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425750 Simay Yildirim 415058 Yusufcan Karatas

• Past motor development ( gross and fine motor skills )
1. When did your child start to hold his/her head up unassisted?
• Usually, children start holding their heads up between 6 to 8 months old. If they cannot,
this could be because of a lack of neck strength, coordination, or balance.
2. When did your child start rolling?
• Usually, children start rolling between 4 to 6 months old. If there are no attempts of
movement up to 7 months old, there might be a developmental delay.
3. When did your child start walking with assistance?
• Usually, children start walking with assistance between 6 to 14 months old. If they
cannot, this could be because of low muscle tone.
4. When did your child start stacking blocks?
• Usually, children understand the concept of stacking between 12 to 15 months old. If
they cannot, there might be something unusual about their eye-finger coordination.
5. When did your child start brushing their own teeth?
6. When did your child start using utensils to eat?

• Current motor development

1.Can your child copy simple shapes with a pencil? YES/NO
2.Can your child write their own name? YES/NO
3.Can your child stand on one foot for more than 10 seconds? YES/NO
4.Can your child read picture books? YES/NO
5.Can your child ride a tricycle? YES/NO
6.Can your child button up their own shirts? YES/NO
7.Can your child walk backward easily? YES/NO
8.Can your child stack more than 10 blocks? YES/NO
9.Can your child complete a 6-12 piece puzzle YES/NO
10.Can your child draw a person with 6 parts? YES/NO

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