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Wayward Traveller Style – A Custom Terrestrial Martial Arts Style


Form Weapons: The staff and it's artifact equivalent (either the one given below, or
the wrackstaff). This style is not compatible with armour.

Martial artists wishing to learn Wayward Traveller style charms must also possess a
minimum of two dots in Athletics.

Baseline Artifact Staff:

Speed Accuracy Damage Defense Rate Minimums Cost Tags Attune
5 +2 +12B +3 3 Str •• •• 2, M, R 5

"Once there was a wayward traveller

who vaulted the distance over mountains
and corrected peoples attitudes as best she could.
The vigilant wanderer watched as she walked
and cut the sky in two, so no arrow could harm her.
Neither a thousand hurricane winds
nor a thousand blades could stop her
Intent on seeing the world as it was,
she pressed onward to her destiny.
Nothing can stop me now, she said."
Vault the Distance

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

The martial artist channels his weight and essence into the impact of his staff on the
ground to dramatically increase the distance of a jump. Using her staff the wayward
traveller may add her Essence to either her Strength or Dexterity for the purposes of
calculating jumping distance.

Similar charms: from MA? None really I can think of. Otherwise, two Athletics
charms, Effortlessly Rising Flame (p151 MoEP: DB) and Forgotten Earth (p153
MoEP:Sid), have a similar charm concept.
Corrective Attitude Thrust

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

The wayward traveller uses a short, forceful jab with the end of her staff to inspire an
attitude adjustment on those who would wish her harm.

For this attack the martial artist gains +1 to Accuracy and the Piercing ability.

Similar Charms: The lowest req charm from Five Dragons Style, Five-Dragon Claw
(p190 MoEP:DB), ignores a target's hardness _entirely_ and costs a single mote.
Vigilant Wanderer Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Corrective Attitude Thrust, Vaulting the Distance

Every footstep the vigilant wanderer takes she unconsciously evaluates for threats,
her staff prodding about looking for danger. As such the traveller can snap into
action and defend herself from impending threats.

When subjected to an unexpected close range attack, the martial artist may
reflexively Ready a form weapon that is in her hands or within reach, and apply her
full Parry DV to deflect the assault.

Similar Charms: Lightning Mental Armament from First Pulse Style (p46 SotM)
grants half DVs to _both_ parry and dodge for 2m, in addition to functioning as a
subsequent JB adder for four dice. Breath and Essence Control from Even Blade
(p70 SotM) has a conditional reflexive weapon ready that doubles as a JB adder.

The parry to unexpected attacks itself is somewhat limited. You can _only_ parry the
unexpected attack if you have or could ready your form weapon. Only close range
attacks can be parried in this manner, meaning that a character can still get surprise
pincushioned from afar.
Wayward Traveller Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple

Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms:

When declaring an attack or flurry the Wayward Traveller may choose to have his
unarmed attacks, or attacks with form weapons inflict lethal damage. The Martial
Artist may add ½ their Essence to their DV against archery attacks.

Similar Charms: Plenty of MA charms and form charms grant scenelong lethal with
unarmed or form weapons. None of these charms have a form weapon that inflict the
amount of bashing a staff does though. A secondary effect of adding Essence (or ½
Essence) to DVs or Abilities is relatively common.
Thousand Hurricane Winds Stance

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple

Keywords: Stance-Type, Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Wayward Traveller Form

For the next scene, whenever the Martial Artist takes a move, or dash action, and
twirls his staff about in front of him, he can protect himself (and an additional
associate close behind him) from the onslaught of fierce natural elements that would
prevent forward progress in his travels on foot. The worst aspects of severe wind,
rain, hail and snow may be guarded from him (and his ward) providing bonus dice to
withstanding the elements (p130 Exalted core) equal to his essence for the remainder
of the scene.

Similar Charms: There's really nothing that does this in MA, but I feel there probably
-should- be. There's probably a couple things in survival or resistance trees that are
similar. Mechanically it's a specialized (only withstanding elements), conditional
(only while moving and spinning the staff), scenelong Resistance or Survival
excellency, which for MA 4 E2 doesn't seem too powerful to me.
Thousand Blades Deflection Stance

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-Basic, Stance-Type
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Wayward Traveller Form

Spinning with absolute precision, the Wayward Traveller forsakes his entire offense
to simply outlast, endure and survive, whirling and swinging about preemptively to
prevent assailants from engaging him.

This charm supplements a Guard action. The martial artist may add his Essence to
his Dodge or Parry DV against all close range attacks so long as he is attacked while
he maintains the guard action.

Similar Charms: Not really sure, just want a DV adder you can sit back and turtle in.
It's bonus close range attacks only, so there isn't overlap with the form. Even if there
was, combo-basic and the inherent exalt cap on DV would prevent excessive DV
boosting from being an issue. Right now my biggest issue is that it's a glorified MA
excellency for buffing your DV.
See the World as it Is

Cost: ?m Mins: Martial Arts ?, Essence ?; Type:

Prerequisite Charms: Thousand Hurricane Winds Stance, Thousand Blades
Deflection Stance

I wanted to have something really interesting here, so I had a scenelong effect that let
you pick deathsight, demonsight, elemental sight or spirit sight. Had one or two
people not sure about it thematically, so am pondering other options.
Press Onward to Destiny (Pinnacle Charm)

Cost: ?m; Mins: Martial Arts ?, Essence ?; Type:

Prerequisite Charms: See the World as it Is

I -really- don't know what to do as a pinnacle charm.

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