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Do children of divorced families prefer the psychology department more?

In this research, I want to compare psychology students to see if there is a correlation

between divorced parents and field choice. Studying psychology is often associated with the mental
health of the student. Even though children with divorced or separated parents are usually doing less
well in school when compared to the average, the link between is important. A child might want to
learn how the thinking process behind the curtains works so that they can understand their parents
more. They may think that their surroundings will make more sense by choosing this field. I want to
know if these circumstances affect the child during the field choice period.

Firstly, all of the students of wisp will receive a questionnaire via e-mail, asking if their
parents are divorced or not. If the receiver of the questionnaire wants to participate, they will be
asked about the reason behind their choice of field. The participants will have 3 days to finish the
survey and send back their answers.

After collecting all the data, we will compare the percentage of WISPers who have divorced
and non-divorced parents by using the SPSS correlation method to see if there is an association
between them or not.

You can find the questionnaire link down below.

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