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Editor: Tore Dybå


Voice of Evidence

Editor: Helen Sharp

The Open University, London

Does Involving
Users in Software
Development Really
Influence System
Ulrike Abelein, Helen Sharp, and Barbara Paech

Users of software systems are con- ment, which we abbreviate to UPI so that
sidered to be an important source of in- we can refer to both terms together. Exist-
formation for software development; they ing research describes several benefits of UPI,
might, for example, provide requirements, such as improved quality due to more precise
test finished code, and evaluate prototypes. requirements, the prevention of unneeded
Users are familiar with both the work and and expensive features, and an increase in
the context that the software system should user satisfaction, which leads to higher sys-
support; thus it’s critical to involve them in tem use.3,4 But even though some researchers
the process. consider it to be essential to system success,
Researchers have studied how best to in- other studies have found contradicting re-
volve users in software development for a sults. Furthermore, it’s not a common prac-
long time, primarily in the area of informa- tice in today’s IT projects to involve users
tion systems (IS) and human-computer inter- to a large extent—in particular, large-scale
action (HCI).1 In 1989, Henri Barki and Jon projects that follow traditional software de-
Hartwick defined two separate but related velopment methods involve users only to a
terms.2 User participation happens when the limited degree.
end user takes an active part in the develop- To clarify UPI’s effects on system success
ment or design process together with the de- and to get a deeper understanding of the dif-
veloper—that is, user participation refers to ferences between user participation and user
the “behaviors and activities users perform involvement, we reviewed the existing UPI
in the system development process.” User literature in software development and con-
involvement, on the other hand, is more on ducted a systematic mapping study (and the
the mental level, referring to “the psycho- full review can be accessed elsewhere5). The
logical state of the individual, defined as review revealed 16 statistical surveys and six
the importance and personal relevance of a metastudies that empirically research vari-
system to a user.” Here, we consider the ef- ous UPI effects on system success. Including
fects of both user participation and involve- all reference studies from the metastudies,

0 74 0 -74 5 9 / 13 / $ 3 1. 0 0 © 2 0 13 I E E E N ov e m be r /D ec e m be r 2013 | I EEE S o f t w a r e  17

Voice of Evidence

the requirements planning, user de-

sign, construction, and cutover phases.
Short development cycles ensure a
close match of the system to business
needs, with UPI achieved throughout
design and development via prototype
evaluation. 8 This approach has its dis-
advantages from a technical perspec-
tive, such as the lack of code reuse or
program consistency, which prevents
it from being used in large-scale proj-
ects. Agile or lightweight development
approaches have evolutionary and in-
cremental life cycles and use iterative
development and intensive stakeholder
involvement. The dynamic systems de-
velopment method (DSDM), scrum,
and extreme programming (XP) em-
brace unstable business needs and use
flexible development and short imple-
mentation cycles to mitigate risks, so
continuous feedback to and from the
user is central.
we analyzed correlation data from 86 are an early focus on users and tasks, In fact, these software development
studies. empirical measurement based on simu- methods and UPI approaches aren’t or-
lation or prototypes, and iterative de- thogonal. For example, it’s possible to
How to Involve Users sign.7 Ethnography uses observations use participatory design within tradi-
Researchers have devised many ap- or video analysis to understand work tional development approaches or com-
proaches for increasing UPI in soft- practices and context, so users are in- bine it with agile methods, although it
ware development, and some software volved but don’t actively participate in might not be straightforward.
development methods provide multiple decision making. Contextual design
opportunities and mechanisms for us- emphasizes the context of use for the Empirical Evidence for UPI’s
ers to be involved. The most common system and is underpinned by contex- Influence on Success
approaches are participatory design, tual inquiry, which combines observa- In 2012, we undertook a systematic
user-centered design, ethnography, and tion, discussion, and reconstruction of mapping study on the influence of user
contextual design. 6 They differ primar- past events. participation and involvement on sys-
ily in user activity and whether users In addition to these UPI-specific ap- tem success to systematically identify
actually take part in decision making. proaches, software development meth- and meta-analyze the existing empiri-
Participatory design, for example, ods provide various opportunities to cal evidence. As mentioned earlier, we
originated in Scandinavia and empha- include users. Traditional develop- wanted to understand which aspects
sizes democracy and skill enhance- ment approaches, such as the waterfall have been studied and the positive
ment. Users are part of the decision- model, normally require the determi- and negative correlations reported.
making process through workshops nation of a complete, consistent, and Our review identified 3,689 hits from
or prototype evaluation. User-centered accurate list of system requirements be- which we identified 22 papers (16
design comes from the HCI field and fore design and implementation start. surveys and six metastudies) that re-
puts the user—not technical needs— Therefore, users are typically involved ported correlations between aspects of
into the center of design. Based on only in the system’s requirements def- UPI and system success. For our meta-
John Gould and Clayton Lewis, the inition and validation stages. Rapid analysis, we also included the second-
three principles of user-centered design application development consists of ary studies of the metastudies, thus

18 I EEE S o f t w a r e | w w w. c o m p u t e r . o r g / s o f t w a r e
Voice of Evidence

Definitions of categories and subcategories.

Table 1

Category/subcategory Definition for study Number of studies

Development process Different activities of project participants (end users, developers) that contribute to
system development

User participation Behavior and activities users perform in system development process, such as 52
being the project team leader, having responsibility for overall system success,
and being responsible for selecting hardware or software, estimating costs, and
requesting funds

User-developer communication Communication, evaluation, and approval activities that take place between users 13
and IS staff, as well as the frequency, content, and direction of that communication

Mode of development Depending on which roles are responsible for development, the process can vary: 4
the system can be developed by developers, end users directly, or in a cooperative
way between these groups

Human aspects Attitude or beliefs of project participant

User involvement Psychological state of the individual; the importance and personal relevance of a 32
system to a user (also refers to the degree of users’ perception on their sense of
ownership toward the system)

User’s attitude toward system Affective or evaluative judgement of the user toward the system; the extent to 11
which the user feels the system is good or bad

User’s beliefs about developers Attitude and beliefs of users regarding the behavior of developers, such as whether 6
they take users seriously or think the decision process is fair

User’s ability in IT projects Ability that enables users to participate as a member of the system development 5
team and accomplish goals of project

Disagreement/conflict Divergence of opinions and goals that can lead to conflicts, as well as their 4

User’s intention to use A function of attitudes toward a behavior and subjective norms that has been found 3
to predict actual behavior

Developer’s attitude toward user Attitude of system developers toward users; treating users with dignity, for 2

User’s motivation Motivation is a rationally calculative perspective that an individual’s involvement 2

in an activity arises from his or her desire to obtain rewards, including the
instrumentality of creating opportunity and improving work conditions

using significant correlation data from to follow Barki and Hartwick’s separa- volved in software development. We
86 unique studies. tion of the terms participation and in- combined the various aspects that oc-
volvement, so we extended their ideas cur on a psychosocial level (including
Classifying User Participation to generate two main categories of UPI involvement), such as participants’ at-
and Involvement aspects: development process and hu- titudes or beliefs, in the human aspects
To understand the different aspects of man aspects. The development process category. We defined the sub­categories
UPI described in these studies, we de- category includes all aspects of UPI through a bottom-up approach from
veloped a classification of them; see Ta- that concern active participation in the the 231 different research aspects
ble 1 for a list. This was necessary be- software development process and the named in the studies. The number of
cause the identified studies used more team’s roles and responsibilities, as well studies that researched each aspect in-
than 200 different aspects. We wanted as communication with the people in- dicates that aspect’s popularity.

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Voice of Evidence

Overview of aspects of system success.

Table 2

Measurement of Number
system success Definition for study Examples of original measurement of studies

User satisfaction User’s degree of favorableness with respect to End user computing satisfaction, end user 50
the system and the mechanics of interaction satisfaction, information satisfaction,
outcome satisfaction, perceived system
usefulness, perceived usefulness, system
acceptance, system satisfaction, usefulness,
user assessment, user information
satisfaction, user satisfaction

System use Frequency of use of the developed system Intention to use, system impact, system 18
usage, time spent using

System quality Structured set of characteristics such as a Accessibility, accuracy, completeness, 17

system’s functional suitability, reliability, flexibility, perceived system quality,
usability, performance efficiency, compatibility, product success
security, maintainability, and portability

Project in time Project efficiency and effectiveness in terms Project success, overall success, process 8
and budget of schedule, budget, and work quality satisfaction, project completion, project
performance, project success, successful

Ease of use Degree to which a user expects the target Perceived impact on work, system 4
system to be free of effort; also refers to system friendliness
friendliness and handling in system’s use

Data quality Degree to which the characteristics of data Appropriateness of format, availability 1
satisfy stated and implied needs when of historical data, data accuracy, data
used under specified conditions; accuracy, consistency, data sufficiency
consistency, and availability of data

Measuring System Success categorized them as user satisfaction, nificant correlations, each positive link
How to measure system success is quite system use, system quality, project in (that is, a study reporting a positive cor-
controversial and difficult.4 In our re- time and budget, ease of use, and data relation between an aspect of UPI and
view, we found that most researchers quality. Table 2 gives an overview of a measurement of system success) in-
define it as being whatever aspect they the different interpretations and mea- creases the confidence in there being a
measured in their study—user satisfac- surements of system success used in our positive effect on system success.
tion, system use, or system quality.9 review study. Figure 1 shows the number of identi-
Some papers used existing conceptual fied positive and negative links (positive
models, such as the technology accep- UPI and System Success correlation/negative correlation) and the
tance model,10 with the aspects “per- We analyzed the correlation data ac- variation of the correlations between the
ceived ease of use” and “usefulness.” cording to the subcategories of devel- aspects of UPI and system success. The
We’ve seen in our own review that re- opment process (mode of development, number of identified links gives an in-
searchers have used various terms for user participation, user-developer com- dication of the perceived importance of
each of the defined measurements—for munication) and human aspects (devel- UPI aspects on system success measure-
example, user satisfaction was named oper’s attitude toward user, user involve- ment. The variation of the correlations
“outcome satisfaction,” “perceived ment, user’s beliefs about developers, shows diversity in the different findings
system usefulness,” or “system accep- user’s ability in IT projects, user’s atti- and indicates contradicting results. For
tance.” In our review, we included all tude toward system, and user’s intention example, the variation of the correlation
measurements of system success in- to use) and the various measurements between the development process cate-
vestigated by the identified papers and of system success. As we only used sig- gory and “project in time and budget”

20 I EEE S o f t w a r e | w w w. c o m p u t e r . o r g / s o f t w a r e
Voice of Evidence

Studied aspects between user participation and involvement and system success
System success measurements correlations
Project in Negative
User System System Data quality time and Ease of use correlations
satisfaction use quality budget x/y = Number of positive
correlations/number of
Development process 31/1 8/0 16/0 6/1 8/3 1/0 negative correlations
[min. correlation – max.
Variation of correlations [0.03 – 0.57] [0.06 – 0.20] [0.12 – 0.61] [-0.16 – 0.16] [-0.47 – 0.51] [0.32 – 0.32]
User participation 28/1 8/0 9/0 - 5/3 1/0 55
Aspects of user participation and Involvement

Mode of development 1/0 - 3/0 6/1 - - 11

User-developer communication 2/0 - 4/0 - 3/0 - 9

Human aspects 31/2 12/0 3/0 6/2 1/0 0/1

Variation of correlations [-0.15 – 0.64] [0.11 – 0.59] [0.38 – 0.47] [-0.17 – 0.21] [0.27 – 0.27] [-0.14 – 0.14]

User involvement 23/1 7/0 3/0 6/2 - - 42

User’s beliefs about developers 3/0 1/0 - - 1/0 - 5

User's intention to use - 3/0 - - - 0/1 4

Developer's attitude towards user 2/1 - - - - - 3

User's attitude towards system 1/0 1/0 - - - - 2

User's ability 2/0 - - - - - 2

2 Overall 133 links

15 12 Total 92% (123)
20 19 positive correlations


Figure 1. Links between aspects of user participation and involvement and system success. The graphs of positive and negative
correlations to the right and below the main table indicate the sum of identified links and thus summarize how much evidence exists for a
positive influence of each aspect of UPI on the system success measurement.

varies from –0.47 to 0.51, which shows ence of each aspect of UPI on the system searched. User satisfaction is by far the
that one study revealed that it’s harder success measurement. most used measurement of system suc-
to keep a project in time and budget and Overall, our meta-analysis revealed cess. Less than a third of studies used
still let users participate, whereas an- that the user participation aspect of the system use or system quality, indicating
other study discovered that user partici- development process category and the more emphasis on improving software
pation is very beneficial to ensure that user involvement aspects of the human systems from a user perspective than
a project stays in time and budget. Fi- aspects category are the most popular from a quality perspective.
nally, the graphs of positive and nega- to research. However, other aspects, As we can see in Figure 2, 92 per-
tive correlations to the right and below such as who’s in charge of development cent of the correlations between UPI
the main table indicate the sum of iden- (mode of development) or the influ- aspects and system success show a pos-
tified links and thus summarize how ence on communication between users itive correlation, providing evidence of
much evidence exists for a positive influ- and developers, are also commonly re- a robust and transferable effect. Thus

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Voice of Evidence

our study clearly shows that UPI as- from a quality perspective but also in-
Relationship of UPI aspects to system success pects have a positive effect on system crease the system’s value for the user.
Number of identified correlations success. Of the 133 identified links be- For the research community, the re-
tween UPI aspects and system success, sults of our meta-analysis show that in-
133 75 we identified only 10 negative correla- creased UPI leads to increased system
tions. Six studies reported them, but success. Thus, research work in the area
only one was originally published in of UPI in software development is ben-
the past 10 years. eficial and should be continued. We’ve
Our analysis also shows that the started to develop a first categorization
correlations among user involvement, with our categories and subcategories,
participation, and satisfaction are but we want to encourage other re-
92% dominant. Users who participate in searchers to establish a standard model
software development are more satis- to enable comparability of future stud-
fied with the system. The same is true ies. We found that only limited research
for users who are involved, leading us on the influencing factors of UPI is
to conclude that user participation and available, so we encourage research-
involvement have a positive effect on ers to conduct studies in this area. The
user satisfaction and system use. Even large variation of the identified correla-
8% though the data clearly indicates a posi- tions calls for more sophisticated empir-
Total UPI Development Human tive effect of UPI on system success, ical studies on the effects of UPI, which
process aspects
some links between UPI aspects and would help the research community to
system success have a large variation. further increase confidence in the effect
Figure 2. Relationship between aspects There’s still no clear conceptual model of UPI on system success.
of user participation and involvement to measure the effects of UPI, indicat-
and system success. The 92 percent of ing that aspects of UPI are complex to
correlations between UPI aspects and measure and study.
1. N. Iivari, “Enculturation of User Involvement
system success show a positive correlation, in Software Development Organizations: An

providing evidence of a robust and Interpretive Case Study in the Product De-
velopment Context,” Proc. 3rd Nordic Conf.
transferable effect. ur review shows that various Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI
aspects of users participating 04), ACM Int’l Conf. Proc. Series, vol. 82,
2004, pp. 287–296.
or being involved in software
2. H. Barki and J. Hartwick, “Rethinking the
development projects have a positive ef- Concept of User Involvement,” Management
fect on system success. In particular, if Information Systems, vol. 13, no. 1, 1989, pp.
users perform activities in the system de-
3. T. McGill and J. Klobas, “User Developed
velopment process (user participation), Application Success: Sources and Effects of In-
such as being the project team leader volvement,” Behaviour & Information Tech-
nology, vol. 27, no. 5, 2008, pp. 407–422.
or being responsible for selecting hard- 4. M. Harris and H. Weistroffer, “A New Look
ware or software, estimating costs, and at the Relationship between User Involvement
F in d Us on requesting funds,11 the user’s satisfac- in Systems Development and System Success
Development and System Success,” Comm.
Fac e book & tion with the system and therefore its use
increases. The same is true if users feel
Assoc. Information Systems, vol. 24, no. 1,
2009, pp. 739–756.
Twitter! that the system has higher importance 5. U. Abelein and B. Paech, “Understanding the
Influence of User Participation and Involve-
and personal relevance to them (user in- ment on System Success: A Systematic Map-
f a c e b o ok .c o m /
i e e e s o f t w a re volvement). Thus, we encourage all prac- ping Study,” to appear in Empirical Software
Eng., 2013;
titioners to increase user participation 013-9278-4.
t w i t te r.c o m / and involvement in all phases of their 6. S. Kujala, “Effective User Involvement in
i e e e s o f t w a re software development projects as much Product Development by Improving the
Analysis Of User Needs,” Behaviour & Infor-
as possible. The positive effects will not mation Technology, vol. 27, no. 6, 2008, pp.
only help improve the resulting system 457–473.

22 I EEE S o f t w a r e | w w w. c o m p u t e r . o r g / s o f t w a r e
Voice of Evidence

7. J. Gould and C. Lewis, “Designing for Us- System Use,” Management Science, vol. 40, object-oriented development, and HCI communities.
ability: Key Principles and What Designers no. 4, 1994, pp. 440–465. Contact her at
Think,” Comm. ACM, vol. 28, no. 3, 1985,
pp. 300–311. Barbara Paech is a professor of software engi-
8. D. Dean et al., “Enabling the Effective neering at the University of Heidelberg. Her teaching
Involvement of Multiple Users: Methods and Ulrike Abelein is a PhD student in the Depart- and research focuses on methods and processes
Tools for Collaborative Software Engineer- ment of Software Engineering at the University of to ensure quality of software with adequate effort.
ing,” J. Management Information Systems, Heidelberg. Her research focus is on communication Paech is particularly active in the area of require-
vol. 14, no. 3, 1998, pp. 179–222.
between end users and developers in large-scale ments and rational engineering. Contact her at
9. M. Hwang and R. Thorn, “The Effect of User IT projects. Abelein received an MS in computer
Engagement on System Success: A Meta-
science from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
analytical Integration of Research Findings,”
Information & Management, vol. 35, no. 4, (formally known as University of Karlsruhe). Contact
1999, pp. 229–236. her at
10. F. Davis, R. Bagozzi, and P. Warshaw, “User
Helen Sharp is professor of software engineer-
Acceptance of Computer Technology: A
Comparison of Two Theoretical Models,” ing at The Open University. Her research investi-
Management Science, vol. 35, no. 8, 1989, pp. gates the human and social aspects of software Selected CS articles and columns
982–1002. development, focusing on collaboration, teams, and are also available for free at
11. J. Hartwick and H. Barki, “Explaining the user involvement. Sharp has been active as a confer-
Role of User Participation in Information ence organizer in the agile software development,


Special Issue on Virtual Teams

Submission deadline: 1 April 2014 • Publication: November/December 2014
Projects with team members located around the globe • evaluation of the feasibility (for example, by
have become increasingly common in software, R&D, experimentation) of teaming approaches in global
and business processes across all industry sectors. software development,
Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of virtual teams • hands-on examples that demonstrate the applicability
is therefore an increasingly business-critical issue. of different solutions in practice, and
Although much research has focused on globally • industry experience, case studies, and field studies.
distributed teams, little is known about systematic, Each article should clearly outline the problem to be
efficient, and empirically proven methods to establish a addressed, the solution or the findings, (at least) a proof
performing virtual team with regard to its management of concept, and the options for transferring the solution/
and tool support, as well as impacts on a team’s findings into practice.
performance that can arise from human factors and
cultural differences.
For more information about the focus, contact the guest
This special issue aims at collecting empirically validated
solutions that help to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of virtual teams or that increase the quality • Marco Kuhrmann,
of their outcomes. We invite contributions relating but not • Patrick Keil,
limited to • Darja Smite,
• solutions for establishing and managing virtual teams, Full author guidelines:
• measurement of virtual teams’ efficiency,
• social and human aspects in the context of distributed Submission details:
• processes and methods for distributed projects, Submit an article:
• tools to support distributed projects and virtual teams
with empirical demonstration or validation of their

N ov e m be r /D ec e m be r 2013 | I EEE S o f t w a r e  23

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