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a Half-Demon, Occult Detective fights the

supernatural elements plaguing humanity

as well as his own destiny. “There are

things that go bump in the night, we’re

the ones who bump back.” – Occult

Professor Trevor Bruttenholm Based on

the legendary “HELLBOY” character

created by Mike Mignola

Bob Garlen

From the files of the Bureau for Paranormal

Research and Defense


HELLBOY by Mike Mignola


HELLBOY is a Supernatural Horror Epic. An Epic told over 54 Episodes, each episode a

One Hour Horror Movie starring the titular character.

HELLBOY Set in a world of Gods and Monsters – terrors beyond what modern society

can comprehend. Inspired by the revolutionary horror comic book created by Mike Mignola.

This is a world where children are kidnapped by fairies, families are murdered by werewolves,

and ghost and goblins prowl at night. A world vulnerable to things we cannot possibly

understand. A world where things go bump in the night.

HELLBOY is about a good man struggling to fight destiny and nature. A man born to do

Evil but desiring only to do good. Imagine, if you will, the terror of an abandon building at

night… the feeling of being watched by something that’s not there… This is that feeling of fear,

stepping into the dark when you hear something that shouldn’t be there… The adrenaline and

cold chill trailing down your spine as you wait for the monsters to jump out at you… This is the

world of HELLBOY.




Every series benefit from a set of rules to operate by. These are edicts meant to assist the

work of the series in how the stories will progress and what to veer away from.

1. Its Own Continuity… This series is not connected to any previous adaptations. While

much respect is held for previous adaptations, it is important for the series to stand on its

own legs. This instills a sense of creative freedom for the overall series to tell its own

take on Mignola’s legendary tale.

2. An Adult Hellboy… One of the most controversial and unpopular choices from previous

adaptations of Hellboy has been characterizing the titular character as having the

emotional maturity of a teenager and having the character suffer from some issues or

disagreements with his father, Bruttenholm. This series isn’t making that mistake, it’s

been done to death and Hellboy in the comics is an adult with a rich characterization that

is much more interesting to adapt. This is a character who’s had enough experiences to

grow and mature as an individual.

3. Horror First… First and foremost, this is a horror series and that takes a center stage,

drawing in from both character and mythology, rather than taking a backseat in tone or

style to the more super heroic edge. Hellboy was conceived as a Horror Comic, and as a

Series will retain its stance in the Horror Genre, more so than previous adaptations.

4. Feeling of a Different time… The series is set in modern day, but it’s locations are more

reflective of Victorian or pre-20th century eras. This is part of how the Horror operates in

the series, being in haunted locations or in locations draped heavy in shadows and fog as

opposed to bright and well-lit areas or areas with constant flashing lights.

HELLBOY: Seed of Destruction by Mike Mignola '94



In December of 1944, a platoon of United States Army Soldiers, commanded by Sgt.

George Whitman was stationed at East Bromwich Island off the Muir of Scotland in the United

Kingdom. They were spying on nearby German Occultist Troops, led by Grigori Yefimovich

Rasputin. He led a group of scientific Occultist: Karl Ruprecht Kroenen, Herman Von Klempt,

Werner Von Krupt, and Ilsa Haupstein. The Allies were supported by the efforts of President

Roosevelt’s newly established Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D.)

Consisting of Director Dr. Trevor Bruttenholm (Pronounced Broom), Lady Cynthia Eden-Jones,

and Professor Malcolm Frost. As a show of support the allies were even able to garner the

support and participation of legendary detective “The Lobster.” The German’s mission was code

named: Project Ragna Rok.

Adolf Hitler commissioned Project Ragna Rok based on the occult research of his chief

science advisor Grigori Rasputin. Rasputin was given carte’ blanche to assemble a group of like-

minded scientists to assemble and summon a “Final Solution” for the war. Allies got wind of this

project due to the efforts of the Lobster, commissioned to dispatch German High Command.

While Rasputin as able to summon this final solution, the allies rushed their base and captured

members of the team behind Ragna Rok. Though four figureheads of Haupstein, Von Krupt, Von

Klempt, and Kroenen went missing. Rasputin was believed to be executed by the Lobster.

This final solution born was found in the form of an infant – harmless albeit red skinned

with two horns and a Red Large Stone Right-Hand. Much to the protests of Lady Jones and

Professor Frost, Dr. Bruttenholm took the boy and raised him. Since then the allies gave the

mission their own name, naming it after the young baby found: Hellboy.

HELLBOY: Wake the Devil by Mike Mignola - '96


We open in the Antarctic Circle – B.P.R.D. Director TREVOR BRUTTENHOLM

“BROOM”, now 104 Years Old, exploring an ancient temple of the OGDRU JAHAD – The

Seven Gods of Chaos, along Eli Cavendish – of the wealthy Cavendish family of American

Occult aficionados, and a local Guide Sven Olafson. Olafson and Cavendish are murdered while

Bruttenholm escapes – He’s gone missing.

HELLBOY is on a vacation when B.P.R.D. Field Director DR. THOMAS “TOM”

MANNING arrives to reveals Broom has been found – as Hellboy goes to visit his dad, Broom.

During this visit Broom will give Hellboy the clue that starts his journey with a simple name

“Anung Un Rama.” We will follow Hellboy as he dives into this investigation, aided by the

amphibious man – ABRAHAM “ABE” SAPIEN and the Pyrokinetic LIZ SHERMAN.

As the investigation deepens the bigger world of monsters will be unraveled as the

mystery of Anung Un Rama is revealed to be: Hellboy, destined to be the beast of the

apocalypse. This knowledge cataclysmically changes Hellboy’s outlook on life spurring him to

go hunting for answers, especially those pertaining to the Right Hand of Doom…

Over the course of the series Monsters become more open to activity in the open, cults

pop up worshipping the Ogdru Jahad. The darkness becomes thicker and the nights become

scarier, whispers and screams are heard in frequent. Many demons appear to persuade Hellboy to

fulfill his destiny. Witches will burn the innocent and the Fairies will take hold of Children.

Slowly the world will erupt into chaos. If Hellboy wants to save the world, he’ll need to come to

terms with his Destiny.


HELLBOY: The Storm - Mike Mignola 2010.


HELLBOY is an epic. Grander than any modern film and more complex than any series.

Unlike many series, HELLBOY’s structure is patterned after Horror Films – with elements of the

Detective Genre weaved in. Each episode features a threat that must be delt with, including such

monsters as: The Dullahan, Werewolves, Frog Men, Witches, Baba Yaga, Demons, Mechanical

Men, Vampires, and More. The series evolves and changes over time breaking the entire series

into a Three Act Structure:

ACT ONE (Season 1-3): This is Hellboy’s time working in the B.P.R.D. Covering

Hellboy learning his destiny as beast of the apocalypse, about the right hand of doom, and the

story his birth. He leaves the B.P.R.D. once he feels he needs to set out on his own to save his

friends from his destiny.

ACT TWO (Seasons 4-6): This is Hellboy wondering the Earth, in some parts trying to

outrun his Destiny and then coming to face it. He is forced to reconcile certain feuds and learns

of a more positive destiny for him and his struggle against all forms of a Destiny.

ACT THREE (Season 7): Hellboy, having been killed in the season 6 finale, wonders

around Hell as he’s guided by another spirit encouraging Hellboy to make peace with his destiny

and move past it to finally rest. Hellboy seeks a reckoning and lashes out against the forces that

forged a destiny for him he never wanted and becomes the true version of himself.

HELLBOY: The Corpse by Mike Mignola - March 1995



HELLBOY’s visual style is high gothic, taking the classic look of gothic fiction, deep

dark caves, with an eerie and uneasy atmosphere. This is the quickened heartbeat of Ichabod

Crane stepping into the Western Woods from Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow. The Cinematography

will be eerie and heavy in dark colors, a dark, classical horror-styled atmosphere. This series

Lingers in the dark, questioning if there is something ready to jump out.

While the series is set in modern day, many of the locations aren’t reflecting modern

society. Most of what indicates the modern world is technological, while the structures are more

reflective of a Gothic Art Style. There’s little time spent in the very plain office building of the

B.P.R.D. More time is spent in Dark Caves, Ancient Castles, Lavish haunted forests, Haunted

19th Century Manors, and Old Churches heavy in dark shadows and ghostly fog. Bringing the

Haunting Sensational story telling of the Grimm Fairytales to modern day society. This is the

Ambiance of such films as the previously mentioned Sleepy Hollow, as well as films like: David

Fincher’s Seven, James Wan’s The Conjuring, Francis Ford Coppola’s Adaptation of Bram

Stoker’s Dracula, Joe Johnston’s The Wolfman, and Kenneth Branagh’s adaptation of Mary

Shelley’s Frankenstein.

The soundtrack should be a timeless reflection of Gothic styled horror scores. Music that

feels almost as if it was written hundreds of years ago but fit in with the ambience and setting of

our series. Scores like Danny Elfman’s Sleepy Hollow and The Wolfman scores, Wojciech

Kilar’s score for Bram Stoker’s Dracula, scores that fit both horror and the tone of said films.

This series isn’t interested in using triumphant Superhero themes, looking more for a score

rooted in themes of Gothic horror and complex thought, the music works much like an inner

monologue of the character’s emotions, like fear, anxiety, rage, love, hate, fun.

HELLBOY: The Corpse by Mike Mignola - March 1995


The horror in HELLBOY is strongly supernatural, emersed heavily in Lovecraftian

Horror rooted in mythic tales. This isn’t a world creating the Sci-Fi horrors of killer robots, this

is a world of Homunculi, Ghosts, and Ghouls. We want to expose the world to Gothic Mind

Horrors, the concept of what you can’t see being infinitely worse than what will see.

Our creatures, in large part, have been designed by the comics. While we have those

designs for reference, bringing them to a different medium, meaning we’re going to take odd and

unique takes on the pre-existing designs for these monsters. Taking inspiration for our monsters

from such artists as: Hellboy Creator Mike Mignola, Tim Burton, Rick Baker, Robert Kurtzman,

and Kevin Yagher. The goal is to rely solely on practical effects, or to work primarily with

Practical effects with minimal CGI enhancement. Being that we’re a series depicted in heavy

shadows and fog, creatures will often be partially hidden or obscured, save for Hellboy.

This is also a series of Character Horror, seeking to drive the characters into a fear or

depressed state, and allowing the audience to react with them. This is established through the

various cracks in the characters’ emotional armor, taking on such aspects as Hellboy’s fight to

forge his own destiny, Liz’s attempts to gain control of her self and her fire, Abe’s desire to feel

accepted as her cohorts. The horror in these characters are ripe for exploration and insight,

developing their insecurities and exploring them over the course of the series.

HELLBOY: The Island by Mike Mignola '02


HELLBOY, physically matured to his 40’s. He is a half-demon, half-human being who was

found in the early 40’s during something historically called the ‘Hellboy Incident.’ He carries

numerous abilities such as an accelerated healing factor, immense strength, and remarkable

durability. He’s an average man in terms of taste, he enjoys beer, watches sports, reads. He was

raised on an Army Base in New Mexico by Professor Bruttenholm. During this time, he

developed a fondness for Pancakes, beer, rock music, and more recently herbal cigarettes. It’s on

this army base he grew to adult hood. His tastes are fathered by a loving and nurturing home by

the Professor, and numerous friends gained on the Army Base. In the Early 50’s, when full

grown, he was sent to his first mission as a B.P.R.D. Agent. At the beginning of the series we

find him a bit more reclusive, barely speaking to anyone as the weight of his job begins getting

to him. He wonders what a life with kids and a family would be like that but feels it is something


ART OF HELLBOY by Mike Mignola - '99


DR. KATE CORRIGAN, 30’s, A senior agent at the B.P.R.D. having Joined in the late 2000’s

as a Paranormal Researcher. She initially interned during her time in college intent on writing a

study based around Hellboy, accepted after she wrote her dissertation on Folklore and Occult

Activities. Kate is an intelligent and snappy agent, she carries a special connection with Hellboy,

whom she calls “HB” often coming off as flirtatious. She is the only person he’s ever felt

comfortable confiding in her. Her expertise is in Research, as she’s taken the head of the

Bureau’s Research department as a Folklore and Occult expert.

DR. THOMAS MANNING, 50’s, A former field Agent and B.P.R.D.’s acting director. He

joined in the Early 80’s and has worked close with Hellboy, the two having a standing mutual

respect. He was particularly close with Professor Bruttenholm, who mentored Tom – Grooming

him for the future position of Director. He takes the job as it is, a pencil pusher’s job.

ELIZABETH “LIZ” SHERMAN, Late 20’s, A Pyrokinetic girl from Kansas City, KA. Having

discovered her powers in an incident that took out six blocks of her hometown. She was taken in

by the Bureau and raised by Professor Bruttenholm and her “big brother” Hellboy. She struggles

as much with depression as she does with her abilities. She attempts to gain control and is prone

to taking sabbaticals from the B.P.R.D. so she can get a handle on herself.

ABRAHAM “ABE” SAPIEN, 30’s, Amphibious with the ability to swim to the deep depths of

various waters, Abe suffers amnesia, unsure of who he was or where he came from. He only

remembers being saved by Hellboy and brought into the B.P.R.D. where he was given purpose

and a life of action. He’s thankful for his role in the B.P.R.D. but seeks answers for his past.

B.P.R.D. by Guy Davis - Dark Horse Comics


GRIGORI RASPUTIN, 50’s, A Sorcerer from Russia worshipping the Ogdru Jahad, the Seven

Gods of Chaos. He is possessed by a sense of destsiny to save the world by unleashing the Ogdru

Jahad and bringing about the Apocalypse and let the world be reborn. He is a fanatic responsible

for Hellboy’s appearance on Earth and has since continues to manipulate the events of Hellboy’s

life to guide him to his destiny.

HECATE, 50’s, The Dark Goddess fortelling the end of the world. She has a child of this earth

known as the vampire Vladimir Giurescu. She seeks to bring Hellboy to fulfill his destiny so the

world can reborn proper, a world made for the monsters to rule.

BABA YAGA, 70’s, an ancient Monster from Russia living in a house supported on gigantic

chicken legs. She gave to a young Grigori a purpose in life, to bring about the Ogdru Jahad and

has mentored him into a powerful mystic. She harbors resentment and disdain for Hellboy due to

their first encounter costing Baba her right eye.

KOSHCHIE THE DEATHLESS, 40’s, an ancient Russian Warrior cursed who’s soul belongs

to the Baba Yaga, becoming her slave. He was once a great warrior and was forced to sell his

soul to Baba Yaga to save his home. As Baba’s slave he has become the sight of death for many.

VIVIAN NIMUE, 30’s, The Blood Queen, a witch who intended to marry into the Arthurian

Family to take the crown of England and create a hierarchy of Witches in a ruling class. Many

knew her as the Witch Queen and now she operates as the chosen avatar of the Ogdru Jahad

OGDRU JAHAD, the Seven Deadly Gods of Chaos, Monsters created by the first of God’s

creations Anum. Their prevalent evil forced Anum to lock them away, resulting in Anum’s death

the separation of his right hand, which became known as the Right Hand of Doom.

OGDRU JAHAD in HELLBOY by Mike Mignola


Although HELLBOY is a series that has a beginning, middle, and end the work’s that’s inspired

the series are not alone, as the comic itself has spun off several other titles, there exist other titles

for future series. With the potential of spin-off series, prequels series, direct-to-streaming films,

and limited series there is a wealth of material for the Mignolaverse to be adapted. As Hellboy

would leave the Bureau in Season Three, this leaves open the ability to spin off into a series

“B.P.R.D.” with a new set of characters joining the established Agents from Hellboy. The

Introduction of characters like Abe Sapien, Rasputin, and Koshchei The Deathless there are the

opportunities for limited series exploring each of these characters in depth with the potential of

further seasons for any of those characters. Finally, this Series follows Hellboy in modern times

yet there exist the large possibility of a prequel series or seasons of a limited series detailing his

adventures before our series begins. Hellboy is a franchise ripe for adaptation on television, the

character continues to grow as a cultural icon as his stories tap into a desire to see a hero among

the dark someone willing to run at, not away, from the monsters. This is a franchise of limitless

potential, taking a new look at horror through a fantastical lens unlike any other horror icon out

there. This is HELLBOY.


HELLBOY: Seed of Destruction 25th Anniversary by Mike Mignola, 2018

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