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Spectrapak 313 - DEHA

Spectrapak 313 – 698954, DEHA test solution – 698761 and DEHA test tablets – 698753

How to draw the sample:

Carefully fill the 60 ml bottle the water sample so that the sample continues to overflow for 1 minute. Gently place the stopper in
the bottle so that a small amount of sample is expelled and that no air bubbles are trapped under the stopper. Cool the outside of
the bottle with running cold water if the sample feels warm.

Carefully Transfer Add 6 drops Now add 1 Whilst Crush and mix After the 10 Immediately
pour the this 10 ml of DEHA test DEHA test waiting, well to dissolve minute match the
sample into the solution by tablet to the decant then place the standing period colour
into a 10 amber holding the bottle. Crush another 10 cell in the left is complete, against the
ml glass bottle plastic bottle and mix well ml of hand pour the test disc by
moulded by pouring vertical and to dissolve. original compartment of solution form holding the
cell, filling slowly down squeezing Allow to stand sample into the comparator. the amber comparator
to the the side of gently. Swirl for exactly the 10 ml Slide the DEHA glass bottle facing a
10 ml line. the bottle. to mix. 10 minutes. cell and add disc into the into a clean 10 good source
1 DEHA comparator. ml cell and of daylight if
test tablet. place in the possible.
right hand

Record the result as ppm DEHA in Waterproof or your customised result logging system.

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