How 2020 Will Shape 2021

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How 2020 will shape 2021

Corona virus has changed the way we live and work

 imports and exports were affected adversely. the Automobile industry in India imports
components from China. When China was fighting with coronavirus, factories were shut down
and as a result, India’s automobile industry had to halt the production. Not just India, but many
countries are depending on the imports for many products such as electronics, pharmaceutical
ingredients etc. So, in the year 2021, companies will work on diversifying supply chains and
countries will work on achieving self-sufficiency.

 2021 may bring more work from home jobs, as more and more
companies are thinking of it as a win-win situation for them and for the
employees. Especially for women employees.
  telemedicine facilities more accessible.
 shortage of healthcare professionals and medical equipment.

 There will be more e-learning opportunities.

  OTT (Over-the-top media services ) platforms such as Netflix &
Amazon Prime may take over the traditional film industry in 2021.

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