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The mystery of Fort Gwynedinas

An Adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition by Leo E Gunnemarsson

This adventure is set on the mysterious mist- his strength and the lies and curses of Ciaran has cor-
shrouded island of Albion as a request online was roded his mind.
made for such a scenario (specifically one featuring
a hill fort) and I figured I’d try to help. Most adven- Ciaran Mcguinness
tures are fairly unlikely to reach this island and to The late Ciaran Mcguinness is a dark character that
help with this I offer a path to transport the players like all dark emissaries made deals with Be'lakor. He
there and back if you want to throw it in to a cam- is now perished and his attempts to cling to unlife
paign on the mainland without having to worry about grow ever more desperate as he fears what awaits
travelling through the thick fogs. him. This is made possible by the Ogham stone cir-
cle of the fort and as a result it is not even known he
The Story has died.
The Hill Fort of Gwynedinas has long been ruled by
King Cathal Guaire who has been manipulated by Borgach Sinéad
his advisor Ciaran Mcguinness, a secret Dark Emis- The giantess Borgach Sinéad is the forts only giant.
sary. Roughly six months ago Ciaran passed away She is a simple woman enjoying sports, whiskey and
but his spirit clings on ever more desperately trying not working. Despite her fairly lazy nature she does
to remain and keep influencing the realm, rightly help the tribe when nagged a bit and she pulls her
fearing that Truthsayers will move in to undo his weight in the fort. She isn’t the smartest person and
dark legacy once he is truly gone. To hasten this pro- is none the wiser to Ciarans deceptions of the king or
cess a truthsayer has manipulated fate to bring a his passing.
group of unlikely heroes here (the PCs) to hasten this
process hoping that they will reveal the truth and
perhaps even defeat Ciaran. The Bogs of Gwynedinas
The bogs of Gwynedinas are inhospitable lands of
quagmires and cold mists. Three Fenbeasts patrol
The Hill Fort of Gwynedinas them on the command of Ciaran to keep people who
The Hill Fort of Gwynedinas rises above the sur- might disturb his plans out.
rounding bogs seeming like a castle amongst the
clouds with the mists surrounding it. It was built to
protect a stone circle. These Ogham stones remain in
the courtyard though Ciaran has corrupted them and
only the cleansing of a Truthsayer will be able to re-
store them to their purpose. A wooden palisade and
earth rampart is placed around the edges of the raised
plateau on which the fort is built, inside is a stone
keep, the only stone structure here and an echo of a
bygone age. It shares its space with a smithy, a dis-
tillery, nine huts and a giants hut. Enough to keep the
hill forts fairly small population. Most tribesmen un-
der the king, who are not too numerous to begin
with, live out in the bogs or in caves in the surround-
ing area. This fort, though looking very primitive in
comparison to settlements of the Empire or Breton-
nia, is a highly civilized place compared to most of
Albion and especially when compared to the sur-

King Cathal Guarie

The King of the fort was a legendary warrior once,
killing enemy giants singlehandedly. Rallying armies
to fight off greenskin invasions. Killing the mad land
-crawling Kraken of Angsleywyngyllpwll and much
more. That was fifty years ago however and needless
to say he is no longer in his prime. Age has corroded
Chapter one: Through Bogs and Fens

The first chapter brings the character to the castle This goes on and the mists grow ever thicker as long
through dark and frightening fens. This chapter as they walk. If the characters pause and rest they
serves to introduce the players to the landscape of may do so and the mists do not disappear but neither
Albion and make the hill fort more welcoming by do they grow thicker nor more strange events happen
contrast. until they start to move again. Once you feel the
sense of mystery has been sufficiently given they
Starting the Adventure step out next to a pair of standing stones. A Lore
There are two main ways to start the adventure (Albion) +40 test identifies them as Ogham stones,
(though you may of course come up with your own magical standing stones of that land. A +20 Lore
should it fit you better). The first is to use it while (Elves) test shows that the stones hold some similar-
the players travel in Albion. If your players are not ities to the standing stones of Athel Loren used part-
travelling there and you still want to use it the op- ly as a ward from forest spirits and partly as warn-
tional encounter “Mists to Mists” can be started dur- ings.
ing any travel in the wilderness of the Old World and As they step out there the mists lighten somewhat
transport the players to Albion, an optional ending though they nowhere near disappears and rain begins
addition can then transport the players back to their to fall. From their place they see themselves standing
previous location should you wish. in an unfamiliar fen with no signs of civilizations
and no signs of where they came from.
From Mists to Mists
The travel to the Hill Fort
(Optional Encounter) As the scenario begins in earnest the players are
As the group travels through the wilderness of the moving through the bogs of Gwynedinas. This part
old world a mist starts to roll in. At first leave it as of the scenario can be as long as the GM wishes and
fairly natural, describe that it starts to roll in and there are several encounters to throw in here. These
don’t make more deal of it than any other natural are divided amongst optional and mandatory. The
shift in weather. mandatory ones should be included and the optional
Then start to hint in some details showing things as ones are as implied optional. Regardless of which are
being strange. Some examples are; used there is no set order for them with the exception
֍ The mists seem to shift and be thicker at certain of the last. “Reaching Fort Gwynedinas” should end
places, as if it guided the characters through a this chapter. It is recommending using at least some
path. optional encounters as the encounters help make the
֍ The sound of heavy downpour is heard but nei- setting of Albion come alive and the landscape feel
ther felt nor seen. as inhospitable as it should. Don’t worry about the
֍ Small specks of light appear and move about in path the players take, spells will guide them to the
the mists. hill fort regardless of where to they try to go.
֍ The temperature shifts suddenly, becoming much
colder. The vision of the Castle
֍ The mist becomes thicker, unnaturally so. (Mandatory Encounter)
֍ When you turn around you get a certain feeling This encounter can be used several times during the
that you did not come from the place you find travel and goes quickly to evoke. As the characters
behind you. move read or paraphrase the following;
֍ You step in a deep puddle but when you look “In the cloudy skies above you see a structure ap-
down there is no puddle to step in. You remain pear, an ancient keep shrouded in clouds. Parts of it
wet on the feet. are overgrown with plants and faint lights can be
֍ Skulls and corpse-parts bubble up from a source seen from within. After a while it disappears behind
of water nearby (such as a pond, lake, puddle or the clouds.”
֍ The forms of giants of absurd sizes are seen far This is a vision of the Hill Fort of Gwynedinas or it’s
off in the mists. keep rather, shown as part of the Truthsayers guiding
֍ The vision of the castle (see the mandatory en- spells. The players don’t know that however and
counter by the same name) should be allowed to make their own theories of it
Hail and Thunder fish it swims away, if not it stays in its pond. Either
way, once they have moved away from it hand each
(Optional Encounter) player but one a note saying “You have no memory
of the encounter with the fish” and now leave it up to
As the characters trudge through the harsh terrain interpretation if that really happened or not.
and cold rains a clash of thunder is heard and the
downpour changes. Suddenly hail strikes them hard.
It quickly gets apparent this is not a minor inconven- Albionian Bogdog
ience as the hail that mixes with the rain are at times (Optional Encounter)
as large as snotling heads. Give the characters a
chance to come up with a way to find shelter. Then Not all the fauna of Albion is mythological and
ask all to test endurance with a base of –20 but im- deadly. Some is ugly and friendly, like the Albionian
proved the better you deem their shelter. On a failure Bogdog sometimes tamed by the natives. Half dog
they suffer a hit to their heads with a damage of and half toad this strange creature has a slimy skin
d10+3. As suddenly as it came it passes. The hail with patchy wet fur between the large wartlike
that had mixed with the rain turns to just normal rain. bumps on its skin. It’s huge bulbous eyes roll weird-
The downpour worsens but at least the hail is gone. ly as it moves about and its tongue is used much like
that of a dog but is longer and slimmer than that of a
Threatening Quagmire dog its size. One such creature appears ahead of the
characters and drops a nice round stone in front of
(Optional Encounter) them and looks at them expectantly. If the characters
throw away the stone it fetches it and brings it back
The terrain in Albion is treacherous and wet in the to them. It will do this as long as the characters
best of circumstances but at times it gives way to throw the stone. If the characters start to walk away
something far more deadly. Many are those that fall it will follow them. If attacked it will whine and
beneath Albions quagmires and disappear not to sur- croak but not defend itself in any meaningful way. If
face until the bloated chunks of their corpses rise as the characters chose not to get away from it they will
part of a fenbeast. As the characters move ahead ask get a new very special (not necessarily in a good
them to test perception, characters of the ranger or way) pet. In temperament and personality it behaves
riverfolk class get a +10 to this test. A success re- like a friendly but lazy dog.
veals that the ground ahead is treacherous. They can
chose to walk around or turn back at this, mention
that it looks like it would take a long time to walk Bogimps of Albion
around however. Turning back or walking around (Optional Encounter)
does not indeed increase the time it takes to reach
their goal, the spells guiding them still helps them A small group of blue skinned horned creatures jump
reach the right place. If they fail to notice it or walk out of the swamp and rushes the characters. They
unto the treacherous ground despite noticing it they attack mercilessly and try to kill the adventurers with
must take a –20 athletics test. A failure has them fall sadistic glee. A number of Bogimps equal to three
beneath the swampy ground into murky water. This times the number of players attack. Once a third of
gives them five entangled conditions with a strength their number has been slain the rest jump down into
of 80. Unlike normal entangling conditions this spe- the waters again to hide.
cial entangled condition is opposed with the swim
skill. Each turn the character is entangled he suffers Hypno the Familliar
from suffocation. Should a character lose conscious-
ness while under the quagmire he is lost as his (Optional Encounter)
corpse sinks to an unseen bottom.
A strange toad appears and crawls towards the ad-
venturers who feel like it’s a very nice and good-
The Wishing Fish hearted toad. It stops and looks at them. In their
(Optional Encounter) minds they hear;
“All must pass. Nothing lasts forever. Close the
The fish in the deep bogs of Albion is anything but chapter. Release the soul and I shall restore the Og-
special or beautiful. They are rather ugly and mun- hams.”
dane in fact, and quite bad tasting at that. Suddenly It then crawls away again. A character that has the
something changes though. A bright red gurnard “Resistant to Magic” talent neither gets the strange
peeks it’s head out of a small pond separated from a feeling it’s a nice toad nor hears the message.
larger nearby stream and speaks. “Please dear trav-
ellers, help me into the stream and I will grant each
of you anything you wish.” Let the characters decide
upon how to do and carry through. If they move the
Dreams of the Dead
Intimidate test result
(Optional Encounter)
Result Effect
Moving through the fens suddenly zombies launch Players win The players may act however they
from the swamp. Four times the number of players, wish and get no conditions.
fight out the battle as normal but if a character is Tribesmen win by 0 The player characters are frightened
about to spend a fate or resilience say they don’t and SL by the tribesmen but not to such a
end the encounter. Once all zombies are defeated, all degree that they get any conditions
from it. Tell the players that the
characters are dead or someone spends a fate or resil- tribesmen frighten them.
ience tell all that any wounds suffered, fortune spent
and resolved used didn’t. The players awaken as if Tribesmen win by 1- The player characters are frightened
2SL and receive one Broken condition
from a collective dream thinking nothing happened, each.
near them however lays some corpseparts that they
recognize from the dream… Tribesmen win by 3- The player characters are frightened
4SL and receive two Broken conditions
Albionian Giant-Otter Tribesmen win by The player characters are frightened
(Optional Encounter) 5SL and receive three Broken conditions
A splash is heard nearby and the players feel water If the adventurers flee then the tribesmen will pursue
splash onto them, looking over they see something for a while though this is to keep them running not to
massive moving beneath the surface. Give the play- actually attack. If the players stand their ground the
ers the chance to ready weapons, hide or do whatev- tribesmen will attack, let the battle play one round
er else they feel like. After a while a massive otter, before the Fenbeast appears.
the size of two oxen, jumps out with a large pike in
its mouth, it gobbles the large fish down without The Fenbeast appears
minding the characters and then walks off. This en- After a round of either fleeing or fighting a new foe
counter is quite a passive one and that is intentional, appears from the swamp, rising from beneath the
it gives a feeling for local fauna without dangers and murky waters is a mass of corpseparts and swamp
risks for once. plants in a strange shape. The tribesmen will upon
seeing the fenbeast retreat. The fenbeast will set up-
on the players who can either flee or fight it.
The Fenbeast Fighting it will as shown in its characteristics give
(Mandatory Encounter) them little and if they flee make each make opposed
athletics tests with the fenbeast each round, if one or
Moving through the fens ask the players to make a - more players fail deal them an attack by the beast.
20 intuition test. A character with acute senses Then repeat this, once a player has won three times
(Hearing) gets +30 on this test. On a success they in total against the beast he has gotten away.
notice that a large group of primitive looking men in
woad-paint are moving to surround them. This al- With the threat escaped give the players some time
lows them to react to it but the Albion tribesmen are to stop and discuss it and do some healing if needed.
far better at moving in this terrain (unless one of the Giving a bit of respite at this time is important and if
characters has the strider talent for fens in which you are feeling especially generous you can even
case he moves with the same ease as the tribesmen). have a the rain drop in intensity to but a drizzle. Per-
haps show another vision of the castle at this point.
Once the characters are surrounded the tribesmen
will step out of the mists with weapons drawn. There
are three times as many tribesmen as player charac-
ters. If the players can speak Albion they understand
that the tribesmen are asking them to leave and
threaten with violence if they don’t. If asked why
they say that outsiders aren’t welcome. If the players
don’t speak Albion the tribesmen act much the same
way but with the players getting less explanation for
why. If the players try to hold their ground let the
tribesmen try an intimidate +20 opposed by a cool
test by the player character with the best value in
cool. Consult the below table to see the effect.
Reaching Fort Gwynedinas RESOLUTION
(Mandatory Encounter) Rewards
The downpour increases as the adventurers move on As well as the usual awards for good roleplaying and
and the fens start to overflow further, making the bright ideas awarded at the end of your gaming ses-
already damp terrain even more treacherous Make sion XP should be awarded for the following.
sure to emphasise this and hand them some tests for
navigating this treacherous terrain (unless they have ֍ 5-10 points for playing out the characters reac-
the Strider talent for fens, bogs and swamps). tions to the harsh weather especially well.
Amongst these tests with minor consequences (such ֍ 5 points for surviving the Quagmire (if the en-
as falling and getting mud on their clothes, getting
counter was used)
stuck with a foot for a while and whatever other mi-
nor consequence you can imagine) throw the follow- ֍ 5 points each for not being intimidated by the
ing three tests on random players without Strider for tribesmen
fens. ֍ 5 points for killing the fenbeast once or more be-
fore fleeing
The character trips and falls into the water, have him
take a +20 Athletics test, if failed an item is lost in NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS
the waters when he stands up, this is noticed when
the character gets into the fort or takes inventory.
Albion Tribesman
A Fanged Bogeel of Albion takes interest in the
character. If the character has the talent Animal Af- The Albion tribesmen wear little but wet loincloths
finity it brushes against his leg and swims off. If not and some various rags but complement this with im-
the eel bites the character causing a hit with a dam- pressive woad-paint. They wield weapons of wood,
age of 6 and the undamaging quality on the leg. bone, stone and in some cases copper or bronze.

A skeletal arm with some touches of rotting flesh on M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
it reaches out of the water and grabs the character.
4 41 31 31 31 31 41 31 31 41 31 13
The character takes a Terror 3 test in reaction. The
hand and arm is not attached to a body and it does
not move after grabbing the character, it animated Skills: Melee (Basic) 52, Melee (Two-handed) 52,
from residues of dark magic in the fens but the ener- Dodge 65, Intimidate 45
gy was not enough for a proper reanimation.
Talents: Strider (Fen), Berserk Charge
With the hardships of the overflowing bogs dealt
with the adventurers finally reach the hill fort, a hill Traits: Weapon (Various) +6, Ward (10)
flowing with streams of rainwater stand before them,
at its top a wooden palisade and behind it a structure Trappings: Various Weapons
the characters recognize. The keep the characters
saw in the sky. Tribesmen see the adventurers mov-
ing up towards the fort but unlike the ones they met
before these seem welcoming, at least a bit. They
open the gate and wave for the adventurers to hurry
in. If the adventurers aren’t already seeing that as a
good idea you can let a strange roar from the depths
of the bogs reinforce that idea. Let the characters
make some –20 climb tests to scale the hill. Apart
from getting wet and humiliated there isn’t really a
penalty for failing but any adventurer that succeeds
to scale it in less than three tests will be seen less as
a useless outsider and get +5 to any social tests with
the people of the Hill Fort.
Albion Fenbeast Albion Bogdog
The lands of Albion is the origin of the Fenbeasts The Albion Bogdog is an ugly but friendly creature
and the ones called from their swamps by their dru- acting much like a landbound dog but with a slightly
ids are the most powerful kind. In an Albion swamp lazier demeanour and a greater love for water.
these creatures are all but unkillable.

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W

5 35 - 50 55 10 15 10 - - - 40 4 20 - 20 20 34 28 - 13 12 9 5

Skills: Melee (Brawling) 50 Skills: Swim 65

Traits: Construct (The purpose it is given by its Traits: Bestial, Size (Little), Stride, Weapon +4,
master is to scare away intruders from the hill fort Trained (Fetch, Dive), Tongue attack 1 (1)
and the surroundings), Dark vision, Infected, Regen-
erate, Size (Large), Weapon +8, Terror 1 Trained (Dive): The Bogdog is trained to fetch
things from underwater as well as on surface or land.
Undying: In a swamp filled with dark energy ani-
mating it and all the bodyparts it may ever need the
fenbeast is not going to die. The Fenbeast regener-
ates an additional d10 wounds per round. If it is
brought to zero wounds it collapses into the swamp
and then one round later raises back up with full
wounds. When this happens reset all advantage and
require new terror tests.

Albion Bogimp
The Albion Bogimp is a blueskinned hairless and
horned type of monkey. They are predators and hunt
in packs.

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W

5 30 20 30 30 35 40 30 10 20 - 8

Skills: Swim 60, Dodge 50

Traits: Weapon (Claws and horns) +4, Infected,

Night Vision, Ranged (Sticks and Stones) +2, Am-
phibious, Belligerent, Bestial, Size (Little), Swamp-
Chapter one: The Mystery of Gwynedinas

The second chapter lets the players explore all the aging the land in the process. If the character has
nooks and crannies of Gwynedinas sensing some- seen working Ogham circles before he will notice
thing is wrong and unravel the mystery. It allows it’s not working as well as it should. Tribesmen will
them to meet the strange and interesting folk of Albi- keep watch if the characters are near it and tell them
on and enjoy this strange and uncivilized land. This it’s a holy place that must be kept for the Old Ones
chapter is more freeform than the last and the players plans as told by the Truthsayers.
can wander and unravel the mystery at their own
pace, unlike many adventures time is actually on the The Keep
adventurers side now, though make sure not to tell The Stonekeep is poorly maintained not because the
them that. If this takes long there are a few encoun- people of the fort don’t like it, to the countrary it is a
ters to throw in as Ciaran McGuinness grows ever place of pride for them, but because they don’t really
more desperate. know how to care for such structures. The keep has a
mainhall and a small armoury locked behind a stone
The Hill Fort of Gwynedinas door of strange mechanism once taught by the old
The Hill Fort of Gwynedinas rises above the sur- ones and long since forgotten (they still know how to
rounding bogs seeming like a castle amongst the open it, twisting the stone key in the lock makes the
clouds with the mists surrounding it. It was built to gate rise with a whirr and arcane lights illuminate the
protect a stone circle. These Ogham stones remain in armoury). The mainhall holds a few tables, a throne
the courtyard though Ciaran has corrupted them and and a bed put in a corner for the king to sleep in. A
only the cleansing of a Truthsayer will be able to re- stair goes to the roof which holds little of interest
store them to their purpose. A wooden palisade and and another to the cellars which are flooded and hold
earth rampart is placed around the edges of the raised murky waters. The keep is noticeably warmer than
plateau on which the fort is built, inside is a stone the surroundings even when there is no fire burning
keep, the only stone structure here and an echo of a there (and even more so when there is).
bygone age. It shares its space with a smithy, a dis-
tillery, nine huts and a giants hut. Enough to keep the The huts
hill forts fairly small population. Most tribesmen un- Nine huts are found in the fort, all are simple build-
der the king, who are not too numerous to begin ings with very little luxuries. Characters that come
with, live out in the bogs or in caves in the surround- from a land other than Albion will find them ex-
ing area. This fort, though looking very primitive in tremely primitive.
comparison to settlements of the Empire or Breton-
nia, is a highly civilized place compared to most of The Giants hut
Albion and especially when compared to the sur- Almost as big as the keep this massive hut follows
roundings. the primitive style of the others, just being substan-
tially larger. It is home to Borgach Sinéad who tends
The Ogham Circle to rest in there when she’s not required to work. She
The Ogham circle is made of twelve stones set in a has little more than some comfortable pelts in there.
circle and engraved with holy symbols of the old Pieces of massive clothes are strewn across the floor
ones. A character with the sixth sense talent that to be picked up later.
goes to it will feel a chill. A character with Holy Vi-
sions will see a vision of this circle attracting dark-
ness to drive it from the greater world but recently
failing in it’s duties (recently in this case being the
last fifty years but the character won’t know that). A
character with Second Sight will feel it drawing all
magic towards it and earthing it in the ground, dam-
Languages of Albion
The people of Albion speak Albion as their primary language and many also speak Grumbarath, the langu-
age of the giants. If the group has a character with either language go the ’realistic’ route and let him do the
talking. It is reasonable the people of the Hill Fort all know both these tongues. If no-one knows those lan-
guages it would ruin the adventure for the players to be unable to communicate. Let most people of the sett-
lement know a language the players have access to (such as Reikspeil but if the group knows others feel free
to chose the one you prefer).
The Smithy are free to move about as they wish in the settlement
The smithy is built much like the other huts but has and to visit his grand hall.
some basic smithing equipment. The couple that
works there are happy to trade the characters tools or Talking to the people
weapons of bronze or copper. If asked about iron or The people of the settlement look at the characters
steel they will look at the characters confused and with some suspicion but are willing to talk to them.
repeat that the offer to make weapons or tools in When the players do so look to the “People of
bronze or copper. An offer to teach them ironwork- Gwynedinas” section which details how they are
ing will be met with accusations of sorcery, witccraft likely to react and what they can tell the character.
and even worse, trying to spread the corrupting influ-
ence of civilization. Seeking clues
When the characters start to get the feeling some-
The Distillery thing is wrong they are likely to start and look for
The distillery is filled with strange contraptions look- clues. Most buildings offer little in that way apart
ing more advanced than most of the tools of the vil- from what the people can tell them there but the keep
lage and they are, the people of Albion has main- and Ogham stones are exceptions.
tained the knowledge of making whiskey through The stones are overgrown by poisonous flowers, a
using the trade a lot. The people of the distillery are character with Lore (Herbology) or Lore (Theology)
willing to trade their whiskey with the characters. can test it at +20 to recognize these as associated
with death and the afterlife. If they ask people about
Royal Invitation it they will remark they started growing roughly six
(Mandatory Encounter) months ago and have grown more and more for each
Having entered the settlement the characters are soon day.
invited to the keep to meet King Cathal Guarie. It’s The keep offers little more at first glance but the
offered as an invitation but should the characters re- flooded cellars do. If the characters ask to go into
fuse they are told they should leave then if they can’t them then they will be told there is no need to it. If
even show their king that small curtesy. they insist Ciaran will suddenly screech “Nooo!” in a
different voice than his ordinary before snapping
Entering the keep shows a poorly maintained struc- back to his more normal demeanour and insisting
ture much more advanced than the rest of the settle- that its too dangerous for them down there. The ad-
ment. On a large stone throne sits an old bearded venturers won’t be fully forbidden from going there
man with a crown and a mighty sword he is too old and can move down. If they do they move through
to wield, king Cathal Guarie. At his right side stands four rooms of a flooded cellar noticing little worth
Ciaran Mcguinness hunched over whispering advice mentioning before suddenly stepping on something
to his liege. The king does not speak without Ciarans that feels strange, if they stoop to pick it up they find
advice and this is likely to raise some suspicion. A a skeleton. The skeleton of Ciaran though they of
few guards stand in the hall but its clear no hostilities course don’t know that. If brought up the king will
are expected. remark no-one should have been down there and
Ciaran will echo this sentiment though suggest per-
“Welcome to Gwynedinas wanderers, what brings haps it was some sort of cave-dwelling man-like
you to my glorious city?” asks the king and this sim- monster as told about in the legends, he suggests that
ple question might stump the adventurers. They did- it should be left down there and the king first pro-
n’t personally seek out this place nor would they be tests but after some whispering agrees. If the charac-
very likely to call this a city nor even a village. If ters start to bury it then Ciaran will become com-
they say they just sought respite from the elements pletely desperate, move to chapter three.
the king mentions the fort is far from any other set-
tlement and they couldn’t possibly have walked all Now it’s possible you feel that it comes too early for
this way just for that. If they speak of the vision then him to become desperate at this point, if so just have
Ciaran will lean in to whisper in the kings ear before the king forbid the burial as it could be an evil
the king states that it’s a bad omen and they should- cavedweller buried and that would be bad.
n’t have followed it here. He suggests they leave
once they have gathered their strength and can take
the perilious journey away. Either way he says they
Money in Albion
The people of Albion care not for the money of civilized realms. They deal in trades. They won’t sell or buy
anything for money but are willing to barter and trade goods and services. Anyone who wants to pay or be
paid in money will be scoffed at and seen as an overcivilized madman.
Leaving the fort
The adventurers may wish to leave the fort and they
are not only allowed but encouraged to do so. How-
ever no matter how they try to get away all paths The siege of the Fenbeasts
lead them back to the fort (as the enchantments of (Desperation of Ciaran event)
the Truthsayer ensures). The three fenbeasts of the bog move in and start to
circle the hill fort. They are not moving in to attack
Convincing people of Ciarans evil but it’s clear they might and probably will eventual-
The adventurers will eventually come to the conclu- ly. If this continues more than a week without Ciaran
sion Ciaran is not right. Or die in Ciarans more and being stopped food will start to be rationed and it
more desperate attempts to get rid of them. It is like- will be discussed weather the adventurers should be
ly this realisation comes fairly early, Ciaran gives off given rations.
some vibes of villainy, this is no problem, more of
the mystery is in what way and how to convince oth- Rot, Rot my foes
ers of his villainy. When they realise he is vile they (Desperation of Ciaran event)
will likely want to convince people of it. How people A cackling voice carries inside the adventurers
react to this is written in their descriptions. heads.
“By might of the dark master and the dying woad I
Desperation of Ciaran call you to rot. Rot and fester intruders and leave the
The adventurers can stay there for a while and as land alive or dead.”
they do let the Desperation of Ciaran be fed to them Each character now tests Endurance +10, if failed
part by part, growing with each night. The following they develop a festering wound.
encounters can be used to show it but feel free to
make up your own. Try to make them escalate to Take my place and I take your life
show how the ghost grows ever more desperate. (Desperation of Ciaran event)
A night a dark figure stalks the characters a short
Nightmares while and casts steal life at them (this is Ciaran),
(Desperation of Ciaran event) when they pursue him he flees into a building and
The adventurers during the night share a horrid there disappears through the walls as ethereal and
nightmare. The entire village turns on them and tears returns to the keep.
them limb from limb with brutality. Let them all
wake in cold sweat and with their hearts still racing. Servants of the Dark Master, I call thee
Explain to them that the dream really scared them beyond the grave, kill the intruders
and then let them in-character figure out the others
had the exact same dream. (Desperation of Ciaran event)
A night a haunting horn is heard and six ghosts (see
core rulebook pg 331) with a clearly beastman like
Clumsy of you... appearance appear and move through the wall to-
(Desperation of Ciaran event) wards the players. Ciaran who turns out to be nearby
As the adventurers walk through the fort one of them shouts something along the lines of “Look! Look
drops his weapon and trips, falling onto the sharp what these intruders have brought upon us!”. The
end as it falls just right. To others it looks like the ghosts will fight for four rounds before the king ap-
adventurer was clumsy and unlucky but the adven- pears with sword drawn. Despite his ineptitude as a
turer feels how something pushed him. The tripping warrior (due to advanced age) the king manages to
is made as an attack with 80 in ws and +8 which is swing the blade at a ghost and hurt it (showing it is
opposed by dodge. Should the adventurer avoid magic if the players have not already learnt that) at
damage he narrowly dodges the blade despite the which point the others retreat. At this point Ciaran
force pushing him. shouts “Curses!” and remembering he is not alone
follows it with “Clearly brought these damned souls
Strike from the Shadows here. I am sure the intruders are to blame.”
(Desperation of Ciaran event)
An evening an unnatural character runs out of the Why won’t you leave!
shadows, looking like a darkclad human with clothes (Desperation of Ciaran event)
in a style not found here. The enemy has a weap- If the adventurers keep surviving Ciaran will eventu-
onskill of 70, weapon +6 and a movement of 6. No ally get desperate enough to initiate chapter three by
other stats are used. The enemy can not be harmed himself. The players need not have figured things out
by non-magical attacks but will run back into the before then but the battles will clearly be easier if
shadows after five rounds. If an attack using magic they have.
or magical weapons hit the enemy will disappear in-
to dark fog and disperse.

The first Hut The second Hut

The first hut is the home of a family of gatherers, drying The second hut is the home of a pair of hunters and their son. It
waterplants, dead frogs, fish eggs and other ‘food’ of the is filled with hunting trophies and pelts. Sèitheach and Nuala Ó
swamps can be found there. It is populated by Grandma Conchobhair live there with their son Onchu.
Slàinidh Mahoneyi, her daughter Deòiridh Ó Broin, her
husband Oisean Ó Broin and the couples nine children. Sèitheach Ó Conchobhair
Sèitheach is a muscular man carrying around a large number of
Grandma Slàinidh Mahoneyi javelins for his hunts. He loves hunting and spends most of his
time out in the Fen. His ginger hair is kept at neck-length and
This old woman is a nagging presence in the household due to the weather tends to be weighed down by water. He al-
constantly asking why the food isn’t better, the hearth ways has a hunting story to tell anyone willing to listen.
isn’t warmer and the blankets aren’t finer. Not really car-
ing why the adventurers are there she is happy to carry M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
over these complaints and questions to them and ignore 4 31 40 43 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 13
any explanations that they aren’t responsible for that.
Skills: Ranged (Throwing) 60, Outdoor Survival (45), Dodge
Deòiridh and Oisean Ó Broin (51)

This couple is a loving one despite their fairly squalid Talents: Strider (Fen)
lives. They are happy to welcome the players in and share
their food with them. They enjoy getting some far off Trappings: Eight javelins, hide clothing
company and are likely to ask questions about the exotic
lands of the adventurers. Nuala Ó Conchobhair

The kids What her husband has in muscles Nuala has in agility and
grace. She hunts with a bow and speaks highly of the weapon.
Her hair matches almost exactly that of her husband and she
The many kids are curious and will ask the characters a shares his love of hunting stories.
lot of questions. Everything from “What kind of frog do
you think tastes best?” to “What is that and where did you M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
get it?” and “Is it true dragons breathe fire and taste like
4 31 40 31 31 31 43 31 31 31 31 13
Skills: Ranged (Bow) 60, Outdoor Survival (45), Dodge (63)
Answers offered
Talents: Strider (Fen)
Asked about the Fenbeasts: The family says it rarely
bothers those of the village but that they are horrid crea- Trappings: Bow with twelve arrows, hide clothing
Onchu Ó Conchobhair
Asked about the King: The family says he is their leader
but far past his prime. The grandma will state he was very Onchu is a boy of about 14 trying to follow in his parents foot-
handsome back in the day and singlehandedly defeated a steps but lacking their skill at hunting.
Kraken. All of that is true.
Answers offered
Asked about Ciradan: The family says he is the kings
advisor but might also be getting past his prime, the last Asked about the Fenbeasts: The family says it is no idea
few months he has acted as if he might be getting a bit hunting such beasts. They can not die they state.
‘lost’ (they use the word lost but it’s clear they are talking
of dementia). Asked about the King: The family says he starts to get too old
and worry what will happen when he dies as no heir exists.
Convincing them Ciradan is evil: The family won’t be-
lieve such a claim without substantial evidence to back it Asked about Ciradan: The family says he is the kings advisor
up. But won’t take offense, figuring outsiders are just but that something seems odd with him these days. The last
months he has acted weirdly and he seems to be out long every
weird. night. A man his age shouldn’t run around all night, he needs
his sleep.
Asked of the Druid lore: The family says no truthsayer
has visited the hill fort for as long as they can remember Convincing them Ciradan is evil: The family thinks that’s
but that they are there in spirit through the blessed Ogham going a bit far. Tired and a bit confused perhaps but not evil.
Asked of the Druid lore: The family says the truthsayers don’t
Asked about the Ogham circle: The family says it’s a ever visit the fort and lament the fact.
holy site that protects the world from catastrophe but now
little else of it. A child will mention that it’s a bit creepy. Asked about the Ogham circle: The family says it’s an im-
portant site of the old ones and must not be disturbed.
The Third Hut The Fourth Hut
The third hut is home to the woad warrior Conall Ó The fourth hut is home to the woad-warrior Ceana Ka-
Conailli and his wife Mabeiv Ó Conailli as well as their vanaugh and her brother Oisian. Since their father passed
three daughters Mùirne, Étaín and Saibh. they live alone there.

Conall Ó Conailli Ceana Kavanaugh

Conall is a mighty warrior guarding the hill fort from in- Ceana Kavanaugh is a fierce warrior who likes fighting,
vaders and earning a living for the family through hero- drinking and tall-tales. If the players tell her interesting
ism in battle. He follows the advice of his wife in every- stories to her give them +20 to further social interactions
thing. Use the stats for an Albion Tribesman (pg 5) for with her. Use the stats for an Albion Tribesman (pg 5) for
him. her.

Mabeiv Ó Conailli Oisian Kavanaugh

Mabeiv knows that Ciradan is a dark emissary (or was, Oisian Kavanaugh is an archer in the forts army famed
she is not aware he passed however) and follows the dark for his strong bowarm, often showing off by holding his
master in secret. With charm and guile she manipulates longbow stretched for long times. With their father passed
her husband to work for the dark master in minor acts. he need no longer look after him and is looking for a
wife. If there is a human woman of the warrior class in
The kids the party he will try to flirt with her.

The three daughters are 19, 16 and 14 years old. They are M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
better dressed than the average people of the fort as they 4 24 44 39 31 31 31 31 31 31 33 13
are trained in weaving. They are curious of the outsiders
despite their mothers (and by extension fathers) wishes
against this curiosity. The oldest daughter Mùirne gets a Skills: Ranged (Bow) 70, Charm 40
bit of a crush on one of the players (chosen by the GM)
and will try to help him (or her) as much as she can. Talents: Strider (Fen), Accurate shot rank 2

Trappings: Longbow with twelve arrows

Answers offered
Answers offered
Asked about the Fenbeasts: The family says its best to
stay clear of such monsters. If Mabeiv learns of their en- Asked about the Fenbeasts: The family says they are
counter with the Fenbeast she states it’s a sign they scary beasts but don’t bother the tribespeople much.
should leave and Conall agrees. Mùirne does not agree.
Asked about the King: Ceana tells tales of his old ac-
Asked about the King: Mabeiv says he is a hero of old complishments fighting Krakens, greenskins and other
and should be respected for it, Conall agrees with his wife monsters. There are plenty of tales to tell of his youth and
but Mùirne states the king doesn’t seem to be of his right she’ll happily tell them, perhaps exaggerating a bit but
mind which gets her parents to get a bit angry at her pointing out it was long ago.
“rebellion against their king”.
Asked about Ciradan: They both mention he is the
Asked about Ciradan: Mabeiv states he is a wise advi- kings advisor but Oisian says the man gives him a weird
sor to the king and that Cathal should be happy to have feeling and despite his age moves as if not bothered by
him. Conall agrees. rain and wind which even for an Albian is strange.
Convincing them Ciradan is evil: Mabeiv will be out- Convincing them Ciradan is evil: Ceana won’t believe
raged at the claim as will her husband. The characters will it without proper proof but Oisian who already felt some-
be thrown out and if they refuse violence will ensue. thing was weird with him is more inclined to believe
them and can with good arguments be convinced.
Asked of the Druid lore: Mabeiv states that the druids
are untrustworthy and won’t even visit. Conall agrees and Asked of the Druid lore: Ceana says that the Truthsayers
says that if they cared they would visit at least once in a never visit and is sad about it since she would love to hear
while. the stories of the old ones and fight alongside one of the
famed and powerful truthsayers.
Asked about the Ogham circle: Mabeiv says its not for
outsiders and all agree though Mùirne may later suggest Asked about the Ogham circle: Ceana says it was built
to her crush that she can show him the place. in ages past to protect the world.
No man for Mùirne
Perhaps you have no male human in the party or perhaps you’d
prefer a woman to get Mùirnes attention. That is no problem,
Mùirne is bisexual giving you plenty of characters to chose
from. If the party has no humans or you don’t feel it would fit
for her to like those in the party she can be helpful due to curio-
sity of a non-human characters culture instead.
The fifth Hut
The kids
The fifth hut is home to the hedgewitch Eircheard
Douglass and his wife Lassdo Doughlass as well as their The kids are less than a year old, born as quadruplets.
four young children. The hut also holds the hedge appren- Caring for them is a lot of work and Eicheard worries
tice Aignéis Ó Conailli who learns from Eircheard. much about them these days.
Strange charms and Albian herbs hang all over the hut.
Answers offered
Eircheard Douglass
Eircheard is a hedgewitch that has grown more and more Asked about the Fenbeasts: The family says they are
paranoid the last six months over a feeling that something horrible beasts that dwell out there in the swamps and that
isn’t right. As a result he now rarely leaves the hut and one almost killed Lassdo eight years ago. Lassdo came
compulsively hangs protection charms and tries spells to from another tribe and was attacked. Her tribe lived in a
keep away evil influence. swamp without these monsters.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W Asked about the King: Eircheard says he does not deny
4 32 24 31 40 36 31 36 41 31 31 14 the kings great deeds of old but that he has a feeling there
is something evil in the keep and the king might no longer
Skills: Channeling 45, Language (Magick) 50, Lore (Folklore) be trustworthy. He points out that you didn’t hear that
60, Heal 50, Trade (Charms) 70 from him however.
Talents: Strider (Fen), Petty Magic, Sixth Sense, Arcane Magic Asked about Ciradan: Eircheard says he is the advisor
(Hedgecraft) to the king but that they rarely meet, the man does not go
to seek the hedge witchs magic or council.
Memorized Spells: Dazzle, Marsh Lights, Warning, Ward,
Dome, Aethyric Armour, Protective Charm
Convincing them Ciradan is evil: Eircheard will be
Trappings: Robes, various charms, The ogham charm of Elder shocked but if shown proof or given good arguments he
Doughlas (Counts as a grimoire containing the spells Purify will believe the characters and give them protective
Water and Protection from Rain) charms (see the hedgecraft spell protective charm) to help
them and will offer help as long as it can be given without
Lassdo Doughlas too much risk, he puts the survival of his wife and kids
above fighting Ciradan.
Lassdo is the wife of Doughlas meeting when he tended
her wounds after being attacked by the Fenbeast eight Asked of the Druid lore: Eircheard says they are an even
years ago. As he cared for her when she recuperated they more ancient tradition than that of the Hedgewises and
that their wisdom and power flows from the old ones. He
fell in love. The only mark of the accident now is her
speaks of the truthsayers mission to keep the Ogham
halting on the right leg which will never completely heal
stones safe and of the dark master who tries to corrupt
even with her husbands magic. She is a skilled chef and
them and strengthen chaos.
has learnt of good herbal spices from her husband which
she uses to make the best food in the fort.
Asked about the Ogham circle: Eircheard says it brings
evil into the ground to trap it so that the old ones can let
Aignéis Ó Conailli good triumph. He states that he sets a charm on it every
night (and has done so for more than a decade) and each
Aignéis Ó Conailli is Eircheards apprentice. She is hard morning it is gone, accepted as a sgift by the old ones. (In
working but not very gifted magically. As an apprentice reality it is Ciradan who removes the charms and burns
she not only learns from Eircheard but also helps him and them, staking out the circle can possibly reveal this
his wife in their daily work. though Ciradan will not remove the charm if he believes
someone is watching.)
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
4 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 8

Skills: Channeling 30, Language (Magick) 30, Lore (Folklore)

40, Trade (Cook) 30, Trade (Charms) 30

Talents: Strider (Fen), Petty Magic

Memorized Spells: Protection from Rain, Purify Water

Trappings: Various charms, clothing

The Sixth Hut The Seventh Hut
The sixth hut is home to Caorall and Odhran. Two hunt- The seventh hut is home to Méabh Finni and her son Fin-
ers and their adopted “swampbaby”, a child they one day ni Finni. It functions a bit like a teashop and some tea
found out in the fens. The two men decorate their home herbs are grown in special rooms in it.
with squirrelskins, the beginning of this is supposedly an
old in-joke between them that they don’t quite recall the Méabh Finni
origins off. Méabh Finni is a very old, very short woman with unkept
hair. She holds a very deep love for tea. She offers, trades
Caorall and grows tea leaves and serve the finest to the king. She
Caorall is a tall muscular hunter with a large bow. He is a is happy to talk to any characters visiting but will often
fairly simple man and wears hide clothing accented by a change the topic to tea, not to avoid the topic, just cause
fine scarf in squirrelskin he treasures. He can seem a bit she loves it.
bitter when you don’t know him but is really quite friend-
ly though he doesn’t always show it. Finni Finni
If needed use Albian villager stats with +10BS, +5 S and
Ranged (Bow) at 50. Finni Finni is a gatherer who also helps his mother with
the tea. He is by far old enough to find a wife and move
Odhran out but that’s not going so well. He is actually the son of
the king and Méabh Finni but the king didn’t believe
Odhran is a lot shorter and less muscular than Caorall and Méabh when she told him due to some rumours back in
hunts mainly through traps, something he is very good at those days and thus Finni has grown up as just a gatherer
fixing up with his nimble fingers. He looks a bit shifty but in the tribe.
really isn’t.
Answers offered
The kid
Asked about the Fenbeasts: Méabh will offer a tea to
The kid was found in the swamps as a baby eight years drink that makes them ignore you. When his mother
ago and was named Maoilios by a whisper in the wind. doesn’t hear Finni will point out it doesn’t work.
He is an odd boy with unnaturally green hair and freckles
that move around on his face when no-one looks. His Asked about the King: Méabh Finni will if asked when
adoptive parents refuse to accept him as weird however her son isn’t around go on a rant saying how he is the
and ignore or get angry at claims of him being odd or un- kings son but no-one will believe her. If asked when her
natural. son is there they say he’s a fairly good king.

Answers offered Asked about Ciradan: The family say he’s the royal
advisor and a decent one. Méabh Finni will point out he
Asked about the Fenbeasts: The family advice to stay seems to have lost his appetite since he no longer drinks
away from it stating it is very dangerous. of the tea when she comes with it. If asked for how long
he hasn’t had tea she will think for a while and state it’s
Asked about the King: The family states the king is get- about half a year.
ting too old and are of the opinion he should seek an heir.
Convincing them Ciradan is evil: Finni Finni won’t
Asked about Ciradan: The family say he’s the royal believe it no matter what. Méabh can be convinced with
advisor and a fairly good one. Maoilios speaks up at this evidence if shown.
and says “Ciradan is past. Ciradan is gone.” His parents
will correct him saying they saw the advisor recently. If Asked of the Druid lore: Finni doesn’t know much of it.
asked what he meant by it Maoilios will shrug and say the Méabh will state druids taught people the art of making
wind whispered it to him. tea and even divination in it though that never works she
says. If asked to do a divination in tea leaves she can be
Convincing them Ciradan is evil: The parents won’t convinced to, she doesn’t believe in it but don’t see a rea-
believe it unless given evidence of it. Maoilios will an- son not to do it for fun. However if she does she will look
swer with a “Sure” and be onboard with any plans the shocked as the leaves float unnaturally and create strange
players have regarding Ciradan (or almost any plans, the patterns showing that somebody has died. She will re-
GM can decide some are too extreme for the kid to help mark its weird they reacted that way but they are still
with). wrong, no one has died recently.

Asked of the Druid lore: The family will excuse that Asked about the Ogham circle: The family states it is
they don’t know it very well with the fact that no Truth- holy and not to be disturbed. Méabh if alone will mutter
sayer has visited during their lives. that Finni Finni should have been crowned prince there.

Asked about the Ogham circle: The family states it is

holy and not to be disturbed.
The Eight Hut The Ninth Hut
The eight hut is home to Flaithbheartach Fylani and his The Ninth hut is home to a family of crayfish fishers.
eight sons. They are beekeepers tending to a colony of Eògan Hyland and his wife Muirgheal as well as their
Albian Fenmurder bees. These aggressive insects make three sons
delicious honey from a mixture of nectar and the blood of
drowned animals. The house is covered with skull-shaped Eògan Hyland
beehives (the animal makes their hives in the rough Eògan ís a dour man that always complains about some-
shape, look and colour of deer-skulls, the reason is un- thing, usually the weather. He has a foul personality and
known). an equally foul breath.

Flaithbheartach Fylani Muirgheal Hyland

Flaithbheartach Fylani is a tall man with ruddy skin
whose wife died in childbirth mothering their eight child. Muirgheal loves her man despite his foul personality and
Despite this Flaithbheartach keeps a fairly positive atti- she is often seen agreeing with his general complaints
tude. He is happy to have visitors as few want to be that about the world. While a crayfish fisher like the rest of
close to the bees. If someone flirts with him he will ask the household she is a bit lazy and prefers to jus cook
them to leave stating that he is a widower and won’t dis- them´and leave the rest of the work to her husband and
respect his dead wife. kids, which Eògan with some complaints accept.
The kids The kids
The eight sons follow in their fathers footsteps tending to Their three sons are 7, 10 and 12 years old. They all work
the bees but as the eldest start to become of the right age the family trade of crayfish fishing all night.
their dad has started telling them to go looking for wives.

Answers offered Answers offered

Asked about the Fenbeasts: The family advice to stay
Asked about the Fenbeasts: The family advice to stay away from them since they are deadly. They say they
away from it stating it is very dangerous. mostly come out at night. Emphasising mostly.
Asked about the King: The family states the king is a Asked about the King: The family states the king is far
good king but a bit too old. too old these days and Eògan will complain about a lot of
mundane things linking them to the king if given half a
Asked about Ciradan: The family will point out he ad- chance.
vises the king but they don’t think he’s doing that good a
job of it stating that they should get more visitors and the Asked about Ciradan: The family will point out he ad-
king does nothing to improve that. vises the king but Eògan will soon point out he should
advise him better and come up with all kind of mundane
Convincing them Ciradan is evil: The family won’t be- complaints. One of the sons will remark that he is usually
lieve it without evidence to support it. out and about when they leave at nightfall and up already
when they return at dawn. Eògan will concede that fact
Asked of the Druid lore: The family knows little of it but point out that it doesn’t mean he still can’t be lazy and
though Flaithbheartach will state it is the truthsayers that useless.
taught people how to tend bees.
Convincing them Ciradan is evil: The family won’t be-
Asked about the Ogham circle: The family states it is lieve it without evidence to support it.
holy and not to be disturbed.
Asked of the Druid lore: The family knows little of it
though Eògan will complain at great lengths that Truth-
sayers never visit to fix things like the poor maintenance
of the keep or the poor weather.

Asked about the Ogham circle: The family states it is

holy and not to be disturbed.
The Smithy The Distillery
The smithy is built much like the other huts but has The distillery is filled with strange contraptions look-
some basic smithing equipment. The couple that ing more advanced than most of the tools of the vil-
works there are happy to trade the characters tools or lage and they are, the people of Albion has main-
weapons of bronze or copper. If asked about iron or tained the knowledge of making whiskey through
steel they will look at the characters confused and using the trade a lot. The people of the distillery are
repeat that the offer to make weapons or tools in willing to trade their whiskey with the characters.
bronze or copper. An offer to teach them ironwork-
ing will be met with accusations of sorcery, witccraft Lulach Duncans
and even worse, trying to spread the corrupting influ- The oldest of the Duncan brothers, Lulach is a happy fel-
ence of civilization. low loving whiskey.

Eilín Jewele Dulach Duncans

Eilín Jewele is a smith making weapons and tools for the
tribe. She is a cautious woman taking great care not to The second oldest of the Duncan brothers. Dulach talks
ruin her work and preferring to work slow and careful slowly and likes juggling though he is bad at it.
over fast and efficient. She can at lengths speak about
what she sees as the evils of civilization and why Albion Mulach Duncans
must never become civilized.
The youngest of the Duncan brothers. Mulach is a fast-
Lachaidh Jewele talking fellow with a bit of a sarcastic streak.

The husband of Eilín is a slim fellow with a love for jokes Answers offered
and funny stories. He doesn’t take anything too serious
but he is still skilled at his work. An old accident means
Asked about the Fenbeasts: The family state that they
he can’t have children and thus the couple remains with-
are really dangerous and seem to scare away visitors.
out kids.
Asked about the King: The family states the king loves
Answers offered whiskey and that they have a few glasses with him each
Asked about the Fenbeasts: The family state that they
are really deadly and even with big weapons probably Asked about Ciradan: The family states Ciradan used to
won’t die, if people want to go after them anyway they like whiskey but suddenly stopped drinking at all even
are willing to forge them greatweapons in bronze if they when prompted to by the king. They remark that just aint
are willing to trade for them. right and all agree on that point.

Asked about the King: The family states the king was a Convincing them Ciradan is evil: The family can be
legendary warrior in the past and carries a magic sword convinced of this by evidence or good arguments. The
made to slay krakens and proven to work pretty well. fact that he doesn’t drink anymore has them a bit suspi-
Asked about Ciradan: The family will look at the char-
acters confused and say he’s nothing special. (Five years Asked of the Druid lore: The family says the truthsayers
ago they nearly found out his allegiance and a curse now taught humans to make whiskey and that each drink
prevents them from seeing anything suspicious with him). should be done with a toast to the old ones.

Convincing them Ciradan is evil: The family will look Asked about the Ogham circle: The family states it is
at the characters confused and say he’s nothing special. holy and not to be disturbed.
(Five years ago they nearly found out his allegiance and a
curse now prevents them from seeing anything suspicious
with him).

Asked of the Druid lore: The family knows little of it

but say that if they could find one they could enchant
weapons and make really great ones.

Asked about the Ogham circle: The family states it is

holy and not to be disturbed.
King Cathal Guarie Ciaran Mcguinness
The King of the fort was a legendary warrior once, killing The late Ciaran Mcguinness is a dark character that
enemy giants singlehandedly. Rallying armies to fight off like all dark emissaries made deals with Be'lakor. He
greenskin invasions. Killing the mad land-crawling Kra- is now perished and his attempts to cling to unlife
ken of Angsleywyngyllpwll and much more. That was grow ever more desperate as he fears what awaits
fifty years ago however and needless to say he is no long- him. This is made possible by the Ogham stone cir-
er in his prime. Age has corroded his strength and the lies
and curses of Ciaran has corroded his mind. He is willing
cle of the fort and as a result it is not even known he
to talk to the characters but will keep Ciaran near and if has died. When interacting with the characters he
the players start to ask questions Ciaran thinks are comingwill suggest they leave and try compelling arguments
to close to threaten him he will whisper to the king and for it if he can. He, as a ghost, will not touch things
the king will ask them to leave. or people, sleep, eat or drink. If asked about it he
will come with excuses such as not being hungry or
The king don’t need any stats, he is weak of body and not deeming the intruders worthy to touch.
mind and kept under the influence of Ciarans curses. If he His characteristics are found in the next chapter and
needs to test something assume he fails and if people are are to be used in both this and that chapter.
to roll opposed to convince him of things it is opposed by
Ciaran and not the king (though you need not say this). If confronted with proof he is a dark emissary or
ghost he goes to try and kill them in mad despera-
The Krakenslayer Sword of Angsleywyngyllpwll tion, go to chapter three. The same happens if he is
This magic coppersword is a magic Bastard Sword with
the unbreakable quality which has five instances of the attacked by magic or a magic item.
precise quality when used against a kraken. Ciaran knows
its magical and if someone other than the king holds it RESOLUTION
will be very cautious and try to avoid it. Rewards
Borgach Sinéad As well as the usual awards for good roleplaying and
The giantess Borgach Sinéad is the forts only giant. She is bright ideas awarded at the end of your gaming ses-
a simple woman enjoying sports, whiskey and not work- sion XP should be awarded for the following.
ing. Despite her fairly lazy nature she does help the tribe
when nagged a bit and she pulls her weight in the fort.
She isn’t the smartest person and is none the wiser to ֍ 30 points for figuring out Ciaran is a ghost before
Ciarans deceptions of the king or his passing. She can he reveals himself.
contribute with very little information but if given proof ֍ 2 points per NPC convinced that Ciaran is an evil
or a convincing argument for Ciradan being vile or a presence and/or a ghost.
ghost she will offer to help the characters. Something that
can be quite useful. If stats for her are needed use the stats ֍ 10 points to a player finding the remains of
for a giant (pg 320 of the core rulebook) but if she is do- Ciaran
ing a feat of strength just let the test automatically suc-
ceed and describe it. If she faces the fenbeasts she can
pick up and throw away one per round. They won’t die
but won’t be able to return for at least five minutes.

Unless otherwise stated villagers have the following Which Hut?
stats as well as 50 in any skill used for their job.
The players don’t know what is in the huts
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W unless they ask someone and its fairly likely
4 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 12 they’ll say they just go to a hut. If so I suggest
you write numbers between 1 and 9 on notes
Skills: Melee (Basic) 35, Gossip 35, Haggle 35, and draw one randomly when they go to a hut,
Cool 35 let them go to the hut with that number and
then put it aside. If they do it again draw from
the same pile which now lacks that note and
Talents: Strider (Fen) as it goes on they can visit each hut by just
going to the first best hut they find.
Traits: Weapon (Various) +5

Trappings: Various
Chapter three: The violent funeral of Ciaran Mcguinness

The third chapter brings the violent conclusion to the Defeating Ciaran
adventure where Ciaran Mcguinness no longer is Ciaran can be defeated in two ways, one is to reduce
able to hide his true nature and tries to kill the adven-
his wounds to zero and thus send him to the afterlife.
turers to keep his slipping grasp on the world. This The other is to bury his remains which also sends
chapter is much shorter than the previous ones and him to the afterlife. Regardless which is used the
mainly focussed on a dramatic ending to the adven- spells binding the fenbeasts end when he is beaten
ture. and they slowly shamble back into the swamps. The
curses affecting the people of the fort also start to
Ciaran revealed lift. Still its not as if their minds automatically catych
For whatever reason (depending on the outcome of everything that happened and hail the adventurers as
the previous chapter) Ciaran can no longer keep him- heroes, the king still confused order them imprisoned
self hidden and he, regardless if its fair or not, while they can figure out what happened. How the
blames the adventurers, or the intruders as he calls players react to this is up to them but as GM be pre-
them. At this point he will do two things, he will pared that it might turn violent, also remind them
start to use magic to stop the adventurers and he will there is a giant in the village following the kings or-
send in the fenbeasts to help. Needless to say its time ders.
to go to initiative.
Regardless of the actions taken by the players a
Fighting Ciaran Truthsayer will, seeing the presence gone, travel
Ciaran will cast his arsenal of deadly spells at the there and in four hours time arrive. He will explain
characters to bring them down. If the characters have that Ciaran was a powerful dark emissary and as he
spells or magic items he will target characters with passed threatened to ruin the Ogham circle for ever
that access first as the biggest threat and if they and that he manipulated fate to send the characters
move close try to get away through walls and other there. The truthsayer easily convinces the people of
things. The characters may not yet know he is a this and the adventurers are released. If they were
ghost in which case he will laugh the first time transported from another land the Truthsayer ex-
someone ineffectively uses a mundane weapon plains this is his doing and offers to through magic
against him and it passes through his body as if it return them to their own lands. The truthsayer apolo-
wasn’t there. gises for having no reward to offer them but says
that when the time is right he will come to their aid
and return the favour (it is up to the GM when and if
Fighting the Fenbeasts this happens)
The beasts are near and will appear within four
rounds to start bashing at the walls which they break
in one more. After this they are part of the fight
proper having the same target priority as Ciaran.

People of the fort

The people of the fort will be frightened by what’s
happening but if the players made positive impres-
sions on them they will help. On the other hand if the
characters made very bad impressions people may
assume they are causing this to the poor advisor with
their foreign sorcery and actively oppose them. Rea-
soning with them is possible, as is trying to rally
them to a specific goal, this will however spend ac-
Chapter three: The violent funeral of Ciaran Mcguinness

As well as the usual awards for good roleplaying and
bright ideas awarded at the end of your gaming ses-
sion XP should be awarded for the following.

֍ 20 points for defeating Ciaran by bringing him to

zero wounds.
֍ 30 points for defeating Ciaran by burying his
֍ 5 points for wielding The Krakenslayer Sword of


Ciaran McGuinness
Ciaran McGuiness is both a dark emissary and a
ghost, making him a dangerous adversary and the
characters need to realize what they need to face him
before it’s too late.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
6 30 - 30 30 10 30 20 35 60 40 30

Skills: Charm 50, Intimidate 50, Bribery 40, Chan-

nelling 70. Language (Magick) 60

Talents: Petty Magic, Arcane Lore (Dark Magic)

Traits: Dark Vision, Ethereal,Fear 2 (if revealed as

Ghost), Undead, Weapon +6 Eh, I’ll just banish him
It’s possible you’ll have a character in the
Resolve: 2 group with spells very effective against the
undead. This will greatly change the fight.
Fortune: 1 You can as GM say that the bindings are too
strong to give the whole bonus but its probably
Memorized Spells: Drain, Eavesdrop, Rot, Twitch, better to let them be extra effective in this situ-
Breath, Flight, Move Object, Mundane Aura, Caress ation, it’s what the character is good at.
of Laniph, Steal Life Remember that Ciaran Mcguinness is able to
counter spells with Language (Magick) as well
per the standard rules.

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