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P&I insurance aspects of

contagious disease outbreak

or vessel quarantine
APRIL 2009

Like the outbreak of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Loss prevention measures will vary by disease and
Syndrome) in March 2003, the recent escalation may involve preventive vaccinations, vessel
of alert status by the World Health Organisation disinfections, limitations on crew or passenger
following outbreaks of A/H1N1 swine influenza shore leave, ability to obtain ship supplies,
in April 2009 has caused many vessel operators to restrictions on treatment of sewage or waste water
re-visit the age old issues of ships and disease. or even require cancellation of port calls.

This note briefly summarises many of the P&I

issues which may arise. Potential losses of an owner
A list of potential losses includes:
Loss Prevention and information
• Liability for illness or death of crew;
As always, prevention is better than facing claims. • Cost of repatriating or substituting crew;
Contagious diseases which lead to vessel quarantine
often spread so quickly that owners are best advised • Liability for illness or death of passengers;
to seek advice directly from current sources. • Vessel deviation costs;
• Additional running cost during prevention or
Globally, the most important source of information is under actual quarantine;
the World Health Organisation (WHO)
The WHO provides extensive information and • Fines;
research about infectious outbreaks, as well as about • Delay or contamination related cargo claims;
tropical and other diseases. • Loss of time or profit;

Also, and in North America in particular, the US • Loss of a commercial fixture or other
Centers for Disease Control provide valuable consequential loss.
information and links, Other national
links of note are the UK Department of Health, In an actual claim, Members will need to refer to, the Japanese Ministry of Health, the Club’s Rules. However, in less technical terms,
Labour and Welfare the general position in respect of P&I cover for
each loss type follows.
For the majority of Members, however, local port
agents must provide current advice, and owners must
appreciate that conditions may change on a daily basis Death or illness of crew
during a contagious disease outbreak or pandemic.
When crew become ill, or suspect they may be ill,
Owners should always follow health guidelines to Members should seek medical advice. If treatment
prevent the spread of illness and not recklessly is required, such as medicine or hospitalisation,
expose crew or spread disease. P&I cover responds.
Sadly, seamen may die aboard ship or ashore Vessel deviation
following contraction of an infectious disease,
despite due care. A vessel may be forced to deviate from its intended
voyage in order to provide medical care to a crewman,
In these unfortunate circumstances, owners will passenger or other person on board. The Club will
often have obligations under crew contracts or indemnify an owner’s net loss over and above
possibly under common law to provide death expenses that would otherwise have been incurred,
compensation. P&I insurance covers this liability. but limited to the cost of fuel, insurance, wages,
stores, provision and other necessary port charges.

Crew repatriation and As noted above, P&I does not cover commercial
losses arising from deviation, or where a port is
substitution costs cancelled. Some cargo or passenger forwarding
If crew need medical treatment, the Club will costs, though, may fall within the scope of P&I.
indemnify necessary repatriation and substitution
costs. Repatriation costs may include additional
medical treatment at sea or on land, including the Extra running costs – during
costs of quarantine ashore before crew can return prevention or actual quarantine
home or join a vessel.
Owners may incur additional running costs as a
P&I will also cover the expense of medically qualified result of a quarantine order or the need to carry
transport escorts, such as a traveling nurses or doctors out disinfection following an outbreak of disease
where required. on board. This is addressed by a specific Rule:

Once again, the Club’s network of correspondents

is valuable in providing local assistance during crew
Quarantine expenses

Passengers Additional expenses incurred by the

Owner of an entered ship as a direct
P&I cover will respond to indemnify medical charges consequence of an outbreak of
incurred by passengers on board including precaution- infectious disease on that ship,
ary examinations, hospitalisation or medicine. including quarantine and disinfection
expenses and the net loss to the Owner
Passengers may additionally seek compensation from (over and above such expenses as
the owner in some countries, claiming damages as would have been incurred but for the
a result of illness suffered on board a ship, or in the outbreak) in respect of the cost of fuel,
worse case there may be claims by the relative for insurance, wages, stores, provisions
death of a passenger on board a ship. P&I cover and port charges. [Rule 2, Section 16]
will respond to these legal liabilities of an owner.

Cruise and ferry operators are generally aware of

disease issues, and have in place routines for
contacting not only passengers on board a vessel,
but also those who may recently have been aboard, Where owners make commercial decisions to call
or are scheduled to go aboard. at a port which the owner knows will quarantine
the vessel, the costs may be viewed as routine
However, if a vessel is quarantined or cruises operation costs. Similarly, an owner may incur
cancelled, P&I cover does not extend to cover additional running costs while taking routine
prospective commercial losses. P&I cover generally precautions. For example, an owner might delay a
responds to liabilities to passengers on board the ship one day to permit the crew to disinfect the
vessel, or who have been on board. ship. This is generally a routine cost of operations.
Quarantine fines value. As with delay, an owner should have full
defences to this type of claim. However, if the
It is theoretically possible for authorities to fine an owner is found legally liable, P&I cover will respond.
owner or individual crew for bringing a disease to
a port, or failing to comply with certain health In an extreme scenario where a port is totally closed
obligations in force in the port. P&I cover will and cargo must be trans-shipped, P&I cover may
generally respond to these fines, absent recklessness respond to the extent an owner is legally liable to
by the owner or intentional illegal calls at a do so. Owners should immediately consult the
quarantined port. Club in these situations.

Loss of time or commercial

losses - limitation of P&I cover
P&I cover generally does not indemnify an owner
for loss of time or loss of hire. For example, P&I
cover does not indemnify an owner for lost hire
while a vessel is detained at a quarantine
anchorage, though P&I cover does respond to
additional running costs as outlined above.

Similarly, P&I cover does not indemnify owners

for commercial losses. For example, if a vessel is
detained due to quarantine and misses a lay/can
SARS epidemic curve 2003, source WHO date for its next fixture, P&I does not indemnify
an owner for loss of profit or other commercial
Cargo related losses
Cargo related losses are less likely as a result of
quarantine. However, it is conceivable that an Defence cover issuesrs
owner faces a claim related to (i) delay in delivery As a result of quarantine or closure of a port,
or loading, (ii) loss of or reduction in value of various commercial issues may arise. Owners
cargo as a result of a quarantine order by competent may wish to consult the Defence Club
authorities, or (iii) inability to deliver to a named
port because of a ship’s quarantine or closure of a
port. Some issues, for example, might arise about
whether a port is safe, or the rights of owners or
Generally, under bill of lading terms and the charterers to decide to cancel calling at a port.
international bill of lading conventions such as the
Hague Visby rules, the owner has full defences to
delay claims. The rapid spread of disease leading
to quarantine would generally be a force majeure
event. It is an event beyond the owner’s control If you have further questions about P&I cover,
and the owner should not be liable. However, in please contact your Area Group, the Club’s People
an unusual event where an owner was held liable Claims Department in London or your Regional
for delay-related cargo losses, P&I cover will respond. office.

P&I however would not respond where the owner

intentionally breached quarantine or port closure

Depending on the type of cargo and type of

disease, cargo may be destroyed or be reduced in

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