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Juana Ramos Chantal Lefevre Jeff Sanderson

Mexican, aged 30, Swiss, aged 41 American, aged 54,

Married, two Divorced, one single
children(seven and child(five years old)
nine years old)
1-University degree in
2- Diploma in
A practical experience
in Sales and Marketing.
Speaking Portugese
and Spanish fluently

Her character and

WEAKNESSES Maybe her language
skill isn’t enough good.
But I think her
language skill can
improve easily because
she is a hard-working
person and always

Chantal Lefevre
1/The first strength: Youjuice is currently looking for a Sales and Marketing Director for its sales
facilities, Chantal Lefevre coming from Swiss has strong educational background like University degree
in Business Administration , diploma in Marketing; academic knowledge about sales and marketing;
her admired achievements ( a good sales record in all her previous positions)
2/Your luggage to enter your life not only has a degree but also comes with experience, how to
handle work, skills. And the second strength Chantal Lefevre has a practical experience in Sales and
Marketing. Her experience is two years’s market research, which can make her do enough market
research and produce the customer database results reliable . Her experience is also 15 years’ sales
and marketing in various company. I belive She will built a clear strategy for developing sales.
3/The third strength: The company needs a dynamic director to build its Latin American sales, so
Having worked in Spain and Portugal, Knowing culture of Latin American, Speaking Portugese and
Spanish fluently are advantage.Chantal Lefevre fulfills all 3 factors through: she had worked in Spanish
for one year and in Portugal for six years; She speaks Portugese fluently and Spanish intermediately.
4/ The finally strength: her character and spirit. She is a quite, modest person but very eager to
progress in her career. She answered questions directly and honestly. She is a sociable person. She’s a
cheif organizor of her local tennis club. Therefore, she can have a strong personality with leadership
After having analised the strength and the weaknesses of each candidate , my group decides that
Chantal Lefevre is choosen to be a sales and marketing Director.

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