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Neurologic/Head and Neck Imaging

ACR TI-RADS: Pitfalls, Solutions,

and Future Directions
Rafel R. Tappouni, MD
Jason N. Itri, MD, PhD The high prevalence of thyroid nodules combined with the gener-
Teresa S. McQueen, MD ally indolent growth of thyroid cancer present a challenge for op-
Neeraj Lalwani, MD timal patient care. Risk classification models based on US features
Jao J. Ou, MD, PhD have been created by multiple professional societies, including
the American College of Radiology (ACR), which published the
Abbreviations: ACR = American College of Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TI-RADS) in 2017.
Radiology, ATA = American Thyroid Associa- ACR TI-RADS uses a standardized lexicon for assessment of thy-
tion, BI-RADS = Breast Imaging Reporting and
Data System, FNAB = fine-needle aspiration bi- roid nodules to generate a numeric scoring of features, designate
opsy, LI-RADS = Liver Imaging Reporting and categories of relative probability of benignity or malignancy, and
Data System, TI-RADS = Thyroid Imaging Re-
porting and Data System, TR = TI-RADS
provide management recommendations, with the aim of reducing
unnecessary biopsies and excessive surveillance. Adopting ACR
RadioGraphics 2019; 39:2040–2052
TI-RADS may require practice-level changes involving image ac- quisition and workflow, interpretation, and reporting. Significant
Content Codes: resources should be devoted to educating sonographers and radi-
From the Department of Radiology, Wake For- ologists to accurately recognize features that contribute to the scor-
est Baptist Medical Center, 1 Medical Center ing of a nodule. Following a system that uses approved terminology
Blvd, Winston-Salem, NC 27157. Presented as
an education exhibit at the 2018 RSNA Annual
generates reproducible and relevant reports while providing clar-
Meeting. Received February 16, 2019; revision ity of language and preventing misinterpretation. Comprehensive
requested May 9 and received June 7; accepted documentation facilitates quality improvement efforts. It also cre-
July 29. For this journal-based SA-CME ac-
tivity, the authors R.R.T. and J.N.I. have pro- ates opportunities for outcome data and other performance metrics
vided disclosures (see end of article); all other to be integrated with research. The authors review ACR TI-RADS,
authors, the editor, and the reviewers have
disclosed no relevant relationships. Address
describe challenges and potential solutions related to its imple-
correspondence to R.R.T. (e-mail: rtappoun@ mentation based on their experiences, and highlight possible future directions in its evolution.
See discussion on this article by Hoang (pp
2052–2054). RSNA, 2019 •
RSNA, 2019

SA-CME Learning Objectives

After completing this journal-based SA-CME Thyroid nodules are common in adults. They are identified inci-
activity, participants will be able to:
dentally in 20%–68% of patients at high-resolution US, in 25% at
■■Discuss thyroid cancer incidence and
implications of overdiagnosis.
contrast-enhanced CT, and in 16%–18% at MRI (1–3). The female-
to-male ratio is around 4:1, and the prevalence increases with age.
■■Compare thyroid nodule risk stratifica-
tion systems with an emphasis on ACR Approximately half of women over 70 years of age are found to have
TI-RADS. a nodule (4). Improvements in imaging technologies and increased
■■Recognize potential pitfalls and chal- use of imaging have led to a significant increase in the rates of
lenges related to TI-RADS implementa- nodule detection, resulting in more fine-needle aspiration biopsies
tion and describe potential solutions. (FNABs) and a higher reported incidence of thyroid cancer (1,5).
See The rise in thyroid cancer incidence is unevenly distributed through-
out the world. From 1993 to 1997, South Korea’s thyroid cancer
screening program demonstrated an incidence rate of 12.2 per 100 000
people. This number rose to 60.1 by 2013 (6,7). In the United States
between 1975 and 2009, the rate of thyroid cancer incidence nearly
tripled, as did the rate of thyroidectomy. The reported overall mortality
due to thyroid malignancy showed no significant change (5).
The increase in diagnosis without apparent impact on survival
is primarily attributable to the relatively nonaggressive growth of
papillary carcinoma, which is the most common subtype of thyroid
cancer (5). Most thyroid cancers are subclinical (8). This is validated
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 7 Tappouni et al  2041

(TR) categories that stratify risk. Unique to this

Teaching Points system are specific FNAB and sonographic follow-
■■ Improvements in imaging technologies and increased use of up recommendations based on a combination of
imaging have led to a significant increase in the rates of nod-
ule detection, resulting in more fine-needle aspiration biopsies
TR category and nodule size.
(FNABs) and a higher reported incidence of thyroid cancer. We highlight some pitfalls, challenges, and
■■ The Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TI-RADS) potential solutions related to implementation
of the American College of Radiology (ACR) was designed in of ACR TI-RADS and provide an algorithmic
2017 with the intent to decrease biopsies of benign nodules approach based on the system. We also present
and improve overall diagnostic accuracy. This system is found- opportunities for quality improvement and pos-
ed on a previously published lexicon and constructed so that
sible future directions.
all thyroid nodules can be classified on the basis of TI-RADS
(TR) categories that stratify risk.
■■ Thyroid nodules smaller than 5 mm should generally be ig-
Thyroid Nodule Risk
nored. In nodules larger than 5 mm, still images and cine clips Classification Systems
should be obtained in transverse and sagittal planes, depend- There are several thyroid nodule risk classifica-
ing on the relevant US features. If multiple nodules are found, tion systems focused on US characterization.
then the four nodules that are the largest or most suspicious Some systems use simple pattern recognition,
should undergo imaging and be cataloged.
while others rely on the presence or absence of
■■ The ACR recommends that FNAB should be limited to a maxi-
a specific finding. Rather than quantify imaging
mum of two nodules and any suspicious lymphadenopathy.
If multiple nodules meet the criteria for FNAB, then the two findings, some complex systems use weighted
with the highest point totals (and then largest size as a tie- risk for them and have multiple risk categories
breaker) are the most appropriate to biopsy. (16). Regardless of the strategy, a combination
■■ There are several opportunities to introduce quality measures of nodule morphology and size metrics is used.
in thyroid imaging. A standard lexicon and structured report- The American Thyroid Association (ATA)
ing system are available to convey relative risk of malignancy, system includes an atlas of sonographic fea-
and radiologists are involved in the performance of US-guided
tures that can be used to categorize nodules
with one of six descriptive patterns (17). In the
Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology TIRADS
(K-TIRADS), sonographic features are used to
by the rate of thyroid nodules discovered during determine the need for biopsy on the basis of
autopsy, which is relatively high at 6%–11% (9). risk stratification into four total categories (18).
Therefore, it would appear that overdiagnosis is a The purpose of the European Thyroid Associa-
major component of these decades-long increases tion TIRADS (EU-TIRADS) is to help detect
in thyroid cancer (5–7). cancer with high sensitivity while maintaining
Overtreatment of indolent papillary thyroid high negative predictive value. It was modeled
cancer is a related concern. In several active after the 2009 Breast Imaging Reporting and
surveillance trials in Japan, small papillary thyroid Data System (BI-RADS) (19,20) and was modi-
cancers were managed successfully with surveil- fied and validated with a prospective study (21).
lance rather than thyroidectomy (10,11). A cost These systems (as well as ACR TI-RADS) are
analysis performed by the Japanese Health Care summarized in Table 1.
Insurance System found that the 10-year total cost Other recommendations include the Kwak
of immediate surgery was 4.1 times more expensive TI-RADS (22); the Society of Radiologists in
than active surveillance (12). In the United States, Ultrasound guidelines published in 2005 (23);
the estimated total cost of thyroid cancer treatment the American Association of Clinical Endo-
from 2010 to 2019 was $21.6 billion, of which crinologists, American College of Endocrinol-
$4.5 billion can be attributed to extra cost from ogy, and Associazione Medici Endocrinologi
increased incidence (13). This suggests that pre- guidelines updated in 2010 and 2018 (24); and
venting overdiagnosis and overtreatment of thyroid the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
cancer may save money, provided that a reasonable guidelines published in 2014 (25).
system for risk stratification can be established.
Among various systems that have been pub- Overview of ACR TI-RADS
lished and studied, the Thyroid Imaging Reporting ACR TI-RADS is designed to decrease biopsies
and Data System (TI-RADS) of the American of benign nodules and improve diagnostic ac-
College of Radiology (ACR) was designed in 2017 curacy (14). This system was based on the US
with the intent to decrease biopsies of benign nod- features defined in the ACR’s previously pub-
ules and improve overall diagnostic accuracy (14). lished lexicon (15) and constructed so that all
This system is founded on a previously published thyroid nodules can be classified with TI-RADS
lexicon (15) and constructed so that all thyroid categories, as follows: TR1 = benign, TR2 =
nodules can be classified on the basis of TI-RADS not suspicious for malignancy, TR3 = mildly
2042  November-December 2019

Table 1: Thyroid Nodule Risk Classification Systems

System Society Year Description Highlights

ATA American
2006 Atlas of sonographic features Nodule size plays an important
Updates in 2009 for classification of nodules role in determining whether
and 2015 Six descriptive patterns biopsy is recommended
K-TIRADS Korean 2011 Sonographic features deter- Separate risk stratification of
Update in 2016
Society of mine need for biopsy on the cervical lymph nodes for
Thyroid basis of risk stratification nodal metastasis
Radiology Four categories from low to
high suspicion
EU-TIRADS European 2017 Nodule classification modeled Designed to have high sensitiv-
Thyroid after BI-RADS ity while maintaining high
Association Five categories from normal to negative predictive value
high risk
ACR TI- American 2017 Founded on published lexicon Specific FNAB and sonograph-
RADS College of Five categories from benign to ic follow-up recommenda-
Radiology highly suspicious tions based on a combination
of category and nodule size

Table 2: TI-RADS Scoring of Nodule Characteristics

Characteristic US Features with Point Values
Composition Cystic = 0, spongiform = 0, mixed solid-cystic = 1, solid = 2, indeterminate = 2
Echogenicity Anechoic = 0, isoechoic = 1, hyperechoic = 1, indeterminate = 1, hypoechoic = 2, very hy-
poechoic = 3
Shape Wider than tall = 0, taller than wide = 3
Margin Smooth = 0, ill defined = 0, irregular = 2, lobulated = 2, extrathyroidal extension = 3
Echogenic foci None = 0, comet-tail artifact = 0, macrocalcifications = 1, peripheral or rim = 2, punctate = 3
Note.—Points are totaled by adding single selections from the composition, echogenicity, shape, and margin
categories to selections from the echogenic foci category, which allows multiple selections.

suspicious, TR4 = moderately suspicious, and Specific sonographic follow-up recommenda-

TR5 = highly suspicious. On the basis of review tions are based on a combination of TR category
of the available literature, these categories were and nodule size. Unlike the ATA system, ACR
established by the TI-RADS Committee. The TI-RADS eliminates a recommendation for
approximate risk for nodule malignancy is esti- FNAB of nodules with certain features, as they
mated at 2% or less for TR1 and TR2, 2.1%–5% are highly likely to be benign. Overall, TI-RADS
for TR3, 5.1%–20% for TR4, and greater than has a higher size threshold for recommending
20% for TR5. biopsy compared with other systems. This is
Assessing a nodule with TI-RADS involves based on the rationale that most thyroid can-
a comprehensive evaluation of its composition, cers are papillary cancers. Localized papillary
echogenicity, shape, margin, and echogenic cancers smaller than 1 cm, also referred to as
foci. Points are assigned to each US feature, papillary microcarcinoma, typically have negli-
with higher values indicating greater degrees of gible clinical significance.
suspicion (Table 2). The total score of a nodule ACR TI-RADS has been validated by mul-
is used to assign its TR category. In conjunction tiple studies (26–29). In a study of 2847 patients
with nodule size, the TR category helps deter- with biopsy results proven by using pathologic
mine recommendations for FNAB and follow- analysis, ACR TI-RADS classification was
up (Table 3). The method of scoring echogenic 98.8% specific for diagnosing benign nodules
foci and calcifications is unique to TI-RADS, in at the cost of missing a small number of papil-
that the points attributed to these features are lary cancers in TR2 and TR3 nodules that were
additive and given more weight than in other smaller than 2.5 cm (30). In a study comparing
systems. seven society guidelines, ACR TI-RADS had
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 7 Tappouni et al  2043

Table 3: TI-RADS Scoring with Management Recommendations Based on Cumulative Score

TI-RADS Category Point Score Definition Management Recommendations

TR1 0 Benign No FNAB
TR2 2 Not suspicious No FNAB
TR3 3 Mildly suspicious FNAB ≥2.5-cm nodule
Follow up ≥1.5-cm nodule at 1, 3, and 5 y
TR4 4–6 Moderately suspicious FNAB ≥1.5-cm nodule
Follow up ≥1-cm nodule at 1, 2, 3, and 5 y
TR5 >6 Highly suspicious FNAB ≥1-cm nodule
Follow up ≥0.5 cm nodule annually until 5 y

Table 4: TI-RADS Challenges, Pitfalls, and Solutions

Category Challenges and Pitfalls Solutions

Imaging and Image acquisition: still vs cine Still images and cine clips of nodule
workflow Measuring: dimensions and number of Measure three dimensions
Structured Reporting format: basic vs advanced Pick list–driven advanced structured report
reporting How to discern what to report Limit to maximum of four nodules
Multiple low-risk similar-appearing lesions Multiple similar lesions: characterize the largest
Perception gap: wording for TR4 or TR5 Modify wording for TR4 or TR5 nodules <1 cm
nodules <1 cm
Interpretation and Consistently characterize spongiform nodules Technologist education
interobserver One vs two nodules: single conglomerate vs Technique optimization
variability multiple adjacent nodules Dedicated cine clip of area
Punctate foci vs calcification in wall vs Peer learning
comet-tail artifact Double reading
Ill-defined vs lobulated nodules
Background calibration of atrophic or het-
erogeneous nodules
Solid component vs debris in cyst
Implementation, Radiology model vs endocrinology model Unify models among radiologists in entire
quality im- Radiologic-pathologic correlation and pa- health system
provement, and tient tracking Align with endocrinology model
future directions FNAB recommendation and results tracking

the lowest rate of unnecessary thyroid nodule First, still images are obtained in the trans-
FNAB at 25.3% (31). verse and sagittal orientations. Next, US cine
clips of each lobe and the isthmus are obtained in
Challenges, Pitfalls, and Solutions the transverse and sagittal planes.
Implementing new departmental or institutional Thyroid nodules smaller than 5 mm should
guidelines for assessment of a specific condi- generally be ignored. In nodules larger than
tion or organ system presents many challenges. 5 mm, still images and cine clips should be ob-
Practice-wide adoption of ACR TI-RADS can tained in transverse and sagittal planes, depend-
present issues related to education, workflow, and ing on the relevant US features (Table 2). If mul-
adherence to interpretation and reporting stan- tiple nodules are found, then the four nodules
dards. We highlight several potential pitfalls and that are the largest or most suspicious should
challenges related to ACR TI-RADS with some undergo imaging and be cataloged. Each nodule
proposed solutions (Table 4). is measured in anterior-posterior, transverse, and
craniocaudal dimensions.
Imaging, Workflow, Before starting the program, it is crucial to edu-
and Structured Reporting cate and train sonographers to recognize relevant
When managing multiple sites, establishing a uni- TI-RADS US features. It is also important to de-
fied sonographer protocol is an essential first step velop a worksheet or equivalent annotation system
to achieve consistency of service. to assist the sonographer in documenting nodules
2044  November-December 2019

Figure 1.  Sample portion of a sonogra-

pher worksheet. An example annotation
of a nodule in the left upper thyroid lobe
is included. TI-RADS recommends that
no more than four nodules be indexed,
so there are four available positions in
which to document nodules.

Figure 2.  Sample template built by us-

ing PowerScribe 360 Reporting (Nuance
Communications; Burlington, Mass). This
structured reporting scheme features pick
lists, which allow toggling between the
component fields and their associated op-
tions. When paired with the sonographer
worksheet in Figure 1, a synoptic report
of the nodule characteristics is created.

and other information that should be brought to the thyroid gland, a comprehensive description
the radiologist’s attention. An illustration of the of up to four nodules to index their size, location,
thyroid gland could be used to mark the loca- core US features, numeric score and TI-RADS
tion of a nodule, with adjacent spaces in which category, any change from a prior examination (if
to record measurements and TI-RADS–specific applicable), and a final recommendation (Fig 2).
features (Fig 1). Associated imaging findings such
as lymph nodes can be similarly illustrated. Information Included in the Report
Structured reporting has been shown to in- Radiologists are faced with several challenges when
crease report homogeneity and language unifor- generating a meaningful structured report of a
mity, standardize conclusions and recommenda- thyroid US examination, especially when there are
tions, and lead to better communication between several nodules. When multiple nodules are pres-
radiologists and clinicians (32). Three levels of ent, the sonographer should identify the four most
structured reporting have been described. The concerning nodules and measure them. Cine clips
first is use of headings such as “Indications,” of the entire thyroid gland should be obtained to
“Comparison,” “Findings,” and “Impression.” demonstrate the nodules. The radiologist should
The second level adds organ systems as subhead- also identify the four most concerning nodules and
ings. This is also known as itemized reporting. describe them using the standard lexicon.
The third level adds standardized terminology Careful comparison with any prior images helps
and language (33,34). TI-RADS reports are best determine if there has been threshold growth,
suited for the third level, as standardized terms which is defined as enlargement by 20% and 2
are available to describe thyroid nodules. mm in two dimensions or a 50% increase in the
A TI-RADS–specific structured report can be volume of the nodule. If there is evidence that the
designed by using dictation software that can cre- TR category has increased but the nodule still
ate templates with customizable fields. This enables does not warrant biopsy because of size criteria,
input of various types of standardized text and then follow-up in 1 year is needed, and the prior
numeric values. Features such as pick lists allow surveillance recommendations are superseded.
selection of designated options in a field, which A major component of TI-RADS is the detailed
improves adherence to terminology. On the basis lexicon that provides definitions for US features.
of ACR recommendations, default components Various descriptive terms that were once com-
for such a report include a general assessment of monly used to describe imaging features are no
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 7 Tappouni et al  2045

Figure 3.  Multiple spongiform nodules in the same patient. US images show multiple similar-appearing low-risk nodules. Only the
largest one needs to be characterized in the structured report.

seeming discordance in language may not make

sense to a layperson or even to a provider. It may
be best for radiologists to use their discretion in
these situations (Fig 4). We have removed most
of these unnecessarily alarming phrases from our
structured reports.
The ACR recommends that FNAB should be
limited to a maximum of two nodules and any
suspicious lymphadenopathy (Fig 5). If multiple
nodules meet the criteria for FNAB, then the two
with the highest point totals (and then largest
size as a tiebreaker) are the most appropriate to
Figure 4.  Moderately suspicious nodule. US biopsy. Common reporting challenges and pro-
image shows a solid hypoechoic thyroid nodule
smaller than 1 cm and designated as a TR4 nod-
posed solutions are provided in Table 5.
ule. The recommendations and wording used to
report such nodules are at the discretion of the Interpretation and Interobserver
interpreting radiologist. Variability
Accurate interpretation of thyroid nodule features
is an essential component of any classification
longer in use, since they do not serve a specific system. Although TI-RADS parameters allow only
purpose in a structured characterization. Examples the four most suspicious nodules to be indexed,
of these terms include “white knight,” “giraffe a thyroid gland with many nodules could still be
hide,” and “halo,” which are not used in TI-RADS tedious to evaluate.
because of the inconsistency of pattern percep- We propose an algorithmic approach that can
tion and debatable correlation with risk of disease. help stratify nodules for indexing (Fig 6). A few key
In addition, the term “dominant,” while seeming features are used to measure the level of suspicion
intuitive, is discouraged because of the relative before proceeding to a full assessment. First, com-
unimportance of size in assessing a nodule. position is assessed. Spongiform and cystic nodules
For clarity of reporting, we recommend that are benign and do not require action, so these
multiple nodules of identical appearance and features would take the lowest priority in reporting.
point score can be grouped together, thereby If the nodule is neither spongiform nor cystic, then
requiring that only the largest nodule be indexed the presence and appearance of peripheral calcifica-
(Fig 3). This is especially true for nodules with tions are assessed, as these are suspicious features.
relatively low suspicion, as there is little to no Any applicable features from the echogenic foci
reason for repetitive documentation of benign- choices are included and added to the total score.
appearing nodules. Peripherally calcified nodules can be described
The description of TI-RADS categories must with two parameters. The internal architecture
be worded carefully, particularly if FNAB is not may be obscured by shadowing, making the
recommended. This eliminates confusion for the composition and echogenicity indeterminate.
clinician and avoids provoking anxiety in a pa- Also, a nodule may have an irregular or lobulated
tient who may be attempting to parse the details margin characterized by a pattern of interrupted
of a report. For example, a TR4 nodule smaller peripheral calcification. In both cases, more points
than 1 cm can be labeled as “moderately suspi- are assigned so that the category of the nodule
cious” but may not require action. However, this increases to TR4 or TR5.
2046  November-December 2019

Figure 5.  Three mildly to moderately suspicious thyroid nodules in the same patient. (a) US image shows a TR4 nodule with macro-
calcification in the isthmus. (b) US image demonstrates a TR3 nodule measuring 2.6 cm. (c) US image shows a TR3 nodule measur-
ing 3.1 cm. All three nodules meet FNAB criteria, but biopsy should be recommended only for the two largest and most suspicious
nodules, which are the nodules in a and c in this case.

Table 5: Reporting Challenges and Proposed Solutions

Reporting Challenge Solution

Too many nodules to report Catalog a maximum of four nodules ranked by point total
Multiple nodules of same TI-RADS category or Index and characterize the largest
multiple low-risk nodules
Multiple high-risk nodules Recommend biopsy for up to two nodules
TR4 nodule <1 cm Radiologist discretion to not require follow-up
Thyroid nodule discovered at carotid US Recommend dedicated thyroid US
Inconsistent language Computerized synoptic reporting with options limited to TI-
RADS official lexicon

If the nodule does not have peripheral calci- technique could depict imaging features in an
fication or cystic or spongiform morphology, a inaccurate or misleading fashion. It is mandatory
full feature assessment of the nodule should be that all personnel be taught the TI-RADS lexicon
performed. and trained how to perform all relevant imaging
By following this algorithmic approach, the examinations, including how to acquire cine clips.
radiologist can quickly differentiate suspicious Inconsistency in reporting imaging features can
from benign nodules and focus effort on nodules undermine the scoring system.
that must be indexed. Fortunately, agreement on the overall TI-
Radiologist agreement for nodule features RADS category is generally more consistent
ranges from fair to moderate (35–37). A spongi- across readers than agreement on individual
form nodule is defined as having interleaved cys- features, and agreement for recommendation
tic spaces in more than 50% of the nodule. This to pursue biopsy is even higher (35,37). This is
type of nodule can be challenging to interpret a strength of TI-RADS, as maintaining reason-
(Fig 7) because of the specificity of the lexicon able recommendations for treatment is an im-
definition. portant factor from the perspective of patient-
Other features can present problems during centered care.
image interpretation. It is sometimes difficult to To reduce interreader variability, radiologists
differentiate punctate echogenic foci that represent should be aware of their own risk preference,
microcalcifications from the comet-tail artifact that conduct regular peer learning meetings to discuss
indicates inspissated colloid (Fig 8). It is debated discrepant cases, and obtain second opinion con-
whether to add points for echogenicities along the sultations when there is uncertainty.
walls of cystic spaces. Also, it can be troublesome
to obtain an accurate measurement of a nodule in Implementation and Quality Measures
a patient with a background multinodular gland or There are several opportunities to introduce
a significantly heterogeneous gland (Fig 9). quality measures in thyroid imaging. A standard
Interpretation could be affected by operator lexicon and structured reporting system are avail-
dependence. Sonographer inexperience and poor able to convey relative risk of malignancy, and
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 7 Tappouni et al  2047

Figure 6.  Flowchart shows an algorithmic approach to interpreting and classifying a thyroid nodule by using ACR TI-RADS features.
While all components should be reported as required, useful checkpoints include evaluation of composition and peripheral calcifica-
tion. A nodule with these characteristics may be placed immediately into higher-suspicion categories. This is an efficient way to stratify
indexed nodules.

Figure 7.  Challenges of evaluation of spongiform nodules. (a) US image shows a smaller
superficial nodule with characteristic tiny spaces and a large comet-tail artifact caused by col-
loid content. The larger nodule also has spongiform imaging findings in its upper portion, but
since this constitutes less than 50% of its composition, it is considered to be solid. (b) US image
shows a spongiform nodule in a different patient. This nodule demonstrates both stereotypical
features with at least 50% involvement of the nodule.

radiologists are involved in the performance of measure 406 (“Appropriate Follow-up Imaging for
US-guided biopsies. Incidental Thyroid Nodules in Patients”) is applied
Currently, there are two existing national quality to incidental thyroid nodules identified at CT and
measures that can be applied to thyroid nodules. MRI. MIPS measure 265 (“Biopsy Follow-up”)
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) ensures that the performing physician has reviewed
2048  November-December 2019

Figure 8.  Comet-tail artifact. US image

shows a comet-tail artifact in a thyroid
nodule. The artifact was initially inter-
preted as a punctate echogenic focus.
The nodule was subsequently biopsied
and determined to be benign.

Figure 9.  Difficult interpretation of nodules. (a) US image shows a heterogeneous nodule that appears to span the
length of the thyroid lobe. (b) US image demonstrates improved conspicuity of an interface between two abutting
nodules. This image was obtained after the sonographer made subtle adjustments to the insonation angle and other
technical parameters, which revealed imaging features that had been obscured slightly by a macrocalcification.

the biopsy results and communicated them to the adequate for diagnosis. Quality measures re-
referring physician and patient. There are oppor- flecting diagnostic yield (or nondiagnostic rate),
tunities for new quality measures in the areas of false-positive rate, and false-negative rate can be
diagnostic accuracy, appropriateness, efficiency, compared across providers who perform these
and patient-centered care. procedures to ensure optimal procedural tech-
nique and avoid unnecessary repeat biopsies.
Diagnostic Accuracy.—Since there are data
regarding the expected rates of malignancy for Patient-centered Care.—One opportunity to
TR1–TR5 nodules, measures such as positive improve patient-centered care involves measuring
predictive value (PPV) for TR3–TR5 nodules and and managing patient anxiety and pain related to
negative predictive value for TR2 nodules can be US-guided biopsies. Another opportunity is the
benchmarked to national data. PPV measures ex- creation of patient-friendly documents that help
ist in the ACR Lung Cancer Screening Registry patients understand the results of their thyroid US,
and CT Colonography Registry (38). provide guidance on how they can get more in-
formation, and what the next steps may be. These
Appropriateness.—Given that multiple guide- types of activities allow radiologists to be more
lines are available to help stratify thyroid nodules engaged with patients, assist with shared decision
by risk, quality measures for biopsy and follow- making, and address issues that are important to
up imaging can be based on established guide- patients and their family members (40).
lines (39). The existing MIPS measures can be It may be challenging to incorporate ACR
updated to reflect current recommendations that TI-RADS into quality measures at the local and
are based on nodule morphology and patient age national levels. Multiple practice guidelines, as
as well as nodule size. described earlier in this article, can lead to differ-
ent criteria for biopsy and lack of reconciliation
Efficiency.—Thyroid biopsy techniques vary with regards to biopsy and imaging follow-up.
among different practitioners. There is an incon- Thyroid US may be performed and its results
sistent use of resources such as on-site cytopa- interpreted not by radiologists, but by endocri-
thologists who determine if biopsy samples are nologists who use ATA guidelines.
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 7 Tappouni et al  2049

Figure 10.  Follicular neoplasm. (a) Axial PET/CT image depicts a hypermetabolic nodule in the left thyroid
lobe. (b) US image reveals a corresponding TR4 nodule in the left lobe, which was biopsied and shown to
be a follicular neoplasm.

cancer) could be incorporated. Given the broad

range of research topics possible, we offer a few
thoughts based on our experience, which could
potentially shape the future of TI-RADS.

US Evaluation Guided
by FDG-PET Activity
Diffuse thyroid gland uptake can be seen in
thyroiditis or Graves disease. Focal uptake, which
is seen mostly in thyroid nodules, can be seen in
benign and malignant conditions (41). Incidental
Figure 11.  TR5 nodule in a patient with a his- hypermetabolic thyroid nodules can be a relatively
tory of papillary cancer. US image obtained for common finding at fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose
preoperative evaluation shows a nodule that had (18F-FDG) PET/CT (42). The malignancy rate
previously been biopsied at a different facility in hypermetabolic thyroid nodules ranges broadly
and shown to be papillary cancer. It was evalu-
ated to be a TR5 or highly suspicious nodule. from 14% to 81%, but a rate of 50% is often quoted
in the nuclear medicine literature (43). Many of
these hypermetabolic nodules subsequently un-
In this environment, it is important for radiolo- dergo US with or without FNAB (Fig 10).
gists interpreting thyroid US images to establish In a large retrospective study, the incidence of
good relationships with endocrinologists and otolar- malignancy in biopsied focal hypermetabolic thy-
yngology surgeons to gain their professional respect roid lesions was 21.4%. Nodules exhibiting a ratio
and garner trust in TI-RADS. It is also important of thyroid maximum standardized uptake value
to be familiar with ATA guidelines, as some patients (SUVmax) to background SUVmax greater than 2
may undergo repeat imaging or FNAB in a radiol- were shown to be correlated with malignancy and
ogy department after an initial endocrinologist visit. should be examined with US and possibly undergo
FNAB (43). Because of this, PET activity might be
Future Directions considered a future factor in TI-RADS by adding
As acknowledged by the TI-RADS Committee in points to a nodule with hypermetabolic activity.
the initial white paper, a number of situations are
not addressed in its current scope. The primary Additional Granularity
focus is on assessment of US features, but it may Other structured reporting systems such as BI-
be possible to make recommendations for man- RADS and LI-RADS (Liver Imaging Reporting
agement more specific through inclusion of other and Data System) contain categories that can be
clinical and imaging factors. applied to TI-RADS. One example is a thyroid
For instance, a pretest probability risk profile nodule that is known to be malignant but has
based on personal and family history (eg, ra- not been (or potentially will not be) treated. This
diation exposure, multiple endocrine neoplasia would be analogous to the BI-RADS 6 category
syndrome, and first-degree relatives with thyroid (Fig 11) and may be particularly important when
2050  November-December 2019

Figure 12.  Long-term follow-up

of two patients after thyroidectomy.
(a) US image shows a small nodule
in the thyroidectomy bed. The nod-
ule demonstrated stability over sev-
eral years, which suggests the pres-
ence of nonviable tissue. There was
no clinical concern for recurrence.
(b) US image in a different patient
demonstrates a lobulated nodule in
the thyroidectomy bed. The nodule
demonstrated hypervascularity and
growth over several examinations
and was a biopsy-proven recur-
rence of papillary cancer.

patient care is transferred to another practice. A

repeat and possibly discordant evaluation can be
Conversely, patients with a history of thyroid-
ectomy or ablation who present with abnormal
imaging findings (Fig 12) should not receive
an evaluation out of context. These patients
may benefit from a posttreatment category as
described in LI-RADS (eg, TR viable or TR

Indeterminate and
Discrepant FNAB Results Figure 13.  Discordance between imaging fea-
Analysis of thyroid nodule FNAB specimens tures of a nodule and tissue sampling results. US
shows nondiagnostic or indeterminate results in image depicts a nodule that was initially classified
15%–20% of patients (1,4). Repeat US or FNAB as TR4 and subsequently biopsied. Pathologic
analysis revealed atypia of undetermined signifi-
is often necessary to monitor the lesion, confirm cance. Repeat FNAB showed papillary cancer.
the diagnosis, or perform molecular testing. If re-
peat FNAB results are indeterminate, the patient
may undergo thyroidectomy or imaging surveil- increase in diagnostic accuracy when morpho-
lance (1). Patients with suspicious nodules and logic analysis was augmented with contrast-
negative or indeterminate FNAB results should enhanced US (44,45).
undergo repeat biopsy or be referred to a surgeon Similarly, US elastography has been used for
for possible thyroidectomy (Fig 13). assessment of mechanical properties in multiple
For example, a TR5 lesion with negative organs, including the liver, breast, and thyroid
FNAB results should undergo a repeat biopsy (46). Combining elastography with B-mode US
because a sampling error may have taken place. features has shown some increase in the sensitiv-
Providing a specific recommendation for repeat ity and specificity of diagnosis (46,47).
biopsy or surgery referral may help in such
circumstances. It is also important to coordinate Conclusion
with the referring physician to integrate this The incidence of thyroid nodules is rapidly rising,
information. When addressing the most chal- and careful risk stratification is an important ele-
lenging cases, it may be appropriate to hold an ment in preventing overdiagnosis and excessive
interdisciplinary conference. treatment. The role of the radiologist is critical to
reduce unnecessary imaging and biopsies. One
Inclusion of Contrast-enhanced US way to accomplish this is by assessing US features
and Elastography of thyroid nodules in a standardized fashion.
In LI-RADS, the utility of contrast-enhanced ACR TI-RADS provides a framework to gener-
US to depict hepatocellular carcinoma is fully ate structured reporting and consistently classify
recognized. As US is the dominant imaging nodules to provide appropriate management
modality used in thyroid evaluation, contrast- recommendations.
enhanced US could be used to extend TI- Implementing ACR TI-RADS affects multiple
RADS. Various studies showed a significant aspects of the imaging workflow and also has
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 7 Tappouni et al  2051

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