Screenshots via Twitter
“Wish I was there (with) Dr. Cameron Huxford, a pulmonologist and the director of the intensive care unit
them. Freedom isn’t free!” at OCH Regional Medical Center, indicated support for the rioters who stormed the
The Dispatch obtained U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. on Wednesday. He later deleted both tweets, which
a screenshot of the tweets The Dispatch obtained in screenshots. OCH said it will investigate the tweets.
that Huxford later deleted. of the tweets. However, munity, state, and nation 18 area physicians, urging
At least four people died he said any consequences and will strive to continue them not to approve a pro-
during the insurrection, Huxford would face would to provide safe, quality tective face mask mandate
including a woman who be considered a “personnel care for our community.” in an effort to curb the
was shot at the Capitol and matter” and not be publicly OCH is a county-owned spread of COVID-19. The
three others who suffered disclosed. hospital that receives pub- board went on to approve
unspecified medical is- “While OCH does not lic funding. The Oktibbeha the requirement, which is
sues, according to nation- monitor employees’ social County Board of Supervi- still in place.
al media reports. Dozens media usage, when an in- sors appoints the hospital’s Huxford told the board
more, including members appropriate or question- board of trustees. he did not oppose the use
of law enforcement, were able post or comment is Linda Breazeale, pres- of masks but did not be-
injured. brought to our attention, ident of the OCH board of lieve there was sufficient
Huxford also runs a pul- we will investigate the trustees, told The Dispatch evidence that they prevent
monology clinic on Hos- situation and take action that Huxford’s tweets “will the spread of the virus.
pital Road. He was an in- as necessary,” Jackson’s be addressed” but offered He also said he believed a
dependent practitioner in statement reads. “… We no further comment. mask mandate would dis-
March when the pandemic are the healers and helpers Huxford did not re- courage other safety mea-
began and started working in our community and as- spond to The Dispatch’s sures such as hand-wash-
for OCH in April. pire to do just that during requests for comment. ing and social distancing.
In a written statement these unprecedented Earlier this year, Hux- OCH supported the
released to The Dispatch times — heal and help. We ford led a failed movement mask requirement, and
Wednesday evening, OCH will all listen and seek to against a city-wide mask Jackson told the aldermen
CEO Jim Jackson said hos- better understand the cur- mandate. In July, he pre- Huxford did not speak for
pital leadership is aware rent issues within our com- sented a letter, signed by the hospital.

Continued from Page 1A
of power on Inauguration challenge to American dining room off the Oval for the constitutionally
Day. democracy and exposed Office watching scenes of mandated counting of the
“Even though I totally the depths of the divisions the violence on television. Electoral College results,
disagree with the outcome that have coursed through At the urging of his staff, in which Biden defeated
of the election, and the the country during he reluctantly issued a pair Trump, 306-232. Despite
facts bear me out, never- Trump’s four years in of- of tweets and a taped vid- pleas from McConnell,
theless there will be an fice. Though the efforts eo telling his supporters more than 150 GOP law-
orderly transition on Jan- to block Biden from being it was time to “go home in makers planned to support
uary 20th,” Trump said in sworn in on Jan. 20 were peace” — yet he still said objections to some of the
a statement posted to Twit- sure to fail, the support he backed their cause. results, though lacking ev-
ter by an aide. Trump has received for Hours later, Twitter idence of fraud or wrong-
The Capitol was under his efforts to overturn the for the first time locked doing in the election.
siege Wednesday, as the election results have badly Trump’s account, demand-
nation’s elected repre- strained the nation’s demo- ed that he remove tweets
sentatives scrambled to cratic guardrails. excusing violence and
crouch under desks and Congress reconvened threatened “permanent
don gas masks while po- in the evening, with law- suspension.”
lice futilely tried to barri- makers decrying the pro- A somber Presi-
cade the building, one of tests that defaced the Cap- dent-elect Biden, two
the most jarring scenes itol and vowing to finish weeks away from being in-
ever to unfold in a seat of confirming the Electoral augurated, said American
American political power. College vote for Biden’s democracy was “under
A woman was shot and election, even if it took all unprecedented assault, “ a
killed inside the Capitol, night. sentiment echoed by many
and Washington’s mayor Pence reopened the in Congress, including
instituted an evening cur- Senate and directly ad- some Republicans. Former
few in an attempt to con- dressed the demonstra- President George W. Bush
tain the violence. tors: “You did not win.” said he watched the events
The rioters were egged Republican Senate Ma- in “disbelief and dismay.”
on by Trump, who has jority Leader Mitch Mc- The domed Capitol
spent weeks falsely at- Connell said the “failed building has for centuries
tacking the integrity of insurrection” underscored been the scene of protests
the election and had urged lawmakers’ duty to finish and occasional violence.
his supporters to descend the count. Democratic But Wednesday’s events
on Washington to protest House Speaker Nancy Pe- were particularly astound-
Congress’ formal approval losi said Congress would ing both because they un-
of Biden’s victory. Some show the world “what folded at least initially with
Republican lawmakers America is made of” with the implicit blessing of
were in the midst of raising the outcome. the president and because
objections to the results on The president gave his of the underlying goal of
his behalf when the pro- supporters a boost into ac- overturning the results of
ceedings were abruptly tion Wednesday morning a free and fair presidential
halted by the mob. at a rally outside the White election.
Together, the protests House, where he urged Tensions were already
and the GOP election them to march to the Cap- running high when law-
objections amounted to itol. He spent much of the makers gathered early
an almost unthinkable afternoon in his private Wednesday afternoon


Fair; Dec. 23
Lowndes County ■ Mary Williams and Gary
■ Mercede Lynn Locke Plumb
and Brian Nicholas Plumb;
Marriages Horton; Dec. 23 Dec. 10
■ Jason Brown and Quanita ■ Shandale Fearce and Fele- ■ Timothy Lamorris Robinson
Ketton; Dec. 2 sia Love; Dec. 24 and Monica Renee James
■ Kobe Smith and Quanisha ■ Donald Troupe and Macie Robinson; Dec. 9
Travis; Dec. 2 Wade; Dec. 28 ■ Latasha Gordon Brown Cour-
■ John Gore and Carmen ■ Avery Whitfield and Sharron ington and Jonathan Leneil
Rowe; Dec. 4 Harris; Dec. 29 Courington; Dec. 10
■ Allen Ward and Rebecca ■ Justyn McNutt and Heather ■ Markel Dylan Pounders and
Riley; Dec. 5 Rhoderick; Dec. 29 Kori Danielle Pounders; Dec.
■ Thomas House and Brandi ■ Richard Puckett and Amelia 10
Johnson; Dec. 5 Singson; Dec. 31 ■ Jaeda Simpson and Steven
■ James Wilson and Dorothy Simpson; Dec. 11
Adkins; Dec. 5 ■ Victoria Pitts and Dustin
■ Steven Fleming and Linsey Divorces Pitts; Dec. 14
Upton; Dec. 12 ■ Tony Terrell Hampton and ■ Tichina M. Pippin and Tyre-
■ Matthew Owens and Annslie Takeita Antwan Jackson Hamp- dus C. Pippin; Dec. 17
Steadman; Dec. 12 ton; Nov. 23 ■ Tyrone Murray and Robbie
■ Antonio Murray and Laronda ■ Joshua Dale Adkins and Ann Follins; Dec. 23
Poe; Dec. 14 Crista Alyce Farley; Nov. 19 ■ Jerry R. Elliott and Hope B.
■ Pedro Santos and Samantha ■ Brinita Bennett and Deonza Elliott; Dec. 23
Sanabria; Dec. 16 Mosby; Nov. 20 ■ James Gregory Shackelford
■ Michael Burns and Jennifer ■ Robin Marie Jones McMillen and Amber Lynne Shackelford
Kelley; Dec. 17 and John Andrew McMillen; ■ Macy Rae McDonald and
■ Aubrey McDaniel and Ashley Nov. 18 Tyler Allen McDonald; Dec. 30
Langford; Dec. 19 ■ Amanda Miller and Robert ■ Amber Natasha Glidewell
■ Jonathon Leonard and Miller; Dec. 2 and Zachary Preston Glidewell;
Kimberly Ross; Dec. 21 ■ Demarco Calmes and Tonya Dec. 28
■ Tyler Hankins and Lindsay Calmes; Dec. 7 ■ Evie Celeste Blaxton Lackey
Wheat; Dec. 22 ■ Windy Raines and Michael and Christopher Lee Lackey;
■ Edmund Chandler and Moira Anthony Raines; Dec. 8 Dec. 29
662-241-5000 B


Bama’s Waddle back practicing, status for title game unclear

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Waddle hasn’t played midable pair. tions. He also has re- think they’re just going scheduled.
since breaking his right “I think you absolute- turned two punts and a to make that decision “In the COVID world
Alabama star receiv- ankle while returning ly have to prepare as if kick for touchdowns in downstairs. it’s day-by-day,” Smith
er Jaylen Waddle has the opening kickoff he’s going to play,” Ohio his career. “But it’s his choice, said Wednesday. “Today
returned to practice. against Tennessee on State defensive coor- “I think he’s getting and I feel like in watch- was a good day.”
Now the question is will Oct. 4. One of the na- dinator Kerry Coombs back into it,” Smith said. ing him, he looks really first reported
he be able to play in the tion’s most said. “He’s an extraordi- “Of course he’s going to good out there. So we’ll Tuesday that Ohio State
title game Monday night danger- nary athlete, extraordi- take some time just for see what happens.” had reached out to CFP
against Ohio State? ous return nary receiver.” him to get back comfort- officials with concerns
Crimson Tide offen- men, he Waddle had 557 yards able with everything, about player availabili-
sive coordinator Steve had sur- and four touchdowns but he looks good to
‘Good day’ ty when the Buckeyes
Sarkisian says Waddle gery after in the Tide’s first four me.” for Buckeyes face No. 1 Alabama on
practiced on Tuesday, the game. games, while opponents Quarterback Mac A day after a report Monday night in Miami
but he deferred ques- In his mostly kicked away Jones agreed. Neither raised the possibility Gardens, Florida. A per-
tions on his status to a b s e n c e , Waddle from him. player offered an opin- of the College Football son with knowledge of
coach Nick Saban, who D eVo n - Waddle has made ion on whether Waddle Playoff championship the situation confirmed
did not address the me- ta Smith three of the program’s would play. being delayed because those discussions to the
dia on Wednesday. went on to put up big five longest scoring “It’d be really cool,” of COVID-19 issues at AP, but Smith and CFP
“We’ll see where it enough numbers to win catches. His career av- Jones said. “Jaylen has Ohio State, Buckeyes Executive Director Bill
goes from here,” Sarki- the Heisman Trophy on erage of 19.1 yards per worked really hard to athletic director Gene Hancock both released
sian said. “Clearly we’ve Tuesday. That would put catch ranks second get back on the field and Smith told The Associat- statements saying there
got about a week or so the onus on the Buck- among Tide players I know he wants nothing ed Press he anticipated was no change to the
until the game.” eyes to defend that for- with at least 100 recep- more than to play, but I the game will go on as See CFB, 3B


for draft, MSU’s defensive adjustments against Kentucky give
glimpse of potential heading into heart of SEC play

Mississippi State is los-
ing another key cog in
its defense.
Senior defensive end
Marquiss Spencer an-
nounced his intentions
Wednesday night that
he will forgo his extra
year of eligibility to en-
ter the 2021 NFL draft.
Spencer is the second
MSU defender to forgo
their extra year of eligi-
bility after senior line-
backer Erroll Thomp-
son did so on Tuesday.
“Many thanks to my
mother and father, my
entire family and sup-
port system for their
See MSU, 3B

could be
Mooney Mississippi State athletics
After a crushing overtime loss to Kentucky, MSU women’s basketball coach Nikki McCray-Penson harped on defensive alignment and
varying combinations with which the Bulldogs can have some success.
against BY BEN PORTNOY on. McCray-Penson flashed sions later, she banged home game, to three per contest.
Saints a new look lineup midway a 3-pointer on her first shot of Sunday, her zero plus-mi-
through the contest with ju- the night. nus rating also ranked first
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS STARK VILLE — Nikki nior Myah Taylor and Aliyah “We were very fortunate to among MSU players that
McCray-Penson’s message Matharu at guard, sophomore get her cleared that day,” Mc- played 10 or more minutes.
The Chicago Bears Tuesday was simple. Rickea Jackson and junior Cray-Penson said. “She hadn’t “I’m very confident,”
got the help they need- “We’ll get beat if we guard Xaria Wiggins at forward and practiced much but I knew Matharu said following last
ed to make the playoffs like we did against Kentucky,” junior Jessika Carter at cen- she had the experience of be- year’s SEC Tournament final
for the second time she said. ter. ing in this league and guard- loss to South Carolina. “I love
in coach Matt Nagy’s Days after an overtime “That group talked the ing Kentucky’s actions and playing against competition.
three seasons. loss to reigning All-American most,” McCray-Penson said of having to guard a player like That’s the reason why I chose
They might not have Rhyne Howard and the Wild- what she saw in the new-look Rhyne Howard for two years.” to come here. They play
the health they need to cats snatched an overtime lineup. “They made mistakes With Wiggins adding a tough. They play my style of
stick around. victory at Humphrey Colise- but they made up for their new element to MSU’s game, basketball. I want every night
The Bears could be um, McCray-Penson spent a mistakes with talking.” Matharu’s revival, both offen- to be tough so we can get bet-
down two important chunk of her midweek media While both Matharu and sively and defensively, bodes ter as a unit, not just individ-
players when they vis- availability harping on defen- Taylor are minute in stature, well for a team that has a ually.”
it Drew Brees and the sive alignment and varying Wiggins and Jackson gave the proven scorer in Jackson, but Tuesday, McCray-Penson
New Orleans Saints combinations with which the Bulldogs some much-needed spreads the wealth down the wouldn’t put an exact num-
for a wild-card game Bulldogs can find success. length on the perimeter in rest of the roster. After aver- ber on what kind of minutes
on Sunday, with inside Entering Sunday’s loss to an attempt to slow down Ken- aging 15.4 points per game Wiggins might be capable
linebacker Roquan Kentucky, MSU was holding tucky’s hot-shooting ways. over the final five games of of playing in her return, but
Smith and receiver Dar- opponents to less than 25 per- Wiggins, who saw her first last year, she’s continued to made clear the lineups that
nell Mooney injured. cent from 3-point range. But action of the season Sunday show in spurts in 2020 -21. work will continue to be trot-
Both players missed as the Bulldogs sloughed off after a blood clot was found Matharu’s 19 points Sunday ted out, whether that be the
the team’s walkthrough their assignments, the Wild- in her right lung, flashed the marked the second-best Bull- one onlookers saw midway
on Wednesday after cats rattled home 14 of 28 three-and-D potential that dog effort of the night aside through Sunday’s loss, or an-
leaving last week’s loss shots from long range, while made her a dangerous cog from Jackson’s 23 points. other yet to be conceived con-
to Green Bay, and coach Howard wheeled and dealed in Vic Schaefer’s scheme a But Matharu has long-been glomerate.
Matt Nagy had little to her way to a game-high 33 year ago. On her first defen- billed as a scorer. The more “If I see a group that’s play-
say about their status. points. sive possession of the night, glaring transition has been in ing well, we’re going to roll
“We don’t have any Yet for as dismal as MSU’s the former four-star recruit her defense. Through eight with it,” McCray-Penson said.
clarity yet,” Nagy said. defense was against the No. bodied up Howard and forced games this season, Matharu’s “But it’s good to have some-
The Bears (8-8) 10 -ranked team in America, the reigning Southeastern 12 steals rank second on the one that has experience that
would be hard-pressed there were factions of Sun- Conference player of the year team, while her rebounding can come in and play for you
See SAINTS, 3B day’s contest worth drawing into a travel. Four posses- numbers are up from 1.8 per that knows this league.”
2B THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 The Dispatch •

Buckeyes’ Sermon breaks out ahead of national title game

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the Buckeyes prepared to a few times, and soon it son, rushing for 947 yards Coach Ryan Day said the radar of pro scouts
play top-ranked Alabama was showing up in inter- and scoring 13 touch- that with Teague side- and can move up the draft
COLUMBUS, Ohio in the title game on Mon- net memes. downs. lined again, Sermon got board if he can manage to
— During the first four day night. “It’s all hap- Sermon ended up at In his junior year, more carries, gained stand out Monday among
games of Ohio State’s pan- pened, and it does kind of Ohio State because he Sermon had to fight for back some confidence an array of other NFL-
demic-shortened season, seem like a dream.” needed a place to play as a playing time before his and found his old groove. bound players, includ-
transfer running back More people learned graduate transfer and the season was cut short by His tackle-breaking style ing Alabama’s Heisman
Trey Sermon was easy to Sermon’s name last week- Buckeyes needed a sea- a knee injury in the ninth and bursts in the second- Trophy winner DeVonta
overlook on a team full end when he rushed for soned performer in their game. He graduated from ary have drawn compar- Smith.
of big names and future 193 yards and a TD and injury-depleted running Oklahoma so he could isons to Ezekiel Elliott, Jim Nagy, executive
NFL draft picks. caught four passes for 61 backs room. When he transfer without sitting who helped carry Ohio director of the Reese’s Se-
Nobody is overlooking yards in Ohio State’s 49- signed on in the spring, out, and continued to re- State to a national cham- nior Bowl and a longtime
him now. 28 victory over Clemson presumptive starter Mas- hab his knee as the Big pionship after the 2014 NFL scout, puts Sermon
Astonishing efforts in a College Football Play- ter Teague III was rehab- Ten stopped and started season.
in the same category as
in the past two games off semifinal, a game few bing from an Achilles ten- again because of the pan- “The best part about
Josh Jacobs, the former
— including a 331-yard, prognosticators thought don injury and his future demic. Trey is when all that was
Alabama back drafted in
two-touchdown perfor- the Buckeyes would win. was uncertain. “It was pretty rough in going on, he never came
mance in the Big Ten the first round by the Las
In the Clemson game, Sermon, who was re- the beginning,” he said. into my office, never
championship game that Vegas Raiders in 2019
he was also the guy with cruited by Ohio State as a “Just coming here and not complained, never said ‘I
earned him a Twitter the sly smile. prep player, arrived in Co- being able to be around need more carries,’ none despite getting stuck be-
shoutout from LeBron ESPN cameras caught lumbus with some bona everybody, and then ev- of that stuff,” Day said. hind stars Damien Harris
James — have brought the engaging Sermon, fides. erything gets shut down “Just kept his mouth shut and Najee Harris on the
Sermon the level of na- his helmet pushed back He was the Big 12′s and then picks back up.” and kept going to work. I Tide’s depth chart.
tional attention he sought on his head, glancing up Offensive Freshman of Playing behind Teague think that is the best part “Josh Jacobs was a
while playing three solid and smiling sheepishly, the Year in 2017, scoring in the first four games, of this whole story, is he backup in college and
years at Oklahoma. almost mischievously, his first touchdown at Sermon had 232 rushing just kept going every sin- is a stud in the NFL,”
“When I came here, after a replay showed he Ohio Stadium on a pass yards and zero touch- gle day to work and nev- Nagy tweeted last month.
my goal was to do what- was down before rolling from Baker Mayfield in downs. In the three er said anything about it. “Trey Sermon has been
ever I can to help this off a defender and trying a win over the Buckeyes. games since, he’s rolled And now he’s playing at a a backup in college and
team out and play for a to sell it to officials as a Joining Kyler Murray in up 636 yards with four high, high level.” he WILL be a stud in the
national championship,” touchdown run. ESPN re- the Sooners’ backfield in TDs while averaging 9 Sermon, 6-foot-1 and NFL. Evaluate the player,
Sermon said this week as played the smile moment 2018, he had his best sea- yards per carry. 215 pounds, is back on not the depth chart.”

Washington in playoffs after tumultuous, whirlwind months

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS professional sports. said they were sexually Wednesday, “There’s body was hired who could we all knew what he was
“This experience harassed during their been a lot of stuff that’s handle all of the things going through and we
One name change ranks up as the most dif- time with the team, and happened with the orga- that happened this year, were ready to pick up the
years in the making, two ferent one I’ve had, and an independent investiga- nization during the year.” it would be coach Rivera.” slack.”
months of cancer treat- not just the playoff race tion was launched, which That’s an understate- The experienced Rivera didn’t miss a
ments for the beloved but the whole year,” said the NFL eventually took ment, if not a euphemism. 58-year-old coach praised game, from a 1-3 start and
new coach, three starting coach Ron Rivera, who over. The Washington “We didn’t know what the entire league for get- benching 2019 first-round
quarterbacks, four com- took over Jan. 1, was di- Post reported allegations was going to happen this ting through the season pick Dwayne Haskins
bined wins over rivals agnosed with squamous that Snyder was involved year with everything,” de- amid COVID-19 protocols through a Week 17 victo-
Dallas and Philadelphia, cell carcinoma in August in the harassment, which fensive end Chase Young and praised his players ry at Philadelphia to get
five months and counting and did his job through he denied. said. “With the pandem- and staff for powering in the playoffs, days after
of an investigation into proton therapy. “This’ll be Snyder has since bat- ic, the name change — through. His cancer fight releasing Haskins, who
workplace misconduct a memorable one. It really tled in U.S. District Court just everything going on became a source of in- violated COVID-19 proto-
and countless court fil- will be.” with minority owners around our team.” spiration, even as Rivera cols twice.
ings by minority owners Just over a year ago, Robert Rothman, Dwight Everything on the field wanted “business as usu- And for all the happen-
and Dan Snyder over in- Snyder fired longtime Schar and Frederick includes Young’s stellar al” at the practice facility. ings over the past several
terest in selling shares of team president Bruce Smith over their inten- rookie season, quarter- “He wanted us to wor- months, Washington has
the team. Allen, putting in motion tion to sell their shares of back Alex Smith’s remark- ry about football so he the opportunity to add an-
All this happened in an attempt to change the Washington Football Inc. able comeback two years can take care of himself,” other chapter against the
less than half of a calendar organizational culture. In His team is in the play- after breaking his right offensive coordinator Buccaneers as more than
year for the franchise now mid-July, amid a national offs for the first time in leg in gruesome fashion Scott Turner said. “You a touchdown underdog.
known only as the Wash- reckoning over racism five years, but there will and a turnaround from 2-7 could tell there was days Rivera has encouraged
ington Football Team. and pressure from key be no fans allowed Sat- to NFC East champion, al- that he was fatigued, he a “Why not us?” mantra
Even for an organization sponsors, he dropped the urday night when Tom beit with a losing record. was worn out. Sometimes that has become easy for
infamous for decades of Redskins name that had Brady and the Tampa “It’s been a very event- he would come out to players to believe.
drama since three Super been around since 1933 Bay Buccaneers visit for ful year, for sure,” said practice late. He wasn’t “The old saying goes:
Bowl victories, this has when the team was still a wild-card round game linebacker Thomas Davis, here quite as often as he ‘All you need is a chance,’”
been a whirlwind ride un- based in Boston. because of the coronavi- who signed in March, be- would be or sometimes he said. “That’s why we’ll
like many that have been The same week, 15 fe- rus pandemic. As NBC fore the name change. “I he missed a couple meet- show up on Saturday
seen in North American male former employees Sports’ Mike Tirico said definitely know that if any- ings here and there, but night.”

Tom Brady excited, ready to lead Buccaneers into playoffs

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Brady left New En- practice, I was expecting opponents that earned laboration has been awe- Lawrence the best player
gland in free agency, OTAs and those things. berths. Brady had 10 some and like I’ve said, in college football, no mat-
TAMPA, Fla. — New signing a two-year, $50 What he’s done with none touchdown passes and it’s our job to keep him ter who won awards.
team, same ole Tom million contract with the of that — especially this nine interceptions in the healthy, keep him upright “There will be a lot of
Brady. Bucs, who’ve surround- last half of the season — losses. and let him do his thing.” people trying to live up to
The six-time Super ed him with an All-Star is incredible.” When Arians, who the standard that he set as
Bowl champion who left cast of playmakers that Brady enters the play- doesn’t sugarcoat his Clemson quarterback a quarterback for a long
New England for sunny includes receivers Mike offs coming off throwing assessment of quarter- time in this game,” Swin-
Florida is in the playoffs Evans, Chris Godwin and for 1,067 yards and 10 backs, spoke publicly Trevor Lawrence ney said before the Tigers’
for a NFL-record 18th Antonio Brown, tight end touchdowns over the last about Brady’s early incon- declaring for NFL draft 49-28 Sugar Bowl loss to
time in 21 years, and ea- Rob Gronkowski and run- eight quarters he played. sistency many wondered Clemson quarterback Ohio State that ended their
ger to build on an ever-ex- ning backs Ronald Jones He rallied the Bucs from if there was a rift devel- Trevor Lawrence has season a game short of the
panding legacy in his first and Leonard Fournette. double-digit deficits to oping between player and made it official — he’s national title contest.
postseason appearance An improved defense win four times this sea- coach. heading to the NFL. Lawrence was the epit-
with the Tampa Bay Buc- has helped Brady contin- son and has thrown for A four-game winning Lawrence, the 6-foot-6 ome of cool and confident
caneers. ue to defy Father Time, at least two TDs in seven streak to end the regular QB with the power arm almost from the moment
Bill Belichick and the too. consecutive games. season put that notion to and flowing hair, released he arrived at Clemson in
Patriots are home watch- “It’s amazing because “As a player, he really rest. a video on social media January 2018. It took four
ing following a historic when you’re out there hasn’t changed,” Gron- “I feel like we have a Wednesday announcing games as a freshman be-
two-decade run with the watching him in prac- kowski, the quarterback’s great relationship. From he was leaving school fore he became the start-
43-year-old quarterback, tice, you’re like, ‘This guy favorite target in New the moment I got here, and declaring for the NFL ing quarterback and never
who’s now pumping vital- looks like he’s 30, maybe England, said. “From the we’ve just had great dia- draft. surrendered the position
ity into a franchise with 33 at most,’” coach Bruce second I first met him, logue and I certainly ap- “I really feel like I’m a — except for two games
the worst all-time win- Arians said. he’s been all-in — all-in preciate all the insight he man now and I’m ready this season he missed
ning percentage in the “It’s just amazing with practices, all-in at gives me and the way he to take on those challeng- after testing positive for
four major professional watching him and the way meetings, all-in trying to coaches and leads,” Brady es,” Lawrence said. “Su- COVID-19.
sports. he works so hard at tak- get better every single said. per excited for life ahead. Lawrence led the Tigers
Brady led New En- ing care of himself. That’s day.” “It’s very open, honest I’m grateful for Clemson to the national title in 2018,
gland to the Super Bowl not easy at 43, taking a In some ways, Brady dialogue about how we and I’m going to miss it.” dismantling powerhouse
nine times in 20 seasons, few shots — hopefully not has exceeded Arians’ ex- think, certainly how I can Lawrence had said in Alabama 44-16 as he threw
appearing in 41 playoff too many — and moving pectations. be most effective,” Brady September he planned for 347 yards and three
games and winning 30 — on. ... He really is a freak “His leadership is be- added. “Any questions to play his junior season, touchdowns to complete a
both records. of nature in that regard.” yond anything I’ve ever he has, we always have a graduate in December 15-0 season.
The Bucs, who will It’s never been Brady’s seen. Peyton Manning is great, open line of com- and move on to the NFL. Clemson and Lawrence
end a 13-year postseason style to call attention to the only thing close,” said munication. I really enjoy However, in October, Law- looked they would make it
drought when they face his accomplishments, so Arians, who’s worked my time getting to know rence discussed keeping two in a row a year ago be-
Washington in a NFC he lets his play speak for with Manning, Ben Ro- him, and I have great his options open, which fore falling to LSU 42-25 to
wild-card game Saturday what he’s been able to do ethlisberger, Carson admiration for him as a included possibly return- end a 29-game win streak
night, have played 15 play- this season without bene- Palmer and Andrew Luck coach, as a man, as what ing for another year of in the national champion-
off games in the club’s fit of a normal offseason while establishing a rep- he is off the field and how college as discussions of ship game.
45-season history. or preseason to prepare utation as a quarterback he commands and leads the No. 1 pick intensified Lawrence acknowl-
“Anytime you make for his transition to a new whisperer. the team.” between the then winless edged he had decisions to
the playoffs, it’s a good team. “It’s a never-ending Arians said there was New York Jets and the make this season as the
feeling, and it’s a good With a franchise-re- thing with him, the per- never a problem. Jacksonville Jaguars. coronavirus pandemic
opportunity to be playing cord 40 touchdown fectionist, to get every- “The chemistry re- The Jaguars finished raged across the country
this weekend, a privilege passes, he joined Aaron thing right in practice,” ally started in our first 1-15 and have the top pick and many wondered if any-
for any of us,” Brady said Rodgers, Drew Brees, Arians added. “Also, his meeting. We first started in the draft and are ex- one should play college
Wednesday. Peyton Manning and Dan calmness on the sideline talking offensive football pected to take Lawrence. football. But Lawrence
“We’re a team that’s Marino as the only quar- in games when we’re not and then the Tampa Bay He finished 34-2 in among other players like
made a bunch of improve- terbacks to throw at least winning, saying ‘We’re Bucs. His excitement lev- his college career, lead- Ohio State quarterback
ments over the course of 40 in multiple seasons. It going to win.’ Those type el and my excitement lev- ing Clemson to three At- Justin Fields, pushed to
the year, and we have to also tied Russell Wilson of things. You put those in el just kept growing and lantic Coast Conference keep the game going this
be at our best. That’s what for the second most in the a bottle and you make a is still growing,” Arians titles and the national ti- fall.
this part of the season is league this year behind’s bunch of money.” said. tle after the 2018 season. Lawrence began a Go-
all about,” the three-time Rodgers’ 48. It hasn’t been all rosy, “We’re still learning He finished second in FundMe page this spring
league MVP added. “The “When he first signed though. each and every week the the Heisman Trophy race to help those needing help
regular season is what it I said, ‘OK, we’ll be a 40 While the Bucs went little things, the game Tuesday night to Alabama handling the virus and was
is. You realize you put it in (touchdown) and 10 (in- 10-0 against teams that plans and situational foot- receiver DeVonta Smith. instrumental in Clemson’s
the books, but we’re here terception) team,’” Arians failed to make the play- ball that we talk out,” the Clemson coach Dabo social and racial justice
to win playoff games.” said. “I was expecting offs, they were 1-5 against coach added. “The col- Swinney had often called efforts this summer.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 3B

Continued from Page 1B

to beat the NFC South champion And they went back to Trubisky in ing receiver, set career highs with 11 had eight points and set career highs
Saints (12-4) even at full strength. But Week 12 with the struggling Foles in- catches for 93 yards against Green Bay. with 10 rebounds and four steals.
with Smith and Mooney out, their task jured. The fifth-round draft pick from Tulane Devontae Shuler, who went into the
would be that much tougher. Yet, they still found a way to the ranked fifth among NFL rookies in re- game averaging a team-high 14.3
Smith, Chicago’s leading tackler, playoffs — even if it was through the ceptions with 61 for 631 yards and over- points, scored just seven but had a ca-
went out with a left elbow injury on back door. took Anthony Miller as Chicago’s No. 2 reer-best 10 assists and two steals for
Green Bay’s first possession while “We know everybody is overlooking wide receiver. Ole Miss (6-3, 1-1 Southeastern Confer-
Mooney left in the fourth quarter with us,” Trubisky said. “I think we’ve been Miller’s production dropped in his ence). The 6-foot-2 junior moved past
an ankle injury. just playing with that edge, that chip on third season. He had 49 receptions for Gerald Glass into fifth on the program’s
The Bears (8-8) went on to lose the our shoulder. We don’t have anything 485 yards compared to 52 for 656 yards all-time steals list with 160.
game 35-16. But they made the playoffs to lose. We should go out there and in 2019. He had seven games with two Auburn made seven of its first 11
for the second time in Nagy’s three play free.” receptions or fewer. field-goal attempts and Chris Moore
years because the Arizona Cardinals If few outside Halas Hall think the “We’ve got a lot of great players,” made a layup to cap a 7-0 spurt that made
lost to the Los Angeles Ram s. Bears have a chance against New Orle- star receiver Allen Robinson said. it one-point game about 8 minutes into
That would have been difficult to en- ans, well, Nagy can see why. “We have players that have played a the game but the Tigers missed their
vision not too long ago. “We understand people have opin- lot of football here. ... I like the depth next seven shots. Ole Missed used an
The Bears lost six straight follow- ions, but at the same time, we’re gonna we have in our room, and I think guys 18-5 run — including two 3-pointers by
ing a 5-1 start in their worst skid since do what we know, and that’s to believe have come in each and every week and Sy — to make it 35-21 with 5 minutes
the 2002 team dropped eight in a row. in one another and play hard for each challenged themselves to get better left in the first half and led by at least
They jumped back into contention by other,” he said. and be available for any opportunity or eight points the rest of the way.
beating three struggling teams before It would help if they weren’t banged anything like that.” Jaylin Williams hit six 3-pointers
dropping the regular-season finale. up. and finished with 24 points, both ca-
And they became the third team since Smith’s injury could leave the Bears reer highs, for Auburn (6-5, 0-3). Jamal
the 1970 merger to lose six straight more vulnerable against star running Sy scores 13 to lead balanced Johnson added 11 points.
and make the playoffs. back Alvin Kamara, assuming he Ole Miss past Auburn 72-61 The Tigers committed 16 turnovers
The Bears also benched quarter- comes off the COVID-19 list. If Smith OXFORD, Miss. — Khadin Sy and Ole Miss, which went forcing 19.3
back Mitchell Trubisky in favor of Nick — who had a career-high 139 tack- scored a season-high 13 points, Romel- turnovers per game (No. 12 nationally),
Foles during a comeback win at Atlan- les and ranked second in the league lo White and Luis Rodriguez each add- tied its season high with 11 steals. The
ta in Week 3. They switched play-call- with 18 for loss — is unavailable, Josh ed 12, and Mississippi never trailed in Rebels have forced at least 15 turnovers
ers on offense, with Nagy handing off Woods could make his first NFL start. its 72-61 win over Auburn on Wednes- in every game this season.
those duties to coordinator Bill Lazor The third-year pro played 28 snaps. day night. Auburn, despite its hot start, shot
in an effort to lift a struggling group. Mooney, the Bears’ second-lead- Sophomore guard Austin Crowley just 36% (22 of 61) overall.

Continued from Page 1B
schedule. represented in the national kill that hype, I guess, in a way Chicago Tribune Silver Foot- offensive front, which just won
Smith declined to provide championship game among and show that we can play, that ball award as the best player the 2020 Joe Moore Award
any details about what virus-re- the players, if not the football West Coast people can play. in the Big Ten. this week as the nation’s best
lated problems Ohio State programs themselves. “We have a lot more guys “He’s got command of the O-line.
might be facing, but he did say Alabama All-America tail- from the West Coast playing offense, he understands where “It will be won in the trench-
the team practiced Wednesday. back Najee Harris, Ohio State in the SEC than before, so it’s we want to distribute the ball,” es, no doubt,” said Garrett,
“We’re in good shape. Ready wide receiver Chris Olave and good to see a lot of guys travel said Coombs, who was an as- who recovered from a gunshot
to roll,” Smith said. Buckeyes All-America guard across.” sistant with the NFL’s Ten- wound to the face in August to
Ohio State President Kristi- Wyatt Davis are all from Cali- nessee Titans last season af- become one of the leaders of
na M. Johnson posted photos fornia. More respect for fields ter a five-year stint on Urban the Buckeyes’ defense.
on Twitter showing her visit- Harris, for one, misses the Coombs, who has been Meyer’s staff at Ohio State. “Games like this will be
ing with coach Ryan Day and California sunshine, but he has coaching football for near- “He’s one of the best quar- won up front,” he said. “If you
the team in the school’s indoor no regrets about his trading ly three decades, says Ohio terbacks I’ve ever seen and can’t move offensive and de-
practice facility. the West Coast for the South- been around, and we’ve been fensive lines, then you have no
State’s Justin Fields is among
“I can’t wait to join Buckeyes ern humidity — and football. around some really good ones chance at winning. Offensive
the best quarterbacks ever.
around the world on Jan. 11 in “They say a lot of West here. He’s truly gifted.” and defensive linemen are un-
Fields, the second-year
cheering on this very special Coast guys can’t play in I sung heroes. We might not get
Buckeyes starter and like-
team,” Johnson wrote.
guess conferences like this, ly first-round NFL draft Battle in the trenches the glamour and the flash, but
the SEC,” said Harris, who pick, added to his resume Ohio State defensive tackle it’s won up front and the bet-
West Coast exports was fifth in the Heisman Tro- on Wednesday when he was Haskell Garrett said he’s look- ter front is going to win this
The West Coast will be well phy voting. “So I wanted to like named the winner of the 2020 ing forward to facing the Tide’s game.”

Continued from Page 1B
loyalty and love,” he wrote sive end Jevon Banks and campaign at 4-7 with a win
in a statement on Twitter. signed three-star pass over No. 24 Tulsa in the
“Much gratitude to the rushers Deonte Anderson Armed Forces Bowl last
Bulldog family of Missis- and Tre’von Marshall in week.
sippi State University. My its 2021 class.
coaches both present and MSU concluded the
2020 season 4-7, includ-
Witherspoon enters
former, my teammates/
brothers, because of all ing the victory over the transfer portal
Golden Hurricane in Fort Mississippi State is po-
of you, I am a much better
Worth, Texas. tentially down a running
Spencer, who lost his
A source with knowl-
junior year due to a sea- Former Starkville edge of the situation con-
son-ending injury, enjoyed
massive outputs in 2019
standout Cam Gardner firmed to The Dispatch
and 2020 and briefly flirt- to transfer Wednesday that sopho-
Former Starkville High more tailback Lee With-
ed with entering the draft erspoon had entered the
a year ago. As a senior, the School standout and soph-
omore wide receiver Cam transfer portal. Should
Greenwood native record- Witherspoon depart, he’ll
Gardner announced via
ed 30 tackles, three sacks conclude his Bulldog ca-
Twitter Wednesday that
and an interception in reer with 136 rushing
he is planning to enter
nine games. Spencer also yards and a touchdown on
the transfer portal and
earned SEC Academic 28 carries.
depart MSU after three
Fall Honor Roll honors in During his first season
years of mixed results.
both 2017 and 2019. in Starkville, the Alabama
Should Gardner leave, he
With Spencer now native drew comparisons
would conclude his time
departing, eyes turn to as a Bulldog with 13 re- to former Georgia All-
Starkville native and ceptions for 110 yards and SEC running back Nick
defensive end running zero touchdowns. Chubb due to his low to the
mate Kobe Jones. Jones, “First off I would like to ground running style. That
a former Starkville High thank all the coaches that said, Witherspoon fell be-
School Standout, is also helped me on and off the hind freshmen Jo’quavious
eligible to return despite field and also in helping Marks and Dillon Johnson
being a senior due to the me become a great young on the depth chart during
NCAA’s free pass on eligi- man through these three the 2020 campaign, re-
bility amid the COVID-19 years I had at this wonder- cording just six carries for
pandemic. Speaking ful university,” he wrote. 35 yards and nine recep-
with the media following “Second I would like to tions for 49 yards.
MSU’s Armed Forces thank the players that I Assuming Witherspoon
Bowl win over No. 24 Tul- formed a special and un- does follow through with
sa last week, he said that forgettable bond with over his transfer, the Bulldogs’
he had not made a deci- these three years at Mis- running back room will be
sion. sissippi State. I will never left to Marks and Johnson.
Should Jones depart, forget those memories we MSU also inked three-
MSU would be left ra- made together.” star athlete Simeon Price,
zor thin experience-wise Gardner becomes the who spent the bulk of his
at defensive end. Junior second Bulldog in the past high school career at re-
Aaron Odom and fresh- 24 hours to plan on leaving ceiver but projects as a
man Jack Harris would the program after a source running back in college, in
be among the most test- with knowledge of the sit- its 2021 signing class.
ed, though they’ve seen uation confirmed sopho- The Bulldogs conclud-
action in 26 games com- more running back Lee ed the 2020 season at 4-7
bined, albeit in limited Witherspoon had entered last week with a win over
spurts. The Bulldogs also the transfer portal. No. 24 Tulsa in the Armed
boast freshman defen- MSU closed its 2020 Forces Bowl.

Contacting the Sports Department

High school football coaches who don’t speak to a reporter from The Dispatch
are asked to email information to the sports department from their games. The
Dispatch will include its prep football coverage in Sunday’s edition, so we will con-
tact coaches Friday night or Saturday to get details. Coaches, please let us know
what is the best time for us to contact you.
4B THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 The Dispatch •

Ticking clock? Time running out for Steelers veterans

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS his third Super Bowl ap- down our careers, we un- tro said. berger’s is $41.25 million. the playoffs, a figure that
pearance in six seasons derstand we don’t know And there is a financial Though restructuring runs into the low six fig-
PITTSBURGH — The have not materialized. what is next. If there is go- reckoning coming for the could ease some of the ures. Oh, and the chance
opportunities are dwin- Now 38, playing with a ing to be a next for some Steelers. Pittsburgh is al- pain, it can’t stem all of it. to become the first fran-
dling. surgically repaired right guys.” ready $21 million over the The looming changes chise to win seven Super
Ben Roethlisberger elbow and four years re- He’s not being dramat- 2021 salary cap, and that’s to a franchise that prides it- Bowls.
knows it. Cam Heyward moved from his team’s ic. While Roethlisberger is with just 35 players under self on its consistency have “I know it can feel
and David DeCastro too. most recent playoff victo- under contract for 2021, he contract for next season. brought an added urgency overwhelming but let
It’s been a decade since ry, Roethlisberger is well says he won’t make a firm Wide receiver JuJu to a season that’s seen the your work take care of
the Pittsburgh Steelers aware of how small the decision until sometime in Smith-Schuster and run- Steelers look like both a it,” Heyward said.
have reached the Super window has become for the offseason. Left tackle ning back James Conner Super Bowl contender and Heyward missed
Bowl and a dozen years the AFC North champions Alejandro Villaneuva is in will hit the open market an also-ran, sometimes in Pittsburgh’s run to the
since they’ve won it. In (12-4) heading into Sun- the final days of a deal that in the spring. Outside line- the same game. 2016 AFC championship
most places, that’s hardly day’s first-round visit from will expire in March. backer T.J. Watt will enter “You don’t want to game because of a pecto-
a drought. Not in a place Cleveland (11-5). During their car rides the final year of his rookie be saying ‘What if?’ and ral injury. He was on the
where players, coaches “When I was a young into practice each day, deal, and there’s a strong there’s countless opportu- field, however, for a divi-
and front office members guy people tried to explain Villanueva and DeCastro desire to lock up the Defen- nities I’ve missed,” Hey- sional-round loss to Jack-
walk past six Lombardi to me that take advantage trade barbs, debate ideas sive Player of the Year can- ward said. “And I don’t sonville in 2017 when the
Trophies each day when of this, that and the oth- and try to appreciate what didate long-term, which want this to be an opportu- Jaguars came to Heinz
they get to work. er,” Roethlisberger said little time remains in this won’t be cheap. nity I missed.” Field as seven-point un-
The chances Roeth- Wednesday. “You’re think- chapter of their lives. Cornerback Joe Haden, Heyward made an at- derdogs and stunned the
lisberger thought would ing ‘I am young; I’ll get “Kind of surreal think- who will sit out on Sunday tempt to drive it across AFC’s second seed by
pop up repeatedly follow- back.’ It’s not guaranteed. ing this might be the last because of COVID-19 pro- during a meeting when he racing to a three-touch-
ing that stinging defeat to I think all of the veteran year today because of the tocols, has a cap hit of more outlined the bonus money down lead and then hold-
Green Bay in 2011 during guys as we are winding business side of it,” DeCas- than $15 million. Roethlis- for winning each round of ing on.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: it to her. I’m got drunk and made a fool of
I came to bothered by their myself. This included overtly
this country insistence that flirting with one of the brides-
30 years ago, at I’m robbing my maids. I’m incredibly sorry
16. My parents daughter of the about the embarrassment it
were very abusive opportunity to caused my wife.
and neglectful, so learn it. How Fast-forward to today:
my uncle in the do I tell them My wife has accused me of
U.S. took me in. I it is none of inappropriate behavior and
have worked with their business? hundreds of affairs that never
therapists, and -- READER IN happened. I have been faithful
my mind is clear HAWAII to her since we started dating.
ZITS about my past. DEAR She goes through my business
I now have READER: Your phone and accuses me and
a 14-year-old daughter may my professional contacts of
daughter. I do not have asked sexual behavior. I have offered
not speak to Dear Abby to learn your to take a polygraph exam, but
her in my native native language she continues to accuse me of
language. It is because it hasn’t infidelity. I’m at my wits’ end,
not very good at expressing occurred to her that it might and marriage counseling isn’t
love and caring, and has more one day be a valuable asset. an option. -- NOT FOOLING
emphasis on strict hierarchy I do think you should offer to AROUND IN MAINE
and obedience. teach it to her if she’s inter- DEAR NOT FOOLING:
There are many things I ested in knowing more about Marriage counseling may not
cannot convey in my native lan- the culture that shaped her be an option for you and your
guage. One must understand mother, because her answer wife, but YOU should definitely
GARFIELD the huge cultural difference might surprise you. consult a licensed psychother-
between my native country That said, because your apist. Something is not right
and the U.S. In addition, I do friends’ comments bother you, with your wife. Is it possible
not want to force my daughter tell them that because you that the wedding incident so
to learn something because don’t tell them how to raise severely unbalanced her that
someone other than her their children, you prefer they she has never recovered?
insisted. I prefer to spend my not tell you how to raise yours. What you have described
resources helping her learn DEAR ABBY: I have a is a miserable existence for
something she is interested in. unique problem, and if it both of you. That it has gone
If she says she wants to isn’t resolved, I’m afraid my unresolved for a decade is
learn my native language, I’ll marriage is going to end in tragic. Where you need to go
teach her. So far, she has divorce. Ten years ago, at my from here I cannot decide for
shown no interest. My friends brother-in-law’s wedding, I you, but a therapist may be
criticize me for not teaching was left in charge of the bar. I able to guide you.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. subtle ways to get them to sing the places. Today, though, you’ll
7). Think back to the things your praises. dig into your more serious pur-
that didn’t work out — jobs TAURUS (April 20-May 20). poses. This is it. Bring the grit.
you didn’t get, situations that The moment something major is LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
didn’t celebrate you. This going on for someone you care Leave space for the other
year represents the sweetest about is your time to shine as a person to express his or her
turnaround. You’ll be lauded supporter and true friend. This heart, soul and being. You’ll
for uniqueness. You’ll make a is not that. This is preparation learn. You’ll be delighted — and
difference by the original way for that. Gather your statements baffled. Leaving space, allowing
you solve problems. Truly, you’ll and talking points. the air to go dead, is a kind of
later point to this year when GEMINI (May 21-June 21). invitation.
BABY BLUES you need a reference for when Your intuitive inklings will be VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
it all went right. Aries and Libra correct. You’ll bet on a hunch Frustration gets misplaced.
adore you. Your lucky numbers and win. Said “bet” may be The problem with the vacuum
are: 4, 24, 21, 29 and 13. made with money but will more cleaner is released on the dog,
ARIES (March 21-April likely be an investment of time, etc. Knowing this, you don’t
19). Even though there is no attention and heart. take things personally when
one better qualified than you to CANCER (June 22-July 22). someone you love is in an edgy
enhance your reputation, repu- Lightheartedness has a time state.
tations are always the domain and place — maybe most of the LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
of other people. Still, you’ll find time and a good percentage of At any given moment, you exist
in several worlds and times.
You’re recalling the pertinent in-
formation of yesterday, nudging
tomorrow in a direction, sitting
with mixed reviews.
The friends who told you that
you were on the rise were met
with your skeptical eyes. But
here you are, risen, to a degree
— not the ultimate degree you
will grow, but you’re getting
there. Take it.
21). Shakespeare’s Henry VI
said, “Of all base passions,
fear is most accursed.” But
fear doesn’t have to turn into a
passion. Nip it in the bud. Face
it when it’s small.
19). Thinking of other people —
sometimes you think it’s a lost
art. You don’t know why, consid-
ering you think of other people
all the live-long day. You’ll be
delighted tonight by the proof
that someone is thinking of you.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Your truth will be requested
by people who want to know
where you stand. People making
plans based on your truth, well,
it’s one way to go, though you’d
prefer they wait a minute so you
FAMILY CIRCUS can figure it out organically.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You’ll help another make a
psychological jump. You’ve been
there, and you made that leap
with your sheer force of will, or
by the challenge of those who
really know how to get under
your skin.

Tea for two

The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 5B

A pandemic shift in finances: Prioritize, simplify, save
Survey: 58 percent of U.S. adults said Among U.S. adults who
say they developed new
lives as we move forward
because simplicity really
fear, anxiety and stress.
Babauta says that the
habit every day, instead of
the old habit.”
they plan to continue cutting back financial habits during
the pandemic, 58 percent
boils down to two steps: COVID outbreak has
Identify what is most im- sparked him to be even Tracking spending
spending on ‘wants’ in 2021 said they plan to continue portant to you, and elimi- more focused on “taking
is essential
cutting back spending on nate everything else.” care of myself, meditating,
BY HAL M. BUNDRICK daughter alerted me to a “wants” in 2021, accord- On Babauta’s blog at Ze- walking and getting rest.” Simplifying life is a
OF NERDWALLET growing trend. ing to a recent NerdWallet, he chronicles “If we’re shopping too theme echoed by Richard
survey. Many (36 percent) a long list of life changes much, it’s because we’re Liu, 26, a marketing man-
The pandemic has Developing new financial plan to continue building through the years: quit- stressed,” he says. “If we ager in Sydney, Australia.
caused many people to up general savings, and “One of the ways I
reassess their priorities. goals 30 percent will continue
ting smoking, paying off
debt, losing weight and
avoid budgeting, it’s be-
cause it causes us anxi- helped simplify my ex-
There is talk of moving out In an annual survey,
stashing money in emer- taking control of his fi- ety. Breaking the cycle is penses is using a money
consumer research firm
of the city, simplifying life gency savings. nances. about choosing better hab- tracking application. Since
The Family Room LLC
and saving more money. Here are some ideas He stopped living pay- its to deal with that stress, so many things are digital,
identifies prevailing
“I’m not going to spend for simplifying your life check to paycheck by ad- like going for a walk or making purchases online
trends in more than 150
money like that anymore,” and morphing your mon- dressing the things that making a list, and then has been the norm, so be-
psychological drivers. De-
my millennial daughter termining changing pri- ey habits from carefree to turn us to bad financial creating accountability ing able to track spending
told me recently, talking orities from year to year careful. habits in the first place: and support to do the new is essential,” Liu says.
about past shopping helps identify emotional
sprees on handbags, jew- hot spots among different The gift of prioritization
elry, and yes, lattes. “Fi- age groups. Leo Babauta, 46, a writ-
nancial security is fun The latest results show er in Southern California,
now.” dramatic shifts in atti- is on a mission to help peo-
This from the same tudes, the company says, ple “implement Zen habits
person who, until recently, including a 14 percent in- in daily life.” He believes
has annually paid to up- crease over the previous the pandemic has given us
grade to the latest version year’s survey among par- the gift of prioritization.
of smartphone ever since ents in “making my life “When things are fall-
she purchased her first simpler and less compli- ing apart, it helps us real-
Juicy Couture Sidekick cated.” ize what’s most important
back in 2005. Changes are happening to us,” Babauta says. “This
But, as usual, my in the way people save, too. will help us to simplify our

Threadgill named organization, has come employment law. He is a
to represent the highest Fellow of the College of
Fellow of Mississippi level of professionalism Labor and Employment
Bar Foundation and competence for a Attorneys, a fellowship of
Butler Snow attorney Mississippi lawyer. the most accomplished
and Columbus native For 30 years, Thread- members of the labor and
Timothy M. gill has represented employment community,
Threadgill businesses and man- the Young Lawyers Di-
has been agement throughout the vision of the Mississippi
selected as country in employment Bar and the American
a Fellow of litigation, employment Bar Association. Thread-
the Missis- counseling, business gill is admitted to all
sippi Bar torts, unfair competition, federal and state courts
Foundation. trade secrets litigation, in Mississippi, Arkansas’
Through Threadgill restrictive covenants, and federal courts, the North-
its Fellows OSHA matters. ern District of Florida,
program, the Missis- He is regularly recog- and the U.S. Court of
sippi Bar Foundation nized by Chambers USA, Appeals for the Third,
recognizes outstanding Super Lawyers®, Who’s Fifth and Sixth Circuits.
members of the Missis- Who Legal, Benchmark He obtained his under-
sippi Bar, with member- Litigation and Best Law- graduate degree from the
ship being limited to yers in America®, and University of Mississippi
only ten percent of the has been named Lawyer and his J.D. from the
Bar. The Mississippi Bar of the Year three times University of Alabama.
Foundation, since its for his work in labor and



Weathers Air Conditioning Inc.
City of Columbus 1913-A US 45 N
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rock over block walls; same ■ Jennifer Dowdy; 70 Big Duke

■ David Bradley Perkenson; Road; Set up mobile home; STARKVILLE
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el and addition in rear; same 723 MS-12 W
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MS Trust; 713 Spruce Street; McNairy Mobile Homes
electrical; Weldon Electric ■ Marilyn Rose; 1048 Schlater 1012 MS-12

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Waverly Ferry Road; mechani-
cal; Patterson HVAC
■ Marilyn Rose; 1048 Schlater
605 MS-12 W

■ Phillips and Weiss; 1920-3 Road; Move mobile home;

Highway 45 North; plumbing; Helicon Transport LLC
Brislin Inc. ■ Travis McDonald; 3662 Old
■ Ches Pearman; 1001 Wolfe Road; Construct s/f
Southdown Parkway; plumbing; residence; Owner
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
To place ads starting at only $12,
call 662-328-2424 or visit

Apts For Rent: Other Mobile Homes for Rent Lots & Acreage
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Email resume to: locations. 662−242−3803 investigative journalism. AND or 601−940−1397. General Merchandise
Please re-submit your re- CREDIT CHECK
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Roper Dryer, standard size,
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Real Estate 662−312−6617.

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Police Officer
The Town of Millport has
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job requirements may be
picked up at the office of
the Town Clerk located
within Millport Town Hall,
920 Black Street, Millport
AL 35576. All completed
applications must be
returned to Town Hall.
Applications are due no
later than January 22,
2021. Call 205-662-4228
if you have any questions.

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