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40pts per blip unless otherwise noted.

Movement Armour Snap Fire Aimed Fire Close Combat
No. Name Speed Man. Reaction Exposed In Cover Weapons Ammo Target Range To Hit Range To Hit To Hit Parry
2 GargoyleB1 8 - 8 6 7 Flesh Borer U - 12 1D+1 24 1D+2 1D -
2 Genestealer 6 - 10 10 11 Rending Claws - - - - - - 3D+5 -
1 Genestealer BroodlordS1 6 - 10 11 11 Rending Claws - - - - - - 3D+6 -
1 Hive TyrantS1 6 U 8 13 13 Barbed Strangler2 U A3 - - 24 1D+43 2D+6 -
1 Hive TyrantS1 6 U 8 13 13 Bone Sword & Lash Whip4 - - - - - - 3D+7 P
1 Hive TyrantS1 6 U 8 13 13 Venom Cannon2 U - - - 36 1D+9 2D+6 -
3 HormagauntB 6 - 8 7 8 Scything Talons - - - - - - 2D+2 -
1 Lictor 6 - 10 11 12 Talons/Flesh Hooks U - 6 1D+21 - - 3D+7 -
1 Ravener 7 - 8 11 11 Talons/Spine Fist U - 6 1D 12 1D+1 3D+6 -
2 Ripper SwarmB1 5 U 6 8 8 Claws, Teeth - - - - - - 2D+4 P
2 Spore MinesB1 4 U 5 6 6 Spores U A1 - - - - -2 -
2 TermagantB 5 - 7 7 8 Flesh Borer U - 12 1D+1 24 1D+2 1D -
2 TermagantB 5 - 7 7 8 Spine Fist x 2 U - 6 2D 12 2D+1 1D -
1 Tyranid WarriorS 6 U 7 11 11 Barbed Strangler U A1 - - 24 1D+41 2D+5 -
1 Tyranid WarriorS 6 U 7 112 112 Bone Swords x 2 - - - - - - 3D+6 P
1 Tyranid WarriorS 6 U 7 11 11 Death Spitter U A3 8 1D+53 24 1D+53 2D+6 -
1 Tyranid WarriorS 6 U 7 11 11 Devourer U - 8 2D+2 16 2D+3 2D+6 -
1 Tyranid WarriorS 6 U 7 11 11 Venom Cannon U - - - 36 1D+9 2D+5 -
1 Tyrant Guard 5 U 6 121 121 Bone Sword & Lash Whip2 - - - - - - 3D+6 P
1 ZoanthropeS 5 U 6 12 12 Warp Blast U A - - 24 1D+3 1D-1 -
Gargoyle 1:Gargoyles fly so they cannot be engaged in hand to hand by an enemy model. A gargoyle may choose to attack an enemy in close combat. Gargoyles may move
through squares occupied by Unmaneuverable Tyranid models.
Genestealer Broodlord 1: You may only purchase one Broodlord for your force list.
Hive Tyrant 1: The Hive Tyrant has 2 Wounds. First time the Hive Tyrant is wounded mark it with a token. When wounded a 2nd time remove the figure. You may only purchase
one Hive Tyrant for your force list at a cost of 80pts.
2: Hive Tyrant comes with Bone Sword & Lash Whip plus either a Barbed Strangler or Venom Cannon.
3: Barbed Strangler attacks target square with 1D+4 the hooked tendrils attack all adjacent squares with1D.
4: Lash Whip constrains the enemy so the Tyranid can make a killing blow. You may reroll 1 close combat die.
Lictor 1: Flesh Hooks do not cause damage. If the Lictor hits, the victim is dragged to the square in front of the Lictor.
Ripper Swarm 1: Ripper Swarms are small in height so they do not block Line of Sight. All sides of the Ripper Swarm count as the front arc for close combat.
Spore Mines 1: When a Spore Mine pays the movement cost to move into an enemy model’s square it explodes. 1D+3 to the target square and 1D+1 to adjacent squares. Also
place a blind template as the spores in the air act just like a blind grenade.
2: In Close Combat a Spore Mine automatically loses and explodes 1D+1 to adjacent squares. Plus place a blind template.
Tyranid Warrior 1: Barbed Strangler attacks target square with 1D+4 the hooked tendrils attack all adjacent squares with1D.
2:Pair of Boneswords adds +1 to its armour vs shots within its fire arc to give an armour rating of 12
3:Death Spitter attacks target square with 1D+5 plus 2 blobs of caustic protoplasm scatter randomly to adjacent squares and attack with 1D.
Tyrant Guard 1: Tyrant Guard has heavy armour plating to its front which adds +1 to its armour vs any attack in the front arc to give an armour rating of 13.
2: Lash Whip constrains the enemy so the Tyranid can make a killing blow. You may reroll 1 close combat die.
Extra Actions Tyranids marked with B by their name follow their instinctive behavior and so cannot use extra actions unless they are within 6 squares of a synapse creature
marked with S by their name.

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