Plot Fiction

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Elle chased after Leejan but she couldn’t see him. She searched for him the whole day but
still she can’t find him. When suddenly, she heard someone sang and she saw Leejan in his boat
so she swims to go to him but Leejan didn’t help her to get into the boat and paddled the boat
away from her. She suddenly had cramps and cried for help but no one came to save her. She
stopped struggling and let herself drown. Then she saw him and stretch her arms to him but he
was too late.

Rising Action Falling Action

Elle found herself in a white room and

Elle told him that she love
lying on the floor. She heard someone
him but Leejan answered that they
singing through the right door. She
can’t be together even if he love her opened the door, she saw the sun was
too because he said that Elle need to just about to rise. And then Elle heard
go to her real home but she doesn’t him call her name. She turned and,
know what he mean because her Leejan, at the other end of the room,
family died a long time ago that’s by the left door. Elle smiled and
why refused to and wanted to be waved her hands at him. He did the
same then he walked away. But it’s
with him. He had no choice but to
okay with her and she feels grateful
leave her and let her go because for
about an unknown reason. Elle find
him, it was the right thing to do. the voice that kept on singing, like
he’s waiting for me. He’s hopeless yet
he’s still hoping. He’s tired yet he’s
not giving up. And Elle was in her
journey going back home.

Exposition Benedick waited for Elle for the past two years.
Elle just woke up from her deep Her family died in a car crash and she was really
devastated. Then she shut herself down from the world,
slumber and straightly went to the
from the people around her, from him. He kept on singing,
kitchen when she notice that Leejan changing the lyrics that means that he won’t give up on her.
was also there, sipping his hot Then suddenly, Elle recognized him. She was back. She
chocolate which is their favorite. They was home. They would start anew and Benedick would just
both eat pancakes and hot chocolate for be beside her for the rest of their lives. He would feel her
their breakfast together. loved by him despite of her loss. He would shower her with
care and happiness despite of the void within her due to her
family’s death. He would protect her and help her until she
got herself together.

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