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“Perfectly Imperfect Family”

Mr. Evren Yilmaz is a ruthless attorney in their firm and he didn’t get the title for
nothing, everything and everyone around him has a use and purpose but that belief was soon
forgotten when he met Faith Gabriel, a feisty temptress actress and singer. Fate must be a playing
twisted game because all of a sudden, he wants to be used by her in more ways. And everything
change when he got married to Faith. They are both busy in their career but still, they still spend
more time with each other. They are both happy together but happier when Fairen was born, their
only daughter who was very spoiled and gets everything she wants. Like they said, she is like her
mom, she’s the mini Faith Gabriel because she’s feisty but somehow she’s like her Dad too, who
defends herself when she thinks that she’s right. Fairen wants to be like her Dad someday, a
Unfortunately, Evren and Faith are both busy on their career again. Evren has tons of
paper works and cases to solve because he is the most trusted attorney and Evren will really
make sure that his client will win the case. While Faith is at the peak of her career because she
has lots of concerts and events to attend as a celebrity. This is the reason why Fairen is very
lonely for the past few days. She’s longing for the attention and love of her both parents. They
don’t have enough time to talk with her and spend their time together like the old days. She
didn’t even catch up with her parents when she wake up every morning because Evren and Faith
are both already in their own works. One Sunday, Faith and Evren chose to stay at home but still
occupied with several works to do. Fairen sat only in the corner beside the window, she stays
silent, staring outside and watching her playmate, Kisses and Hersheys, plays and bond with
their family. She is so envious of them, she wants to go back to the way her family was used to
be, how happy they are before. She’s about to cry that’s why she stormed out of their house
without noticing by her parents who are both still busy. Hours passed by, Faith noticed that
Fairen is missing that’s why she search all over their house but still no presence of Fairen. She
told Evren that their daughter was gone and nowhere to be found. Evren began contacting his
friend Andrius to ask assistance for Andrius is a soldier. They waited news about their missing
daughter all night but still Fairen wasn’t found yet.
The next night, one day after Fairen was gone, an unknown number called Evren and told
him that Fairen was with him and he needs to get revenge with Evren for took his supposed to be
girlfriend which is Faith. And he already knew that it is Jace, Faith’s obsessed ex-boyfriend. Jace
told him that if Evren doesn’t show up after one hour, he will kill Fairen. Faith started to cry and
starts to tell Evren that it is all their fault because they really have no time to spend with their
daughter. Andrius arrive at their residence and reminded Evren that they need to go and save
Fairen because they already know where it is. Faith wants to go with him but Evren refused
because it will be dangerous, instead, he promised Faith that he will save their daughter at all
cost and kissed her forehead, assuring her that everything is gonna be alright. Evren, Andrius and
his several man. After a few minutes, they arrived at an abandoned house, perfect place to hide
his daughter. They sneak in carefully and beat several men and guards of Jace. However Jace,
notice them and grab Fairen to be his hostage. Men of Andrius pointed all their guns to Jace but
Jace pointed his gun to Fairen who is crying and begging her father to save her. Since, Andrius is
good at snipper, he shot Jace into its shoulder causing him to lay on the floor. Evren run towards
his daughter and embraced it tightly while crying for he is really thankful that Fairen is safe. But
they didn’t know that Jace, pick up its gun and shot Evren in its back. Evren suddenly lay down
on the floor, and he hear tons of gunshots, wishing her daughter was safe then becoming
Faith was crying while rushing herself to the hospital because Andrius told her that her
husband got shot by his ex-boyfriend. She was so relieved when she saw Fairen sleeping on the
lap of Andrius because at least her daughter was safe. Andrius notice her and she approaches him
and ask him how is Evren. Andrius answered that Evren is still inside. She waited outside the
emergency room for a couple of hours while caressing the hair of her daughter and praying that
her husband will have a successful operation because Evren was still being operated, removing
the bulled from his back. After a couple of hours, the doctors and nurses went outside the ER and
assure her Evren was alright and he is now taking a rest.
After two weeks, Evren is already fine. And they realized how important her daughter is
that’s why even though there are times that the couple are both busy, they still find time to spend
with their only daughter. They all give their attention and love for Fairen because they don’t
want that situation to happen again for they wouldn’t afford to lose their only treasure and their
only baby. The Yilmaz’ family cherish every moments that they spent together for their family is
the most important gem that no one can replaced.
ctly Submitted by:

Imperfe Noelle Anne Pelaez

Marella Buhay
ct Christian Jake Palines
Family) Arvin Ceasar Pernia
Dario David
Justine Erick Privado
Crestine Jane Mendoza
Recelyn Privado
Dhinver Ricamara

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