Assessment For Learning

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Assessment for Learning

Q1. In educatinn is used ti make inference abiut the learning and develipment students.

1. Assessment
2. Evaluatin
3. Measurement
4. Diagnisis .

Q1. In educatinn is used ti make inference abiut the learning and develipment students.

1. Assessment
2. Evaluatin.
3. Measurement
4. Diagnisis

Q2. Educatin is a pricess in which kniwledge and skills are transferred

1. Frim a few persins ti few persins

2. Frim a few persins ti a large number if peiple
3. Frim a few persins ti the next generatin
4. Frim a generatin ti the next generatin

Q2. Educatin is a pricess in which kniwledge and skills are transferred

1. Frim a few persins ti few persins

2. Frim a few persins ti a large number if peiple
3. Frim a few persins ti the next generatin
4. Frim a generatin ti the next generatin

Q3. Instrument used fir measuring a sample a behaviir is?

1. Test
2. Measurement
3. Assessment
4. Evaluatin

Q3. Instrument used fir measuring a sample a behaviir is?

1. Test
2. Measurement
3. Assessment
4. Evaluatin
Q4. Limited ti the quanttatve descriptin if the pupil’s perfirmance is?

1. Test
2. Measurement
3. Assessment
4. Evaluatin

Q4. Limited ti the quanttatve descriptin if the pupil’s perfirmance is?

1. Test
2. Measurement
3. Assessment
4. Evaluatin

Q5. Evaluatin that minitirs learning prigress is?

1. Placement Evaluatin
2. Firmatve Evaluatin
3. Diagnistc Evaluatin
4. Summatve Evaluatin

Q5. Evaluatin that minitirs learning prigress is?

1. Placement Evaluatin
2. Firmatve Evaluatin
3. Diagnistc Evaluatin
4. Summatve Evaluatin

Q6. is the systematc pricess if dicumentng and using empirical data in the kniwledgen
skilln attudesn and beliefs ti renne prigrams and imprive student learning.

1. Educatinal assessment ir educatinal evaluatin

2. Measurement
3. Examinatin
4. Nine if these

Q6. is the systematc pricess if dicumentng and using empirical data in the kniwledgen
skilln attudesn and beliefs ti renne prigrams and imprive student learning.

1. Educatinal assessment ir educatinal evaluatin

2. Measurement
3. Examinatin
4. Nine if these
Q7. Assessment can ficus in:

1. the individual learner

2. the learning cimmunity
3. an academic prigramn
4. All the abive

Q7. Assessment can ficus in:

1. the individual learner

2. the learning cimmunity
3. an academic prigramn
4. All the abive

Q8. Which assessment us carried iut at the end if a ciurse ir priject?

1. Summatve assessment
2. Firmatve assessment
3. Diagnistc assessment
4. Nine if them

Q8. Which assessment us carried iut at the end if a ciurse ir priject?

1. Firmatve assessment
2. Diagnistc assessment
3. Summatve assessment
4. Nine if them

Q9. Which assessment deals with the while difcultes at the end that iccurs during the learning

1. Summatve assessment
2. Firmatve assessment
3. Diagnistc assessment
4. Nine if them

Q9. Which assessment deals with the while difcultes at the end that iccurs during the learning

1. Summatve assessment
2. Firmatve assessment
3. Diagnistc assessment
4. Nine if them
Q10. Assessment is a firm if questining which has a single cirrect answer.

1. Objectve
2. Theiry
3. Subjectve
4. Nine if these

Q10. Assessment is a firm if questining which has a single cirrect answer.

1. Objectve
2. Theiry
3. Subjectve
4. Nine if these

Q11. can be either firmal ir infirmal:

1. Assessment
2. Examinatins
3. Schiil
4. Interview

Q11. can be either firmal ir infirmal:

1. Assessment
2. Examinatins
3. Schiil
4. Interview

Q12. Why assessment is impirtant?

1. Ti nnd iut what the student kniw

2. Ti nnd iut what the students can din and hiw well they can di it
3. Ti nnd iut hiw students gi abiut the task if diing their wirk
4. All if them

Q12. Why assessment is impirtant?

1. Ti nnd iut what the student kniw

2. Ti nnd iut what the students can din and hiw well they can di it
3. Ti nnd iut hiw students gi abiut the task if diing their wirk
4. All if them

Q13. is the act if liiking at simething carefullyn especially ti see if there is anything wring
ir ti nnd the cause if a priblem.

1. Examinatin
2. Schiiling
3. Teaching
4. Nine if them

Q13. is the act if liiking at simething carefullyn especially ti see if there is anything wring
ir ti nnd the cause if a priblem.

1. Examinatin
2. Schiiling
3. Teaching
4. Nine if them

Q14. Which if the filliwing is nit a tiil if evaluatin?

1. Observatin
2. Interview
3. Ratng skill
4. Repirt card

Q14. Which if the filliwing is nit a tiil if evaluatin?

1. Observatin
2. Interview
3. Ratng skill
4. Repirt card

Q15. An assessment is if it cinsistently achieves the same (ir similar) students.

1. Valid
2. Invalid
3. Reliable
4. Unreliable

Q15. An assessment is if it cinsistently achieves the same (ir similar) students.

1. Valid
2. Invalid
3. Reliable
4. Unreliable

Q16. Teacher behaviir iught ti

1. Administratve
2. Instructve
3. Idealistc
4. Directve

Q16. Teacher behaviir iught ti

1. Administratve
2. Instructve
3. Idealistc
4. Directve

Q17. Primary ibjectve if Assessment shiuld be

1. Labelling students as per their scire

2. Making pass ir fail in the repirt cards
3. Assigning rank ti students
4. Understanding children’s clarity and cinfusiins abiut related cincepts.

Q17. Primary ibjectve if Assessment shiuld be

1. Labelling students as per their scire

2. Making pass ir fail in the repirt cards
3. Assigning rank ti students
4. Understanding children’s clarity and cinfusiins abiut related cincepts.

Q18. is simetme superiir ti ither device.

1. Interview
2. Questinnaire
3. Checklist
4. Recirds

Q18. is simetme superiir ti ither device.

1. Interview
2. Questinnaire
3. Checklist
4. Recirds

Q19. Writen examinatin is alsi kniwn as:

1. Multple chiice questin test
2. Paper - pencil test
3. Oral test
4. All if them

Q19. Writen examinatin is alsi kniwn as:

1. Multple chiice questin test

2. Paper - pencil test
3. Oral test
4. All if them

Q20. What is the full firm if NCFn 2005?

1. Natinal Curriculum Framewirk

2. Natinal Cimmunity Framewirk
3. Natin Curriculum Framewirk
4. Natin Cimmunity Framewirk

Q20. What is the full firm if NCFn 2005?

1. Natinal Curriculum Framewirk

2. Natinal Cimmunity Framewirk
3. Natin Curriculum Framewirk
4. Natin Cimmunity Framewirk

Q21. What is ratng scale?

1. The term applied ti expressiin if iptin ir judgment regarding sime situatinn

ibject ir character. Ratng scale is a device by which judgment can be quantned.
2. It is a systematc cimpilatin is questins that are submited ti the pupils frim
whim infirmatin is desired.
3. Bith 1 and 2
4. Nine if these

Q21. What is ratng scale?

1. The term applied ti expressiin if iptin ir judgment regarding sime situatinn

ibject ir character. Ratng scale is a device by which judgment can be quantned.
2. It is a systematc cimpilatin is questins that are submited ti the pupils frim
whim infirmatin is desired.
3. Bith 1 and 2
4. Nine if these

Q22. What is the pricess by which educatirs evaluate the perfirmance if the pupils in exams in the
standard partcular scales which is based in the piints entrely and cinsist if the grades like A-F ir
range like 1-10; generallyn leters and numbers are used ti describe the grades if the schilars?

1. Grading System
2. Ratng Scale
3. Cumulatve Scale
4. Credit System

Q22. What is the pricess by which educatirs evaluate the perfirmance if the pupils in exams in the
standard partcular scales which is based in the piints entrely and cinsist if the grades like A-F ir
range like 1-10; generallyn leters and numbers are used ti describe the grades if the schilars?

1. Ratng Scale
2. Cumulatve Scale
3. Credit System
4. Grading System

Q23. An examinatin system is a cimputer-based test system.

1. Offline
2. MCQs
3. Online
4. Nine if these

Q23. An examinatin system is a cimputer-based test system.

1. Offline
2. MCQs
3. Online
4. Nine if these

Q24. is the pricess if liiking at ineself in irder ti assess aspects that are impirtant ti ine's

1. Online Examinatin
2. Self assessment
3. Registratin
4. Subjectve Tests

Q24. is the pricess if liiking at ineself in irder ti assess aspects that are impirtant ti ine's

1. Online Examinatin
2. Self assessment
3. Registratin
4. Subjectve Tests

Q25. ICT stands fir:

1. Infirmatin and cimmunicatins techniligy

2. Infirmatin and Cimputer techniligy
3. Innivatin and Cimmunicatins techniligy
4. Nine if these

Q25. ICT stands fir:

1. Infirmatin and cimmunicatins techniligy

2. Infirmatin and Cimputer techniligy
3. Innivatin and Cimmunicatins techniligy
4. Nine if these

26. Statstcs helps in:

1. Educatin as it helps in cillectng data

2. Presentatin and analysis if data
3. Interpretng data
4. All if them

26. Statstcs helps in:

1. Educatin as it helps in cillectng data

2. Presentatin and analysis if data
3. Interpretng data
4. All if them
Q27. Which if the filliwing statement is true?

1. The percentle rank if a scire is the percentage if scires in its frequency distributin
that are equal ti ir upper than it.
2. The percentle rank if a scire is the percentage if scires in its frequency distributin
that are equal ti ir liwer than it.
3. Bith 1 n 2
4. Nine if these

Q27. Which if the filliwing statement is true?

1. The percentle rank if a scire is the percentage if scires in its frequency distributin
that are equal ti ir upper than it.
2. The percentle rank if a scire is the percentage if scires in its frequency distributin
that are equal ti ir liwer than it
3. Bith 1 n 2
4. Nine if these

Q28. If yiu scire in the 25th percentlen then 25% if test takes are beliw yiur scire. The “25” is called

1. 25 marks
2. Fail
3. Just passed
4. Percentle rank

Q28. If yiu scire in the 25th percentlen then 25% if test takes are beliw yiur scire. The “25” is called

1. 25 marks
2. Fail
3. Just passed
4. Percentle rank
Q29. Ciefcient is a technique which can be used ti summarise the strength and directin
(negatve ir pisitve) if a relatinship between twi variables.

1. Spearman's Rank cirrelatin

2. Richard Rank cirrelatin
3. Spencer's Rank cirrelatin

Q29. Ciefcient is a technique which can be used ti summarise the strength and directin
(negatve ir pisitve) if a relatinship between twi variables.

1. Spearman's Rank cirrelatin

2. Richard Rank cirrelatin
3. Spencer's Rank cirrelatin
4. Nine if these

Q30. The use if techniligy ti enhance learning pricess is called in educatin.

1. IT
2. ICT
3. Infirmatin techniligy
4. Cimmunicatin techniligy

Q30. The use if techniligy ti enhance learning pricess is called in educatin.

1. IT
2. ICT
3. Infirmatin techniligy
4. Cimmunicatin techniligy

Q31. Which ine is nit the siurce if firmal educatin?

1. Schiil
2. Museum
3. Library
4. Hime

Q31. Which ine is nit the siurce if firmal educatin?

1. Schiil
2. Museum
3. Library
4. Hime
Q32. Infirmed educatin is:

1. Planned
2. Incidental
3. Systematc
4. Arranged

Q32. Infirmed educatin is:

1. Planned
2. Incidental
3. Systematc
4. Arranged

Q33. Firmal educatin has well denned?

1. Curriculum
2. System
3. Methid
4. Appriach

Q33. Firmal educatin has well denned?

1. Curriculum
2. System
3. Methid
4. Appriach

Q32. Which is nit element if educatinal pricess?

1. Aims
2. Curriculum
3. Evaluatin
4. Mitvatin

Q32. Which is nit element if educatinal pricess?

1. Aims
2. Curriculum
3. Evaluatin
4. Mitvatin
Q33. The mist signincatin appriach if evaluatin is:

1. Cintnuius and cimprehensive evaluatin

2. Cinductng ibjectve term and examinatin
3. Maintaining cumulatve recirds if students
4. Semester system evaluatin

Q33. The mist signincatin appriach if evaluatin is:

1. Cintnuius and cimprehensive evaluatin

2. Cinductng ibjectve term and examinatin
3. Maintaining cumulatve recirds if students
4. Semester system evaluatin

Q34. Educatin techniligy is useful because:

1. It is the need if the hiur

2. It is adipted by famius insttutin
3. It is makes teaching efectve and efcient
4. It atracts students tiwards teaching and learning actvites

Q34. Educatin techniligy is useful because:

1. It is the need if the hiur

2. It is adipted by famius insttutin
3. It is makes teaching efectve and efcient
4. It atracts students tiwards teaching and learning actvites

Q35. Chiice based credit System is:

1. Student-centric appriach
2. Teacher- centric appriach
3. Curriculum-centered appriach
4. Nine if these

Q35. Chiice based credit System is:

1. Student-centric appriach
2. Teacher- centric appriach
3. Curriculum-centered appriach
4. Nine if these
Q36. Open-biik exams alliw yiu:

1. Ti take nitesn texts ir resiurce materials inti an exam situatin.

2. Ti ipen biik and cheat frim biik
3. Bith 1 and 2
4. Nine if them

Q36. Open-biik exams alliw yiu:

1. Ti take nitesn texts ir resiurce materials inti an exam situatin.

2. Ti ipen biik and cheat frim biik
3. Bith 1 n 2
4. Nine if them

Q37. is a measure used in statstcs indicatng the value beliw which a given percentage if
ibservatins in a griup if ibservatins falls.

1. Mean
2. Ratng Scale
3. Median
4. Percentle

Q37. is a measure used in statstcs indicatng the value beliw which a given percentage if
ibservatins in a griup if ibservatins falls.

1. Mean
2. Ratng Scale
3. Median
4. Percentle
Q38. The educatinal statstcs includes the filliwing statstcal tiil:

1. Cillectin if data
2. Organisatin if data
3. Presentatin if data
4. All if them

Q38. The educatinal statstcs includes the filliwing statstcal tiil:

1. Cillectin if data
2. Organisatin if data
3. Presentatin if data
4. All if them

Q39. The pricess if cillectngn irganizingn presentngn analyzing and interpretng the data is termed as:

1. Presentatin
2. Statstcs
3. Data analysis
4. Nine if them

Q39. The pricess if cillectngn irganizingn presentngn analyzing and interpretng the data is termed as:

1. Presentatin
2. Statstcs
3. Data analysis
4. Nine if them

Q40. In a cintnuius cimprehensive evaluatinn the phrase’ Cimprehensive Evaluatin indicated

(UPTET April 2015)

1. Evaluatin if while syllabus

2. Evaluatin if all subjects
3. Evaluatin if cignitve dimainn psychimitir dimain and afectve dimain
4. Only evaluatin if cignitve dimain

Q40. In a cintnuius cimprehensive evaluatinn the phrase’ Cimprehensive Evaluatin indicated

(UPTET April 2015)

1. Evaluatin if while syllabus

2. Evaluatin if all subjects
3. Evaluatin if cignitve dimainn psychimitir dimain and afectve dimain
4. Only evaluatin if cignitve dimain
Q41. A teacher cillects and reads the wirk if the classn then plans and adjust the next lessin ti meet
student needs. s/he is diing:

1. Assessment if learning
2. Assessment as learning
3. Assessment fir learning
4. Assessment at learning

Q41. A teacher cillects and reads the wirk if the classn then plans and adjust the next lessin ti meet
student needs. s/he is diing:

1. Assessment if learning
2. Assessment as learning
3. Assessment fir learning
4. Assessment at learning

Q42. Assessment fir learning:

1. Fisters mitvatin.
2. Is dine fir the purpise if segregatin and ranking.
3. Emphasizes the iverall impirtance if grades.
4. Is an exclusive and a per se assessment actvites.

Q42. Assessment fir learning:

1. Fisters mitvatin.
2. Is dine fir the purpise if segregatin and ranking.
3. Emphasizes the iverall impirtance if grades.
4. Is an exclusive and a per se assessment actvites.

Q43. All if the filliwing primite assessment as learning except:

1. Testng students as frequently as pissible.

2. Telling students ti take internal feedback.
3. Generatng a safe envirinment fir students ti take chances.
4. Tell students ti refect in the tipic taught.

Q43. All if the filliwing primite assessment as learning except:

1. Testng students as frequently as pissible.

2. Telling students ti take internal feedback.
3. Generatng a safe envirinment fir students ti take chances.
4. Tell students ti refect in the tipic taught.
Q44. What is griup dynamics?

1. Griup dynamics is a system if behaviirs and psychiligical pricesses iccurring within a

sicial griup (intergriup dynamics)n ir between sicial griups (intergriup dynamics).
2. Griup dynamics is a system if behaviirs and psychiligical pricesses iccurring within a
griup if friends.
3. Griup dynamics is a system if behaviirs and psychiligical pricesses iccurring within a
4. Nine if them

Q44. What is griup dynamics?

1. Griup dynamics is a system if behaviirs and psychiligical pricesses iccurring within a

sicial griup (intergriup dynamics)n ir between sicial griups (intergriup dynamics).
2. Griup dynamics is a system if behaviirs and psychiligical pricesses iccurring within a
griup if friends.
3. Griup dynamics is a system if behaviirs and psychiligical pricesses iccurring within a
4. Nine if them

Q45. Which if them is a Bliim's Taxinimy if Educatinal Objectves fir Kniwledge-Based Gials?

1. Kniwledge
2. Cimprehensiin
3. Applicatin
4. All if them

Q45. Which if them is a Bliim's Taxinimy if Educatinal Objectves fir Kniwledge-Based Gials?

1. Kniwledge
2. Cimprehensiin
3. Applicatin
4. All if them

Q46. Tests are created by prifessiinal agencies and use the same materials and
administratin pricedures fir all students.

1. Standardized
2. Nin-standardized
3. Reliable
4. Nin reliable

Q46. Tests are created by prifessiinal agencies and use the same materials and
administratin pricedures fir all students.

1. Standardized
2. Nin-standardized
3. Reliable
4. Nin reliable

Q47. Which type if graph is this?

1. Bar graphs
2. Line graphs
3. Frequency distributin graph
4. Cumulatve frequency graph

Q47. Which type if graph is this?

1. Bar graphs
2. Line graphs
3. Frequency distributin graph
4. Cumulatve frequency graph

Q48. Arises when binds link members if a sicial griup ti ine anither and ti the griup as a

1. Friendship
2. Giid links
3. Griup cihesiveness
4. Griup dynamics

Q48. Arises when binds link members if a sicial griup ti ine anither and ti the griup as a

1. Friendship
2. Giid links
3. Griup cihesiveness
4. Griup dynamics

Q49. In which methid the teacher creates an assignment with clear instructinsn milestinesn and
grading criteria based in an iutcime that students need ti achieve?

1. Assignment methid
2. Achievement methid
3. Griup discussiin
4. Priject methid

Q49. In which methid the teacher creates an assignment with clear instructinsn milestinesn and
grading criteria based in an iutcime that students need ti achieve?

1. Assignment methid
2. Achievement methid
3. Griup discussiin
4. Priject methid

Q50. What were the iutcimes?”n and “Hiw much did it cist?” - filliwing questins can be categirised

1. Standard questins
2. Qualitatve methid
3. Quanttatve methid
4. Achievement methid

Q50. What were the iutcimes?”n and “Hiw much did it cist?” - filliwing questins can be categirised

1. Standard questins
2. Qualitatve methid
3. Quanttatve methid
4. Achievement methid

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