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October Preppers To Do List

1. Purchase beans and rice and learn how to cook them

2. Check out Thrive Life Food. Learn how to cook regularly with freeze dried food
3. Put extra hats, scarves, socks and a pair of gloves in your vehicles.
4. Purchase/inspect fire extinguishers.
5. Add to your survival library.
6. Plug up any leaks inside and outside the home. Grab some caulk and go!
7. Read about protecting your mental health.
8. Pour some cocoa and watch a movie with preppers/survivalists in it.
9. Stock up on canned stews.
10. Insulate hot water pipes.
11. Consider insulated drapes.
12. Stock up on potassium iodide.
13. Reverse ceiling fan blades to winter mode.
14. Disconnect hoses and drain any needed pipes. Store hoses for winter.
15. Check your car supplies- jumper cables, basic tools, electrical and duct tape,
16. Hey baby… stock up on supplies your little ones will need (diapers, wipes…)
17. Check your roof for repair. Are there any branches hanging over/near it?
18. Look at everyone’s boots and insulated socks. Are they in good condition?
19. Dog gone it… check your pets prep bag.
20. Sign up for a Red Cross class.
21. Check your alternative light sources (Luci light).
22. Learn how to knit or crochet.
23. Read Boy Scout books to learn a new skill.
24. Teach your children how to call 911.
25. Read about the many uses of vinegar.
26. Buy a few gallons of white vinegar.
27. Prepare to learn about/treat seasonal affective disorder
28. Check the smoke alarms. Alarms over 10 years old, replace.
29. Top off antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid, gas, oil and other fluids.
30. Put Mylar emergency blankets in your glove compartment of cars.
31. Make sure your tires have enough tread. Consider snow tires.

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