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Lesson Plan Template

Unit # Lesson #
Subject of lesson:

Lesson purpose (Clarify general intentions of lesson related to GLOs.)

This lesson is designed to help students:

Materials needed (List what needs to be ready before class.)

Planning considerations (Consider room configuration, # of students, special needs, literacy concerns, + need for practice.)

Bridge-in/Hook (Focus student attention, connect to previous lessons, + promote engagement.)
Outcomes (Share student learning outcomes – what knowledge, skills, and attitudes will be addressed?)
SWIBAT + active verb + condition + measurement + time or “I can” statements
2. Students will be able to:
Pre-assessment (Activate and diagnose prior knowledge.)
Participatory learning/Procedure (Guide students through: 1) main content: ideas, information, concepts, principles, or
procedures; and 2) application of knowledge: demonstrations, activities for students, problems to solve, etc.)

Post-assessment (Check for understanding.)

Summary/closure (Recap key concepts, consolidate understanding, relate to lesson to assignments/homework/readings?)
References used (List sources for the lesson and resources for further study.)

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