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Chapter 3.1
History, Evolution, and
Impact of Digital Libraries
Leonardo Candela
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy

Donatella Castelli
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy

Pasquale Pagano
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy

ABSTRACT realizations of digital library systems coexist.

The evolutionary process conducting to the cur-
Digital Libraries have achieved a fundamental rent, multi-instanced and still evolving status of
role in our knowledge society. By making the affairs as well as the motivations governing it are
wealth of material contained in libraries, museum, identified and presented. The main initiatives and
archives and any knowledge repository worldwide milestones producing the nowadays instances of
available they are giving citizens in every place these knowledge enabling systems are mentioned.
of the world the opportunity to appreciate their Finally, the impact these systems had and are hav-
global cultural heritage and use it for study, work ing on various aspects of our society is discussed.
or leisure. They are revolutionising the whole
knowledge management lifecycle. In this chap-
ter, the history characterizing these “knowledge 1. INTRODUCTION
enabling technologies” is described. The history
starts from the early attempts toward systems Libraries, together with archives, have always
supporting knowledge discovery and reaches been the primary institutions delegated to manage
the current age in which a plethora of different – collect, preserve and diffuse – human knowledge
and culture. When advances in computer science
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-783-8.ch3.1 allowed dealing with digital representation of

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History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

documents dedicated to capture human knowledge 2. DIGITAL LIBRARIES:

and culture rather than printed ones, libraries were THE EARLY TIMES
particularly involved in exploiting the potential of
the digital revolution. Thus “digital libraries” soon The digital library concept can be traced back to the
became the term to indicate the digital counterpart famous papers of foreseer scientists like Vannevar
of traditional libraries. However, digital library Bush and J.C.R. Licklider identifying and pursuing
systems have greatly evolved since their early the goal of innovative technologies and approaches
appearance. Today they have become complex toward knowledge sharing as fundamental instru-
networked systems able to support communica- ments for progress. Bush (Bush, 1945) devised
tion and collaboration among different worldwide “a device in which an individual stores all his
distributed communities, dealing with “digital books, records, and communications, and which
objects” comprising not only the digital coun- is mechanized so that it may be consulted with
terpart of printed documents, but also images, exceeding speed and flexibility.”. Moreover, on
video, programs and any other kind of multimedia top of it there is “a transparent platen. On this are
objects a community may define as appropriate to placed longhand notes, photographs, memoranda,
its working and communication needs. all sorts of things”. Because of the lack of digital
The evolution of digital libraries (DLs) has not support, he identified in “improved microfilm” the
been linear, coming from the contribution of many means for content storage and exchange: “contents
disciplines. This has created several conceptions of are purchased on microfilm ready for insertion.
what a DL is, each one influenced by the perspec- Books of all sorts, pictures, current periodicals,
tive of the primary discipline of the conceiver(s) newspapers, are thus obtained and dropped into
or by the concrete needs it was designed to sat- place”. Of course, he envisaged also support for
isfy. As a natural consequence, the “history” of knowledge discovery (“provision for consultation
Digital Libraries, which is now approximately of the record by the usual scheme of indexing”),
twenty years long, is the history of a variety of access (“to consult a certain book, he taps its code
different types of information systems that have on the keyboard, and the title page of the book
been called “digital libraries”. These systems are promptly appears before him”) and management
very heterogeneous in scope and functionality and (“new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready
their evolution does not follow a single path. In made with a mesh of associative trails running
particular, when changes happened this has not through them, ready to be dropped into the me-
only meant that a better quality system was been mex and there amplified”). Licklider realized that
conceived superseding the “preceding” ones but computers were getting to be powerful enough to
also meant that a new conception of digital librar- support the type of automated library systems that
ies was born corresponding to new raised needs. Bush had described and in 1965, wrote his book
As it will be seen, most of the systems dealt with (Licklider, 1965) about how a computer could
in this history are still living in their original provide an automated library with simultaneous
conception, even though not in their original remote use by many different people through
technological solutions. access to a common database. Because of this,
The rest of this chapter goes back over this Licklider is also considered a pioneer of Internet
history, giving an account of past and present un- and in its book he established the connection be-
derstanding of these kind of systems and on-going tween Internet and digital library. Thus, it is not
work in the area. The chapter concludes with a surprising that research and development activity
vision of the impact that new DLs are expected on digital libraries started in the early 1990s, with
to have in the near future. the Internet proliferation, and that Internet has

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

created unprecedented possibilities to discover project started in 1996 (Fox, Eaton, McMillan,
and deliver human knowledge. et al, 1996), and archives of cognitive sciences
The first systems delivering knowledge ar- papers (CogPrints, (n.d.)) and of research papers
tefacts in digital form can essentially be seen in economics (RePEc, (n.d.)) both launched in
as archives of digital texts accessible through a 1997. The former was a system which was of-
search service and implemented by a centralized fering services for submitting, browsing and
metadata catalogue. searching electronic thesis in PDF format. The
An important example of a system conceived availability of this product stimulated the creation
to respond to concrete needs went on-line starting of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and
in August, 1991. This system, originally named Dissertations (NDLTD, (n.d.)) international or-
“e-print archive” and now worldwide known as ganization, still operational, which registers and
arXiv, was born as an experimental means for keep track of ETDs.
making scientific communication more effective CogPrints, was initially conceived as reposi-
and economic, a requirement mostly expressed tory allowing the cognitive science community
by the physicists community.(Ginsparg, 1994) to self-archive their papers. It now contains more
Although tight to the technologies of those years, than 3,000 artefacts starting from 1950. In 2000 it
this system provided a paradigm for changes in was made compliant with the protocol defined by
worldwide, discipline-wide scientific information the Open Archives Initiative (see Section 3) and
exchange, even though its rapid acceptance was then its software was converted into the EPrints
facilitated by the pre-existing “preprint culture” Digital Repository Software (EPrints, (n.d.)), a
of the community of high energy theoretical phys- flexible platform supporting easy and fast set up
ics, in which the irrelevance of refereed journals of repositories of open access research outputs.
to ongoing research has long been recognized. Because of its simplicity, EPrints is currently
The arXiv system opened the way to deal widely used, more than 250 repositories declared
with the social and economical issues related to to rely on it.
the open access to outputs coming from publicly Similarly, RePEc was initially conceived as an
funded research, that were later officially stated in open repository of electronic papers in a specific
the Berlin Declaration (http://oa.mpg.ed, (n.d.)), domain. Thomas Krichel, principal investiga-
in 2003, and now strongly promoted by many tor of the RePEc Project, in 1997 illustrated the
initiatives and Funding Agencies (Council of the principles underlying a new realised version of
European Union, 2007). It can be considered as this system by affirming “Distributed archives
the prototype of (institutional) repository sys- should offer metadata about digital objects (mainly
tems (Lynch, 2003), i.e. systems characterized working papers); the data from all archives should
by functionality for managing self-publishing form one single logical database despite the fact
(document submission, reviewing, editing, etc.) that it should be held on different servers; users
and dissemination of born digital documents. could access the data through many interfaces;
The early ones of such systems were con- providers of archives should offer their data to all
structed on a rather simple architecture, with interfaces at the same time.” Krichel, with these
the exception of very few cases. This worked to statements was anticipating a view that would
the advantage of their diffusion and adoption by have largely emerged few years later.
different scientific communities. Besides arXiv, These systems – all still living in more recent
significant examples of such early systems were and enhanced versions – represent very embryonic
archives of various type like Electronic Thesis forms of digital libraries. In fact, their functional-
and Dissertations repositories (ETDs), whose pilot ity is essentially confined to (self-)publishing of

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

simple information objects and discovery of these (Wilensky, 1995) focused on developing the
information objects through rudimentary search technologies to access large, distributed collec-
and browse facilities. tions of photographs, satellite images, videos,
In parallel with the repository systems, other maps, documents, and “multivalent documents”
kinds of systems, sharing with them the need for and to support work-centred digital information
supporting digital documents storage and retrieval services (Wilensky, 1996); the Alexandria Digi-
but oriented to enlarge the pool of services and tal Library (Smith and Frew, 1995) focused on
functionality offered to their clientele, started be- building an online, distributed digital library for
ing designed and developed. The founding ideas geo-referenced1 information, including maps,
for these systems were extending and enhancing aerial photographs, satellite imagery, and cata-
the capabilities of information and storage systems logue records, and on supporting geographically
so that they could manipulate and deliver rich defined queries (Smith, 1996); the Informedia
digital artefacts besides documents’ bibliographic Digital Video Library (Christel, Kanade, Maudlin,
description, i.e. metadata. Essentially, new sys- et al., 1995) focused on establishing a large, on-
tem development activities started with the goal line digital video collection with full-content and
of supporting scholars by providing them with knowledge-based search and retrieval (Wactlar,
the functionality of a traditional library (collect, Kanade, Smith and Stevens, 1996); the Interspace
store, organise and discovery information) in the (Schatz, 1995) focused on building a large collec-
context of distributed and networked collections tion of technical engineering and physics literature
of digital information objects in user-friendly that can be searched effectively across multiple
ways (Belkin, 1999). The initiatives that started indexes with a single interface (Schatz, Mischo,
giving live to such systems, that can be reason- Cole, et al., 1996); the University of Michigan
ably considered as substantial digital libraries, Digital Library (Crum, 1995) focused on creating
were the Digital Library Initiative (DLI) in the a digital library architecture based on the notion of
US, while national initiatives, e.g. eLib in UK, software “agents” (Atkins, Birmingham, Durfee,
and EU funded projects including a dedicated et al., 1996); the Stanford Digital Library Project
Network of Excellence, DELOS (DELOS, (n.d.)), (Stanford Digital Libraries Group, 1995) focused
have characterised the European scene (Griffin, on addressing aspects of interoperability over
Peters, and Thanos (2005). heterogeneous services and collections via the
The Digital Library Initiative (DLI) consisted “InfoBus” protocol, which provides a uniform
of two major competitive funding programs, the way to access a variety of services and information
first of which started in 1994 and funded six sources through “translators” (Paepcke, Cousins,
research projects (chosen among 73 proposals) et al., 1996).
over a four-year period (Schatz and Chen,1996) Despite none of these systems exist anymore
while the second phase was dedicated to extend as a running service2, the solutions proposed, the
the research carried out during the previous phase technology developed as well as the resources
by including content providers thus to guarantee collected and built have been largely used by
the availability of real testbed to validate research more complex DLs developed later. It is well
outcomes. However, the DLI funded projects known that one of the most important success
have not been the only ongoing efforts (CACM, stories resulting from these projects is Google®.
1995) even if they were very innovative because Page and Brin started working on their search
they focused on future technological problems. engine while being PhD Students at Stanford
The six projects funded by DLI phase one were: working on the Stanford Digital Library Project.
the California Environmental Digital Library Actually, the Digital Library Initiative merits

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

goes far beyond the specific work that it funded European DL research community, by the or-
and we can affirm that it gave shape to “digital ganisation of important durable scientific events
library” as a new research discipline. Research in and infrastructures (e.g. ECDL4, CLEF5, INEX6),
digital library topics was not new but it had been and by notable suggestions, in the form of either
fragmented across many disciplines. This program prototypes or roadmap reports, anticipating many
led to conferences, publications and researcher actions of the European Commission in the field
teams explicitly interested in doing research in of Digital Libraries (Thanos, 2009).
digital libraries. Moreover, it gave directions to In parallel with the DELOS initiatives, in
the overall movement toward a practical research Europe activities dedicated to the development
field.(Arms, 2001) of exploratory systems going in the direction of
As anticipated, in Europe the scene was char- “true” digital libraries started with the support of
acterised by the existence of DELOS initiatives. the European Commission programmes7. Among
The activities of DELOS started with the “DELOS the projects initially funded, notable are those de-
Working Group” at the end of the 1990s3, and scribed in the following. The European Chronicles
the DELOS Thematic Network, under the Fifth On-Line (ECHO) (Savino and Peters, 2004) focus-
Framework Program (2000 – 2003). Since its ing on the development of a digital library service
beginning, the main objective of DELOS was to for historical films by using an open architecture
advance the state of the art in the field of digital approach distributing digital film archive ser-
libraries by coordinating the effort of the major vices. In addition, it was intended to develop new
European research teams conducting activities models for intelligent audio-visual content-based
in the main fields of interest. One of the early searching and film-sequence retrieval, new video
important achievements was the establishment abstracting tools, and user interfaces specifically
of a formal collaboration with the US National tailored to the new functionality. The provision of
Science Foundation and the creation of five joint multilingual services and cross language retrieval
EU-US collaborative Working Groups. These tools was also addressed. Another project, i.e. An
working groups explored DL-related technical, Integrated Art Analysis and Navigation Environ-
social and economic issues, and published a set ment (ARTISTE) (Allen, Vaccari and Presutti,
of recommendations with respect to DL interop- 2000), focused on giving providers, publishers,
erability, metadata, IPRs and economics, global distributors, rights protectors and end users of art
resource discovery and multilingual information images information, as well as the multi-media
access in a special issue of the International Jour- information market as a whole, a more efficient
nal of Digital Libraries (Griffin, Peters, Thanos, system for storing, classifying, linking, matching
2005). The last phase of the DELOS evolution and retrieving art images. This environment was
was its transformation into the DELOS Network providing, for example, automatic extraction of
of Excellence, under FP6 (2004 – 2007). Its mis- metadata based on iconography, painting style,
sion was to integrate and coordinate the on-going etc; content-based navigation for art documents;
research activities of the major European research distributed linking and searching across multiple
teams in the field of Digital Libraries. The main archives allowing ownership of data to be retained;
achievement was the definition of the “DELOS DL and storage of art images using large multimedia
Reference Model” (Candela, Castelli, et al., 2007), object relational databases. The Collaboratory for
a formal and conceptual framework describing Annotation, Indexing and Retrieval of Digitized
the characteristics of the Digital Library domain. Historical Archive Material (COLLATE) (Thiel,
The main merits of DELOS are represented by Brocks, Frommholz, et al., 2004) project focused
its significant contributions to the creation of a on the development of a collaborative work envi-

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

ronment for archives, researchers and end-users In August of 1995, ERCIM, the European
focused on historic film documentation, includ- Research Consortium for Informatics and Math-
ing censorship files, photos and film fragments ematics, asked to join the NCSTRL network. This
in which users take an active part in evaluating gave birth to ETRDL, the European Technical
sources and adding valuable information. Report Digital Library (Biagioni, S., Borbinha,
Being dedicated to build exploratory systems, et al., 1998). This “expansion” of NCSTRL raised
both the DLI funded projects and the FP5 funded reliability and performance problems due to con-
projects spent the majority of their effort in imple- nectivity characteristics of the global Internet. To
menting proof-of-concept systems by integrating overcome these issues and obtain good perfor-
results from various and separate research fields mance, the Dienst initial architecture was modi-
and experimenting these solutions in a specific fied by adding the notions of collection service
context. Thus, each project was dedicated either and connectivity region (Lagoze, C., Fielding,.
to serve the need of a specific community or to D, 1998). ETRDL was also the first important
design and implement a certain functionality over experience in Europe in designing and operating
a specific kind of information. Not surprisingly, a digital library having a European scale. In col-
the majority of first-generation digital library lecting requirements from the ERCIM community
systems were “from scratch”, “monolithic applica- it became evident that this community had its own
tions”8 lacking of reusability, ease of installation, specific requirements (Andreoni, A., Baldacci,
customisation and configuration. (Ioannidis, Y., M.B., et al., 1999), not all of which were covered
Maier, D., et al., 2005) by the basic Dienst system as adopted by NCSTRL.
Among the first attempts to overcome the The list of requirements included three important
monolithic approach notable are NCSTRL (Davis, aspects: the need for classification mechanisms;
J,R, Lagoze, C., 2000), the Networked Computer the need to cater for languages other than Eng-
Science Technical Research Library, and its en- lish and the need to provide on-line document
abling technology Dienst (Davis, J.R., Lagoze, submission facilities. The ETRDL supporting
C., 1995). Dienst was based on quite innovative technology was designed and implemented by
principles at the time in the digital library domain, maintaining interoperability with NCSTRL, so
namely: open architecture, federation and distribu- that users could perform cross-Atlantic searches,
tion. According to these principles: the functional- while at the same time extending this system to
ity of a digital library system were available in the provide additional functionalities as requested by
form of distinct functional units, each exposing its ERCIM users. Among the new functionalities,
operational semantics through an open protocol; on-line document submission distinguished ER-
digital library systems are compositions of these CIM from most of the contemporary DL systems.
functional units and new functionality can be These were conceived to serve end-users only as
added through the implementation of value-added consumers of information, and submission was
services, which interact with existing others us- usually performed outside the DL by means of
ing established protocols; the components (and specific procedures operated by either the author
content) of a digital library could be spread over or a librarian. ETRDL engaged digital library
the global Internet, but should be presented to the designers in a lot of relevant choices. Most were
user as a single system. NCSTRL grew a lot in the technical ones, but some related to policy and
United States. Approximately three years after its administration. Most of the large European Ini-
inception, the NCSTRL collection contained about tiatives funded few years later were the result of
22,000 documents from 118 different institutions. this early experience.

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

The projects and initiatives described so far i.e. the capability of seamlessly accessing and
characterised the early times of the digital library using the content managed in distributed and
domain, the birth of the field. Once established, the heterogeneous repositories.
field evolved like any other research and develop- Approaches based on cross-searching multiple
ment field. The evolution has been multi-faceted archives based on a common protocol, such as
and spontaneous, thus leading to the today status in Z39.5010,, (Miller, P., 1999) were considered
which, despite the existence of a reference model at the time costly and hardly scalable. A very
(Candela, L., Castelli, D., et al., 2007), the term important meeting toward the interoperability
“digital library” continues to evoke different im- of electronic repositories was organised in Santa
pression in each digital library practitioner exactly Fe, New Mexico, on October 1999, with the goal
like in the past (Fox, E.A, Akscyn, R.M., et al., to establish recommendations and mechanisms
1995). In the rest of the chapter the evolution of the to facilitate cross-archive value-added services.
field is described by clustering the main initiatives This meeting led to the Santa Fe Convention – a
and projects in three main categories: those having combination of organizational principles and
large-scale content sharing as guiding principle, technical specifications to facilitate a minimal but
those dedicated to the definition and development potentially highly functional level of interoper-
of generic software systems for simplifying the ability among scholarly e-print archives – and to
building and operation of digital libraries (Digital the establishment of the Open Archives Initiative.
Library Management Systems)(Ioannidis, 2005) (Van de Sompel, H., Lagoze, C., 2000) The meet-
and those leading to new research environments ing started by discussing a concrete example of
in which all researchers have shared access to interoperability implemented through the UPS
scientific facilities including data, instruments, Prototype (Van de Sompel, H., Krichel, T., Nelson,
computing and communications regardless of their M.L., 2000) and recognising its potentialities.
location in the world (a.k.a. e-Infrastructures)9. The UPS prototype demonstrated the integrated
action of a variety of services operating over
data originating from a set of archives. Each of
3. DIGITAL LIBRARIES EVOLUTION: those services provided a reasonably rich level of
CONTENT SHARING functionality (accessible through a set of protocol
methods). The participants recognised that trying
The construction of digital libraries similar to to reach consensus on the full functionality of
those just described was very resource-consuming the prototype was “aiming too high” and that a
since, for each new one, both the content and the proper degree of modesty in the approach toward
software providing its functionality were built integration capable to balance the cost of partici-
from scratch. At the end of the 1990s, the experi- pation with the need for adequate functionality
ences of using distributed architectures to imple- was mandatory. The Santa Fe Convention iden-
ment proper digital libraries and the proliferation tified two key roles in participating institutions:
of independent repositories of valuable content “data providers” and “service providers”. Data
stimulated the idea of reusing content already providers were in charge to handle the deposit-
collected (and curated) in existing independent ing and publishing of resources in a repository
repositories so as to reduce the effort to build and “expose” for harvesting the metadata (what
large-scale digital libraries. However, many ob- they called record) about resources in the reposi-
stacles were to be solved to fully implement this tory. They were the creators and keepers of the
solution. The major of them was certainly how metadata and repositories of resources. Service
to implement repository service interoperability, providers were in charge of harvesting metadata

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

from data providers for the purpose of providing libraries of Europe. It offers free searching and
one or more services over the collected data. The delivers digital objects – some free, some priced.
types of services that might be offered included Another important initiative for large-scale
a search interface, peer-review system, etc. The cross-repository services was DARE, the Digital
cooperation between content and service provid- Academic REpositories (Kuil van der, A. and
ers was regulated by a protocol, initially defined Feijen, M., 2004). Started in 2003, this was a joint
as a subset of the Dienst protocol and nowadays initiative by Dutch Universities, National Library
known as the Open Archive Protocol for Meta- of Nederland, and other Dutch Organizations. Its
data Harvesting (OAI-PMH) (Lagoze, C., Van aim was to store the digital outcome of all Dutch
de Sompel, H., 2001). This is a simple protocol research in a common network of Institutional
made by six protocol requests and responses and Repositories (IRs) (Lynch, C.A., 2003) in order
because of its simplicity and relatively low cost to facilitate its dissemination. DARE went to-
of adoption it is so diffuse as to become a sort of wards the construction of a federation of IRs by
de-facto standard solution. providing a set of guidelines for the cooperation
One of the first experiments of implementing and interoperability of otherwise independent IRs.
a large-scale digital library search service across The guidelines imposed a set of standards at the
multiple data providers was performed by TEL, data level to which the participating repositories
The European Library project, which started in must line-up so as to enforce interoperability
2001 (Woldering, B., 2004). The key aim of TEL and enable the realization of services operating
was to investigate the feasibility of establishing a over the federation. Basically, DARE referred to
new pan-European service which would ultimately OAI-PMH and adopted simple Dublin Core11 as
give access to the combined resources of the na- the mandatory metadata set, plus DARE-qualified
tional libraries of Europe. The technical issue at Dublin Core as an optional metadata set. IRs
the beginning of the project was the heterogeneous should convert their internal metadata format to
nature of access to the data of the partner librar- the DARE metadata format and provide an expose
ies: some offered access to bibliographic data via their records through the OAI-PMH protocol.
the Z39.50 protocol, some did not. Furthermore, No particular document format or model was
not all collections were included in the Online imposed to the repositories, but digital objects
Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) (Altelman, should be reachable for harvesting via HTTP links
K., Lineman, E., Pace, A.K., 2006) of the national or through a jump-off page. Since June 2008,
libraries. The first task for TEL was to find a so- the DARE service can be accessed through the
lution for pooling the metadata of all collections NARCIS portal12.
and for offering for integrated search. A solution In the US, the National Science Foundation
was firstly identified in using the Z39.50 protocol funded the National Science Digital Library
for OPACs and the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (NSDL) (Zia, L.L., 2001) with the aim to provide
for the metadata not offered via Z39.50. After organized access to high quality resources and
the publishing of OAI-PMH, this protocol was tools that support innovations in teaching and
adopted by TEL for the harvesting of metadata for learning at all levels of science, technology, en-
the central index of those resources not available gineering, and mathematics education.13
via Z39.50. TEL was finished in 2004 and now These large-scale initiatives devoted to ag-
delivers a web service for accessing the combined gregate in a single place knowledge that is spread
resources (books, magazines, journals, etc. – both across a plethora of archives and systems will ever
digital and non-digital) of the forty-five national exist for a series of reasons including the existence
of various (institutional) repositories and the ever

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

growing multidisciplinary nature of our society. In in France, including the Louvre and the Musée
particular, TEL and DARE anticipated important d’Orsay. The information resources that populate
initiatives, namely, Europeana and DRIVER, re- Europeana’s information space are harvested as
spectively, which were launched few years later. surrogates of the original objects that are located
Europeana14 is a Thematic Network funded by at content providers’ sites. Since surrogates may
the European Commission under the eContentplus also contain elements of the original object (table
programme, as a part of the i2010 initiative15. Eu- of contents, full text index items, music and video
ropeana began in July 2007. Originally known as abstraction etc.), the very interesting new feature
the European digital library network – EDLnet – it of Europeana is that it will also deliver digital
is the result of a partnership of 100 representatives objects besides metadata. Clearly, heterogeneity
of heritage and knowledge organisations and IT and interoperability are main issues that such a
experts from throughout Europe. Objective of DL is having to deal with, as well as, of course,
Europeana is to provide access to Europe’s cultural with scalability, quality of service and, more in
and scientific heritage through a cross-domain general, sustainability of the joint portal.
portal. The first Europeana prototype, launched DRIVER16 is another notable example of a DL
in November 2008, provided simple search and that relies on content provided by a large number
retrieval facility on an information space of ap- of external data providers. It is the result of two
proximately two millions of digital objects selected subsequent projects funded by the European Com-
from Europe’s museums, libraries, archives and mission in the period 2006-2009. The main aim of
audio-visual collections, harvested through the these two projects is to create the organisational
OAI-PMH protocol. The first production quality and technological conditions for the set up of a
version of Europeana (called Rhine) will go live on European Repository Infrastructure (Jones, S.,
July 2010, to be followed in April 2011 by a more Manghi, P., 2009). The main instrument identified
sophisticate version (Danube), including more by the project to address organisational issues is
contents and offering a richer set of functionality. the DRIVER Confederation17. The Confederation
The intention is that by 2010 the Europeana portal partners represent European and international
will give everybody direct access to well over 6 repository communities, like subject based com-
million digital sounds, pictures, books, archival munities, repository system providers, service
records and films. Moreover, Europeana’s goal providers, as well as political, research, and fund-
is to realize a system serving very different type ing organisations, who share the DRIVER vision
of users. It should meet occasional curiosity of to allow all research institutions in Europe and
generic users as well as the information needs worldwide to make all their research publications
of school children and students. It should also openly accessible through institutional reposito-
provide academic students and teachers with ries. In the spirit of this shared goal, the DRIVER
certified information and the possibility to export confederation encourages a combined effort of
information for courses, as well as offer expert repository development by setting up guidelines
researchers and professional the possibility of and best practices that favour the realization of a
searching, verifying and annotating information shared, trusted, long-term repository infrastruc-
and using ad-hoc services. In the context estab- ture. From the technical point of view, DRIVER
lished by Europeana, special type of providers is based on the D-Net technology18. This enabling
are the aggregators, i.e. specialised DLs that act technology is quite innovative in the context of
as collectors of content from other providers. these kinds of aggregative systems because it
For instance, is the largest aggregator, is oriented to the realisation of a digital library
providing content from about 480 organizations infrastructure (cf. Sec. 5). D-Net is based on a

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

Service-oriented architecture, where distributed to handle aggregations of Web resources. These

and shared resources are implemented as standard aggregations, sometimes called compound digital
Web Services and applications consist of sets of objects, may combine distributed resources having
interacting services. It offers services to both multiple media types including text, images, data,
data providers, that through it can more easily and video as to form innovative research outcomes.
share their content, and service providers, that are Both Europeana and DRIVER have already
facilitated in implementing DLs that exploit the planned to move very soon to technologies à la
aggregated content.19 At the time of this writing, OAI-ORE to manage compound objects.
the DRIVER service provides access to approxi- All the systems and initiatives described in
mately one million records out of 200+ repositories this section are essentially oriented to content
across 27 countries. Moreover, it delivers three DL sharing. Moreover, the majority of them is char-
applications: the Belgium national repository por- acterised by a strong organisational effort since
tal, offering search over the Belgium Repository the model is based on a cooperative participation
Federation subset; Recolecta national repository of the content providers. Content sharing across
portal, offering search on the Spanish Repository digital libraries is now being largely promoted as
Federation subset; and the main DRIVER portal, an important strategy to reduce the digital library
providing access and advanced functionality over set up costs largely coming from selecting, digi-
the whole space. tising, describing, and digitally curating content
The current Europeana and DRIVER services resources. However, the realisation of wide and
operate an information space of metadata records, generalised content sharing is today still problem-
i.e. they harvest metadata records through the atic due to the great variety of proprietary models
OAI-PMH protocol from exiting repositories and ontologies adopted by existing systems and
and then they run their services by exploiting by the lack of systematic approach to interoper-
this content. Because of this they suffer from ability. (Castelli, D., Parker, S., 2009), a
the limitations that OAI-PMH poses if it has to recently funded EC project stemming from the
be used to exchange information objects that are DELOS project, is paving the way for the future
“rich” in structure and payload as those at the core interoperability of DL systems thus making fea-
of changing nature of scholarship and scholarly sible the implementation of global digital library
communication.(Van de Sompel, H., Payette, S., infrastructures.
2004)(Van de Sompel, H., Lagoze, C., 2006) In
particular, when feasible, they give access to the
content associated with the metadata by exploit- 4. DIGITAL LIBRARY
ing URL or some other information contained in EVOLUTION: DIGITAL LIBRARY
the record. This solution to access information MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS
objects, however, suffers of two main problems:
(i) the access is not always feasible since there is The reuse of content is not the only strategy that
no standard protocol to access objects; (ii) there has been put in place in order to reduce the cost of
is no way of accessing compound objects since DL development. Another important step toward
the structure and the relations holding among this aim has been the conception of digital library
the different parts is unknown. A solution to this management systems (DLMSs), i.e. systems that
problem may come from the OAI-ORE20 standard, provide the appropriate framework to both (i)
whose version 1.0 has been released in October produce and administer a Digital Library System
2008 by the Open Archives Initiative. This stan- incorporating the suite of functionality considered
dard, based on Web standards, proposes a solution fundamental for Digital Libraries and (ii) inte-

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

grate additional software offering more refined, ingest options; (ii) support the distribution of an
specialised or advanced functionality.(Candela, organization’s digital assets over the web through
L., Castelli, D., et al., 2007) Thus a DL can be a search and retrieval system; and (iii) preserve
built by configuring and deploying a DLMS and digital assets over the long term. (Tansley, R., Bass,
then loading or harvesting content. This approach M., Smith, M., 2003) The organisation of the infor-
largely simplifies and reduces the effort required mation space in DSpace is intended to reflect the
to set up a DL and, generally, guarantees a better structure of a typical research organization. Each
quality of service. DSpace repository is organised in communities,
These generic systems have started to appear each corresponding to a laboratory, research center
from the beginning of 2000 even though imple- or department. Communities contain collections,
menting the devised DLMS features only to some which are groupings of related content, and each
extent. The major characteristics that distinguish collection is composed of items, which are the
them from each other are the class of functional- basic elements of the repository. Many instances
ity offered, the type of information object model of DSpace are currently operational, widespread
supported, and the openness of their architecture. all over the world.21 DSpace is specifically appreci-
Repository management systems, i.e. systems ated for its effectiveness and for the simplicity of
specifically dedicated to implement repositories, its installation and operation procedures. However,
represent a first primitive form of DLMSs. Usually, it is suitable only for very specific application
these systems are configurable to an extent that domains due to its limited flexibility.
varies a lot from system to system, offer limited Flexibility has been, instead, the major goal
functionality to the administrators for managing addressed in designing the Fedora (Flexible Ex-
the system once it has been installed; further, they tensible Digital Object Repository Architecture)
are centralised and rarely extensible. (Payette, S., Lagoze, C., 1998) system, more or
One of the first exemplars of these software less in the same period in which DSpace was in-
systems is Greenstone (Witten, I.H., Bainbridge, troduced. Fedora was originally designed by the
D., 2002). This system, was conceived for sim- Digital Library Research Group at Cornell Univer-
plifying the construction and presentation of in- sity under a NSF Grant and then its development
formation collections by offering standard search proceeded as a collaboration with the University
and browse facilities. Its simplicity, easy to use of Virginia Library funded by the Andrew W. Mel-
and the activity conducted by the conceivers to lon Foundation. Differently from other repository
promote the usage of digital libraries in develop- systems designed as turn-key, vertical applications
ing countries as a mean to actively participate in for storing and manipulating information objects
the information society have been very important through a fixed user interface, Fedora has been
factors toward the dissemination of this software. conceived to act as the foundational layer for a
Another main representative of this class of variety of multi-tiered systems, service-oriented
systems is DSpace (Smith, M., Barton, M., et al., architectures, and end-user applications. This
2003). This system, jointly developed by the MIT means that Fedora was conceived as a service
Libraries and Hewlett-Packard Labs starting from to be used programmatically for building more
2000, was conceived as an open source digital sophisticated applications. To meet this goal it
repository software for research institutions. The has been implemented as a set of web services
objective of its designers was to realize a system that provide full programmatic management of
that could: (i) enable organizations to capture information objects as well and search and access
and describe digital material using a submission to multiple representations of them. (Payette, S.,
workflow module, or a variety of programmatic Thorton, S., 2002) Also, the Fedora information

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

object model is extremely flexible. It supports the larger and more diverse group of stakeholders in
expression of many kinds of compound objects. support of its not-for-profit mission.
Objects are units of content which can include digi- Both DSpace and Fedora have essentially been
tal resources, metadata about the resources, and conceived as management systems delivering
linkages to software tools and services (dissemina- digital repository functionality. Among the first
tors) configured to deliver the content in desired management systems departing from this no-
ways, even by producing it dynamically. (Lagoze, tion of exclusively repository-oriented system is
C., Payette, S., Shin, E., Wilper, C., 2006) In the OpenDLib,(Castelli, D., Pagano, P., 2002) devel-
original plans of its designers, the Fedora system oped at the Italian National Research Council, in
was intended as a first element of a more complex Pisa. The design and development of OpenDLib
service framework. This framework should consist was initiated in 2000 as a response to a pressing
of a set of loosely coupled services that interact request for a general purpose software that could
and collaborate with each other. These services be customized to meet the needs of different DL
are expected to provide additional functionality application scenarios. It was explicitly designed to:
that is not considered a fundamental function of a (i) provide basic DL services to support the submis-
repository. Typical examples are the Fedora OAI sion, description, indexing, searching, browsing,
provider and the Fedora Search service. Outside of retrieval, access, preservation, and visualization of
the boundaries of the Fedora framework there are information objects; (ii) offer other digital library
external services that can either call upon Fedora specific services, such as the ones providing the
services or be leveraged by Fedora services in enforcement of access policies on information
some way. The distinction between services within objects and the management of “user-shelves”
the Fedora Service Framework and those outside able to maintain information objects versions,
consists in that those within the framework are in result-sets, session results, and other information;
a trusted relationship with the Fedora repository (iii) support plug-and-play expansion, thus making
service and are designed to specifically interact the systems capable of growing over time along
with Fedora repositories, while services outside several dimensions, not only along services, but
the framework are typically general-purpose also metadata formats supported, hosting servers,
services, or organization-specific services that user communities addressed, and so forth.(Castelli,
call upon Fedora as an underlying repository for D., Pagano, P., 2003) Moreover, OpenDLib sup-
digital content. ports a powerful and flexible information object
Very recently (May 2009), the providers of model (Candela, L., Castelli, D., et al., 2003),
DSpace and Fedora decided to create a new organi- capable of representing structured, multilingual,
sation, DuraSpace22, with the goal to yield leader- and multimedia objects in a way that can be
ship and innovation in open source technologies customized according to which content has to
for global communities who manage, preserve, and be handled. Further, it has introduced the notion
provide access to digital content. DuraSpace will of virtual collections,(Candela, L., Castelli, D.,
sustain and grow its flagship repository platforms Pagano, P., 2003) i.e. collections not necessar-
– Fedora and DSpace – and will also expand its ily corresponding to an existing physical one,
portfolio by offering new technologies and ser- each characterized by its own access policy and
vices that respond to the dynamic environment of dynamically update with new content whenever
the Web and to new requirements from existing new objects matching the collection’s membership
and future users. DuraSpace will focus on support- criteria become available. In addition to the set of
ing existing communities and will also engage a functions dedicated to serve the DL end-user that
publishes and seeks for information, OpenDLib

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

also provides a number of functions to support document annotations. This service allowed dif-
DL administrators in preserving objects, in ap- ferent people to annotate documents with textual
plying object reviewing processes, in handling notes, ratings, links, etc. associated with either the
users and user group profiles and in deploying and entire document or with its parts, making annota-
managing services hosted by distributed servers. tions accessible publicly or restricted to groups.
The introduction of these functions is actually In addition, Scholnet provided a cross-language
the novelty of OpenDLib that makes it the first search facility permitting users to query in their
real exemplar of the class of software that the DL own language and retrieve documents in other lan-
research community started later to name Digital guages, as well as an automatic personalised infor-
Library Management System (Ioannidis, 2005) mation dissemination service, sending messages
(Candela, L., Castelli, D., et al., 2007), slightly to the users potentially interested in newly arrived
changing the attribute of “Digital Library Service documents. Cyclades, instead, was conceived to
System” that originally characterized OpenDLib. realise an open collaborative virtual archive ser-
Other Digital Library Management Systems vice environment supporting both single scholars
departing from the notion of repository-oriented as well as scholarly communities in carrying
ones started to be developed since the 2000. In out their work. (Straccia, U., Thanos, C., 2004)
fact, as soon as the digital library development and In particular, it provided functionality to access
use were proceeding, it became evident that the large, heterogeneous, multidisciplinary archives
digital context was offering innovative possibili- compliant with the OAI-PMH standard (Lagoze,
ties that were not conceivable in the library world. C., Van de Sompel, H., 2001) and distributed over
Indeed, digital libraries could also become a major the Web. Distinguishing functionality regarded
vehicle to support the entire cycle of scientific collection mechanisms (for dynamically structur-
production, which comprise not only retrieval of ing the overall information space into meaningful,
relevant information, but also the analysis of this from some community’s perspective, collections),
information and the production of new content personalization and recommendation (for selective
that is then published and disseminated for use to and automatic dissemination of newly available
others. Early systems that implemented this vision documents by relying on dynamically produced
were developed in the framework of the Scholnet user profiles), and collaborative work support (by
and Cyclades projects (Castelli, D., Pagano, P., implementing shared working spaces referencing
Straccia, U., 2001), both funded by the EU 5th users’ own documents, collections, recommenda-
Framework Programme at the beginning of 2000. tions, related links, textual annotations, ratings,
Both projects were aimed at extending the role of etc).(Candela, L., Straccia, U., 2003)(Avancini,
a digital library by providing services to support H., Candela, L., Straccia, U., 2007).
remote communication and collaboration among A distinguishing typology of Digital Library
scholars. Scholnet was conceived to implement an Management System is represented by those
enhanced set of specialised services enabling the dedicated to build a digital library by assembling
immediate dissemination and accessibility of tech- a set of components. A notable example is repre-
nical documentation within a globally distributed sented by the DelosDLMS.(Ioannidis, Y., Milano,
multilingual community. Accordingly, Scholnet D., Scheck, H.J., Schuldt, H., 2008) This system
was provided with the capability of delivering has been developed in the framework of DELOS
traditional services on multimedia documents (Thanos, C., 2009) to integrate the various digital
such as videos of tutorials or seminars (possibly library services developed by DELOS members
synchronized with corresponding textual slides), into a single working system. At the core of this
but also with innovative services such as handling system there resides an orchestrator that glues

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

together the single entities as to implement the 5. DIGITAL LIBRARIES EVOLUTION:

expected functionality in terms of chains of ser- INFRASTRUCTURES, VIRTUAL
vices calls. Another notable example of DLMS RESEARCH ENVIRONMENTS
delivering a digital library by properly assembling AND ECOSYSTEMS
existing components is represented by the series of
tools (named 5SL, 5SGraph, and 5SGen) relying Today scientific activities require collaboration
on the 5S framework (cf. Sec. 6) and designed by among parties that are widely dispersed and au-
Gonçalves for modelling and semi-automatically tonomous. Collaboration is often cross-discipline
customising digital library services. (Goncalves, and demands access to a variety of data and to
M.A., 2004) 5SL is a declarative domain-specific specialized tools that support the analysis and
language for digital library specification. 5SGraph processing of these data. If, in principle, digital
is a domain specific visual digital library modelling libraries appear as potentially core enabling
tool whose output is a specification of a digital technologies for supporting such a new collabora-
library in terms of the 5SL language. 5SGen is tion, in practice their application turns out to be
a component dedicated to the semi-automatic too expensive to sustain.24 Such a collaboration
production of digital library components fulfilling must rely on a wide range of heterogeneous and
the model of societies and scenarios expressed in continuously evolving application resources, i.e.
terms of the 5SL language. data and services, whose integration is very prob-
The rationale moving toward Digital Library lematic as they are usually tailored to the specific
Management Systems emerged quite naturally requirements of the organisation that developed
once the demand for digital libraries of various each one. Furthermore, the core functionality
types started becoming diffuse and variegate. By implemented by these applications (e.g. analysis,
analysing the development approaches character- transformation, and extraction of knowledge from
ising the first digital library systems – essentially a large body of distributed and heterogeneous
based on from-scratch and ad-hoc development data) is computationally intensive and can rarely
strategies – it becomes evident that they were be sustained by individual organisations. Thus,
neither proper nor sustainable if the goal is to setting up an appropriate collaboration framework
serve production-oriented scenarios.(Ioannidis, is an expensive, time-consuming, and complex
Y., 2005) However, the lack of a common under- task that only few organisations can undertake
standing of the functionality expected by digital in isolation.
libraries and the relative management systems led To enable interoperability and uniform access
to the heterogeneous implementations described to the heterogeneous wealth of available resources,
in this Chapter. Nowadays there is a relatively new organizational patterns have been conceived,
low number of systems that can be reasonably based on the notion of e-Infrastructure25. These
considered as “true” DLMSs, i.e. software systems approaches radically revolutionize the digital
equipped with management functionality support- library organizational and development ideas
ing the development and operation of fully-fledged by introducing a new paradigm which has also
customised digital libraries. Despite these facts, the strong implication on all the digital library ac-
principle underlying them, i.e. resources sharing23, tors involved. According to such a paradigm,
is universally recognised as a valid one for reduc- e-Infrastructures are technological solutions
ing development and operational costs of digital deployed and maintained operational by trusted
libraries. Moreover, it has been the foundational organizations which guarantee their sustainability
principle leading to the notion of e-Infrastructure, and the quality of the service offered to their users.
a new digital library evolution frontier.

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

e-Infrastructures facilitate the realization of community does not need them anymore (e.g.
digital libraries to different extents. The majority when a user community project comes to its
of e-Infrastructures that have been created until end). The D4Science e-Infrastructure operates
now provide capabilities for the curation and as a “broker” in a market of resources29 accom-
access of domain specific resources. Typically modating the needs of resource providers and
they rely on a resource organizational model in consumers. In the current version D4Science
which resource providers, which locally maintain supports resource providers in “selling” their
and curate their own resources, agree on sharing resources, and resource consumers, i.e. the scien-
them through under certain policies. The shared tific communities, in “buying” and orchestrating
resources may range from publications, multi- such resources to build their VRE applications.30
media material, sensor and experimental data, to The e-Infrastructure provides communities with
tools that manipulate these data, and computing logistic and technical aids for VREs building,
and storage resources. A typical exemplar of maintenance, and monitoring in order to reduce
this class of e-Infrastructures is the one built by as much as possible the human intervention and
the IMPACT26 project. It offers mechanisms for facilitate these tasks. Interactive tools are made
aggregating, homogenizing, curating and access- available to support the selection of the resources
ing data stored in different archives of genomes to be included in these environments from the
and proteomes and maintains them for multiple pool of the available assets. Once selected, these
consumption scenarios. Therefore, life science resources are organised and manipulated by the
digital libraries can outsource the realisation of e-infrastructure in order to make the VRE opera-
their information space of genomes and proteomes tional, e.g. the services are deployed on specific
knowledge to the IMPACT e-Infrastructure, servers, monitoring of these services is activated,
instead of implementing it and maintaining it reallocation is executed when needed. All these
operational. By exploiting this possibility the tasks are performed transparently to the users.
overall cost of the DLs is thus largely reduced. Each of the above e-Infrastructures offers a
Another notable exemplar is the GENESI-DR27 service over a set of resources. Despite this solu-
infrastructure, built by the homonymous project. tion notably facilitates the construction of digital
It not only supports harmonization and uniform libraries that use the resources registered in the
access to Earth Observation (EO) data, but also infrastructure, there is a growing evidence that the
offers and mediates access to shared tools and requirements raised by cross-disciplinary research
computational facilities for generating EO prod- may not be satisfied within the boundaries of a
ucts, like specialised information maps, resulting single e-infrastructure, regardless of how wide
from the processing of the shared data. in geographical scale and large in aggregation
A distinguished e-Infrastructure is the capacity it may be. Rather the expectation is that
D4Science e-Infrastructure28. It adds a new facility collaboration will need to span across resources
to those offered by the e-Infrastructures described managed by multiple institutions, disciplines and
above. This new facility makes it possible to sup- countries, thus potentially ranging across multiple
port the dynamic construction and maintenance e-Infrastructures.
of digital libraries, which in the context of this The response to this central requirement can-
project are called Virtual Research Environments not certainly be the realization of a single global
(VREs)(Assante, M., Candela, L., et al., 2008). research infrastructure merging all the commu-
VREs tailored to specific needs of a scientific nity- or discipline-oriented resources. Too many
scenario can be created and maintained for the are the financial, organizational, and technological
time they are required, and dismissed when the reasons that will ever prevent the realization of

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

this solution. Recently, the research community as management and library science – with the goal to
a whole has thus recognized that complying with experiment them to serve knowledge production
today scientific enquiry still requires an additional needs. Synergies have been established between
step with respect to the e-Infrastructure solution these disciplines and the digital library discipline.
experimented today. A more powerful and flex- Substantial knowledge and experiences have been
ible organizational model capable of supporting accumulated during this process. Unfortunately,
interoperability and collaboration without forcing despite the amount of evolution the field has
everyone to comply with a single model must be reached and the enhancements it produced are
introduced. The new concept of Knowledge Eco- tantamount to the evolution and enhancements
system model has thus been proposed as a possible of similar disciplines, a very limited effort has
answer to this need. In a Knowledge Ecosystem been dedicated to develop a foundational theory
single e-Infrastructures, although independent, characterising the digital library domain. This is
are not isolated but dynamically interoperate and among the main reasons causing lack of success of
influence each other. They may share not only some initiatives, hindering further digital library
information, but also services needed to analyze enhancements and convincing the practitioners
and process the available information. In such on the need for renaming the field(Ioannidis, Y.,
ecosystem single digital libraries can offer a 2005)(Atkins, D.E., Droegmeier, K.K., et al.,
specific functionality to their user communities 2003). However, the digital library is not com-
by relying on the support of other components pletely lacking foundational oriented initiatives,
of the ecosystem, thus the implementation of the as shown below.
functionality is outsourced to the ecosystem as
a whole. The exploitation of the aggregated re-
sources can then result in innovative applications 6. A BIT OF FOUNDATIONS
made available to the communities served by the
digital libraries which for reasons related to risk, Despite the life of Digital Libraries spans the last
cost, and scope are often excluded from the digital twenty years, a plethora of heterogeneous systems
library roadmap for evolution. The realization of a have been developed and classified under the
Knowledge Ecosystem, which has just started to digital library/digital repository umbrella. The
be investigated within the D4Science-II project31, development of a so large variety of systems, still
will require a considerable technological and ongoing, is not only due to the different applica-
organizational effort especially to deal with the tion needs but also to the difficulty experimented
interoperability issues, a very challenging issue in systematically describing, understanding,
also in this context. comparing and reusing digital libraries (and their
Actually, the whole digital library develop- constituents). This difficulty has its main root in
ment history and evolution, as presented in this the historical lack of foundations for them.
Chapter, have evidenced how the multidisciplinary Among the first attempts to develop a digital
domain these innovative systems are requested to library domain theory there is the 5S framework.
operate as well as the pragmatic and exploratory (Gonçalves, M.A., Fox, E.A., Watson, L.T.,
approaches adopted by the community for long Kipp, N.A., 2004) It is based on five fundamen-
time have concurred to characterise the digital tal abstractions, i.e. Streams, Structures, Spaces,
library scope, its success stories as well as its Scenarios, and Societies, to define digital libraries
drawbacks. Since the early times, digital library rigorously and usefully. Societies define how a
practitioners started borrowing solutions and ap- Digital Library helps in satisfying the informa-
proaches from other disciplines – including data tion needs of its users. Scenarios provide support

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

for the definition and design of different kinds of 2008, the development of the Reference Model
services. Structures support the organisation of is managed by the project (Castelli, D.,
the information in usable and meaningful ways. Paker, S., 2009), an EU funded project promoting
Spaces deal with the presentation and access to a consolidation and enhancement activity of this
information in usable and effective ways. Streams artefact on a scale involving the digital library
concern the communication and consumption of community in the large.
information by users. By having this model as Despite the lack of a foundational, well-
foundational theory, a series of tools and systems established and universally accepted theory char-
have been designed and envisioned as to prove its acterising the digital library domain, a lot of steps
effectiveness (Gonçalves, M.A., 2004). have been performed since the early stages and
Few years later, in the framework of the DE- the initial conceptions of these systems support-
LOS Network of Excellence, a very ambitious ing knowledge management. Also, the novelties
and challenging initiative started having the goal introduced by the digital library field induced
to provide the digital library community with a changes in our society, and its operational model.
foundational, comprehensive and shared frame-
work capable to capture the intrinsic nature of
the various entities of the digital library universe. 7. IMPACT OF DIGITAL LIBRARIES
This initiative, by benefitting from the collective
understanding developed by European research Probably the social and economical impacts digital
groups in the context of DELOS as well as from libraries would have made on the library world
the international collaborations established in this were not recognized at the time when early digital
framework, led to the Digital Library Manifesto libraries appeared. Certainly, the possibility of
(Candela, L., Castelli, D., et al., 2006) and to the making scientific communication more effective
DELOS Digital Library Reference Model (Can- and economic was in the mind of Paul Ginsparg
dela, L., Castelli, D., et al., 2007). The former while designing the arXiv system, even though
declaring the intentions, motives, overall plans not the perception that, after a few years from
and views of the initiative as well as introduc- his primitive intuition, systems such as arXiv
ing the main notions characterising the domain. would have radically changed the way scientific
The latter presenting the main concepts, axioms communication had been conceived and put into
and relationships characterising the domain practice. After a few years, however, Ginsparg
independently from specific standards, technolo- passed from believing that “in principle, the new
gies, implementations, or other concrete details. electronic medium gives us the opportunity to
Overall, the model distinguishes among three reconsider many aspects of our current research
distinct notions of “systems” which are often communication, and researchers should take
confused in the literature: Digital Library; Digital advantage of this opportunity to map out the
Library System; and Digital Library Management ideal research communication medium of the
System. These systems are characterized by a set future”(Ginsparg, P., 1996) to the full awareness
of fundamental concepts belonging to six digital of the revolutionary changes arXiv was making
library specific domains, namely Content, User, in the communication of research information in
Functionality, Quality, Policy, and Architecture. many fields of physics. His awareness was well
These systems support the operation of various based. In fact, in 1997 the set of arXiv archives
actors playing four fundamental roles, namely were serving over 50,000 users worldwide from
End-User, DL Designer, DL System Administrator over 100 countries, and processing many millions
and DL Application Developer. Since December of electronic transactions per month. In some

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

fields of physics, they had already supplanted of this movement were expressed in the opening
traditional research journals as conveyers of both sentence of the conference, as follows: “An old
topical and archival research information. Thus tradition and a new technology have converged
Ginsparg could easily predict that “the traditional to make possible an unprecedented public good.
model of funding publishing companies through The old tradition is academic scholars giving
research libraries (in turn funded by overheads away the results of their research. … The new
on research grants) is unlikely to survive in the technology is the Internet. Together, these have
electronic realm”.(Ginsparg, P. 1997) made it possible from everyone in the world to
In giving an account of impacts of digital share knowledge freely and openly”. Four years
libraries on library world, this Section properly later, the Berlin 3 Open Access Meeting33 made
starts from the effects produced by arXiv archives new recommendations remedying the vagueness
in the physics community. But many other factors inherent in the Declaration’s original word-
contributed to the changes digital library develop- ing about open access: “In order to implement
ment gave start to (Borgman, C.L., 2007). Thus this the Berlin Declaration institutions should: (1)
“history” of impacts will continue proposing the Implement a policy to require their researchers
economical crisis of libraries and the emergence to deposit a copy of all their published articles
of the Open Access Initiative as important eco- in an open access repository and (2) encourage
nomic and social factors strengthening the effects their researchers to publish their research articles
of digital technologies on issues such as business in open access journals where a suitable journal
models, copyrights, etc., traditionally taken for exists (and provide the support to enable that to
granted in the practice of scholarly communica- happen)”.
tion. The largest part of this Section, however, is If “electronic archives” opened the ways to
dedicated to discuss how digital library evolution substantial changes in scholarly communications,
has made scientists to envision new way to work, although originally thought for speeding dis-
and, in turns, how scientists’ vision has moved semination only, its successors, i.e. institutional
digital libraries far beyond any connotation of the repositories, presented themselves as the tools for
term “library”. In this context, special attention realizing open access goals, as can easily be under-
is given to the new roles that both librarians and stood. Moreover, the innovative functionality they
users are called to assume and to issues related have been provided with in the mean time were
to education for digital libraries. making them to emerge as a new strategy allowing
One of the most important factors contribut- “universities to apply serious, systematic leverage
ing to make changes desirable by library world to accelerate changes taking place in scholarship
certainly was the economical crisis of libraries and scholarly communication”(Lynch, C.A.,
themselves. In the latter 1990s, many financially 2003) and even “rethinking” it (Van de Sompel,
pressed research libraries began to be poised for H., 2004). This strategic role of repositories has
triage of their journal subscriptions. The majority recently been confirmed by the Association of
of them began to consider the traditional model Research Libraries34.
of journal subscription and book purchasing no In the early 2000s, the economic environ-
more economically sustainable32. At the same ment of libraries and the lively debate raised
time, the Open Access Movement emerged with by Open Access movement35 broke the delicate
the mission of disseminating knowledge widely balance among the roles of authors, publisher
and readily to society. In a conference convened and academic libraries, involving hot issues as
by the Open Society Institute on December 2001, intellectual property, copyright and the concept
i.e., the Budapest Open Access Initiative, the goals of “publishing” itself.

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

On the side of publishers, there were dif- In the same time digital libraries – or, more
ferent reactions. The most important publisher precisely, their primitive systems now called digi-
of computer science literature, the Association tal repositories – were restructuring the scholarly
for Computing Machinery (ACM), was the first communication, the scientific community of the
to realize that a digital library of articles – and DELOS Thematic Network was working about
associated specialized services – had a greater a new vision for Digital Libraries, conceiving
chance of attracting scholars than simply provid- them as enabling “any citizen to access all hu-
ing subscriptions to printed and even electronic man knowledge, any time and anywhere, in a
journals. Accordingly, it made an early strategic friendly, multimodal, efficient and effective way,
decision to orient its online development around by overcoming barriers of distance, language, and
a digital library rather than electronic journals. culture and by using multiple Internet-connected
Discussing this choice, the ACM Deputy Direc- devices”. This vision was declared in the so-called
tor of Publications clearly put in evidence that “San Cassiano Report”38 where also related socio
socio-economic issues associated with the delivery economic issues were raised. In particular, beside
of on-line content and services are as critical as the need of identifying business models for digital
sound technological implementation, if indeed library operation and resolving copyright issues,
not more so, and that ACM had distinguished the report recommended attention to how digital
itself by paying much attention to such issues. In libraries could affect education and learning.
particular, by giving own solution to the function- From that vision, digital libraries have made
ing of copyright law in a networked environment much progress in the direction of becoming univer-
with the development of a new business model, sal knowledge repositories, making the wealth of
mediating between free-and-easy dissemination material contained in libraries, museum, archives
and the demand for revenue.(Rous, B., 2001) No and any knowledge repository worldwide avail-
similar choice was taken by trade publishers, that, able. For this, Europeana (cf. Sec. 3) is a promi-
instead, inaugurated a business model dictating nent exemplar. But the impact digital libraries are
that libraries acquire access to bundle packages having on research libraries are of very particular
of journals, thus depriving libraries of their fun- nature, so that they are assuming connotations
damental role of selector of quality materials. far beyond those inherent in the term “library”.
Nowadays, the tensions between publish- Digital library evolution has made scientists
ers and research libraries are far from being to envision new ways how their work can be or-
resolved(Shavell, S., 2009). However, some pacts ganized, and knowledge acquired, communicated
of “no-belligerence” have been agreed, allowing and exploited. Scientists start dreaming integrated
authors to self-archive their research outputs into and collaborative working environments that by
institutional repositories under certain conditions. providing seamless access to the tools and the
This has given birth to different classes of pub- data they need offer an array of new research
lishers according to which copyrights conditions opportunities (Borgman, C.L., 2007). In their
they are practicing.(SHERPA, n.d.) In the mean turn, advances in systems supporting e-research
time, open access to outputs of publicly funded are inducing changes in the processes govern-
research is becoming a phenomenon more and ing research activities in various fields as well
more widespread36,37. Maybe this is the reason as in what has to be conceived as end product
why someone affirms that a dialogue between of research itself. Datasets started becoming
publishers and librarians is possible.(Bowering, important research outcomes supplementing the
L., 2009) traditional scholar communication objects and
representing a valuable artefact for subsequent

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

research. As described in Section 5, at the core of ment, qualification in knowledge organization as

the current innovation there are Virtual Research well as be trained in IT.
Environments. Virtual Research Environments The need for such an expertise should be sup-
can be considered evolved versions of the current ported by changes in digital library education.
“research libraries”, however they are revolution- The need for information specialists capable to
izing traditional concepts with strong impacts on assist users in navigating complex information
librarians and users also. sources across heterogeneous repositories had
In such new environments, these traditional already been evidenced in the end of nineties
library stakeholders will possibly loose their spe- (Spink, A., Cool, C., 1999)(Schatz, B., Chen, H.,
cific connotations and assume many shared ones. 1999), however an effort to design a curriculum
Which role these “new librarians” will have can for DL education supporting teaching and learn-
be hypothesized considering services that people ing about DL development and management
working in VREs are engaged in. For example was started only later, with the Digital Libraries
they are called to instruct the infrastructure on the Curriculum Development project (Pomerantz, J.,
specificities characterizing a resource including Wildemuth, B.W., 2006). The curriculum modules,
the policies governing its usage. This information still under evaluation at the time of this writing,
serves to properly handle that resource. Different seem to fit well the students for dealing with new
kinds of resources require that different informa- library’s information objects – from multi-type,
tion is specified39. The “new” librarians are also in to multi-versioned multimedia documents – and
charge to support resources ingestion40, validate organizational issues such as those inherent in the
and approve them41, as well as monitor their sta- data-service provider paradigm. Organizational
tus42. Thus, for guaranteeing VRE operation a new issues, in fact, will become more and more im-
specific profile could emerge, possibly a very new portant as the infrastructure vision for federating
one that integrates users’ specific competences repositories will advance, as the DRIVER con-
(Candela, L., Castelli, D., Pagano, P., 2009). federation is demonstrating (Schmidt, B., Peters,
VRE design and creation are other activities D., 2008). But besides a managerial role, the DL
new librarians have to perform. These activities evolving concepts and systems are calling for
can be seen as an evolution of the more traditional librarians and users as designers and operators
ones played by librarians when supporting the (Candela, L., Castelli, D., et al., 2007) in Virtual
library users in accessing the library content and Research Environments, as we have seen above.
services. Given the heterogeneity of the available It is certainly not yet clear whether the entire VRE
resources and the complexity of the scientific pro- design, creation and maintenance process can be
cesses that VREs may be called to support, these covered by a single professional. Certainly, how-
activities certainly require multiple expertise. In ever, innovative “librarians” profiles will have to
particular, the new librarians must fully understand emerge with complementary expertise from many
the needs of the specific research communities disciplines (Lawton, F., 2009).
asking for the VREs and the characteristics of
the available resources. They must be capable of
selecting the resources to be included, deciding 8. CONCLUSION
their most appropriate configuration, functionality
workflow, and so on. Digital libraries are undergoing a continuously
This means that “new” librarians must have evolving process, influencing all sectors where
domain knowledge in the specific user community knowledge has to be created, stored, transmitted
discipline, knowledge in information manage- and used. This chapter has traced the history of

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

digital library evolution through its fundamental destined to cover, in various degrees, a very great
steps, driven by how digital libraries could newly spectrum of the profiles needed by future research
be conceived in connection with the availability environments, as predicted in the Digital Library
of new technologies and the changing needs of Reference Model(Candela, L., 2008).
the community of library users. But current events impose deep changes of
We have identified the first step in how early the concept of research library itself, feeding
repository architecture was improved by the dis- the debate on which future is to be expected for
tributed ones, identifying their technical founda- digital libraries.
tion in the Dienst system. The next important The library is transforming itself from a
innovation was thinking about and dealing with resource-based information system to a knowl-
interoperable technologies and frameworks, as edge based service embedded into the research
succeeded in the Open Archive Initiative. Interop- processes and collaborating with the researchers
erability is the principle for content sharing and the within the “knowledge ecosystem” that is being
basis on which all the worldwide digital libraries prospected as the needed future organizational
presently existing rely. The conception of Digital pattern(Castelli, D., 2009). “Knowledge organiza-
Library Management Systems represented the tion, discovery, and experimentation are becoming
starting point for the spreading of digital libraries a central part of research itself, not just passively
also in institutional environments not capable of supporting research, but actively or proactively
supporting the cost of realizing a digital library stimulating, articulating, framing, guiding, and
from scratch. Since about 2000, Digital Library assessing research along the way right as the
Management System projects such as Cyclades research is evolving. Research productivity in
and Scholnet allowed for conceiving function- the future relies on this knowledge service in-
alities much different from the traditional ones, frastructure, and a new service mechanism is
so that the envisioning of digital libraries as col- urgently needed to develop the infrastructure and
laborative environments could emerge. Finally, to provide customized organizing, discovering, and
e-Infrastructures, Virtual Research Environments computation services” (Zhang, X., 2009). These
and Ecosystems have been presented as the chal- are the messages, among others, recently sent in
lenges the digital library research is facing today. the second GRL2020 Asia in Taipei, Taiwan43,
Social impacts is the last argument of the digital where experts from around the world showcased
library’s history as conceived in this chapter. It has best practices, case studies and pioneering work,
primarily been concerned with impact on scholar- with the aim of fostering innovative approaches
ship, with special attention on what has happened supported by global research libraries.
and is happening in the context of scientific research
and development, for two main reasons. First, be-
cause digital libraries are regarded by national and ACKNOWLEDGMENT
international institutions as the central technology
for the access, dissemination and preservation of This work is partially supported by the D4Science
scientific information (Council of the European project, within FP7 of the European Commission,
Union, 2007). Second, because the actors in this Theme INFRA-2007-1.2.2, Contract 212488 and
context have particularly been forced to deal with by the Coordination and Support Action,
the changing ways of making their profession - also within FP7 of the European Commission, Theme
contributing to tailoring its development, really. ICT-3-4-3, Contract 231551. Special thanks go to
Accordingly, the impact on the role of librarians Maria Bruna Baldacci for her valuable help and
has received much attention, as librarians are suggestions in finalizing this chapter.

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

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Zia, L. L. (2001). The NSF National Science, Tech- course of the FP5 more than 100 projects in
nology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education the DigiCult area were funded. This thematic
Digital Library (NSDL) Program. D-Lib Maga- priority area was also in the 6th Framework
zine, 7(11). Programme (2002–2006) and is present
zia/11zia.html. doi:10.1045/november2001-zia in the current 7th Framework Programme
The processes implementing the functional-
ity and the content managed were residing
ENDNOTES on the same server.
This is very similar to the Vannevar Bush
Associated with one or more regions (“foot-
“dream” expressed with the knowledge and
prints”) on the surface of the Earth.
the potentialities of today’s society.
For instance, the Alexandria project has been 10
Z39.50 Maintenance Agency web page
continued by National Geospatial Digital
Archive funded by the Library of Congress, 11
Dublin Core is the common name for the
University of California Santa Barbara, and
Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, a vocab-
Stanford University. See: http://www.ngda.
ulary of fifteen properties for use in resource
description developed by the Dublin Core
Metadata Initiative (

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

Because of its simplicity and “core” nature, 19

D-Net is equipped with a set of tools that
i.e. its elements are broad and generic, it has enable to register the repositories willing to
been largely used to describe a wide range share their content, check a number of qual-
of resources. ity parameters for these repositories, harvest
NARCIS ( provides through OAI-PMH, clean and integrate meta-
access to more than 240,000 scientific publi- data records according to target metadata
cations (the majority of them are open access record formats. The resulting Information
publications), more than 6,000 data sets, Space can then be accessed via an arbitrary
and information on researchers (expertise), number of DL applications built by service
research projects and research institutes in providers. D-Net also provide number of
the Netherlands. predefined and configurable services, such
The NSDL program held its first formal as Recommendation, Collection, Browsing,
funding cycle during 2000. From 2000 on- and User Interfaces that can be exploited by
ward, over 200 projects have been funded service providers in building their specific
to create collections, services, and tools for application.
teacher and learners at all levels, and perform 20
Open Archives Initiatives – Object Reuse
targeted research in digital libraries and and Exchange http://www.openarchives.
their application to education. The NSDL org/ore
program is an unusual program for NSF in 21
A list of known DSpace instances is re-
that its projects are engaged in building an ported in the DSpace website (http://www.
enterprise much larger than the object of any
one grant. As of October 2008, the NSDL Repository-List.html). In August 2009 this
transitioned to a new phase of development list contains more than 600 repositories.
and organization, with the granting of awards 22
for the NSDL Resource Center (RC), and 23
The notion of “resource” has to be intended
Technical Network Services (TNS). http:// with the most abstract and generic meaning here as to potentially capture any entity in
Europeana the Digital Library universe. Thus “sharing”
Europe’s Information Society – i2010: should be realised on content resources as
Digital Libraries Initiative http://ec.europa. well as on functionality, user and any other
eu/information_society/activities/digital_li- resource having a value in a system different
braries/index_en.htm from the one it was been built for.
Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for 24
Existing technologies for content sharing
European Research. www.driver-communi- (cf. Sec. 3) and Digital Library Management Systems (cf. Sec. 4) are valid approaches
DRIVER Confederation is the name chosen toward the realisation of such systems. Un-
for this organization at the time of the writing fortunately, they are not yet mature enough to
of this Chapter. The name may be changed to deal with the plethora of issues arising while
reflect the more international level that the dealing with the very variegated scenario
Confederation is starting to cover including eScience is posing.
the U.S., Canada, Latin America, China, 25
The term ‘e-Infrastructure’ refers to research
Japan, India and Africa. environment in which all researchers –
D-NET. whether working in the context of their home
NET_release institutions or in national or multinational

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

scientific initiatives – have shared access on the Global Economic Crisis” issued by the
to unique or distributed scientific facilities Association of Research Libraries in 2009
(including data, instruments, computing and announced in the Association’s Press
and communications), regardless of their Release as “The Global Economic Crisis
type and location in the world. http://cordis. and Its Effect on Publishing and Library Subscriptions: ARL Issues Statement to
IMproving Protein Annotation through Scholarly Publishers and Vendors” http://
Coordination and Technology, http://www. shtml
Ground European Network for Earth Science 33
Berlin 3 Open Access: Progress in Imple-
Interoperations - Digital Repositories, http:// menting the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and
DIstributed colLaboratories Infrastructure Humanities. Feb 28th - Mar 1st, 2005, Uni-
on Grid ENabled Technology for Science, versity of Southampton, UK. http://www.
Resources here are intended as shareable 34
Association of Research Libraries. (2009).
generic entities, physical (e.g. storage and “The Research Library’ Role in Digital Re-
computing resources) or digital (e.g. soft- pository Services. Final report of the ARL
ware, processes, data), that can interact with Digital Repository Issues Task Force”. As-
other resources to synergistically provide sociation of Research Libraries, http://www.
some functions serving their clients, either
humans or automatic systems. pdf
Selling is supported through the publish- 35
A comprehensive overview of the debated
ing of resources according to the policies issues regarding Open Access can be found in
established by their owners. The propri- the dedicated web site (http://www.earlham.
etary formats and protocols used by these edu/~peters/fos/overview.htm) maintained
resources are transformed into common by Peter Suber, one of the promoter of the
ones by the e-infrastructure services and movement.
facilities so that their seamless consumption 36
In May 2009 SHERPA announced that its
is enabled. The pool of resources shared by service RoMEO was listing 600 publisher
third-party providers is enriched by a set of policies on self-archiving.
service resources, i.e. software units which 37
The ROARMAP (Registry of Open Access
deliver generic digital library functions, like Repository Material Archiving Policies),
retrieval, access, annotation of content and accessed in August 2009, listed 1436 open
creation of new one. This pool of function- access repositories distributed worldwide.
ality which constitutes a core part in the
majority of the VREs, can be used as any 38
“Digital Libraries: future directions for a
other public resource by exploiting available European research programme”. DELOS
physical resources, implemented and made Brainstorming Report, San Cassiano, Italy,
available by the e-Infrastructure itself. June 2001.
D4Science-II is a project recently founded,
whose starting date is October 2009. searchforum/Brainstorming/1st-ws.html
The crisis is still ongoing, as documented in 39
For instance, if the resource is a web ser-
the “ARL Statement to Scholarly Publishers vice implementing a specific functionality

History, Evolution, and Impact of Digital Libraries

its URL has to be provided, if the resource 41

Librarians are requested to analyze the char-
is a data source both a characterization of acteristics of the registered resources and
its content and the protocol governing the decide whether these resources are entitled
access to it must be given. to partake the infrastructure or not.
The e-Infrastructure needs to enrich the pool 42
The data needed to monitor the resource
of resources explicitly specified at registra- status are per resource, i.e. the status of
tion time. Librarians will guide the process different resources is characterized by dif-
complementing this pool with additional ferent aspects. For instance, the status of
resources facilitating the exploitation of the a web service includes its workload, the
initial ones. For instance, in the case of data status of a data source includes the number
sources, metadata collections in specific of information objects it contains.
schemas can be generated, new collections 43
GRL2020 Asia, 2009. http://www.grl2020.
of information objects resulting from original net/index.php/review
data aggregation and manipulation can be
produced, different indices supporting data
discovery can be automatically generated.

This work was previously published in E-Publishing and Digital Libraries: Legal and Organizational Issues, edited by Ioannis
Iglezakis, Tatiana-Eleni Synodinou and Sarantos Kapidakis, pp. 1-30, copyright 2011 by Information Science Reference (an
imprint of IGI Global).


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