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English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

Unit One


Traditional of Ramadan

Student's Book – Lesson- 2 – Page - 7

Write an e-mail to your friend about a traditional of Ramadan in your country .

‫أكتب بريد الكتروني إلى صديقك حول تقاليد رمضان في بلدك‬

Hi Claire ,
Thanks for your e –mail . you asked me about the traditional of Ramadan in Iraq . so I will tell
you about that . It is a thirty-day religious fast from dawn to sunset . when we don’t eat or drink
during the day for a month . It's a time when we try to pray more , be more patient with each
others , and be kind and generous with all people . At sunset , we stop fasting , and after prayers
we having an evening meal . It's called Iftar . we always start with a class of yoghurt and dates ,
fruit juice and lentil soup . the main course is usually a stew with meat or chicken and
vegetables , served with rice . Then we have tea and cake . In the evening , families and friends
spend a lot of time with each others . After the end of Ramadan , we celebrate Eid AL-fitr .

Write back soon .


Unit One


Student's Book – Lesson- 8 – Page - 13

Write an e-mail to your friend about a festival in your country .

‫اكتب بريد الكتروني إلى صديقك حول مهرجان في بلدك‬

Dear David
Thanks for your e –mail . I 'll tell you about a traditional celebration in my country . Last year in
December 31 , We celebrated the New Year's Eve at my friend's house and invited our friends
and relatives , of course , all the family . a day before , we went to the market and bought the
necessary decorated articles . The celebration started in the evening , so people come after
sunset . We started our party with a big meal – roast lamb , roast potato and lots of vegetables .
Then we had a desert . There was chocolate cake with ice-cream and apple pie . After dinner , we
started dancing MY y father and friends their colorful cloths . After a few dances , we look at the
time when the clock rang 12 , we sang the famous song '' happy new year'' and the fireworks
started . It was really a beautiful celebration .

Write back soon


‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

Unit Two


The Internet

Student's book – lesson 8 - p 26

Write ( 100 - 120 ) words about the Internet .

The Internet is one of the most of important inventions in history . It's a network that
links computers around the whole world . the internet is working to send and receive the
information in spite of the far distance . It provides many services such as ( www ) world
wide web . It help us to communicate with other people , we can getting information and
videos by the internet , so we can depend on the internet . on the other hand there are
many disadvantage for the internet such as risk to our eyes , waste of time because of
different sites and if I do business over it , it can be a bit lonely
In conclusion , Internet has more good sides than bad ones , and we think that it's
improving all the time .

Unit Two


Mobile Phone
Activity book – Text 2 - p 48

Write ( 100 - 120 ) words about mobile Phone :

A mobile phone is a very useful invention . It is small , light and easy to use . It is obvious that the
use of a mobile phone brings us many problems as well as benefits . Firstly , a long – time using of
mobile phone might be harmful for people's health . It is also considered as a source of annoyance
when it rings in a conference , film or even an exam . Moreover, most of the car accidents are
caused by mobile phones .On the other hand , a mobile phone can bring about more benefits . Now
days , it is easy to call with our friends in anywhere . We can also send messages with beautiful
photos . We can listen to music and watch a movie smoothly . Hence , mobile phone is extremely
beneficial to our daily lives and its benefits outweigh the disadvantages .

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

Unit Three


Environment Protection

Student's book – lesson 6 - p 26

The environment is important because it's connected to all we need to survive as humans . So we
need to protect it .
To protect our environment , we should first control air pollution from motor vehicles and ban
factories that throw waste materials into rivers . Secondly , we can start public tree planting
campaigns . Thirdly , we should work hard to stop the destruction of forests . Moreover we should
encourage reducing , reusing and recycling . Finally , we must economize our natural resources .
We conclude that the protection of the environment should be a priority of every person . If we do
this . we'll gain a healthy environment for living beings .

Unit Three


Reduce Pollution from cars

Student's book – lesson 6 - p 26

Cars are one of the biggest sources of air pollution in the world . The air pollution from cars causes
a variety of human and environmental problems that could be avoided or at least easily reduced .
One possible solution to this problem is to encourage people to walk or ride a bicycle in short
journeys instead of driving a car . An easier solution might be to use public transport .Travelling
on trams , buses and trains is a quick and relaxing way to reach our destination .There are another
ways such as : using hybrid cars and lead-free petrol , sharing other people in the same car ,
driving more gently and maintaining the people in the same car , driving more gently and
maintaining the car . Hence , we must work together to reduce pollution so generation can live in a
healthy , unpolluted environment . and maintaining the car . Hence , we must work together to
reduce pollution so generation can live in a healthy , unpolluted e

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

Unit One

Text Book

Babylon Festival

Student's Book – Lesson – 8 – Page – 12

1-When was the first Babylon Festival held ?

-It was held in 1987 .

2- What has the event of Babylon Festival attracted ?

-It has attracted groups from all regions of Iraq and all over the world .

3- Why did groups from many regions come to Babylon Festival ?

-They came to Babylon Festival to perform many types of music , opera and ballet .

4- Why did famous writers and poets come to Babylon Festival ?

- They came to Babylon Festival to read their works aloud and discuss it together .

5- Has Babylon Festival become a popular media event ? How ?

- It's become a popular media event . It's attended by newspaper , Internet and TV .

6- How many theatres are used for Babylon Festival ? What are they ?
- There are three theatres used for Babylon Festival . They're Babylon theatre , Al – Arsh
Auditorium and Ninimach Temple Hall .

7- By which did the theatres equip with ?

- They equipped with excellent lightening and sound equipment .

8- Which venue used to be an amphitheatre ?

- Babylonian theatre used to be an amphitheatre .

9- Which was the largest hall in Babylon ? What did it use to once ?
-Al-Arsh Hall is the largest one , it used to receive kings and victorious military leaders .

10 - What did the Ninimach Temple Hall use to now days ?

- It used for some of the smaller performances in the festival .

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory
Unit two
Text book

The Internet
Student's book Lesson - 8 - p- 26
15 What is the Internet ?
* It is a huge international network of computers .

2- What does ( WWW ) mean ?

* It means World Wide Web .

3- Who invented the Internet and Where and when ?

*Two computers scientists named Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Caillian in Switzerland in 1990 .

4- Who used the Internet at first ?

* At first it was used by scientists to share information .

5- What do you need to go online ?

*To go online , I need a computer and an Internet router or wi-fi .

6- What do American teenagers use the Internet for ?

*They used it to send and receive e-mail , surf the net for information , do instant messaging and
download music .

7- What percentage of American teens use Internet for e-mail and downloaded music ?
* It's 82 % and 50 % .

8- What percentage of American teens who don’t use the Internet ?

* It's 13 % .

9- Mention some advantages of the Internet .

* Sending and receiving e-mails , getting information , instant messaging , doing research ,
downloading music , and buying and selling things .

10- Mention some disadvantages of the Internet .

* Risk to eyes , waste of time because of different

11– What is a website ?

A set of pages on the internet about a particular topic .

12 – What is Online ?
Online is connect to the internet .

13 – What is an e-mail ?
An e-mail is a message sent or received using the internet .

14 – What is surf the internet ?

* It's spend time visiting a lot of websites .

15 – What is download ?
* Download is a Copy information or programs from the internet onto your computer

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

Unit two

Text book
Mobile Phones

Activity book – Text 2 - p 48

1- Where was the first mobile phone used and when ?

* The first mobile phone was used by the Swedish police in 1946 .

2- Why wasn’t the first mobile phone very useful ?

* It wasn’t useful because it used the car battery and , after six calls , the battery was flat .

3- How many mobile phones are there in use in the world today ?
*There're more than 1.5 billion mobile phones are there in use in the world today .

4- Why is the use of mobiles rising so sharply ?

*It's rising so sharply because mobiles are becoming popular in countries that have very big
populations .

5- Which country has the biggest to use mobiles – China , India or Russia ?
*China has the most mobiles .

6- Which country has the fewest to use mobiles – China , India or Russia ?
* India has the fewest mobiles .

7- Why were mobiles especially useful after the tsunami ?

* Mobiles were especially useful after the tsunami because rescue workers were able to trace
people who had mobiles , and because people were able to get in touch with their loved even after
landlines stop working .

8- What is the serious problem of using mobile phones ?

*A lot of car accidents can be caused by drivers talking on their mobile phones .

9- Why is mobile phone dangerous to use even hands-free mobile when driving ?
*It is dangerous to use even hands-free mobile because they prevent the driver from
concentrating on driving the car .

10- Mention some advantages of mobile phones .

*make videos , take photos , connect to the Internet and send e-mails , watch TV and download
music .

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

Unit Three

Text book

The Oryx is back

Student's book – Lesson – 10- p – 42

1-What is the Oryx ?

* The Oryx is a beautiful antelope with two long horns .

2 – Where the Oryx can live ?

*The Oryx can live in desert .

3 – How does the Oryx get the water ?

* The Oryx gets its water from the plants .

4 – When does the Oryx eat ?

* It eats at night when there is some water on the leaves .

5 – In which year the population of Oryx in the Arabian Peninsula was very small ? why?
* In 1960s the population of Oryx in the Arabian Peninsula was very small because of hunting .

6 – why the animal of Oryx was endangered ?

The animal of Oryx was endangered because of hunting .

7 - W hen did the oryx become extinct in the wild ?

* It became extinct in the wild in 1972 .

8 - - When did the zoos put some oryx back into the wild ? Where ?
* In 1982 , they put some oryx back into the wild in Oman .

9 - Was the programme of breeding the oryx a success in Oman and Saudi Arabia ?
* Yes , it was

10 - What is the wild population of the Oryx today ?

*today the wild population of the Oryx is about 900 .

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

Unit Three

Text book

Almost Extinct

Student's book – Lesson – 2- p - 35

1- Why did the American call it the ' right ' whale ?
* They called it the right whale because it was the right whale to hunt . It's slow, easy to
catch and it has lots of oil in its body .

2- How many right whales are there in the North Atlantic today ?
* Today there are only 350 in the North Atlantic .

3- Why isn’t the population of the right whale increasing ?

* It isn’t increasing because of the pollution in the sea .

4- Where do gorillas live ?

* Gorillas live in the forest .

5- Why is the gorillas' habitat getting smaller ?

* It is getting smaller because people cut down trees and destroy the forest .

6- Do people eat gorilla meat ?

* Yes , they do .

7- What must we do to save the mountain gorilla ?

* We must breed the mountain gorilla in zoos to save it .

8 - What do pandas eat ? How many kilos do they eat per day ?
* Pandas eat bamboo . They sometimes eat 30 kilos per day .

9– In which places Pandas live ?

* They can only live in places with lots of bamboo .

10 – How many wild Pandas are there in the world ?

* There are less than 1000 wild Pandas today .

11- Why do people hunt the tigers ?

* People hunt the tigers because 1 ) they think that tigers are dangerous . 2 ) Tigers sometimes eat
cows and sheep . 3 ) they use it in medicine in China .

12- How many tigers are there in China today ?

* There are only 30 Tigers in China today .

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory



Drama is a mode of fiction in which a written text is intended to be performed for an audience
by actors on a stage , through dialogue and action . It involves a series of events and actions to
depict human life , conflicts and emotions. The series of actions in a drama often leads to some
striking endings. When such a text is performed on a stage , it is called a play
The terms drama comes from the Greek word for 'action'.

Director : The man or woman who decides how a play should be interpreted and performed .

Actors : The performers who gives life to each charactor

Theatre : The place where the play is performed . It includes the stage , lighting , sound ,
costumers , furniture , scenery, etc. It shows where and when the events take place.

Audience : The people who watch the play being performed. A drama is usually deals with either
tragedy or a comedy. A tragedy is a serious play that ends very sadly. It is basically deals with
social , personal , or religious issues that the audience find very interesting.

A comedy , ?
* A comedy is a play that includes humor , through jokes , funny things
and amusing characters .

A play ?
* A play is a text which is performed on a stage .

A tragedy ?
* A tragedy is a play that ends sadly .

1- What does Drama involve ?

* It involves a serious of events and actions to depict human life , conflicts and emotions

2- Where does the term '' drama '' come from ?

* It comes from the Greek word for '' action ''

3- What are the elements that might affect the performed text on the stage ?
* They're : director, actors , theatre and audience .
4- What does the theatre include ?
* The theatre includes the stage , lighting

5- What are the types of drama ?

* They are tragedy and comedy .

6- What does a tragedy basically deal with ?

* A tragedy basically deals with social , personal or religion issues that the audience find
interesting . find very interesting .

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

7 - where does he live and work now ?

* Now he lives and works in Beirut

8- What is Drama ?
* Drama is any work that was written to be performed by actors on a stag

9- What does Drama involve ?

* It involves a serious of events and actions to depict human life , conflicts and emotions .
10- What is a play ?
* A play is a text which is performed on a stage .

11- Where does the term '' drama '' come from ?
* It comes from the Greek word for '' action ''

12- What are the elements that might affect the performed text on the stage ?
* They're : director, actors , theatre and audience .
13- What does the theatre include ?
* The theatre includes the stage , lighting

14- What are the types of drama ?

* They are tragedy and comedy .

15- What is a tragedy ?

* A tragedy is a play that ends sadly .

16- What does a tragedy basically deal with ?

* A tragedy basically deals with social , personal or religion issues that the audience find
interesting . find very interesting

Drama In Iraq

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

Drama forms part of the great writing tradition in Iraq. The earliest known piece of literature in
Iraq is the Epic of Gilgamesh. Drama in Iraq as everywhere , is greatly influenced by the types of
drama that come from Greeks , the Romans and the Renaissance dramatists. For a long time
these types of drama were not well known in Iraq. They come to Iraq in the last nineteenth
century. They were intended to teach moral lessons in some Iraqi schools. These dramas are
historical or deal with religious issues. Some plots are borrowed from ancient or foreign dramas ,
and of course do not deal with the real-life issues of Iraqis. The characters are very simple. When
these plays were originally performed, there were no woman actors.

In the 1920, drama moved beyond schools and began to be performed for the general public to
remember great events or characters in the history of the Arabs. By the 1930s , pioneer Iraqi
playwrights began to deal with different aspects of life in Iraq. However , although drama grew in
scope , it was not yet a major part of the cultural life in Iraq. People are that time liked reading
books of all types and poetry but very rarely went to theatres, of which there were very few. The
Iraqi theatre was still in need of professional playwrights , actors and directors. The movement

of theatre and drama in Iraq was mainly strengthened when the institute of fine arts was
established. Many great directors, actors, and playwrights began to appear under the leadership
of the renowned actor and director Haqqi Al-Shibli, from 1945 onward.

Yaqoub Al-Ameen, Ja'far Al-Sa'di, Khaleel Shawqi and Jassim Al-Uboudi were the great figures
who appeared at that time. The first Iraqi acting group to study and receive professional and
academic training on drama was established by Ibrahim Jalal , Badir Hasson Fareed and Yousif
Al-Ani. Public interest in drama increased and the theatre began to gain respect. At the same
time, women were able to appear on the stage, including Zainab , Azadouhi Samuel , Zakiya
Khalifa and Nahida Al-Rammah. Local issue began to be used for plots of pays that were loved by
the public.

Today , there are actors, directors and playwrights who have gained a high reputation within
Iraq and beyond, like Qassim Mohammad, Saleem Al Basri, Owni Karoomi, Adil Kadhim, Jawad
Al-Assadi and Salah Al Qasab. These professionals have contributed significantly to the ongoing
development of drama in Iraq .

1- What is the earliest known piece of literature in Iraq ?

* It's the Epic of Gilgamesh .

2- What is Iraqi drama influenced by ?

* Iraqi drama is influenced by the Greek , the Romans and the Renaissance dramatists .
3- When did modern drama come to Iraq ?
* It came to Iraq in the late 19th century .
4- Why did Iraqi drama begin to be performed in schools ? What does it deal with ?
* It began to be performed in school to teach moral lessons . It deals with historical or religious

5- Why don’t Iraqi dramas deal with the real-life of Iraqis ?

* Iraqi dramas don’t deal with the real-life of Iraqis because some plots are borrowed from
ancient or foreign dramas .
‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬
English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

6- Were there any women in Iraqi dramas ?

* No , there weren’t .

7- In which decade did Iraqi drama begin to perform for the general public ?
* began to perform for them in 1920s .

8- Did Iraqi playwrights deign to deal with the different aspect of life by 1930s ?
* Yes , they did
9- When was the movement of Iraqi drama mainly strengthened ?
* It was mainly strengthened when the Institute of Fine Arts was established
10- When did many directors , actors an playwrights begin to appear under the leadership of
Haqqi Al-Shibli ?
* They began to appear from 1945 onward .

11- Who established the first Iraqi group to receive and study professional academic training
on dram ?
* Ibrahim Jalal , Badri Hasson and Yousif Al-Ani
12- Name the women who appeared on the stage at that time .
* Zainab , Azadouhi Samuel , Zakiya Khalifa and Nahida Al-Rammah
13-Who have contributed to the ongoing development of Iraqi drama ?
* Qassim Mohammad , Saleem Al-Basri , Owni Karoomi , Abidl Kadhim , Jawad Al-Asaadi and Salah

Jawad Al-Assadi
‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬
English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

Jawad Al-Assadi was one of the best –known Iraqi playwrights directors and actors. He was born in
Baghdad in 1947 and graduated from Baghdad Fine Arts Academy in 1972. He got his PH.D. in Sofia ,
Bulgaria in 1983. He has spent 25 years as an expatriate*, living in various Arab countries. Al-Assadi
fled then former regime *, he returned after the fall of this regime, judging that the new nation would
be more hospitable. Stunned by the brutality* and panic among the Iraqi people, Al-Assadi moved to
Beirut and established Babil theatre
He now lives and works in Beirut. Most of his plays and other works are translated into English ,
French and Russian. In 2004 , he received the prince Claus Award for dedicating his work to freedom
of cultural expression and thought both in Iraq and beyond. He has written many plays, among which
are his two latest, and most famous, dramas: Women in war and Baghdadi bath.

1- Who is Jawad Al-Assadi ?

* He is one of the best-known Iraqi playwrights , directors and actors .

2- Where and when was he born ?

* He was born in Baghdad in 1947 .

3- When did he graduate from Baghdad Fine Arts Academy ?

* He graduated from Baghdad Fine Arts Academy in 1972 .

4- Has he spent 25 years as an expatriate ? Where ?

* He has spent 25 years as an expatriate in various Arab countries .

5- When did he return to his country ?

* He returned to his country after the fall of the former regime .

6- What did he establish when he moved to Beirut ?

* He established Babil theatre when he moved there .

7- Where does he live and work now ?

* Now he lives and works in Beirut .

8- Are most of his plays and works translated into English , French and Russian ?
* Yes , they are .

9- What did he receive in 2004 ? Why ?

* In 2004 , he received the Prince Claus Award for dedicating his work to freedom of
cultural expression and thought in Iraq and beyond .

10- What are his latest and most famous dramas ?

* His latest and most famous dramas are : Women in War and Baghdadi Bath . Jawad Al-
Assadi Literature focus 3

Baghdadi Bath ( Hammam Baghdadi ) by Jawad Al-Assadi

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

Baghdadi Bath is a play about two Iraqi brothers who work as bus drivers on the route between
Baghdad and Damascus, which is one of the world's most perilous* highways. Hostage-taking*,
stealing and executions are daily are daily occurrences on their route. The persistence helplessness
and suffering of Iraqi people is embodied in their misfortunes under both the former regime and
the American occupation . In the privacy of the steam room , they talk about their lives before and
after the invasion, opening their hearts and exploring their repressed memories. It is a thoughtful
picture of the everyday horror of surviving in a war zone.
Ultimately , there is a tragic ending: the two brothers are victimized while transporting a political
candidate back into Iraq from Jordan .

The play opens with two brothers, Majeed and Hameed, in the bathhouse scrubbing each other and
chatting family matters, The first scenes are like a stand-up comedy routine, as Majeed talks about
his two wives mockingly and gives a rude definition of what the American phrase 'thank you' really

Much of the dialogue consists of the brothers cursing each other, mostly about money; in this way,
Baghdadi bath reflects a key national debate. Majeed, the more dominant, elder brother supports
the Americans in a subservient*way, while Hameed hates their presence in the country.

The play turns surreal* when the brothers, both bus drivers, agree to transport an Iraqi politician
from Amman, Jordan, back to Baghdad. It is on this trip that Majeed and Hameed confront the
American army.
Mr. Al-Assadi's writing is full of metaphor, but there is also real emotion in some passages. In one,
Hameed comes up with a new version of the traditional morning prayer, which evokes the terrible
reality of daily life in Iraq : ' Good morning, explosions. Good morning, booby traps. Good morning,
murderers and ambulances. Good morning, corpses lying on the pavement'.


1-Who is Jawad AL-Assadi ?

*He is one of the best known Iraqi play writes, actor director .

2-Where was he born and When ?

*He was born in Baghdad in 1947 .

3- When did he graduate from Baghdad Fine Arts academy ?

* He graduated from Baghdad Fine Arts Academy in 1972 .

4-When did he return to his country ?

*He returned after the fall of the former regime .

5 – How many years he has spent as an expatriate ?

*He has spent 25 years as an expatriate.

6-Where does he live now ?

*He lives in Beirut now .

7 - What did he establish when he moved to Beirut ?

* He established Babil Theater when he moved to Beirut .
‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬
English for Iraq 5th Preparatory

8 -What are his famous plays ?

*They are (women in war and Baghdadi bath) .

9- In which Language are most his plays and works translated ?

*Most of his plays and works translated into English , French and Russian .

10 -What did he receive in 2004 ?

*He received the prince Claus award .

Baghdadi Bath
Baghdadi Bath The scene is on the Iraqi border with Jordan. The two drivers carry the body
(corpse) of an Iraqi billionaire who was killed in an explosion before he could enter the Iraqi
.Hameed: ' Good morning, explosions. Good morning, booby traps. Good morning, murderers
and ambulances. Good morning, corpses lying on the pavement'. In my bus I'm carrying an
Iraqi billionaire and a candidate for the new elections whose head was exploded in an
explosion on the borders. I have to carry his body to his family in Baghdad …..[PAUSE]….Throw
the corpse* out of the bus.
Majeed: Are you going mad?
Hameed: The American woman soldier said she would very meticulously check the body.
Majeed: Let her check it
Hameed: Throw the corpse out.
Majeed : Never
Hameed : Let it be food for the dogs
Majeed : And what shall I say to his family who is waiting for him?
Hameed : I don't know. I don't know.
Majeed : You don't know!!!.
Hameed : You have turned me into an animal like a dog gasping* after you all my life.
Majeed : Keep cool.
Hameed : I am not carrying the corpse on my back as you requested*.
Majeed : Don't provoke* me.
Hameed : Hire one of the bus drivers.
Majeed : Look! Most of the buses have passed.
Hameed : I think they’ll stop us.
Majeed : The situation on the borders is going to be dangerous in a few hours.
Hameed : She is going to inspect* every hole in the body. How could you agree?
Majeed : Let her do whatever she wants to do. There is no other solution. We'll lose the deal* if we
don't get .
to Baghdad with the corpse.


Playwright writer of plays

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory
Expatriate someone living outside of their own country
Former previous , earlier
Brutality Violent , cruel behavior
Perilous very dangerous
Hostage – taking Where criminals kidnap someone and ask for many or make other
demands for the safe return of the hostage
Subservient Like a servant; completely obedient
Surreal very strange , almost dream- like
Territory Land , area
Corpse dead body
Meticulously very careful
Gasping Panting , breathing heavily
Requested asked for
Provoke annoy , make angry
Inspect Check carefully
Deal business or financial agreement

1. Match the words in list A with the words in list B that have the same meaning.


1- Theatrical a affected
2- Humorous b friendly , welcoming
3- Influenced c not often
4- Dramatist d dramatic
5- Pioneer e trying new things , ground – breaking '
6- Rarely f funny
7- Renowned g playwright
8- Hospitable h well-known , respected

1- d , 2- f , 3–a , 4–g , 5–e , 6–c , 7–h , 8–b

2 - Check the meaning of these words in your dictionary and put them in complete sentences.

1. repressed ( ‫كبت ( صف‬


2. Victimized ( ‫مضحي ( صفه‬

3 - Resemble ( ‫يشبه ( فعل‬

4 – Dominant ) ‫مسيطر ( صفه‬


3. Answer the questions below

1. Why is the bus carrying a dead body?

*It was deal to carry the dead body from Jordan to Iraq

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

English for Iraq 5th Preparatory
2.why does Hameed want to throw the corpse out of the bus?
*He doesn't want to cooperate with American Army

3.Why does Majeed refuse to do this?

*He want to keep the deal

4.What do you think Jawad Al-Assadi is trying to get the audience to think about ? What is his
*It is an invitation to clean our soul from selfishness and money love. we love other each living

‫ البصرة‬- ‫ ثانوية المتميزين‬- ‫ االستاذ فاضل عالوي‬: ‫أعداد‬

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