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Welcome to 2021 and the 5 You’ve spent the last four years birthing
new beginnings, developing the network
Universal Year! and communication necessary to sustain
it, and building strong foundations for the
Yahoo! We’ve finally reached the 5 future… and this year will be about enjoying
Universal Year, and I think it’s safe to say all that hard work with enthusiasm, and
that we’ve all been awaiting this pivotal maybe a bit of recklessness.
half-way mark of the 9-year cycle.
You’re likely to follow new ideas on a
In Numerology, each calendar year holds whim, which can lead you to some grand
a very specific energetic frequency that adventures in the coming year.
affects everyone and everything on the
planet! And while that may mean that you’ll
be traveling to exotic destinations and
2020 was a 4 Universal Year ( 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 embarking on dangerous journeys -
=4) like African safaris or climbing frozen
mountains... that’s not necessarily that
And wooooweeee was it a year full of case for everyone.
hard work, progress, and BIG energetic
shifts. We were all pushed to our limits, For some of us, this deep call for adventure
forced to really knuckle down and get our may actually present itself as an internal
hands dirty in the name of setting goals, voyage, rather than external.
intentions, and then building the solid
foundations to help get us there. Perhaps this means you’ll take up a
new spiritual discipline such as yoga or
But the practical energy of the 4 Universal mindfulness… exploring the depths of your
Year, will be shifting gears in a big way on soul and searching for true life meaning.
January 1st…
Whatever path this year sets you on, one
The Pivot Point of the 9-Year Cycle thing is for sure - it’s bound to be a path full
2021 is a 5 Universal Year ( 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5 ) of excitement, adventure, and exhilarating
And it marks the half-way point of the
9-year cycle, making a notable shift in the 5 is often regarded as the Number of Man,
type of energy we’ll be encountering. which makes sense when you think how
man has 5 fingers, 5 toes, 5 senses
A 5 Universal Year holds a changeable, (sight, smell, taste, touch,
adventurous, and free-spirited energy. It and hearing), and thus 5
welcomes change and new opportunities sensory organs (eyes,
with wide-open arms… so you can expect nose, tongue, skin,
some big changes coming to your life this and ears).

2021 Cosmic Calendar | Numerologist.


Even ancient Chinese tradition tells us may struggle with feeling “tied down” in
that there are 5 elements which make relationships, mortgages, or jobs.
up everything under the heavens (metal,
wood, water, fire, earth) And that the Try to center yourself when feelings of
health of the human body is directly suffocation come up, and remember
correlated to the five major internal organ that these feelings do not always mean
systems (heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and you should abandon ship… Instead, these
spleen). feelings may be calling you towards
addressing an internal restlessness and
But with all this exciting adventure and an urge for change.
pivotal transformation, also comes some
shadows to be wary of. If 2021 was a person, it would be the
strong-willed, independent child who
The high sensory energy of the year is revered for her adventurous spirit,
can lead to possible addictions or rebellious nature, extreme adaptability,
overstimulation, so be careful not to be and yeah sure - who doesn’t always do as
reckless in your indulgences. All things in she’s told.
moderation is a good motto to keep in
mind throughout this coming year. Buckle up and get ready to bust out of
the ordinary, and into the extraordinary
You may also find that commitment this year. Let’s get this party started!
does come easily to you in 2021, and you
6 Universal Month (1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 6)


THE 6 1 Jan 1/1 Numerology Power Day


Venus Enters Capricorn &
Mercury Enters Aquarius

MONTH 11 Jan 1/11 Numerology Power Day

January kicks off our dynamic 13 Jan New Moon in Capricorn
year with a soft and stable
energetic transition. It’s a month 14 Jan Uranus Direct In Taurus
that will center around the home,
family, and relationships with 19 Jan Sun Enters Aquarius
close friends.
28 Jan Full Moon in Leo
The stage is set for domestic bliss
and deeply felt harmony… picture 30 Jan Mercury Retrograde
yourself sitting around a kitchen
table with a big group of family
and friends - sharing good food,
good drinks, and belly laughing time with your special beau - and if you don’t
until your side aches. yet have someone special in your life - this
month may just be the energic edge you’ve
The energy of this month is all about been looking for.
nourishing your relationships and
feeding your soul with things that feel And with a month full of so much time and
good to you. And let’s be honest, nothing energy dedicated to loved ones, don’t forget
feels quite as good as sharing good times to direct some loving energy towards yourself.
with good people.
Remember that self-care and self-nurturing
The 6 is also the number of lovers, so practices can be especially good for the soul.
remember to schedule some special

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 4



The New Year gets a boost on the 1st, with the Uranus, the 7th planet, is known for the
very first power day of the year! 1/1 gives you sudden changes and shocks that it brings into
clear insight into your future, and can even humanity, but during its Retrograde period,
magnify your psychic gifts - so make sure those characteristics have been muffled and
you’re tuned in and listening closely. Decisions inhibited.
you make today are sure to set the directional
course for the remaining year. As ‘The Awakener’ positions direct again, don’t
be surprised if you’re suddenly stricken with
8 JAN: VENUS ENTERS CAPRICORN & new ideas and illusion shattering epiphanies.
As the planet of love (Venus) moves into the And with its position in Taurus, you can expect
disciplined sign of the water goat, you can these new ideals to lead to unexpected shifts
expect to feel a sudden urge for commitment, in the collective workings of money and
maturity, and control in your love life. Maybe it’s tradition.
time to take things to the “next level”, having
a conversation with your partner about future 19 JAN: SUN ENTER AQUARIUS
plans will help ensure that you’re on the same This water bearer brings in a gust of fresh air,
page. and encourages us all to embrace the quirks,
dimples, shadows, and habits that make us
And with the planet of communication so unique and special to the world! Let your
(Mercury) moving into Aquarius, you’ll authenticity shine bright and unfiltered!
suddenly be hyper-focused… it’s very probable
that new ideas popping into your head left and And with Aquarius acting as the Freedom
right, you might want to jot all these brilliant Fighter of the cosmos, you can expect to feel
ideas down so you don’t forget them later! an urge to fight for social justice or other
passionate causes over the next 4 weeks.
Back to back power days at the start of the 28 JAN: FULL MOON IN LEO
New Year means that it’s a time of rapid The Full Moon is the climax of the lunar cycle,
manifestation and heightened consciousness! and its climatic energy meshing up with
The energetic vibes of today are centered Leo happens only once a year. This is a very
around creativity and service to others. magnetic energy that’s filled with heat, fire,
passion, and YES - it means that it’s time to
13 JAN: NEW MOON IN CAPRICORN step out of the shadows and into the spotlight.
Today the moon moves through Capricorn…
our hard-working, tenacious, and far-sighted It’s time to stop overthinking, and put yourself
sign of the cosmos. This energy gives us out there - and don’t worry, the lion won’t let
the stamina, strength, and commitment to you fall.
endure the long game ahead…
This makes it a great day to put the hard work RETROGRADE IN AQUARIUS
in, and tackle those long-term plans and Oh yes, the first Mercury retrograde of
ambitions that you set in the New Year. 2021, and it’s happening in spunky and
eccentric Aquarius. This means you’ll want
Think about your long-term career goals, to be extra careful how you approach your
investment strategies, and 5,10,15 year life communications during the coming weeks.
plans. This may seem a little overwhelming to Petty arguments and misunderstandings can
tackle all at once, but Capricorn’s watchful eye be magnified, so pay special attention to your
provides the ideal energy to map out these relationships.
very thought-driven plans.

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 5

7 Universal Month (2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 7)


1 Feb Imbolc

THE 7 2 Feb 2/2 Numerology Power Day

11 Feb Full Moon in Aquarius

UNIVERSAL 12 Feb Chinese New Year
MONTH 18 Feb Sun Enters Pisces
The number 7 is forcing you to slow 20 Feb Mercury Stations Direct
down this month, take your foot
off the gas pedal, re-orient your 22 Feb 2/22 Numerology Power Day
focus, and re-evaluate the bigger
questions in your life. 23 Feb New Moon in Virgo

This means that you’ll need to make

plenty of time to be alone with your
thoughts this month, figuring out
whether the desires that you hold in
meaning, and the higher wisdom that your
your inner world, are lining up with the habits
personal experience holds.
and tendencies you hold in your outer world.
It’s a great month for journaling, meditating,
and seeking out universal wisdom. You could
7 is often thought of as the wise sage, or
learn life-changing things this month if you
spiritual seeker, on a quest for deep and inner
give yourself the right head-space for it.

Remember, this is a month of learning - not

Allow the vibrations of this month to draw
you inwards to reflect on your life’s purpose,

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The first day of February always coincides Life may start to look a little more dreamy, as
with the ancient Celtic fire festival of Imbolc. the Sun joins forces with emotional Pisces.
Which means it’s time to celebrate the
coming Spring with fire ceremonies, bringing In the coming weeks, you may notice that
the lightness and banishing the darkness. your empathy skyrockets. And remember that
And I think we’re all ready for the cheer and Pisces is notorious for taking on the vibration
joy that the sunshine and flowers of Spring of their surroundings, so be careful who
promise us. you hang around because you’ll be soaking
up their energy like a sponge. Your mantra
And for all of you Southern Hemisphere folks, of this season is ‘boundaries, boundaries,
it’s your time to celebrate Llamas - the first boundaries!’
harvest. This is a time of deep gratitude and
thankfulness, a shedding of the old to make And as the astrological year enters its final
room for the new. phase, this is an excellent time to release
anything (or anyone) that’s no longer serving
2 FEB: 2/2 NUMEROLOGY POWER DAY you or your higher purpose.
The number 2 brings with it an energy of
divine grace, power, and intuition. On a 2/2 20 FEB: MERCURY DIRECT IN AQUARIUS
Power Day, the veil between the spiritual and Congratulations! You survived the first
the physical is at its thinnest, so your ability Mercury Retrograde of 2021. Let’s all breathe
to sense energies, currents, and feelings will a collective sigh of relief as Mercury resumes
be at an all high time today. It’s a good day its orbit and our communications go back to
to connect with your inner guidance and tap normal. Finally, we can use sarcasm again!
into the Source Energy that surrounds you.
Breath fresh air into new beginnings and As if 2/2 wasn’t already intense enough... today
revolutions with today’s New Moon. The New is like 2/2 on steroids! Sensitivity, empathy,
Moon calls you to sweep away the cobwebs and intuition are dialed up to the MAX today.
of old and make room for the light of new. You can use this amplified energy to your
And with its position in Aquarius, you can advantage - pull cards, read the runes, crystal
expect this to be a time of both complexity gaze, or whatever else floats your divinatory
and clarification. boat.

Rather than focusing on personal growth and And remember that the 2 symbolizes
gain, this energy is focused on the collective. partnerships, so it’s a great day to deep dive
So it’s a good time to invest energy and into more authentic connections with your
passion for improving your community. lover, partner, family, and friends.


A new beginning of a different type comes The Full Moon is already filled with energetic
with the Chinese New Year of the Ox. The and high-level vibes, but when you combine
Ox brings with it a year of value, hard work, that with the fast-paced, efficient, and ultra-
and honesty. The Ox believes that everyone organized Virgo energy… it means sh*t is
should do what’s asked of him, and staying about to get done.
within his own lane. He’s low maintenance,
doesn’t look for praise or seek attention, but Virgo brings about order and clarity, effectively
gains recognition through his many talents giving us an energetic ‘face-lift’ of sorts. This
and dedication to hard work. The Ox is kind is the perfect time to finish up any of those
and rarely loses his temper. delayed projects and finally bring closure to
the stagnant areas of your life.
2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 7
8 Universal Month (3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 8)


3 Mar 3/3 Numerology Power Day

8 Mar
8/8 Numerology Power Day

13 Mar Friday 13th & Pisces Full Moon

UNIVERSAL 14 Mar Pi Day!
MONTH 20 Mar Sun Enters Aries & Ostara
(Spring Equinox)
Power to the Self! - is the mantra
of this month. This month brings 24 Mar New Moon in Libra
a massive focus to the areas of
self-improvement, bringing with 30 Mar 3/30 Numerology Power Day
it the strength and determination
you need to drive success.

Still riding off the efficient vibes

of the Virgo Full Moon, this is
the ideal time to implement
everything you learned during last month’s 8 represents wealth and prosperity, so if
introspective energies. you play your cards right, this may be a very
lucrative month for you. But remember,
This is a very powerful vibration, symbolizing the 8 uses this energy for the greater good
balance and everflowing energy… making - not solely for personal gain.
it an ideal time to work on the creation of
money, business, achievement, success,
and influence.

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Expect today to be a magical day full of EQUINOX
growth, magic, and endless possibilities. 3 is When the sun swings into the first sign of
often referred to as the number of the child - the Zodiac, it marks the beginning of the
it represents creativity, communication, and astrological New Year, the start of Aries
expression. season, AND the beginning of spring in the
northern hemisphere!
Today you’re being encouraged to stop
being so serious, lighten up, smile, play,
laugh, and enjoy the everyday magic of the This fresh burst of energy is driving you
world around you! to spread your wings and fly off towards
new horizons and bloom into glorious
manifestations. Combine that with the self-
improvement energy of this month, and
DAY you’ve got the makings of something truly
With it being the 8th day of an 8 Universal magical.
Month, we have the frequency of number 8
being amplified to great heights today! Push yourself past your comfort zone, love
yourself radically and without hesitation,
The number 8 symbolized renewal and ooze confidence, and go after your desires
constant flowing of energy (think of the
with firepower and passion.
eternity symbol). Today is a good day for
creation... especially in terms of money,
business, achievement, success, and 28 MAR: FULL MOON IN LIBRA
influence. So if you’ve been dreaming of This month’s lunar cycle comes to climax in
starting up that new business - today is a level-headed Libra, which is directly opposite
great day for that! of the Sun’s new position in Aries.

13 MAR: NEW MOON IN PISCES These two cosmic children couldn’t be

The power of the divine feminine is meeting more different - and while Aries is primarily
up with the whimsical and mystical energies concerned with the self, Libra is focused on
of Pisces, and together they create a beautiful partnership.
and gentle lunation of birth, creation, and
new beginnings. This is a time of fairness, equality, and balance.
The energy of this Full Moon is overflowing
It’s also a day of high sensitivity, and if you’re with gentleness and generosity.
not careful boundaries can easily be crossed.
Take time today to strengthen your auric
So remember - care for your neighbors,
field and ground yourself in the bountiful
love your family. And if you stumble upon
energy of mother earth.
anything that no longer serves you, show
yourself some Libran love and let it go.
A day that’s celebrated by Numerology nerds
and math geeks all around the globe! Pi is
one of life’s greatest mysteries - an irrational
The second childlike energetic power day of
number that starts with 3.14… that goes on,
the month! We dare you to get creative and
and on, and on, and on!
release your inner muse! Frolick through
fields, sing at the top of your lungs, paint,
Take part in the celebrations by eating pie,
dance, and PLAY!
have a bake-off with your co-workers, eat pie,
memorize as much of Pi as you can, eat pie,
write a poem about Pi, and did we mention
eat pie?
2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 9
9 Universal Month (4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 9)


4 Apr 4/4 Numerology Power Day

THE 9 9 Apr 9/9 Numerology Power Day
UNIVERSAL 8 Apr New Moon in Aries

MONTH 19 Apr Sun enters Taurus

22 Apr Mercury, Venus & Uranus
April brings with it the end of the
numerical cycle, and with it comes Conjunctions
closure and transcendence. This can
bring you gifts in more ways than
26 Apr Full Moon in Scorpio
one, but that doesn’t mean that it 27 Apr Pluto Stations Retrograde in
will feel easy.
In fact, it’ll probably feel really, really
hard. Letting go and moving on
from people and situations that Think of it like the Grandpa of numerology… he’s
drain your energy is never an easy task... but it wise beyond his years, could care less about
is always a task that results in a freer, lighter, riches or fame, and instead makes it a point
and more authentic self. to dance, sing, and volunteer his free time to
helping others in need.
So trust the endings that are coming into
fruition this month, and allow yourself to let He lived long enough to know what really
them go. matters in life, and that what he puts his energy
The money and success-driven energy of last
month has been left behind, and instead, we’re You’re being called to release the past and
greeted with the wisdom, maturity, creative welcome in the spiritual growth and evolution
and artistic pursuits that the 9 brings forth. that’s awaiting you!

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4 APR: 4/4 NUMEROLOGY POWER perfect time to manifest your desires.

DAY How? Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude!
Today holds a powerful frequency of
grounding and practical energy. The 4 is 22 APR: MERCURY, VENUS & URANUS
strong and stable, systematic, organized, CONJUNCTIONS
and extremely efficient. That makes today On April 22, a series of conjunctions between
an ideal time to get yourself organized. Lay some of our solar system's smallest (yet
down the solid foundation that will support mighty) planets kicks off. On April 22, Venus
the future you envision for yourself. conjuncts Uranus, on April 24, Mercury
conjuncts Uranus and on April 25, Mercury
9 APR: 9/9 NUMEROLOGY POWER conjuncts Venus. This has the potential to be
DAY a period of connection, love and unexpected
The 9th day of a 9 Universal Month makes surprises so embrace the moment when it
today a 9/9 Power Day! 9 is often referred to comes your way.
as the “finishing post”, it represents the end
of the numerological cycle. And it’s energy is All three of these planets are hanging out
very wise and spiritual in nature. Today is a in Taurus. Thanks to Taurus’ strong and
good day for getting closure, ending cycles dependable nature, your relationships and
or patterns, and reflecting on the lessons love life are going to feel secure today. But on
learned along that way. the opposite side of that spectrum, Uranus
is going to have you questioning your
It’s a good idea to get your journal out and views and challenging your beliefs. This can
write down how you’re feeling today as you actually be a great thing... remember that
reflect on these endings... (and remember, growth comes when we’re challenged, so try
endings = new beginnings). to keep an open mind and remain curious
It’s time to be brave. This New Moon brings 26 APR: FULL MOON IN SCORPIO
with it an energy that’s used to coming first, Are you ready for the intensity? Because
being bold, courageous, taking risks, and
being unafraid of failure.
that’s what this Full Moon is bringing.

Believe in yourself and allow this powerhouse Scorpio, the fixed water sign of power,
energy to dig deep into what YOU really want money, sex, and transformation is
in life, forget about everyone else for just this controlling the energy of this month’s
once… it’s time to propel yourself into the illumination - which means you’re being
world! called to look within and intensely
examine these areas of your life.
The flames of Aries season are burnt out 27 APR: PLUTO STATIONS
and the sensuality of Taurus season steps RETROGRADE IN CAPRICORN
up to take the reigns. Pluto is the planet of rebirth and
transformation, so expect to dive deep into
The coming weeks will be all about your shadow side during this period.
quality… good food, good company, and
good vibes. Take plenty of time to slow You may feel like purging people (or things)
down, stop and smell the roses - because from your life that hold you back and keep
this is a sign all about indulgences and you down… this is time to renew yourself with
delicacies. things (and people) that feel good to you!

Taurus rules over material wealth and

abundance, which means this is the
2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 11
1 Universal Month (5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 10 ; 1 + 0 = 1)


THE 1 1 May Beltane (May Day)

UNIVERSAL 5 May 5/5 Numerology Power Day

11 May New Moon in Taurus

14 May Jupiter in Pisces

With May comes a brand new
Universal Cycle, bringing in fresh 20 May Sun enters Gemini
energy that’s locked, loaded, and
ready to go! 23 May Saturn Retrograde in
The 1 brings passion, creativity,
trailblazing adventures, and a real 26 May Full Moon and Total Lunar
“all or nothing” outlook on life. Eclipse in Sagittarius
This energy is often to referred to a
“the beginning of all things”, so it’s
only natural that you’ll be pulled
towards starting something new this
month - a new hobby, a new class, a
new lifestyle, a new business…

The 1 represents individuality, so this is a great time to break away from the herd and really put
yourself out there. The energy that 1 brings will supply you with confidence, ambition, and bravery
- so get out there and show the world what a true leader looks like!

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1 MAY: BELTANE (MAY DAY) notebook near!

Kicking off this 1 universal month right is
Beltane - the Celtic cross-quarter festival of 23 MAY: SATURN STATIONS
Spring. It represents the peak of spring, and RETROGRADE IN AQUARIUS
the beginning of summer… a time when life is As Saturn, the planet of time and karma,
literally budding from the Earth. It’s a time to retrogrades... we are being given the space
celebrate abundance, fertility, and life. we need to reflect on the choices we’ve made
that have led us to where we are today. And
being stationed in Aquarius, this reflection
5 MAY: 5/5 NUMEROLOGY POWER DAY is going to be focused on the areas of
Angel number 55 makes an appearance individuality and your impact on humanity at
today, bringing with it adventurous energy large.
that sparks freedom and spontaneity
through the collective consciousness! Allow Ask yourself: have you been making decisions
this energy to take you on a wild adventure that prioritize your unique desires and
today, do something different and sway from personality… or have you been giving in to the
the routine! status quo? Are you positively contributing to
humanity, or are you taking more than you
11 MAY: NEW MOON IN TAURUS give? This isn’t a time for judgment or doing,
This lunation is slowing things down, making it is simply a time for reflection.
it the perfect time to sow seeds of powerful
intention. Taurus reminds us of the sensual 26 MAY: FULL MOON / TOTAL LUNAR
beauty that the earth, soil, trees, and all living ECLIPSE IN SAGITTARIUS
beings have… Hang on to your hats, because this lunation is
packing a big punch! This super moon will be
You’re being called to drop out of your head, closer to Earth than normal and because of
into your heart, and remember just how that it will look bigger, brighter, and its effects
beautiful everything really is. will be felt greater.

And Sagittarius has her arrow pointed forward,

seeking truth and a deeper understanding.
With the planet of luck and adventure
Expect boundaries to be crossed and lies to
(Jupiter) moving into the deeply empathic
be revealed.
sign of Pisces, you can expect today to be
filled with free-spirited energy that is gung-
And as the moon passes completely through
ho on making a positive impact in the world.
Earth’s dark shadow, the moon will gradually
get darker and darker - eventually taking on
Today is good today to fill your mind, body,
a rusty or blood red color. Eclipses bring forth
and home with things that uplift you, make
powerful changes and big revelations.
you feel at peace and bring true happiness to
your life. So that means - declutter, clean, and
donate! Your spirit will feel lighter, and you’ll
get that added sense of satisfaction that
Mercury is once again retrograde, and this
comes with donating to those in need.
time it’s right at home in the quick and
restless mutable air sign Gemini.
As the sun enters into light-footed Gemini, we
You can feel like life is accelerating at a
are being thrust into a month full of easy social
groundbreaking pace, with thoughts, words,
interactions and breezy communications.
ideas, facts, and opinions flying around you at
This month is perfect for networking, parties,
dating, and just generally chatting up
everyone and anyone you may meet.
You’re likely to feel a bit scatter-brained during
this retrograde period, so use a daily planner
This gentle air sign is a quick learner, so you
to keep yourself as organized and focused as
might want to keep a notebook handy to jot
down any brilliant ideas that pop into your
head. Gemini can also be a little nervous
and fidgety… another great reason to keep a
2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 13
11/2 Universal Month (6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11 ; 1 + 1 = 2)

THE 11/2 2 Jun 2/2 Numerology Power Day
UNIVERSAL 6 Jun 6/6 Numerology Power Day

MONTH 10 Jun New Moon Solar Eclipse in

Oh yes... the month we’ve all been 11 Jun 11/11 Numerology Power Day
waiting for! June holds the powerful
vibration of Master Number 11 - so 20 Jun Sun Enters Cancer &
get ready for an energy ripple of Summer Solstice
otherworldly proportions to be sent
through the collective.
22 Jun Mercury Direct in Gemini
23 Jun Full Moon in Capricorn
Spiritual expansion and rapid
growth are in the cards this month, 25 Jun Neptune Stations Direct
and keyword here is ‘rapid’.

We’re being pulled up out of our

stagnation by the seat of our pants,
so to speak, and the Universe is
demanding we grow up and learn our lessons
quickly! We’re also experiencing an underlying 2
vibration, which will bring relationships, love,
This month holds double the 1 energy that and cooperation to the forefront.
we saw in May, so expect the momentum of
new projects to continue full steam ahead this This month is about balance… between you and
month. others, between your heart and your head, and

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 14


6 JUN: 6/6 NUMEROLOGY POWER Prepare yourself for 30 days of emotional

DAY sensitivity, family-focused attention, and
The 6’s combine today, bringing forth empathy that stretches for miles.
nurturing vibrations that will encourage us
all to reach out to friends, family, and loved And with Jupiter stationing retrograde
ones. in Pisces, you expect an abundance of
profound (yet very emotional) inner growth.
We’re being called to nurture our souls with This is a time to look within, adjust your inner
meaningful connection and love, and of compass, and expand your compassion.
course, this includes loving yourself too!
ECLIPSE IN GEMINI You’ll be able to focus a lot better now, with
This annual solar eclipse happens when Mercury resuming it’s regularly scheduled
the moon is too far away from the earth programming upstairs in the cosmos. The
to completely cover the sun, this results in scattered anxiety of the previous weeks
a halo-like appearance of light around the will start to subside and you can get your
moon. calendar organized once more.

And with this New Moon’s placement in 24 JUN: FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN
Gemini, change is in the air. If you’ve been This powerful lunation in ambitious and
feeling restless it’s because you’re about to practical Capricorn is shining light onto
deep dive into complete regeneration… with responsibilities and duties you need to
your consciousness, inspiration, and insight accomplish in order to reach your highest
being activities at a rapid pace. goals. You’re being called to think long and
hard about your goals, wishes, and dreams
11 JUN: 11/11 NUMEROLOGY POWER of the future… and exactly HOW you plan on
DAY getting there.
With it being the 3rd day of a 3 Universal
Month, we have a very playful Numerology 25 JUN: NEPTUNE STATIONS
Uh oh, TWO planets stationed retrograde in
3 is the number of the child, so let yourself Pisces (at the same time as Cancer season
be footloose and fancy-free! Be wildly
no less) can only mean one thing… emotions
romantic, play instead of work, and relish
are high and spirituality is heightened!
in the everyday magic that surrounds you.
Today is a great day for a ‘digital detox’...
put the phone down and really enjoy your Neptune is the master of illusions, so during
day. this retrograde period, expect the veil to be
thinned and the truth to become blatantly
20 JUN: SUN ENTER CANCER obvious. This is a powerful time to manifest
(SUMMER SOLSTICE) / JUPITER your deepest desires.
Today officially marks the mid-point of the
year, with the Sun entering into maternal
and emotional Cancer.

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 15

3 Universal Month (7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 12 ; 1 + 2 = 3)


THE 3 3 Jul 3/3 Numerology Power Day

UNIVERSAL 7 Jul 7/7 Numerology Power Day

9 Jul New Moon in Cancer
MONTH 13 Jul Venus Conjunct Mars
After the intensity and heavy
22 Jul Sun enters Leo
work of the last few months, July
is a welcome ray of sunshine that 23 Jul Full Moon in Aquarius
brings more authentic, artistic,
and free-thinking energy into 29 Jul Mars Opposite Jupiter
the picture.

The overarching theme of this

month is finding true happiness,
joy, and meaning in life - and not sitting in a hot bath every night, or laughing
by doing the things you have to do, but by with friends during a weekly game night.
doing the things you like to do.
Make it a point to laugh and smile every
Your motto this month is: Find ways to feel single day, embrace your inner child… And
good most importantly - let go of the false belief
that success only comes from the daily
Whatever that means to you... maybe it’s grind, and instead choose to believe that
taking long walks (without your cell phone), wherever happiness goes - abundance

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 16


3 JUL: 3/3 NUMEROLOGY POWER And with Leo’s leadership vibration, you’re
DAY not going to be afraid of stepping into the
With it being the 3rd day of a 3 Universal spotlight and taking charge of what you
Month, we have a very playful Numerology want. This is a good time for intimate, and
Power Day! sexual relations

3 is the number of the child, so let yourself 22 JUL: SUN ENTERS LEO
be footloose and fancy-free! Be wildly
romantic, play instead of work, and relish RAWR! Get ready for 30 days of sass, power,
in the everyday magic that surrounds you. creativity, and energy - because the King
Today is a great day for a ‘digital detox’... put has returned to the prairie.
the phone down and really enjoy your day.
You’re being encouraged to take the stage
7 JUL: 7/7 NUMEROLOGY POWER and let your light shine bright, now is not
DAY the time to hold back your authenticity.
The number 7 will be amplifying the
collective energy field into a deep dive Flaunt your passions, hopes, talents, dreams,
of inner-wisdom, truth, and guidance. and desires for the whole to see it. The Lion
This is your opportunity to dig deep brings an air of (much needed) confidence
below the surface, re-evaluate your and playfulness into the collective vibration
goals, question your moral codes, and - so get out there and have some fun!
seek out true enlightenment.
9 JUL: NEW MOON IN CANCER Still riding on the waves of confidence that
With the New Moon positioned in Cancer, Leo has brought into your life, comes a Full
get ready to open up and really FEEL the Moon that is forcing you to step outside
essence of your darkness and shadow your comfort zone and embrace your
side. The New Moon is a time to go within, unique individuality!
address our shadows, sit with them, feel
them, and move past them. Aquarius encourages you to break free from
the crowd and step into your authentic self,
Cancer has a tendency to go into emotion and YES that means fully embracing all of
overload, and that’s okay, it’s a sign that your eccentricities and quirks.
you’re doing the hard work that needs to
be done. Give yourself grace and space to This lunation could mean powerful
allow those feelings to surface. shifts for your intellect, innovation, and
communication - but only if you let it.
And as you come out from the shadows,
allow the nurturing, loving, and empathic 29 JUL: MARS OPPOSITE JUPITER
vibration of Cancer to swaddle you up into Mars opposite Jupiter is one of the
a big hug until the tears subside. luckiest transits of all! Today you will
have an increased sense of confidence,
13 JUL: VENUS CONJUNCT MARS competitiveness, and a deep desire to win.
With this transit, as Venus conjuncts It’s a good day for taking risks and making
Mars, we will have a collision of feminine adventurous decisions.
and masculine energy… our passions and
desires and going to take on a very strong Just remember that there is a difference
active energy. between confident and careless.

2021 Cosmic Calendar |

4 Universal Month (8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 13 ; 1 + 3 = 4)


THE 4 1 Aug Lammas/Lughnasadh

4 Aug 4/4 Numerology Power Day
UNIVERSAL 8 Aug 8/8 Numerology Power Day

MONTH 8 Aug Lionsgate Portal (8/8)

8 Aug New Moon in Leo
The fun and games of July
have come to a close, and now 19 Aug Uranus Stations Retrograde
we’re being greeted with the
structured, diligent, and straight-
22 Aug Full Moon in Aquarius
shooting vibration that 4 brings 22 Aug Sun Enters Virgo
into August!

This month will be all about

planning, strategizing, and
making sure you have strong
foundations rooted deep into the
If you play your cards right, this month can
The 4 is extremely resourceful, so this is
manifest great things for you in the realms
an excellent month to get all your ducks
of money, wealth, power, and influence…
in a row, buckle down and do the work
but remember without a strong foundation,
necessary to get you from “I want that” to “I
everything comes crashing down.
have that”.

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 18



The ancient Celtic celebration of Lammas To put it bluntly, it means that it’s time
(or Lughnasadh) marks the midway to try something new. Unleash your
point between the summer solstice creativity, flaunt your talents, and harness
and the autumn equinox. In traditional your fierce power.
times, this day celebrated the first
harvest, often associated with baking 19 AUG: URANUS STATIONS
bread from the freshly harvested wheat. RETROGRADE IN TAURUS
And although this ancient tradition As the “Awakener” stations retrograde
has taken many forms, it’s still an ideal today, expect to see some sudden
time to pause and express gratitude changes and big shifts happening in your
for all you’ve received in the year so far. life. And with its planetary alignment in
Taurus this may mean that your personal
If you reside in the Southern Hemisphere, liberties are being brought into the light…
you are instead encountering the Festival
of Imbolc, and can celebrate the fresh air You’ll be viewing life from a whole new
and new energy of the coming Spring! perspective, throwing out the things
that aren’t working, and creating
4 AUG: 4/4 NUMEROLOGY POWER a whole new paradigm of values.
On the 4th Day of this 4 Universal Month, 22 AUG: SUN ENTERS VIRGO / FULL
we have a Numerology Power Day that MOON IN AQUARIUS
is centered around the structured and
foundational energy of the 4. Forget about spring cleaning... Virgo
season is the real MVP of decluttering and
Today is a great day for productivity, so organization. And now that the sun has
you can finally get around to checking entered into Virgo cosmic territory, you
off those items on your mile-long to-do can expect the next 30 days to be filled
list (hey, we all procrastinate these things with cleaning, clearing, and efficiency.
from time to time!)
And with this full lunation in Aquarius,
8 AUG: 8/8 NUMEROLOGY POWER you can expect to clear out the illusions
DAY / NEW MOON IN LEO/ LIONS and make-believe constructs that have
GATE PORTAL been hampering your growth. Making
August 8th, also known as the “Lionsgate room for you to harness and tap into
Portal”, marks the peak of a high- your true potential and capabilities.
frequency energy stream that’s running
in full force for the next 3 weeks. Bringing
an energetic, vibrational, and spiritual

What’s it mean if this energetic alignment

is happening at the same time as a Leo

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 19

5 Universal Month (9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 14 ; 1 + 2 = 5)


THE 5 6 Sept New Moon in Virgo

UNIVERSAL 5 Sept 5/5 Numerology Power Day

MONTH 9 Sept 9/9 Numerology Power Day

20 Sept Full Moon in Pisces
The start of the school year might be
a little rough this year... considering 22 Sept Sun Enters Libra & Autumn
we’re being greeted with the Equinox
adventurous and freedom-seeking
energy of 5 this month! 29 Sept Mercury Stations Retrograde

This month is full of changes and

very high vibrational energy, you’ll
likely feel “stuck” or “bored” in your

what has been pleasant and

enjoyable to you so far, will suddenly
seem dull and mundane. away) from your daily grind. Sprinkle some
diversity in it to make it more palatable and
But this does not mean you should ditch the fun, keep things footloose and fancy-free,
routine altogether! don’t take anything too seriously, and above all
remember: excellence does not come without
Instead, find new things to add (or take flexibility.

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 20


5 SEPT: 5/5 NUMEROLOGY POWER With “the Mystic” of the cosmos directing
DAY this energy of this lunation, you can expect
A powerful vibration will be felt throughout heightened dreams, amplified empathy,
the ethers today as we enter the 5th Day of and a sudden interest in the creative arts.
our 5 Universal Year!
This is a good time to start up a new
The vibration of our entire year will be practice, habit, or routine that is focused
magnified today, so it’s a good day for towards the artistic or spiritual.
making changes, embarking on adventures,
and welcoming new opportunities! Let today
guide you into unknown territory, it will be
fun - promise!
As the sun enters into the peacekeeper of
the cosmos, life as we know it is about to
become much more enjoyable, agreeable,
Virgo’s mutable energy is demanding
and care-free.
you take action, begging you to *finally*
get your life together!
Libra brings a much-needed balance
into the energetics of the collective,
This New Moon (like most other New
demanding fairness, justice, love, and
Moons) will force you to look inwards
beauty for everyone.
at your shadow sides and demons. But
unlike other New Moons, the Virgo energy
The Autumn Equinox marks the moment
present today will draw your attention to
when night and day are equal all around
your health and physical body.
the globe. Marking the beginning of fall
in the Northern Hemisphere, and the
Pain special attention to any aches and
beginning of spring in the Southern
pains you feel today and dedicate some
time to indulge in self-care that nourishes
your temple.
The 9, being the end of the numeric cycle,
When Mercury stations retrograde in
represents closure, release, and most
Libra, we’re hit with a different type of
importantly - regeneration.
energetic upset. Instead of the usual
communication and tech malfunctions -
Take today to address the cobwebs in your
we’re dealing with temptations to change
closet, clear them out, and make room
our physical appearance (remember,
for new things, people, and energies that
Libra rules beauty, grace, and charm).
serve your higher purpose. Rebirth can
only happen where there’s room to grow.
Resist the urge to get a makeover or
dramatically change your style during
this time, or mischievous Mercury is likely
This Full Moon is filled with dreamy,
to intervene… and not in a good way.
mystical, and ultra-creative vibrations.
And now more than ever, expect your
intuitive” spidey senses” to be heightened
to new levels.

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 21

6 Universal Month (1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 6)

THE 6 6 Oct New Moon in Libra
UNIVERSAL 6 Oct Pluto Stations Direct in

10 Oct Saturn stations Direct in
We’ve officially come full circle! Aquarius
This is the second 6 Universal
Month of the year and, just like
18 Oct Jupiter stations Direct in
January, this month will be very Aquarius
18 Oct Mercury stations Direct in
And just in time for the warm and
cozy vibes of the Holiday Season! 20 Oct New Moon in Libra
It’s time to bring your energy 22 Oct Sun Enters Scorpio
back to the things (and people)
that really matter in your life. If 31 Oct Samhain (Halloween)
you’ve been neglecting quality
time spent with family or friends,
this month is the perfect time to
reconnect! truly nourishing to the soul you first have
to simmer the ingredients (friends, family,
And don’t skimp on quality time just and love) on low heat for many, many,
to “check it off the list” this month... no many hours…
5-minute coffee dates spent with your
head in your phone! And get ready to experience A LOT of
energetic shifts this month, because we
Think of this month as a big ‘ol bowl of have 4 planets stationing direct… So grab
relationship stew - in order for it to be your friends, and buckle up.

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 22



Today New Moon is bringing in gentle, DIRECT IN LIBRA
sweet, and loving vibes into the Today we have a double whammy, with
collective. Remember the sign of scales Jupiter stationing direct in Aquarius
is all about justice, relationships, fairness, and Mercury stationing direct in Libra.
and partnerships… which makes this a In layman's terms that means Jupiter
great time for starting new relationships and Aquarius are teaming up to make
or bringing balance into your life. sure we soak up as much information as
possible from the people who surround
And with Pluto stationing direct in us.
Capricorn, you can expect your eyes to be
opened up to the bigger picture of what And you can finally get that makeover
you, and the collective, need to change you’ve been postponing while Mercury
in order to reach transcendence. was retrograde in Libra.


DAY This lunation is sure to be a firecracker,
On the 10th day of October, we have a with Aries bringing in the bold and brazen
day that is rooted in the energy of action energy of the Ram. Be on the lookout for
and new beginnings. As the number your confidence, drive, independence to
10 symbolizes wholeness, and it also go into hyper mode, you’re likely to feel
reduces down to the number 1 - which inevitable during this powerful energy…
symbolizes action. use this unstoppable force to help you
manifest your deepest desires.
And today, that energy is doubled up
and powerfully magnified. So if you’ve 23 OCT: SUN ENTERS SCORPIO
been planning out a new project or goal. And just in time for spooky season, in
Today is a great day to take action and swoops Scorpio season - the mystical
START! and deeply misunderstood zodiac
sign of the cosmos. Often mistaken
10 OCT: SATURN STATIONS DIRECT IN as possessive, this sign is actually just
AQUARIUS extremely passionate and devotional.
Saturn, the zodiac’s task maker that rules The next 30 days will be a great time to
time and commitments is stationing invest your energy into relationships,
direct in Aquarius today, so consider this passion projects, and yes - sexual desires.
your opportunity to dive head first into
the hardships and lessons that you’ve 31 OCT: HALLOWEEN / SAMHAIN
been learning over the past several Samhain marks the one night a year that
months. the veil, which separates the physical and
spiritual worlds, is at it’s thinnest. This is
During its retrograde period, you were an ideal time to practice divination, ritual,
likely to encounter fears and uncertainties and spiritual connection of any and all
centered around commitments and kinds - magick and spells are thought to
relationships - now these fears will hold more power on this day.
start falling away and you can focus on
building these aspects of your life to be You folks in the Southern Hemisphere are
stronger. lucky enough to be celebrating Beltane -
the blooming peak of springtime fertility.
2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 23
7 Universal Month (1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 7)


4 Nov New Moon in Scorpio
7 Nov 7/7 Numerology Power Day
UNIVERSAL 10 Nov Mercury Conjunct Mars

MONTH 11 Nov 11:11 Portal & Numerology

Power Day
Remember how February forced
you to slow down and go within? 19 Nov Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in
Well, get ready for another dose,
because November is bringing 21 Nov Sun Enters Sagittarius
the vibration of 7 back into your
energy field!

This month brings introspection

into your life, demanding you
to find solitude, re-evaluate
your life mission statement,
and contemplate the “big why” and your intentions this month… it’s an
behind your purpose and motivation. important part of self-growth and spiritual
enlightenment so be sure to take this “me
It’s a good thing you spent so much quality time” very seriously.
time with friends and family last month
because this month is all about YOU. Use the energy of this month to journal
and express gratitude for the things you’re
You’ll be spending a lot of time with thankful for in life - perfect timing for
yourself, your thoughts, your plans, Thanksgiving and fall harvest.

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 24



Scorpio is a sign that oozes release, NUMEROLOGY POWER DAY
combine that with the magnetic Say hello to the most powerful
power of the New Moon, and you have manifestation day of the year! Once a
a recipe of incredible transformation year, this Numerology Power Day lines
and electrifying new beginnings. Take up all the 1s to maximize your deepest
this time to do some self-reflection: desires and biggest wishes.
What needs to be released from your
life? What can be transformed? What Use your thoughts wisely today, because
beautiful new beginnings can you you just might get exactly what you
birth? wish for…


Lucky number 7! Today is the 7th day of Lunar eclipses (also known as blood
a 7 Universal Month, and you can expect moons) always occur in unison with
to feel the energy of the 7 magnified the Full Moon, when the Sun and Moon
today. This makes today an ideal time to oppose each other in the sky.
question the norms of society and dig
deep into your own inner beliefs. With this power lunation happening in
Taurus, you can expect a powerful day
Ask yourself WHY and don’t stop until of manifestation in the realms of love,
you feel satisfied with the answers money, and luxury.
you’ve received.
10 NOV: MERCURY CONJUNCT MARS If you’ve been homebody this year, get
With the planet of communication, ready to be bitten by the travel bug as
Mercury, moving into a challenging the Sun enters into Sagittarius - the
aspect with fiery Mars, today your traveler of the zodiac.
interactions with others may pack a
punch. Under this cosmic alignment, Travel for the Holidays and embarking
you may find yourself quick-tempered on daring adventures is sure to be in
and aggressive in your approach which the cards for you over the next 30 days.
may not get you where you want to be… Give in to the urge for adventure and
further exacerbating your frustrations. see where it leads you.

Don’t forget though, it goes both ways.

So, as well as reining in your own heated
exchanges, be sure to be understanding
when others fly off the handle too. If you
can keep your cool, you’ll win the day!

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 25

8 Universal Month (1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 8)

1 Dec Neptune Stations Direct in
THE 8 4 Dec New Moon & Solar Eclipse in

12 Dec 12/12 Numerology Power
18 Dec Full Moon in Gemini
Arguably one the best energetic
frequencies we could be on to ride 19 Dec Venus Stations Retrograde
out the rest of 2021…. in Capricorn

The 8 brings us self-empowerment 21 Dec Sun enters Capricorn &

vibes that pull us towards expansion, Winter Solstice
growth, and divine compassion.
28 Dec Jupiter Enters Pisces
This month brings an energy of
renewal and an eternal energy flow…
we’re reminded that ALL things in life
are connected with the cycle of life,
death, and rebirth. built from the same stardust, and we all feel the
vibrations of the cosmos.
We are all connected, all brothers, all sisters, all
creatures residing on this big, living/breathing This month reminds us of our connectedness,
rock that’s floating in outer space. of our humanity, and of our undying infinite
compassion for one another.
We all share the same energy source, we’re all

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 26



Prepare for your vision to get a little As the planet of love and luxury moves
more blurry, not literally but figuratively, retrograde in the sign of ambition and
as the planet of Illusions stations direct goals, you can expect a wrench to be
once more. Over the last several months thrown into the future plans you’ve
the veil was lifted and you likely saw mapped out for your relationships. Not
people, things, and situations for what saying that’s a bad thing, remember
they really are. Now you will be walking that sometimes limits and boundaries
in divine bliss once more. are necessary in order to make more
room for your own needs and desires.
Sagittarius is starting off this new WINTER SOLSTICE
lunar cycle right, bringing up a Ending the year off with a bang, the
huge opportunity to make a new winter solstice opens up a powerful
commitment (or two) that will be life portal of spiritual connection. In the
changing. The choices you make today Northern Hemisphere, today marks
will have lasting energetic effects that the shortest day of the year, and in the
will be rippled throughout the next Southern Hemisphere, it is the longest
several months. So choose wisely. day of the year.

12 DEC: 12/12 NUMEROLOGY DAY And just in time for setting new
The 12th day of December brings us intentions in the coming New Year,
a very powerful mix of energy. We’re comes Capricorn season. With its long-
dealing with the collective energies term vision, ambition, and dedication
of the 1, the 2, and the 3. This means to hard work - the next 30 days will be
that today is about embracing the filled with practical goals and some
masculine, the feminine, and the child... serious hustle.

Allow yourself to be bold, confident, Bring it on 2022.

and brave. Allow yourself to be creative,
intuitive, and empathic. Allow yourself to 28 DEC: JUPITER ENTERS PISCES
be expressive, carefree, and authentic! As “the Great Teacher” enters in
Pisces, you can expect to be filled with
Today is about embracing all aspects of powerful realizations that shock you to
yourself! the core. Today is a good day to sit back
and reflect on your values, mission, and
18 DEC: FULL MOON IN GEMINI purpose in life.
Gemini brings in a high-velocity
vibration that’s curious, nimble and Then take a look at your daily actions and
bustling with change. This full lunation habits… does everything line up, or do
will be filled by manifestation magic you need to make some adjustments?
wherever communication and curiosity
is concerned.

2021 Cosmic Calendar | PAGE 27

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