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Lund University

Division of Materials Engineering

Examination in Advanced Materials Technology


Thursday, 4th January 2018, 1400 -1900 hrs

Hall MA:9A-B

You are allowed to use physical / mathematical tables and a calculator

You are advised to write your answers in a concise, clear and well formulated manner.
Proper justification for your answers is vital for getting high marks.

You can write the answers in English.

Out of a maximum of 100 marks for this examination, 10 marks (max) will be given to your
lab. report and 20 marks (max) for your project work.

Grade 3 (pass): 50/100, Grade 4: 70/100 and Grade 5: 85/100

The results will be reported in Ladok by 31st January 2018.
1. (a) Sketch a schematic (1 1 1) stereogram for a bcc single crystal and index 4
poles at right angles to (1 1 1). Use the enclosed polar net. (4p)
(b) Index poles (13&1) and (13&2); determine their common zone axis and
calculate angle between them, both graphically and analytically. (8p)
Explain how you arrived at all the answers. (12p)

2. (a) A heavily textured metal strip having a 1.0 m length, 160.0 mm width and a
0.5 mm thickness is to be deformed using a tensile load of 27 500 N. It must
not experience either plastic deformation or a cross-section reduction of more
than 7.5 x 10-3 mm. (2p)
(b) Of the materials listed as follows, which are possible candidates? (2p)
Justify your choice(s). (2p)
Modulus of Elasticity Yield Strength Poisson’s
Material (GPa) (MPa) Ratio
Aluminum alloy 70 200 0.33
Brass alloy 101 300 0.34
Steel alloy 207 400 0.30
Titanium alloy 107 650 0.34

3. The binary phase diagram of magnesium-zinc (Mg-Zn) is given below.

(a) Describe phases seen on the diagram and identify all the missing single and
two-phase regions in the diagram. The unlabelled phase is Mg2Zn11. (4p)
(b) For an alloy system having 10 weight percent of Zn:
(i) describe all the phase transformations taking place upon cooling the alloy
from 700°C down to room temperature;
(ii) calculate the amount of liquid phase in the system and the concentration
of Zn in it at 600°C;
(iii) calculate the amount of eutectic phase in the alloy at room temperature
after solidification in equilibrium conditions. (4´3p)

… next page
4. For the schematic figure of microstructure in a metallic material shown below:
(a) Describe all the microstructure features (4p)
(b) Suggest a characterisation method that will provide information about the
chemical composition and the crystal symmetry of features that can be
identified as small black ellipses ~0.1 µm wide (4p)
(c) Presuming the material is an industrially relevant alloy within a binary Mg-
Zn system (see the phase diagram above), guess a composition range
allowing to produce such a microstructure (4p)
(d) Recommend heat treatment procedures for the alloy to arrive to such a
microstructure (4p)
Explain how you arrived at all the answers. (16p)

5. Describe the underlying principles and possibilities:

(a) for unrevealing deformation mechanisms from stress-strain curve analysis (4p)
(b) for the control of creep rate (4p)
(c) given by phase transformations (4p)

6. In the industrial production:

(a) hydrogen gas H2, is purified by diffusion through a palladium Pd sheet.
Compute the number of kilograms of hydrogen that pass per hour through a
5 mm thick plate of Pd having an area of 0.20 m2 at 500°C. Assume a diffusion
coefficient of 1.0 ´ 10-8 m2/s, and the respective concentrations at the high- and
low- pressure sides of the plate are 2.4 and 0.6 kg of H2 per cubic meter of
palladium, and that steady-state conditions have been attained. (4p)
(b) during decarburization, an austenitic steel initially containing 0.35 wt% C is
exposed to an oxygen-rich and virtually carbon-free atmosphere at 1400 K
(1127°C). Under these circumstances the carbon diffuses from the material and
reacts at the surface with the oxygen in the atmosphere; that is, the carbon
concentration at the surface position is maintained essentially at 0 wt% C. At
what position will the carbon concentration be 0.15 wt% after a 10-hour
treatment? The value of D at 1400 K is 6.9 ´ 10-11 m2/s. (6p)

7. Individual Lab. Report – SEM (10p)

8. Group Project Report (20p)

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