Positive Psy

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1. Martin Seligman made pathology-focused studies with the learned helplessness theory.
Over time, he intensified his studies with positive-oriented studies.
He focused on the themes of true happiness, learned optimism, and authentic happiness and
wrote books on the subject.
authentic happiness:
Seligman states that happiness has three origins:
1.The beautiful life that provides a high level of positive emotions and satisfaction,
2. the good life, including constant assimilation, participation and flow,
3. meaningful life, which means that the individual serves something bigger and stronger than
himself and uses his / her strengths accordingly.


3. In determining these virtues and strengths of character, the scientists drew on past work in
psychology, as well as ancient cultures, religions, philosophy and many other disciplines. So they
tried to create a universal list of virtues and strengths of character that could apply to all humans.
Some criteria were determined while determining character strengths. In other words, it was stated
that in order for a feature to be considered as a power of character, it should be widely known in all
cultures, contribute to the happiness and life satisfaction of the individual, be morally valuable,
arouse admiration rather than jealousy and be measurable.

The six virtues determined as a result of the studies are (1) Wisdom (2) Courage (3) Humanity (4)
Justice (5) Moderation and (6) Transcendence. Under these six virtues, creativity, curiosity, love of
learning, open-mindedness, perspective, courage, persistence, honesty, enthusiasm for life, social
intelligence, love, benevolence, leadership, citizenship, fairness, forgiveness, modesty, self-control,
prudence. There are 24 character strengths: appreciation of aesthetics and perfection, gratitude,
hope, humor and spirituality.

4. The reward system works through positive reinforcement. If we explain the experiment; electrical
stimulation is a reinforcer and activates the mechanisms that will pave the way for the repetition of
behavior. Similar experiments have been carried out in humans and the placement of the reward
system in humans has been resolved.

5. One of the most important aspects of the brain's reward center is its location, because it's part of
the way the brain is activated by dopamine. This is the mesolimbic route. Your brain is responsible
for alerting you when it believes you have had pleasurable and satisfying experiences.
It leads to keeping useful things right and away from things that could harm you.

6. The psychological version of physiological adaptations, such as the eyes getting used to the
light when we go from the dark to the light, or we don't feel even the heaviest smell in the room
after a certain period of time.
The fact that a person has a genetically determined happiness threshold, the effect of any change
in life, good or bad, no matter how happy or how sad we are, does not feel the same after a while,
the threshold of happiness returns to the genetic level.
An experiment by shelley taylor and his team:
425750 simay yildirim
326 people. Each one is asked questions about optimism, self-confidence, and controlling their
own life. and the structure of the oxytocin receptor gene in DNAs taken from saliva samples
obtained from subjects.

According to the results, it turns out that interpersonal differences are related to the sequences of
adenine and guanine bases. DNA analysis Subjects with the aa or ag variant are more prone to
impaired social abilities, stress, and mental health impairment than subjects with the gg variant.
There is a close relationship between the structure of the oxtr gene and the psychological
characteristics of the person.

However, shelley taylor says that those who have the aa variant can overcome depression, can
overcome stress, in short, despite their genes, they can be healthier psychologically, even if the
environmental factors we are exposed to throughout life can play a role in the functioning of genes.

7. Whichever route we take, it is not happiness but relief, problematic we will conclude.
If life is a game, money is an accessory that we can make our show more colorful and fun if we are
actors. Thanks to this accessory, both us, the other players and the audience enjoy the game
more. Then the game is over, everybody goes away. But it is the game that everyone remembers,
not the catchy accessory.
Of course not that simple. but that's the case.
As you approach the end of life, you are put into account of the spiritual, not material,
consequences of your money.

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