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From Your Pastor’s Heart ongoing prayer ministry, please contact me.
Dorothy Posey, Church Secretary
Ryan Greene. Min. of Music & Youth
John D. Meyer, Pastor
Are you ready to “reset” in 2021? We are will be glad to add you to one of the groups.
sailing in uncharted waters in our personal We have a new email address dedicated
lives and in our church life. The world needs specifically for prayer requests. If you or
the gospel of Jesus Christ more than ever someone you know has a prayer request, you

Your Church Staff

before. Individual Christians and churches can send your request to the church using the
cannot afford to rewind back to the same way following email address:
of doing life and “doing church” after we have
endured this virus. We must reset and press Our Committee on Committees is looking
on to “being the church” in a new and differ- for at least two people to help lead our Be-
ent way. I shared with you Sunday that the reavement Ministry Committee. This ministry
first item of “resetting” must be to make Jesus
provides a meal for member families when a
Christ central in our lives and our church. We
Jan. 7, 2021 • Vol. 44, Issue 1 must be attached to Him and draw our life family member in the home passes away. We
from Him. We must be disciples who will fol- have three people who have agreed to help



low in His footsteps, going where He goes, with this ministry, but we need at least two
ETERNAL PLEDGE serving who He serves, and loving who He people to provide leadership. This is an im-
loves. We must make any and all adjust- portant ministry and we need two people to
ments necessary to take the gospel of Jesus step up and serve. If you are willing to serve
God has not promised joy without to a lost and dying world. Will you “Reset?” on this committee, please contact me.
tears, Thank you for your gifts to the Lottie The Personnel Committee is still looking
Skies without rain, peace without Moon Christmas Offering for International for someone to fill the position of Nursery Co-
fears. Missions. As of last Sunday, we have re- ordinator. If you are interested in the position
Nor has He promised happiness ceived $3,160.55 toward our goal of $8,000 or know someone who may be interested,

Electronic service requested:

North Augusta, SC 29861-8168

P.O. Box 8168
Belvedere First Baptist Church
through for the church year ending on September 30, applications and job descriptions are availa-
Life without quarrels; friends not 2021. We will continue our emphasis through ble on the credenza outside the church office.
January, but you may give to this offering an- Until we fill the Nursery Coordinator po-
untrue. ytime during the year. I want to encourage sition, we need individuals to volunteer to
But He has promised rest for the you to pray for our missionaries and give to help us provide a nursery each Sunday. If you
weary, the Lottie Moon Offering to help support them are willing to help in the nursery on Sunday
Peace for the soul, undying love as they share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I mornings, please contact me as soon as pos-
and a heavenly goal. also want to encourage you to tell those you sible. Thank you for your help with this.
by Ruth Lommatzsch know about Jesus as well. I hope to see you in Sunday School and
The “Pray & Go” outreach teams for this Worship this Sunday if you feel like venturing
Sunday, January 10 are: out of your home. I understand if you don’t
DEACON BALLOTS ENCLOSED feel comfortable doing that at this time, and I
Team A: Alan & Kathy Hankins will continue to pray for you as you shelter in.
PLEASE RETURN BY Mary & Keith Head
Sun. Feb. 7th Please call me if you need me.
Team B: Ed & Laurel Mead We will present another segment of the
Jane Brown Thomas Project during worship this Sunday
Our Mission: We exist to obey Jesus Christ by morning. We will be discussing the topic of
The scheduled teams will meet in the parking social injustice. Please be praying for Bro.
Permit #20
Augusta, GA
US Postage Paid
Non-Profit Org.

continuously reaching out to create relation-

ships and share Christ’s story in order to make lot for a brief time of prayer and then go out to Alan, Bro. Alex and me as we prepare for this
mature disciples. pray for homes in our community from presentation.
4:00PM - 5:00PM. Every member can be a I love you and thank the Lord for you. Stay
421 Edgefield Road | PO Box 8168 participant in this mission/outreach endeavor.
safe and well. See you Sunday!
North Augusta, SC 29861-8168 If you would like to commit to be a part of this
803-279-0415 | 803-279-0476 In the Sonshine! Bro. John
Weekly Ministry Opportunities Life Line Screening Stewardship Report
Sunday, Jan. 10 The nation’s leading provider of pre- Week of: Jan. 3, 2021
9:15a Sunday School ventative health screenings, will offer Teens Reserved Unto True Holiness
Weekly Needs $6,281.00
10:30 Worship affordable, non-invasive and painless Weekly Tithe $3,149.50
6:00p Small Group health screenings at Belvedere First Needs/Date $6,281.00
Wednesday, Jan. 13 Baptist Church on Friday, January 29, YOUTH Offering/Date $3,149.50
6:30p Praise Team/Choir Practice 2021. Sunday School @ 9:15am
(Sanct.) (Includes on-line giving for this week)
Have you ever thought about the fol- In Room 110
Sunday, Jan. 17 lowing? Missions $55.00
9:15a Sunday School • I want to see my grandchildren Lottie Moon #8030 $255.00
10:30 Worship grow up.
6:00p Small Group Livestreaming Services
• I want to continue living inde- are continuing as follows: No Sunday School attendance
Wednesday, Jan. 20 pendently.
6:30p Praise Team/Choir Practice numbers for this week.
• I don’t want to be a burden on my Prayer time - Daily
(Sanct.) family. (Mon - Sat. - 12:00pm)
Friday, Jan. 29 The mission of Life Line Screening is (Sunday @ 6:00pm)
Lifeline Screening to provide advance, yet affordable and Sunday School - 9:15am
convenient health screenings that sup- Worship - 10:30am
plement your traditional healthcare. on Sunday
They can make you aware of a pre- Wednesday Prayer Mtg. - 7:00pm Members In Service
viously silent, unrecognized problem Welcome Team
that can now get treated at an early
stage, or confirm that you are on the Ushers
right path, and should continue your “You are never too old to set another goal
healthy habits. Deacons will be filling in at this time
or to dream a new dream.”
Don’t let heart disease and stroke - C.S. Lewis Safety
get in your way of the life you love.
Wayne Duke, Mike Gee
Call toll free 1-888-653-6441, or text
the word, “circle” to 797979 to sched- Sympathy Sound & Multimedia Team
ule your health screening.
Our heartfelt prayers are extended to: Scott Wilk, Brad Brooks
Lottie Moon A package of 5 vital screenings is
 Ronnie Quarles in the passing of his
offered for only $149. If you call today Deacons-On-Call
Christmas Offering to register, you will receive a $10 dis-
wife, Beverly,
 Fran McCormick in the passing of Week of Jan. 10
Our goal: $8,000 count!
her brother, Frank Godbee, Everett Gregory / 803-278-5542
Given to date: $3,160.55  Marge Brown in the passing of her Scott Wilk / 803-278-5033
Extended Session
 Family of Wayne Collins, (Sister -
Annette Gracey and Niece - Mandy Sun., Jan. 10
The Post Office box has been
closed. Left-over cards will be Gracey), AM Service: Volunteers
available in the Sanctuary on  Sandra Hooker in the passing of her
Children are welcome to worship with their
Sunday mornings, or you can husband, Scottie Hooker, parents in the Sanctuary
stop by the church office dur-  Ed and Laurel Mead in the passing
ing regular office hours. of his mother, Beatrice Mead.

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