1972, Andreski - Social Sciences As Sorcery-Andre Deutsch LTD

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Social Sciences as Sorcery Stanislav Andreski ANDRE DEUTSCH opis See by SS.cfiqeaise hore ns omits. ‘ied in Gt ab lst fant ee i {ey Pre Noon Ldn Why Foul One's Nest? ‘The Witeh Doctor’ Dilemma Manipulation Through Desription (Cenmship Through Mass Production Tn te Footsepe of Monsieur Pangloss and Dr "Bowdler ‘The Smoke Screen of Jargon ‘The Uses of Abeardiy Evasion in the Gaze of Objectivey Hiding Behind Medhodology (Quantifcation as Camoufiage Promiscuous Crypto-Conservatiom desiony Underneath Terminalogy ‘Tecimo"Totemism and Creeping Crypto- ‘Tezaltaranion ‘The Law of Lighter Weight Rising to the Top Gresiam’s and Parkingon’s Laws Combined {very Towers or Bureaueratc Treadmills ‘The Barbarian Avant on the Corrupted Citadels ‘of Lesening Condasion: Ethier and the Advancement of "Knowledge Acknowledgments ‘As with my previous book, = large share in whatever merit ese inthe present work belongs to my wie, whone forthe ming looks onthe cont between the sexe and the mother ‘hd relonship contain erin ofthe current Uterature on these suljects which polnt to somewhat simflar consions. Tam grate to Mx Andrey Yates for her work on the typescript nd to my pat and present collegues fll rank in the socklogy department at Reading for ther good wil, tise nnd scoth co-operation which have permed me ftmin thinker and writer while dacharging an adminiative finetin Lam grateful to the felling for permision to publish extract om their bok Talore Parsons, Svat: Bolin end Compote Pe ‘pve, Prentice-Hall, Englewood ifs, New Jeney, USA, oe Clade Lita, The Saye Mind, Googe Weidenfld and ‘Nissan, London, 165. Norbent Wiener, 7 am @ Mathmatan, Victor Gollance, Tondo, Bertrand Rosell, ABC ef Relay, George Allen and Unwin, Tondo, 969 JF Neti and Roland Roberton, Items Stems and the Madero of Sates, Fares and Faber, London, 196. ¥, Zweig, The Que for Fels Heinemann Bdvetonal Moos, London, 1965- ‘There are four ehefobstaces to grasping truth, which hinder ‘every man, however learned, and scare allow anyone o win Slee tie to knowledge; maznely, sbmision to fslty and Uaworhy authority, inuenee of cortom, popular prejudice, Sod coetealoat af cot ones yiceancr cupid by Ont ‘entatious display of our knowledge. ‘To foretall any posible misunderstanding, I’must sate cmphatialy at the ote that Tether aces noe even nupest Snone mentioned by name in this book of deliberately con: octing astunt,diseminating falsehoods knowingly, o of being Dromptel by a dese for duonest gain or an advancement btained trough corruption. A renowned author would have tolave amos exranrdinay character (indeed, he wold have to bein way superiuman) t be able to write procally in the fall Iaowledge that his works ae wortles and hat hei chavlatar whowe ame is etrely undeserved and based solly ‘on the stapidiy and guliblity at his admires. Even ithe had some dotbes about the corecthes of his approtch at some stage ‘ths ere, ruceus an sdalaton would oon peri him Bas oven gsi set cpocirmaliog valac of comtodion. When, consequence of acquiring a contalling postion in the sibuin of funds, appointments and. promotions he be- ‘comes surrounded by syeophants courting his favours he i most unlikely ose through their motivation; and, ike wealthy find poverl people in other walls of lit wil tend take faery at its Hee value aarpting it a «sincere appreciation (and therefore confirmation). ‘Rather than among noted writers, cynical charlatans can be found anong manipulators who weit lide or nothing, snd howe fer are comequently ot invest in say particular fodon ar approach, and who do not care therfore, which ‘gimmick they we to milk Tund-aspensng bode. Although 1 Enow ove of two individuals of this Kind, none of them is mentioned by name ~ which would not only entail unprovable iimpatations of motive, but also be bese the point, a ny task hate is combat wrong ideas». not to comple a et of shady eedemies, yen individual f ths typey moreover, fd 10. Foreond ha-biled cynicism dieu to stain and normally end by patina fhe aa af what ey ae dig, reas nobody likes to admit to hinuef that he making & living by unworthy means. In any ease, the most deadly agents ‘of cular fection are not the beaten cynics but the sce- taslans prone to se-dlaion and the tmoronr organization ‘men ansious not 1 mis the bandwvaggon, who wnqueoningy quate popularity and wordy succes wid intinie mei. "Ar the present book deals withthe phenomena which must be judged at underable from the standpoint of intellect progres, the references tothe iterate are rx role derogatory Ho dso mean at ble at wong of vale as nd this a act rather than a teatie. Numerous polive ‘ontibutons to knowledge are ce in my previous Publ tom, and many more will be mentioned in other books which ae in preparation, particulary if live long enough to write a ‘encral rats. T argue on the pages whic ll dha much ff what pases as seentifc study of human behaviour bolls down wo ‘an equivalent of seroery, but foreunately there are ‘other thing ell. Onapter 1 Why Foul One’s Nest? Mo judge >y quantity, the socialsciences ae ging through mind of unprecetrid progr wit cougrens ac or ener mooring, pined matter pling up, and the imme ef profesional increasing a ach arate that, less Arrexed, it would overtake the population ofthe globe within a fr hndiod years Sot ofthe practioner wax ennae Aout this profitraton, and ad fo the food by wing ex fant sryer of thir rs onay, vai ating the label of Aevoliton to all Kinds of most sigan steps forward fr even tackwands and sometimes even claiming to have Sood he thesold separating thr lds om the exact ‘What partly dismaying that not only does the ood puliton eval an sundance of pompous bland 8 Powsy of mew Hess, but even the old Sod le isghte frich’we have inkeste from our lustrous ancerors are Tring droved in torent of meaningles verbiage and weet Aechnialife, Pretentious and nebulou verbo, dnt Iminabe mpeion of plaudes and dagused propaganda are the ode the ay wile a ert 95 of roar indeed fossa ar thing that have been found Tong ago and many times in. In comparton wih bala centery go, he average tality ofthe pbs (apart fm the which deal with techniques aher dan the setae) has decied ia a murnbet sie Such a reaching verdict naturally call Sr evidence, nd uch ofthe present book devoted wo supplying Bu perhaps ren more atresing than to prove to expat; and isthe {Sond ko hs Doky the thin being oof few hints on ow tony stat can tif no emedie,athest llevitd. 1 shal eong ote hing, ry to show how the bent toward 12 Soil Sis as Sey sei and deception the dy hu A es om ied aa pales ent coma so that the present work can be put under the vague hea sociology of knowledge, although ‘sociology of non-kyowintigg? ieee docs he aa cen sic an tepid oe gin ye Imus and eta inpatation of unworthy ov, hasten foamy Gat Lin vey walt egy a ea Jemison proves nothing, Nevertelesy in matters wie ot ‘cra ports end ration Kony epi toes jt ie oyng rare he ren plo oe ia wt iy ong ten yf than ting the woth MSA proncabie “Torepet wit hs bon ida the ewer do yoink ttf pennies of enn a eras oat at ‘pli te mv he nen ff, ‘ure ely be datos sd maria orp ae {incest tr imagiain tat tay enn a eo ‘Sic her nee nay wt lagen ake te peopl way ol esac ae ofaomeaes oo short rhe ny an monet shure, many sala lad ele oa ‘gotten, wile others are booted, scclsimed and io oA fom, tc ice ofthe prot of cll leon wich gone ‘dissemination of ideas, that the question of their sulayerrieyee ‘to vested interests is more germane. tes The general problon fhe eltionhp beta Raeasand intro sone of he now diel anda 4g based all kis politcal anaes on the assumption they, MACE clases uphold ideologies which seve tel interes ago which seemed to be contradicted by dhe fact that ny ‘uti wil admit at be hs cnc i enc Be ee Saosin ee ae oe eee an ee teen developed in a form expesilly applicable to Are Aaler. If sh mechanisms of the mind cane) 2 ‘unconscious subeerges and tratgisin vidal produce beahaviour, Wy Ful One's Net? 13 thereto ion why they shuld not pert ona mas ee Dut by wha ind cf cnc can we buck imputation fa ind? What mks the poe even tore dfs Parc’ Convincing point at the alin Claes often sponte doctrine Archer then slong the fod fom calctive deme, The Theva of selection femphased by Spene), which weed futon yttera of organiation, normally ine tha ony those mil aggegtes endore which cheshh beet wick tober up thr secre and mde of exten: Bat ce Gintgatin and strc of calle fall Kad and Sires are jot sn conpicuoos ar thir conning survival, Part view (or modeh ify ite) as applicable w Mares Distal teary wl vet synthe ald paral nights ad traced them, bat ss not the place such fn temp. In the praca ay Keannot go bond puta tions reg upon ceunstannl evidene. ot eongrcee Detwen spin fides and collective interes, o oly the swe degree of plus {or veoerablt) athe teal Imai aueron about te conicedon betwen the content Ahan fdcology and the eam interest The oie ntleeual Srtoming othe marie ot thi cre Sy Sly hat they esol un the appleby of thee master ey eocept nly toggle) whch be sels singled tuys only tha foatrally ough) they wil ot apy thbschencof interpretation fo hele an hirow belt Trey ca, every ocean no mater whether shady o yen doverigin ello past towards the principle that ‘log doe not eat dogs The ancient and excve ro Rois “soc ano and medicine emphasize this rl othe punt cf endowing it with the bal of findamental eon of “Tih, ‘The ends, Yo, entacne tne who openly ete ther colesgue ad undermine ther andi inthe eyes of he Pe ih llorker human arrangement thik costo has oe and bad sie, Without something of ti Kind, would be ficult to sntan he Henly relations eqrd fo ui operation, be it ia'a workshop, an operating theatre oF Taroom By comitent sipping one anther up and ing {nga mata rmination people cam ot only make hee 14 Sal Swe a Soy lho condemn their work to lure. Since a thechance of recovery depen to inthe physician = whieh en ero reputation sv well ar on the the efleivenas of medical care Apracttiones fl inc the habit of one thewire the ences who undermine sanding inthe eye of the pupils wl end by being able wo teach at all; given that the adlecans are normally Done to ditorder and the number af tote witha spontaneous esr to lean always remains smal, (On the other se ofthe balance, however, there canbe ite out that the appeal ofthe og done not rat dee? neincinie ‘derives sreagth es from a alts concern fr tans ‘ofthe work except in so far asthe makes life easier ~than ‘fom dhe quest for collective advantage, be i pecuniary ot Ihonore. By sticdy eafoeing occupational solidarity, the ‘medical profsion has nt only atxnedafivence which in ‘mos countries gray out of proporon tata rlative level of Al not to speak of the extenely advantageous iemunlsy ‘fom punishment for incompetence and negligence but hat also been able to proce fort members a mbstantal pete ‘income by puting them in pston where they can pay God, regards fequeat shortcomings of knowledge and intel. ligence ‘True, members of the medial profesion exjoy a ‘specially fivourable postion because Wey handle people at their weakest: when they ate afaid and in need ofa solace; reduced wo the condition of paents-'a very revealing word “which goes far o explain why in 0 many publi hospital (at Teast in Briain) the font entrance i recrved for supplier of the service, while the estomers have to sneak in thraugh dhe back door. ‘Th lawyer too manage to booet up thet prestige and income by couehing dovaments in needles. atrse language designed to impede a lyman’s undereanding, ad to compe him to resort o con lgal advice, ‘Among the suppliers of services of immediate wity to the consumer, the eistom of refining fom mutual ein merely serves as shield agnnst responsibility for negligence ‘and a prop for monopolistic gains; bat when it coms ¢ 8 Wy Fast Outs Nat? 15 ‘ccupatin which justifies its extence by claiming that i ‘edicaed tothe pursuit of general truths an adherence tothe "dog doe noe ext dog’ principle wualyarsount toa ealision in parstiom and fraud Businesmen who do ot fel squeamish about admiting that heir main goal & to make money, and whnte occupational tthios cnt of few moral prlibiions have Tes se for Assmulatn than those wo crm thee ving nan occupation tutensbly devoted to the furtherance of higher ideals; and he higher te are, the harder i st ive up to theny and the eater the temptation of (and the scape) hypocrisy. Honesty isthe bet policy for the purveyor when the cestomer Knows want he wants, is abe fudge Uae quali of win he sets, and pay out of his own pocket. Most people can judge the fuality shoes or scisory and hence nobody has made a foraune by producing show which immediatly fll apart ot scisors which donot ut In bulding hours on the other hand, the def of the work or the material ean remain concealed for much longer, and consequently shoddins often brings prot in thine of busines, ‘The merit ofa therapy t0 tke hother example, eanaotealy he anes, snd forthe reaeon Imedical practice has been for centuries entangled ith © Ccharlstany from which it ia not ently fee even today NNonethels, no matter how diet it may be to evaluate 6 pyc’ or a lawyers service, they clealy ilar to fonerete need. But what kindof eres docs pilsopice oF At staden of society render, and to wom? Who eares whether They are worth anything or not? Can thoe who eave judge Ice mei? And, ifs do they decide on the rewards ot bear the coe? ‘Dowbtsaboxt dhe worth of their services are som entes= lained by the practioner and if ever rs, are promptly ‘yard wid invocation of proftsional andard with thet Dpresumpive power to ensure integity and progres. Looking At this matter realises, however, one ca ind few ground for asuning that all the profesions inherently” gravitate towards ones service rater than monopole exploitation oF Prac, In reality ial depends on what kind of behaviour Teas to weal and stats (ott put ie another way, on the ) To analyse various rypen efi programme might it Se above ts Seen from this ange, paetiity without any ntiic anybody can getaway with lwends andthe top people may be With the backing of « powertal preware Ais column subsided from abrond. Bat Toten. embattled partes and cliques. So, a fice fa consider himself Tuck ihe ives ins setting where meray ees coldshouidered rather than laspetsoned and fled a pig whe fouls is rex ~ to ete felicitous expression Which the Soviet police chi, Semichastny, applied to Boris Pasternak ‘Whether exhortation help mach may seriously be doubted, for despite centuries ofiveighing against stealing and cheating, these misdemeanours do not appear to be les immo now days than at the time of Jenur Chit, On the other hand, however, i difeute to envizage how any standard whats sever cin continue to exist without same people taking up ‘hemselves the tsk of affirming them and preaching aginst ‘As one could spend a whole Hie and fil an encyclopaedia ‘eying to expose ll the olan sates which pave for actenic study of human conduct, T have limited moet to afew Tnfvental exampler In aay ene demoluting the ides of pscudo-scence i eelaively ety, and the more intersting nd important tsk i w explain why they have found and are Finding such a wide acceptance To not envisage that tis Bast of my trumpet will ring own the wall of poeudosciene, which are manned by toe ‘many stout defender the slaves of routine who (Jo we Berarand Rusells expresion) ‘would rather die than thin, mercenary gogeten, dole educational employees who ge ides by the sata of th propoundery a the wooly ‘minded lst woul yeaming for guts. Nevertheless, despite the Wy Fl One's Nat? 27 uvanced stage of eretniation which our civilization has feachol undet de impact ofthe mast msi there are sll ‘ome people about who ike to we dee brane without the are ffm gain; and fee fr them that ths book is ntended But f-hey are ina minority, then how can the tuth prevail? ‘The answer (whic gives vomne ground fr hope) is that people fuera in Idea, sd prepared to think them though and fxpres them regardles of penonal disadvantage, have always Deen few; and if knowledge could noe advance without 3 Injoriy on the right side, there would never have bern say proses atall~ beause tas always been easier to get into the Timelgh, as well at to make money, by chadatansy, doce stairs, eycoptisney and arething or tivingeeatory soon logical and eaelen Winking, No, the rexzon why aman lndersanding has been able to advance inthe part, and may fo so inthe future, is that Gue insights are cumulaive and Tetan their value regardless of what happens to thelr die foveres; while fade snd smts may bring a immediate profit Wo the imprestis, but lead nowhere in the log rin, cancel ‘ach oh out, and ar dropped at soon 3 thei promoters are to longer there (or have Tot he power) to det the show. Anyay let ws not despa Chapter 2 The Witch Doctor’s Dilemma Most of the intlceusl difieies boting the study of society (which we most dtinguh fom the abt erested by pasos and vested interest) stem fom the dopey in se longevity and power been the bjt and eevee tor Tras gtlogs ood estamos say joc wee ‘ter, more coduring and even la acceler the pu ‘Fexperimentation; ut at leat they are simple, as there is othing in the koown cones that equal the compleiy of human brain. Uniersanding is sometimes deceled the ‘ling of models of external reality in onc bran, Thisshoul ‘ot pethap, be taken to itrally: bu if we accept the ew {hat conceptual undertanding has some phyilogical counter: Part and bear in mind tha the aber of configurations of feurons and syapees i finite, Gough astonomtealy lage, then fills ha werent the mind might beset ae 2 perfect mode! of things simpler thn ie, tab to work fut medals of bjece which ae equally or more complex mus be jet to severe Hitaton. Hasta imponble thertre that our wndentanding of other minds and tt aggregates fguld ever reach the degree of adequacy of pyc and Shey made pole by the snp and variance of i objets. Reasoning long thes lines, we might al infer that ci logically impose that anyone could ever aegis suner standing of his own mind which would enable him to make txt precios about is ure ses boas, even apart from the question ofthe Knowledge of the etre pac of he canironment, the mind would Bave Yo contin & model a3 femplex ail? ar wel av am agency which would draw Inference In other wor roc a fealty woud oe 9 pat to be a large a the whale and stil remain only apart “Tha Wich Dot's Dilemma 19 Another source of tremendous diculty in making generaliza- tions abet the networks of harman relation (Anown a8 grup tociton stat, economies te.) is ter ubiquitous fay. fa his ABCofRaainly Bertand Rosell dscuses the relationship ‘etwreen the constancy of the phenomena and the posit tf scentfe theorizing: CGircumunces on the mrt ofthe cart, fr various snore oF Jos accent reuonr,mggest conceptions wc rm out be fru alin sya cet an he cei thought The int imporant of thee cicamsancs i that mot jects cate ear nirtace ae fay peient ‘and sely th id gn on a journey wold not ne afte ast docs you vost to nel Sern Kings Crom to Eaioburgh, you know {hae you wil Sot King's Ceo here Ie als bn ha the Jal le il ake cours hat ti when ou at ade the [paincy, and at Wareiey Seaton fa Edinburgh wil ot have Ali pc the Ca You drtre ay and think tat you have Traveled to Edinburg, not tht Edinburgh hat traveled 0 90s, though te Inter statement woud be jst a accurate, The ace ts emmensoe pnt view depends ona mumber figs trick erally of te naar of Tues Suppose al the ower i Tandon were perpetially moving abou, ike svar af bear ‘pps llwaje moved and changed their shapes ke salen Se Sinaly nuppre har mater tjoce were perpetally beng ffemel sat davove ike roads There is oing pole i ‘hesesupposons Dt obvicny what weeal ajouraytoBaiaburgh ‘vou hive meaning in sich = werd. You would begin, no Gonbe, by asking the aat-devers “Where is King’s Cres this Inorg? Athen you would veto ak le question out Eaburgh, but he booing ek would rept What arf Eaibargh do you men, sr? Princes Sweet bas gone Yo Ghuig the Cale dar wowed up int the Highlands, and Waverct Staon i under water in the mide of the Firth of Tov ded on the journey the wane would not Be myn st tpt sam would be traveling noth some sot me et some trey eho mth Inter than the ene Unde then cons cold nt ay where you were ae any momen Todeed the whle Motion tat one ie svaye in ome dete pce’ due to the Tiana immobty of ost of te lege objets on the crt ‘races The Mes of place’ only a rouge pac approsination! 20, Sal See at Socry ‘here is nothing gill necemnry abot it si it cannot be made proce. Tibfemere mst mach re hn an leon, we shold ot ane impression of ably, wiih sony tote geome of eur fens King’s Grea which to a looks ad, would be ton vat So Te conceived except by bw eects mathematicae, The be si tht we could ce Would consist ofS ny points of ate, ‘never coming into contact th enc oer, bt perpetually whi found each other in ah inconciably rapid blleedaces The ‘orld four experienc wold be quite em athe on in wich ‘he dierent pares of anburgh go br was in diferent diecons, Ii take the oppo extreme” you were aang the sn aed Se tg, ho conodig dewom prep, Jou ‘oul gua Bas higgeay ey uve tet rnc ‘Tfas and lance woud come ad go ike sarang mit and ‘othingwodld remain in s Sued poston reatiey wo anyihing ‘he. The notion sf comparative ability which Sara part of eu ‘rina ola thar dart theft hat we ae abst the Soe ‘Weare; ad Ive ona planet of wich he ste not ery how IE this were not the as, we should not find perl pss fnwtecraly ants. Tndeed we shuld never bave invented ach theories. We should hve nd to arse at reaity ps at ene ound, or remain ignorant ef scent las I ete feu hat we were not faced ih ae aerate, soe es alt ‘onecvable atone tan could hve done te work af Pal, Glico, Nevton and Bistdn. Yet widoot mach an iuerolile ‘en physics could hardly ave been dicovered ina world whee the univemal fx was bow to aac ceerraon, ‘The foregoing passage its very well what we have to deal with in the study of society and calture, ndiate fe purely intel Tecra dilutes, and shows how much easier ‘are phytic, chemistry or even bislogy. ven th, however, not the whole "ory: imagine how sorry would beth plight ofthe natal ‘cient i the objets of his inquiry were in a abit of reacting {owhat he anys about them: ite substance ould read or heat what the chemist wate o says about tht and ere hey to Jump out of ther containers and burn him if they didnot ke what they saw on the backboard or in his notebook. And lagine the diicalty of testing the vality of chemical for- _mulaeif by eepeating them long enough or persuasively enough, the chemist could induce the subraticsto behave im aco The Wich Detor’s Derma 21 ance with fem = with the danger, however, tha hey might eid to te hin by ding eae the open. Under ach ica cena toto hve nad ne tring dover rm regula in Re ee behaviour bat eS essay ariel tia oe aula a frac le oftnct sad aac hin’ Eee would be even foo topeka te ciel ould ee trough hi a, Gerunac emcle to puard thar rey abd devo oan re Saas Rhcwrvkeatet bursa afin bast cs dn the oer band, we esd mot oake outta endaly [aca by mating epee upon te coco nivel esarayarpereeesatrertet essa san bein ca aed lence, with sw SF inorcing req lc) gly E Gee kos sich tgs freewil “Tere no reaton t deny the execs of phenomena Ie yen ds amber npc hve patel out he Expuaby of caring ont Gama programe (ceed xs dogma by the borer isso tondttog all neces about eal ain wast tll tn yet language, Toul go even fre td os tat ps Wol cant be exprened inte pysaot langage toe Deceit en emp cece only far ip eSotc an wocron at is Geni we coneberoed by 3 evden fhe sees sd we can amin 0 meaning te er temn whet enaing a coacpt of ie 3a Tye sak a Boast you hare betta «hypothe he wil y: T thy {id hay Ls sand tat yor dae fe see fer se cope ia Fr Ab tow Lees thu movehersend tat ove ee faa ten nsties a leasetiatiene antcie you Re ghe an secant cf tao Weak mdatoes ct pecs SiGoot hearing end utting ‘Ad wat Had of anng eat yo sac to this word without ng the kao pigs Onaied tvvughintwpecton; aod win petling basen at lve she nga on Carly lite rg nS, 22 Suid Sis 8 Sey the existence of other minds within which process are taking ‘ace which are llr Go thse wich you sme an cbwervet Tn onder to further the understanding af society itis not even necesary to accept the arguments in favour of @ residual Indeteinacy of human action. Indeed, i perfectly lege ‘mate to suspend judgment on this ine beonse neither ‘eterminiem nor indeterminim ean be veried ar ontologies [plncpes and mat remain therfore avtils of metaphysical [Bth, Determinism could be proved only when the lst ease of the last hitherto unexplained event has been ascertained; ‘while indcterminism could be proved only if it could be ‘demonrtrated beyond all doubt the thi wl never happen. Tn ‘tier wer 19 prove determin we would se show at ‘ne day Knowledge wil inluctably become totaly and although It imposible to demonstrate chat this has noe ccourred ot will not ocar inthe mind of God, i seems rather implausible thst morals wil ever attain ie. team be argued, moreover, Uthat perfct proicablcy ir atrinealy emple with regard toa aytem of which the observer price lems a pat, fo that hi aon (including his predictions) affect the other ‘vent Asin uch a cae his predicons would frm part of the ‘nual sequences occurring within the system, he eould make Drediconr ony i he could predict hr prelition at well, ‘hich would only be ponible fhe could predict his predictions (ofhis prediction -. snd 30 om in ifiate regrenion. Luly, to pursue our studies we do not need to accept the Aoctrine of univenal determinism, It sufices if we seme that ‘many phenomena can be eatally explained, vat 0 all posable ests explanations are known, and that i & pone {o discover new ones. This enough to justly the siete ‘endeavour but, a tenable metaphysical view, indeterminism fan be restated as the belie (which I personally hold) that ‘mortals will ever reach a stage whes ther knowledge wil be Complete and there wil be nothing lt to discover. "A his point let me saya ewe words about the often debated ‘question whether any a the sca scences areal sience. As ‘en happens with rach debates the arguments for aswell at gaint omit the obviowr ruth that the answer to this quaon wl depend on what we mean by scene If we mean exact The Wich Dare Dilemma 23 science Iie physics or chemistry, then neither economics nor psychology tor sociology nor any other kind of research into Froman conduct it a sciner. But i we agree to. afi this Inova to any Lind of systerate stay which az at ‘Providing careful desriptions,subxantated explanations and {tually supported generalizations, chen we ean say thatthe above mertoned branches of leering are snes although the propr-ty of this appellation will depend on whether we ‘site om the bars of apiratons or etal pertormance and ‘whether we lok a the average oa the highest achievement ‘Anyoray, the verbal nature ofthis dispute can be demonsteated bby trailing it into another language, a i vies when Trench or Spans. Te has generated ao much hex in Betain pcan ofthe peculaly sigid divkion between ‘art and ‘rence in English schaoks and because Te provides good openings in the game of etatuesecking vetrus watuerefaing Ife donot regu universal determin san indiapenste tase forthe sty of human behaviour we need not object 2 the iden of peronal esponsibility. Many pylon tlze Sdminiraton of janice based on the tea of tre will and fesponibiiy without reaing that, i valid, dewrminisn ‘spples to everybody: it criminal cannot avid commiting ‘crime, ten neither ean the judge avoid sentencing him, nor fan the ester avid quartering him. Unles we auume that indole can make decom, nd are resonable frat Teast some af their deeds, there is no reason why we should regard any action a good or bad, or ey wo ean fom doing thar our flow beings and moral exhortation smeaningles.* “Taken a: proof of mon-etene of reeponblity, the deerine fof pyciaogeal determine exculpater the mupportes of fapardeid and the police torturers a Braj a uch asthe ‘mixed-up young delinquents, but in practice this argument i ted very selectively in accordance with the ‘cents’? kes Ad dik often applied only to thoes who provide hz with Wsriow gratifeaton of his pet hatreds snd. suppraed proces To a large eaten tal alls down wo dhe game of 1, Ia The of Compa SyTave oh tow h pith he pt sgl ean, ag, Sua Sis Sey ying God by pryehologt, soilgits and above all Inythistists who borrow te prtige of scene to out thee tften very erude mora notiotrupon the publi As sal Sng at length ina forcoming bok, the denigraton of he concept of respon, hued on the unwarranted gina of Dychological determin, has contributed sigacadp to he ‘dering four vrs, “Though formidable engi the methodlogia diliatcn apes al in compan wth he enamel asa tolhe development ofan exact iene of scety which put it {can entirely diferent plane from the natural soe: namely the ct that human bag teat to whats abut then ‘Me deeded of Ls cekcopos fate seta sane the piton fan “expen in the iidy of human behaour ‘eembles that ofa orecrr who ean ae the rope come up or che an fal by stesng an ocatation, Ad becoae the i 'with which he deals reson vetiale,his Stes fre able to demand to bel what they Hk obese ae wil punish the ‘uncooperative soddeayer Wo iiss cn eying What they would rather not know atthe princes ued 1 ‘ni he cour phscan fring to cue them, Moreover 2 pople want to achieve tend afenlng othe they wil'alvayn ty to eae, bully or bbe the witch door ity Ihng power fr th Bact and wg the heel Incattaioa or atleast teling them someting pleat ‘Ad why ao he res heat o tempat when fs fpecalty itso diel o prove or daprove anything, tat ‘ica wih impunity Indl hfe, pander tbs ence lover and hater or even pede emecous li, His dilemma, Ihowever tem om th culty of cecing his tp beens ‘ery soot he pans the point ono return aie whic becomes {eopaiafl oat that hear wate yeas poo chmeray Ie Alone to conf that he har fren taking advantage of the Publics gully. So, 0 allay hi goawing daub, site fn guil he competed ote the ne of st estan by ‘pinning more and more init webs ction ad falocood, ile paying ever more ardent lpacrce to the ideals of Ubjecity and the pio ath, ‘fwelok athe practi raul ofthe proiaton of oil ‘The Wit Dot's Dla 95 cients we find more analogies to the sole of wite- doctors Ina printve tribe than o the part played by the natural teiondts and tchnologts in an fadusralroity. Later we thal canine dhe vagarie of poicalslentist and soielogieal fyitem builder, butin a way they largely xcape the pragmatic tt becanefeis dificult to ind examples of big policy deckons Ihse on their advice ‘The brecd which ha probably had the ‘most pround inilence on umn behaviour isthe prycholo- igs snd fry socologits who (especially in America) have Targelysieccoded in fasting upon the public thie views on human “nature, thie profoundly inencing. casomary behaviour “Cncravely interpreted, porchology i pethape the most Aiicult fal th scence whether natural or soca — wherein ian tris to Ht hinwel by his boostaps, wing the mind to ndentand the mind; and where, consequently, sigaiSeant cover are rate, and mrt remain exceedingly ¢ppresimate land tentative, Mort of te prattones, however, do not Tike fo admit thi and prefer to pretend that they speak with the thority of an exact slence, which ls not merely theoretial tht alo applied. ‘To examine the validity of these clame T fhonld ze to propos asmple, rough and ready criterion. ‘When prafon nipple services bared on wellZounded Inowiedge we shonld fd a pereepsile pose connection Iyetween the number of practioner in relation tothe popelae tion and the rel achieved. Thus ina country which hs an Aibwadance of telocomsmunication engineer, the provision of Atlephone facilis will normally be beter thaa im 8 country hich tas only a few specialist of ths Kind. ‘The levels of ality wl Be lower i counties or regions where dhere are fy decry and nurses Gan in places where they are few Tuc tetween, Accounts will emore generally nd efcenty 3 im sountiss with many tained aecountans than where they arcecaree. We col go on multpying examples, but the foregoing slice to estaba the point ‘An tow, what are the beefs produced by sociology an prychlegy? True it could be msintsined that they are purely peculacve branches of leaming without a yet any peactial hes whch is tenable vewpoiny, though rater enpopular, as 26 Soci See Sosy it would rae the queton of whether so many people of ‘moder intligence ought tbs enguging in abstruse coptaton 50 examine the vaity ofthe chm that hee ae highly ‘wel branches offowledgy et ws ask what ther entbuton to mankid’s welfare supposed to be. "To je bythe cus from training cures and textbook, the practic! wculncs of Pychology cons of helping people to find the niche fn foci, adapt thenslve toi patlely, hd td thers contetdty nin harmony with tir companions So, we should find that fn count regio aston or secon where dhe serves of pychologits ate widely se fais are more enduring, bonds betwee the sponse slings faleagus more harmonious the renment of eipicn fd tees, vandal, criminals ad drop sods fewer, than in ‘het oF groupe which domo aval eves ofthe cholo fails On ths ase vr coulda thatthe lowed fountey of harmony and peace i of coume the United Sater aa tne ought to have on becoming more and moreso dlvng the lat quarter ofthe century in sep withthe growth In number of sodahgins, rychologte sad polteal sens, may be objected thst hia angmen th the case tion went the other way round, wih the Increases in rag diction, ime, dire, tae ots and other socal is {eating the demand for more heslere. Maye; bt even cept {ng thts view, would sil appear tat te fod of theres Ins produced no improvement: What, however sages Gat they may be salting rather than cing the cas at the ecelration inthe growth f tht mies aber the ‘par in the carves of eine and drug adits. Aad Were sr other le penters inthe tne dren, Tet me ak the flowing question With eld of activity in Americ isthe east cficent? And which eploys the gest "umber of pjcelogba and voiologs? The pain anowet iy Education. And in Which Geld han the quality of he product ben deaining most rapidly? And where uo the nunber of rychologits sod socllogite bern creasing fastest? Ain: In edocaton. Ox iinead of comparing with ether eters ‘within the socely, we compare the Arnesean educational ‘Te Witch Dats Dito 27 situation with that of other mations, we get sila res or wise do the schools employ 3" proportionately treet amber of prychologit and sologitr and all Kinds of hybeds beeen them? In Amerza almost needles to 13. ‘Nonethels if we judge bythe amount of knowledge imparted (rather dan the numberof éiplomas ined) In zelation tothe spenditere incurred, then thee ean be 8o doubt that the ‘American schools are the Teast efllent fm dhe work, not clad the poorest counties of Affe or Latin Amerie, To not tak tat anywhere cee inthe world can you Bad ttvdents who have been going t schoo or atleast twelve years fave who ea read ony with ify, sac anyon ean cet fqte feqoentiy im American universes, What mor, He Schools have been geting worse athe number of penal Araine "a wodslogy, pnyehology and. education has been Increasing* Peshape it alla caincidene. But in no other ountry cn you become a profesor a top wniversty without raving fit to leam how to write competealy. And his docs itclade people offrege origin or ose rooght up in 8 Ciferent language but en sad women who Know no oer Tanguage but Amerian English, and yet contravene Ue rls fated tn American grammar books and we words wid east egard to wat i says in Webner' detonary. And in which tuljectsdo they congregate? Inevitably insocology,paychology fd edestiony and now ineeastogly in anthropology, poet ence and even history, as these subjects become. more eae. Te may not be hen, very freed to conclude the decline in the quality of edveation may Dave had thing to do with the expansion of the sca wences 0 tre, aot because of any logical nce, but owing fo the arate which thee subjects have acquired “Those tends are not confined to the USA, and in other ties too 8 deine inthe standard of Herary expression Tas gone in stp withthe expansion ofthe socal scence Tt tay be the point mention tatu voeabulry test adminis {ered wo stents in England has revealed that the radent of the sock scenes have a more limited vocabulary than ny A i cane lca atc la my ah soning Wk Tr Pf ea eC Harper & Rw NY) 28 Sel Scie as Sey ores incuting engineer and phyicits who operate with ‘eatheiaial yal ater an words inthe owae ofet wrk. So we Bnd Sndividuale who expatite on the great Problems of cleave Ie arog om the march of cur {ition withoe ving lard how to write propery in theirown long en ig busines has bon geting law eficiet atthe same Aine nthe number efelcogi and pyhologa employed Jat been neresing, whi of Soune, ocr not prove that ey ae the case ofthe deteriora bst wach eats some doubt ‘on ther uly Thee however, one spel ef which a Petals (pecilyofs pyc penn) can be they sead him ts the poet wh pars near Him al Wind of incerta or homes Sie and get the fellow so worried that he forgets about Mr sins for more money. Th France the recent collape ofthe edcstional tem has ben precede bys rpid cess the number of elo and pychlogieo; we ina nub of other count ee seems to bes pre though sough pra benwesn the rie inthe nusber ety coum so hl poychologs and in the ates of divore and drag adtion, Try apart rom the paul tha al ths ight Be mere coincidence he conn Elon may be that he agen of he oa es has sma: ted the demand for the svi of exper, Ts festering tgowth in thee momker One’ cnsiion, howevey sine Sscapable: that thee experts ave not been able hey and that cannot be lad out that they may be maLing ngs even wore by miguled therspia. Ife sor tat Whenever fre brigade comes the fares bee Cvenereey we might ‘ell begin to wonder wnt tat they are squirting end ‘heer they are nt by ay chance psig ol Un fie Ta matter concerangcdocson, penal tions, binging upelilren, sttde to aringe ov Sendcip, te nfanes of ycholgy and of the prycholgitesoology has been very feat~ copay in Amica which stems to be ty muck inated by fed as Ron by man which dos ‘ot mean tha the founders themlvs would appre whats ‘The Wich Dectr’s Dilemma 29 done in their mame in either county, particulary ae it i & fatter of hioreal fact that Marx deteted. Resin while real despied Ameviea. On the majo qustons of policy ix Aoutl whether even Marx was heeded by his devetees once they were installed in power, while in the capitalist couatis politcal scientists or anthropologists might be consulted at Possore of local Knowledge of distant places, bat T know of fo cats of fnportant decatons being crucially ifenced by inferences frat soilogieal or polclgial ieoris «wich say have boen just as well 80 we ean hardly blaine the pital scientists or macro-sacologiss for having played an ie part in bringing about the world’s presen ll and to Been set valve tocando ayo fo look ath hoy hee feedvo do. They dservesome ered ifwe ean Sad examples of wofesin, and which inthe light of hindsight can be seen ave been correct or at lage more nesly so than the lay pinion. Penonaly, 1 do not think that such examples exit Sd Fanybody haves of any T should be happy to hese about Docs’ hdepenteay, i wens) prec around gp tn tail th nature the tnt which wold rie an plementation of te mars programme, aloogh nether ‘hat such a stem would in ft come nto extence wary deen roy fa pking sishenece wy engl ay dedecch nonce Gy tel up with toe ir thoi About the sane dane Max Weber comme hte wester ord. Beings propia well 3 seen, nnd any velona wich dt nt cote fre, but he wad hci but he hae done better than anyone ele, and has 19° Soa Sie Sry hardly made a forecast which hat tured owt tbe wally ‘ong. Howee, all thoe instances, which neni ef ther ramples could be ade, emia invdeal of inagaativeresghe made posile- iste bys peas nestanding of ate of haman sel, Ba 2 at tn any extabled and general accepted corpo imodeie, elook tte belch way dared anon ol ent, veg sr that they conta ite i anything that could Be 2 ‘Shed t a superior prteonal uoderanding and ha, apart fom itl his of cual ination san, thoy have lowed and contin tlw the ance Iuhions ‘ofthe day: borate in tot pci fae free, it inf ii etaing a at {2° ita, youtcaltured nt new okt the end of shale, Tr, in many sade the opiions tenga cet om the eat les ofthe day were divided, fe eat Commonly alg the sme line 8 Zong grocer or eet clas ch doc ot sagyt dat peek reso tnowige made all at much difrence-On te whole ee ‘paclatinowledge prompt ile dvergenee om the Poe {let einion of ther ca = which int of coum he Tours bt the claw ofa diploma bles, “The very fic that profesional student ofsetey exodomy and polis condnot to pgeontole temas sod he colleagues being onthe or om height shows tae tet ‘steve are aot me soplssed thay the of any ta fn the suet, Tagine what ind of tlence 8 tlh ot utlgrply we would have whee sree bog sor ne cin cipng all ee ely by at Savor according to whether hey wer light dan oa ‘rough Aru cen tn wail be ar hemes tae qualesdo‘exbe and do orm a condsam wieet ‘ood hat succeed in fng the meaning af Lend it ‘ed people are eonally quatrling abet who on te st Gr Right of whom. Lite wife and fag, Ine of sind’ whether i Bins yer Geena Byaantam, or Roundheads vemos Cray) ny nected {rtinizing crowds 0 tat cy know who should ht whe Int what nd cece eat ey anspor a The Witch Dctor’s Ditenna 51 ituds on all ius can be arranged in one dimesin ten canoe decide where to place them on hese? Wo there biting aproiching vanity ts moe penaturr of cnheoe 62s prewar fronp ths eoerans Beton precicaly incl vice The cabrio the ead of ideology for Insta, were pomptel by the ‘hich began fll upon the Amtico snc ‘ce vals fom the foundations rather tac by ay or which could be dvr a set The eae wa ft ialaye ott wony dl aoxt the rath dt tel ple what they want bet, whe te sce of cco 6 thie gues what ie hat they wan To hea tthe given eae ne. Hasesing ly very approximate avd ane knowledge, ment ofthe a-ha Kin and yet ft cert mach iefocice loop hi uterancay a pro er of the social acces fen rasembles © wihedocior ess witha vw othe eels ord ay ave rather ‘ther facta! eorecties; and then inven bes fo ‘inthe has si and to justly his pation in the Chapter 3 Manipulation Through Description ‘The selfing prophecy constistes only one (and fly arrow) manifistion of de much more gencral dpostion of Jhuman beings tobe influenced by what iad about them and. ther environment. On the individval plane everybody kaows that one ean mule m penn discontented by deplorng the ‘Greummtances under which he Iver, encowage hi endeavour by prota, or dicourage it by earcnns Gt a physcian's assurance may ad reavery, and that an annows arent ean ‘make the child timid. True the power of perusion are not bounds, and there ate many codons ~ whether disase or destiution oF some other scourge which no. amount of reassurance can alleviates but in innomerable case 3 few ‘Suthoctativey spoken words ean fen the sales “The impact of the word on the formation of character has ‘been recognized by the eres writers on eduction, as well a by the latest prychoanalyss, and is ensrined in all Kinds of poplar sayingy snd prover. Baring congenial deformity, people ean be made slfreliant aad bold by being repeatedly {eld dat chy are stony and capable are doing well and could ‘aly tackle even bigger tala, Or they may los slFconfdence fd hope by bearing often enough tint they are awkward, brsinles o unlucky. Iw convine somebody tht be lacks the bllty needed for learning language or mathemate, or even learning wo dsive, he wil never quire these ail, regalo of how groundies' our diagnosis might have been when he accepted ie Ifsomebony i led to believe that he ean ensure the acces of his endeavour by hiring @ magician or a peyeho= ‘nalyst ora computer man, he wil dso, regards of whether Sty cau link between the actives of thse speci and the desired goals does infact exist "The same true on the oletve plane. In a country where Moniptation Thrngh Description 39 ‘one belaves that he can make a succes jn basins, com a indsty wil fall nto the hand of foreigners unless under state contro. Or, to take another example i we tha he death honesty i the bet ple ie rounds, Temove an important incenive to honaty. If we convince okjocs that heir rule's power i imessible,chey wil don all thoughts of tebelion, while by spreading the view revolution is imminent and sare win, we might be ing one ofthe conditions necesary fr its outhreak. The clang, generals and manager hav, of course, always sbwot this connection, encouraged the spend of erage ted nations about ter power, and tied to impress them the popular with the ail of pomp marian High lifts the enemy ie stroager may weaken the eave find bring about a defeat. True ith may not be enough victory, but it usually a ecesary condition oft For his all governments waging war have ‘cemored. dit “information, punished the "defeats, propagated fam among thet people, and diseminateddepreing ‘among the ene rank A war situation, however, y the most extreme exemplificaton ofthe general depen ‘of te utzome on the expectations on the par of howe are tying to bring it about ort preven an be sen in every leeon campaiga, the well-bnown, inclination to jump on the vitorious band-wagyon id 29 incentive to manipulate belie about the prospects tending factions and to exert presue on the commen- "The power tinluence behaviour by making desripive nts about itis no, of cours, limited to polity and it hen argued thatthe Kinsey Report fstered indulgence in > promucsity and pervenion by making it known to ‘who might odhtewie try to rest the temptation that, if saceumb oi they wl bein a much large company thas, Td ought and soil have no reason tO fel they are 4 orontenets. Silay, a crmiologit who tells the public ‘many crimes renaid undetected may be encouraging tal Iowbeeaker ven nck purely academic theories asthe interpretations of 44, Soil eae a Socry human nature have profound practical consequences if dis- seminated widely enough. Tf we impres upon people that Science has discovered that human beings are motrsted only by the dee for material advantage, they wil tend fo ive up {0 ths expectation, and we shall have undermined ther readiness tbe moved by impersonal ideals. By propagating the opposite view we might succoed in producing larger umber of ideals but might alo help cynical exploiters {ind easy vietins. Thi spect lau, incidentally, of mmense sequal importance, because it seems that the moral die ‘orientation snd fanatic nist which aflet madera youth have been stimulated by the popular brands of vcilogy and Echievements and focusing on the dial average or even the fubnormal! When, raudulealy basking tn the glory of dhe fxact scenes, the paychologiss refuse to study anything but ‘the most mechanical forms of behaviour ~ often 0 mechanical that even rats have no chaace to show thir higherfcules~ ‘and then present tir mowy evil ings as the te pee ofthe human mind, they pomp people to regard themes fand othe as automata, devold of Fesponsbilty of worl ‘hich ean hardly remain without effect upon the tenor aed Tite. By interpreting every manifestation of ‘warm feelings ‘between perons ofthe same sex as latent homorersality, the prjchoanalyt (4 give another example) have debasel and Iwellnigh destroyed the eonept of endahip, and have greatly ‘eoneributed to the painfl isolation of modern man. Later T ‘all say more about the fa and filer of peychoiogy But ‘what concerns a the moment not the henrite mere of the diferent approaches but the ct that apparently pare ‘methodological conceptions ean mould the realty: that upto a point they can make themoever true by changing the fealty ‘hich they are merely supped to describe and analyse Thus, ‘rey desctipion of human behaviour becomes to some stent Petasve deserpion aa soon ati objects get to know of i "Ar every thoughtful reader of the newepapetskiow, gover: rents always ty to faclitate the succes of their polices or 13 pt ater a my ing Honk oA Mexpulation Thraagh Description 95 1s by organirng the so-alled public opinion. What ie leat [Sy Koown i tha, despite the profesione of objet, ‘any i not moa) socal cents are ony too eager fo fe thenselves efi fr this purpose. We must remember, wer that this hind of ever cane rendered ot only 0 “etatishment but abo to all Kinds of opposition and DAisrazvencs need not impair a doesine's spines foe cing frying certain attdes, abt may in fat help spire awe and obedience by “lining people wth science. cliveagent politcal impact of the came economic theory the on ser and of mari on the oe, provide & good Sass tieoy of suri vale is quite weles for explaining predicing the movements of pica, and bois down © an re su indie formilaton of are ethical odgment the merits ofthe capitalist rystens dtbuton of wealth, es gies pelo senic backing to the worker? eling ely justifiable often enough) tat they ae being robbed he fra of ther labours. To be sure, many people before arx (seh a2 Simonde de Simon, Robert Owen, Fourier Trouihon) have deplored the lLteatment of the workers the explain fee poor by Hh ek; but they id in al tera without ‘iene roo and consequently could no feagalat he clas economist sera” argiments the pice of labour having to be determine by the as eupply and demand ~ where the cracal but unstated press Tht ws jr tha people shoul gt nlther moreno las wa they cou obtain though bargaining on the make hemor, by purporting to have proved that the worker feyboty knows wae exacythe opposite: namely ‘ecient? thatthe ated system would collaee The seni ehial a1 Sone, exploitation by definition, Marx proved its Tong chain of scare and dled argument, lasical economist’ labour theory of value and reat were stlen rts of labour the many example of how the interpretations of fect actual behavior, let consider te forma fo opinions about the character of group and inaatons, dangers of iftrstion and eabvenion, | Whe rank and fie come to be convinced tht thir eadrs a> Ten vhen no vested interes are aoted, factual findings fools, cowards oF cy ther actions wil ier rally om y be enthusiastically weloomed of vehemently ttlzed what they would be, were they convinced that the ender ae PY beet they pander to, o offend, cxtrent preconcep- dedicated men of great courage and inteligence. Convers, Hows, even thee ae cherished for no other reson than sheer the laden’ behaviour will t some extent depend on te pla image oftheir ofr, wich wil determine whee the ter cases wth itd dignity which they ave expected tive 4p to, or whether chy will have no reputation to preserve. {Gonert ilusratios ofthis point can be found in Perea ‘0 Seooson where have ed to analyse te impact mck fotons on Latin American police, The attdes afte Anajoiy tow minority, and the other way round, wil ao be largely determined by the reciprocal image? which cam be fnflenced by revelations or concclmente of trite as wel at yolk to supprea innovations which devalue thee pai- by exaggeration an es, Corsequenty every comment ouch lly acquire knowledge. As the istory of sence amply shows sates invites interference fom the contestants inthe plea ny of prationr suceeded very well doing P= ena, Iy ht, but nowadays the demand fom industry and the ‘Or bere is another example of how views on the raive fies ma more at (gh y 2 see fiacy of cau factors ean be of considerable praca in eu) to suppres aweful technical innovation, ‘The Dortance: thik ofthe socalled eonsiray theory of hitory, Bets otedch crag ebibenier he beer leat, if you lok for conspirator under every be oor field because command over mate can be gined only Jnterpretation of pst and pret evens wil be very dient sh sequstion of true knowledge, whereas people ex be fon what you woud imagine Ifyou regarded every suspic ulated through incantation, brainwashing andthe that there might be a conpracy at werk at an induteble minaion of fae bie Our attude towards other evidence of acute parana I principle te rele af compraces Ne, Horcover, cay a-much greater emotional loading in poles appears to bo a purely empirical question which un our atcodes towards things? aod consequently we get ‘ud be solved by am examiaation of eldene, witout haxing ich more upset when we nd ou that «penn (oF & group) {0 past jugment on whether conspiracy is goad thing. None ut whom we have song felngs not what we thought he Aheles, amore every dicumion ef hs scemngly theoreti than when we have to revise our bei about the nature probe generates lot of eat, beste difret amwers ome material objec. Bren when it ea question of valued Sally ead wo divergent stands onthe plea tues of fie al propery, aman i wollely' 9 react with equal days particularly aan alicmarive anmer on the polat of mene to somebody picking fs i Ri hows or cat ot Moviplation Though Desipion 37 ral importance of conspiracies pose the partinlar question Where tnd them at a given moment. ‘The comprar, oreover, if they exis, wil have an easier tack i the public hat en peraded by naive or dsingensons peyehologies that to a conspiracy consiutes a proof of isan; while the ns atate ‘secu have a vested interet in expecting snakes no base diference beenuse it ony led to 4 e afer supercial innovations which demand no mental Ase shall ee later, ths is hereon why purely verbal ovation easily guin popula ‘Mena! inertia, of course, i By no means confined to the lets of human afr; and ost natutal scientist nd logs alo resent having to rethink tir views, ad 98 Saal Sees 1 Seer ‘ren hore or dog, as he would oa sinilar exercise in respect ‘this wif cid, parent, occupation o nation = “The diel of ver¥ing serosa nna relations fives a wide cope to ulleror motives and provides munity forthe purveyor of fale infrmation A poldeal scents oF an economist can hardly ever be brought to admit that ie ‘pinion or advice was wrong, bens ht an alway find some ‘tgument which explains away his error, Aer ll even what happened to people who ated pon hs diagnos or reams mendatin was pretty disastrous, can never be concave Droed that things would not have crned ont even wor, had Alierent policy bon adopted. Nor cat over be shown beyond Sido tat the adie ws sorcay Spleen alt Imisdertood oF misapeliel For exaspe: preccally al the hstriansbitine Neile Chamberlain and Dela fo the Munich agreement with Hie, bt who ean prove thet the tutcome would have been bet had they ef o make ts Sgrecment? We can only gues: Further te impouibity of verification exposes everybody who vols Sn opinion ot Inates of policy to accusations of jgoranc, negigence ot ‘lw which he cannot ealy refit When, during the McCarthy era, the State Departments China experts lr their jobs for having adie ‘Truman agua sending tops to Giang Kai Che's id, they bad no mean of proving that their advice was good; which could ony have been done by ‘demonstrating thatthe consequences of the allmatve couse ‘of acton would have been even worse —a perfec anjable {znclsion nthe gh ofthe Rinight proved by te Wari ‘Vietnam and the split beeen China Sid Resa. Given the imponbity of proving anything the adver: could mot even exonerate themoeves fom he acssaios of having ated in bad faith which (emake matte even more completed) might have en justified in some eae. Small wonder, then, that on sock isucs people pero be evar “The preeding example may not be representative ofthe slices facing the social seen, only a minority of whom, concern theaelvs with equally intractable and. portetous ‘Sues of high policy. Nonetels, even the poltaly now: engaged stadents of vocety invariably et foto trouble with Maniglaton Through Decripton 39 stor governments Tn er couse he powers that be the ee rater than the sk applyng the method well crib bythe Za prover that‘ dog with a bone in hs eannot atl’. However, even vetout pressures fom politians, apitalis or bucearat, the dei for popu ly can undermine independence of thought aod Tnduce oor conformity. The orthodony thus obeyed need not, mer, be the one imposed by the ‘eablshment and may iy wll conto the line deereed by a subversive party. wry, firm whichever ieeson the preses come, tent cf sce who dow not go infor eating about he ph tn melted pang ie ie hance not evryody has a stomach fr a neverending fight ft cal ftegry, mont socal cen gravitate tower cm. metods and concasons which, no mater ov cae est Hkely to acu the pense of he potentates ff the populace. Prompted by the desire to play sate they peven further han neeseary in emning he sails prvaling winds. . _ you lite tothe practioner of socal and economic chalking infra, you wil easly Bnd that not only they rey well aware of he sbrerentone pre, bot that they filly tae them into acoune in making plane rage att vat sty, ray. er, happens onthe everyday breadand-buter lvl “ndther their pronouncements er athe nor thlt Pblctors ever mention that thee premures might make a rence othe rstworthines of the Fouls of vocal esearch, toe propos fs eve atsining the eel of objecty elas ofthe natural scenes po urmare: the propensity of sma object of nai eact to what i sid about chem creates three Kinds of eso the development of the social sciences. The fiat 40° Scat Se 1 Seery fis reults, motivated fly by the awareness that what is Said might inluenee what wil bappent an secondly bythe desire (whether on the part ofthe potetates or te masse) 10 Incr what pleases then The disarray wrought bythe operation ofthe two aforementioned fctors products the tied Kad of Spirent inthe shape of ample opportunitisfor getting way with lschods and exypropropaganda, "The following chapter ateinpt to disentangle the workings these three Lind of impediment, bat before going further should eto offer a few mechedalgial aggstons a how the selling” or sclfacgating.effts might be taken i fecount in awesing dhe validity of hypothe, The fst point Eta heal tha dn orp to ats sal ont them enhaners the value of retodicion in comparison wi ‘prediction as att of validity of hypotheses. Furthermore by ‘ot having to consider the reactions of tet object historians oy a greater freedom t9 be guided by mainly eopatve criteria ~ which explain T think, why (especialy dur the Int two decades) hntorical writings nv greatly surpaed fn ‘quality the mt applauded publication in sociology and Polcl science. At SR. Elton sys in The Pass of Hoy. ‘The fatre i dark the prone burdensome; only the pst, dead sand fine, bers contempiaton. Tove who lok upon have survived it: they ares produce and vcr, No wonder, ict For, st men concern thsatlves with sry, Another methodological principle which emenges from the foregoing arguments is that, while eximining te empiccal evidence fora theory, pedicdon ot diagnci seemingly borne ‘out by subsequent evens, we mst take lato account the Posible elects upon these events of the enunciation and lsemination ofthe statement in question. This meane in the fit place that we mus try to find out whether thane involved in bringing about these events Knew about and believed inthe validity of that statement. If we take, for instance, Marr's st prediction namely, the ‘ovale. Law va Industrial ‘Concentration ~ we ean confidently asert that its corrobora- tion had nothing to do with seleilflments that the we ‘tested historical wend which this theory describes, and which Mosipuain Tlagh Deion 4 Jp continuing ul tia very day, could not have been att in Jjotion oe maintained by the enunciation and disemsnation of he theorys because few, if any, builders of industrial empires Wook any note of what Marx said (ifthey had heard about hin al), and in any cave they were not the kind of people wh ould et temacles be governed by abrract doctrine, On the Ilberland, the intalletals and proletarians who belewed in Marx had no pare in making decsion which cumulatively Dredoced the tend towards concentration which made thie Darscular propery come tr, Ta contrat fo the preceding example, Marx’ forecast about Wass stages did! contin an element of selefulblnent folios stat dy have ts oe w be oly very partially ie) been here many ofthe people whose setions played a in bringing about the events did elive inthe theory ch thee events ave partially corroborated. Actually, the of eaual relation was even more complicated than that, it barguable tha other grovpe and individ, who abou the theory but didnot regard iat predestined true, deliberately set out t make it fie by embarking Hypo reftos and propaganda campaigns daigned to remove contin ofr flslment. Soi scems thatthe disemina- ofthis theory hat had sellnegating ae well a seul. ng elec, andi i imposible tobe sare which outweighed ch A property of being slfegating can be found ab in much fer stations for instance iC wold you tat T would stab tomorow night when you were seep, my prediction would Allis Teibood as soon as it was communicated to you Wie of tee selling and selenegatng eet, che only to tet prdicons inthe social scence fly a prediee in the natural sciences are tested to take sure that dy tak any notice of them. Hest of al, write them out, in vealed envelope, tll nobody what it aye and wit the day of fultiment oF make provision in your last will the envelope to be opened. Lucky atrnomest. they do have to resort to woe tricks in onder to ind out whether ir predictions were uid. Dioblens sf eis Kind have not only a theoretical but alo a 2 Suc Sct 8 Sey practical sigicance. For example: inthe dicusion of the icacy af the ant-inaonary policies inspired by keynesan fconomies, i has been argued that tha no longer work Deeaue businsmen do not respond to dhe changes ia dhe Dank rate in the way they did inthe days of Keynes, because noveadays they know that is ie i no augury af depression, ‘Dut a goversmentponsored gambit which wll be revered st som asthe slight sgn of 8 real depron appears on the horion, ‘The sibling and selenegaing ees Had alo ‘been discussed in connection with the probiens of strategy; and especially the queton whether the atomic deterrent ‘ete, snd if, then whom, how, when and from what. AS to the methodology of the wal scence. i seem certain tht ‘without taking Wis factor ino consideration, i ma remain ont the level of unvealstie pontiiaion, no mater how refined sata techniques might be. Chapter 4 Censorship Through Mass Production ac an aivay names prfeion= thet y= vy of Ipinga ving the dest smc tnd tl fo tren be pea otmunbered by the practioner guided Primary fo sly by the moral mates of the market pee raat aa debe om te i. ct at the least cost to themselves, In other words, as soon as Reco appar tht here money in he ley of ‘ater’ tan ther ine eee teomes he ninat rte, Hence he quality ofthe god» mended Bay Etc ttn bape ned oe ds ing to py fre Only ender ch meats Bovony OS bes py, und We ciceey of sivrtng came Deira Gres how np are from thie el situation Cen at ee tah cetaia ev eeeert Neate fou subiom and sul seerainabi wig the con Amen rabtance den prevent a indie deteoratin of ty. Though canly decd on fer pln, people vl Bsr pon Dying ep wich doc net emoved ata or Irie and re creak thy ate we where ES ysotee eo pat bewaiaareatr steered Bivice pros tse un eau ni dina, pe Bln en canon of xc be manipulated iy Wred fren. “The tahnioe of man prodction we an nic tne dency © bing crying down (hawgh alo wp) Bee wi ny et tae (may res Loy bel) hen altes commonplace wsran ages He relay oping bg x even motorcar ut which wes havoc thal higher eae soya smal ior ae ale opprcnt cosa ofh or copes na of let Sr are wi poe al shore te ape jog ie HE Soil Scie 8 Soy ‘quality ofthe various brands of washing machines oF otor- fars. Owing to the distbation of the tanate potential along the statistically normal distubutioneurve, most people cannot tbe brought to understand (le alone create) the tre conse tions to knowledges and consequently the tmarket for publica tions embodying them can never become the tno allaring From & commercial viewpeiat ‘An increase in the number of people who read books has fen inthe pat rimolated intllttual progress because ther things Being equal, larger reading public will contain Target ‘numberof individuals expecially gifted in ay given direction; ‘nd might, comequendy, offer s matket for books with a ‘anied appeal, which could ‘not he pebished ifthe taal ‘market were mich smaller. Te ease, or stance, to pubs Without a subsidy a book on Dyzatine musi notation in English than in Finish. Ths a larger market permis, other things beng equal, greater variety of products, Unfortuatey, hhoweves, among the facars which ‘re not equal are the comomits of ale inthe publihing Busnes which (an her Industries) fer a trend towards standardication As the big, poise ia ehe bet ell the publishers have an obvious fnteres in the malice; for what would be the advantage of spending large sums on adverdrng sn author who stoo dealt for the average (or even sighly above the average) mind? ‘And the larger the sums involved de stronger is the incentive to appeal to the lowest commen denominator [At the price of deviating ftom the question of the social sciences I must say few words about the lin industry which ‘rovides perhaps the best station ofthe inverse relationship Fetween the cot and the quality, with the rem that all the very expensive lms are trashy. which, of course docs not ‘ean thatthe cheap ones eannot be trashy too, Furthermore, alshough one can think of few actors whore financial reyard ‘aight be attibuted to an inimitable gi, the vast majority of fim stars could be replaced by hundred i ot thowsande of runaersup able play the parts jut se wel, sfmot beter, The Stay’ lavish remuneration in no way reels the early of ‘heir kl, but farms part of slr promotion. They are paid so ‘much money in order to build up thir aura in te eyes of ouesip Thsagh Mass Pdution 45, Bite pte, who rly amas th mabey whe vo Bch tne stat worth watching. Whi among occ Seni cite eptecs gu casted int extoen might Hes matte of lac, ors in ayeophaney and intrigue, oF of ficiency in supplying eteroxctal or bona grate fon to dirctors and managers; bats som nen ig sm of Iya ented at nag he aly 38 fbscpeadet barging power nthe owt fs sane wc en sac sheep ogc Many of thee reeble Pavlor's Mog cosy tha, ne they re pera that somebody ie Sherr, tay il let mse ep nthe no mae Bi hes as tint ct Getting ce blerare Vee Bi toon nnd bys pak of openbodng exeooreted aver x the momets deemed appropiate: by the nage oreo has te pelt tippers ae elon ioe by icing del that hounds of people are highly sed, Th dear pl of args prsdon secon sm cs atte thc ve Yoon meds by sl ny in cnt years oty in couric He Lay pan sad Poland, wie language lita the market; while Bebywood, the largest contre, ha prodaced no real masterpice at very fe ns oeven meee high quality. The need to appeal tothe ms: commonplace proce dictate bythe ale of persona sc exit harm ines oleic ectai and scetictandard "The sue is tr of bool and one of the moe relible hod ding ovt wht sot wort reading 0 lok chs fs of atu Vst ley we ey er Be sarees bietiesriee as oeaey pallies cing beieigee teva ctetaes Eaves il ot in upd been it pay dem to focus on the Teast cal secon of the popslae who can be heewinked ith rate eae. Furthermore nce gible people are ely Sb ring th mvt nents feta on adverioog expend fre, is the intron he sdvetng baie to promote ity, and to propagate the dca tat «rfl Tow lvhly te latest ution mist stem from neue or ant foci tcdinccs, Ths who reson foo much are depcied by Me mace mein ates eg enue the most derable Sil Stine 1 Seery evstomer isan acquis, conformist and semi-cdcated snob who can never ire of buying andar god The inherent tendencies of large sale posing sod ely promotion exert 4 strong downneard pull on the gully of the producy of fcholarthip ar well uns (in the exate ener connected iy tte the poe a fre ioe ae ‘specially inthe United Stats, the etniques employed for puting into the Hmelight setsionsnongeing ove or Extn oorealas have come toe spl for boing ‘pall Ks mediere writers onthe scl Selene Here too we act hyperbalic advertzements ling platitudes as epolr tating dcoeroypremure upon, and ejlery of ions Feponsile for desing what wil be Fevieed sad By whom, feteningrup of reviewers by wining and ising (vith darkly hinted’ posite of retain) leks bout the fabulows ‘amin ofthe genius in quertion (designe t imps readers {ccutmed to judging everyting by honey), and revdation ‘out hi connecns with the cached cts of power and welt, The most sling ffs of ths tate of fas stm From the cammerdal peerence or puliatins whieh nether demand mach meatal cir offend. any” wipresd Prejudice, and yet have snssoalit ppl — the sof Which inant bor sles are made, ‘Some American lees go eve to he length of tem teh wi prem of sn inna suo ered tion ob, os grant in exchange fr prserbing te ater’ textbook fr ‘hes students Convey, by teeatmending book which erties the academic potentts of the dayy 2 teacher incr the rk of being cold shouldered when e sees ‘appointment, a promotion or reach ands "sora least be el so und he senlemicetablsthiment eae under fe fom the “revolutionary” tudes and junior. academies Although, owing to hr Inliation to unreson and ine {oleate he ater aren improvement onthe old manila: tor, the dash of the opponng onda might ge more room toffee though than when one” atest regned ‘challenge. Progr requis, especially ina branch of leaming which Gasp Though Mass Procton 47 readily lends ue to propagandist uses, an unfettered circulation ft eas cmong scholar genuinely dedicated tothe pursuit of truth Ad three, even i the academe profesdon, comttate A minor. Comequenty ay form of concentration of coatal fver the production and divemination of knowledge must Impede te progres of understanding ~regardes of whether thir convel ress in the hands of public authorities or come terial iteret. “The concentration of the publishing businen imposes con- Iormity, ot only because reduces the number of openings fan sutlce and the amount of competion beeen thet, but iho beesise inereaed size ental bureaucrazation with its Iet-kionae tendcicy uo abeourage ustnnioe vpaon A Iboallincependent publisher may try owt anything that takes Tis fancy 0 long ar it doesnot lead him Sato bankruptcy, Iwhereas 1 lage house the decion wil be made by a com ice or a series of committee with concurrence of the exper, all normally tending t0 give peférence to fhe “oun rather than the orginal, let alone the iconoclastic. Mis epecilly tre of the publhing howe owned by other ommersl interests, whore tol cteon spr, where Uhre fi no race for High of inspiration or fey oF countersug- i. Te is noe surprising, therefore, that (atleast nthe dof the socialsciences) the lists of the biggest publishers bit adepresing monotony; and that one ean sully se a nein quality the frm expand The anemic intersted feeden of thought ought to try to counteract the tend concentration in the publating busines, by fvouring thin he bounds eames) smaller publishers when choceing book for thelr students Another erful rle wou be mevet yoy oF reommend anything lsvishly averted, Lest me seaders jump to the conclsion dat evrything mast of readers there wil lays Tye orn who (only outa deer boredom) would lke to read fomethieg 2 ule diferent, so that a smallish publisher can Sv Sine 1 Soery rake a resonable profit by stifying ths dese, When prof doesnot matter, and the decom about what fo push depend saely'on clique poles, nobody hasan cee to ak the dgpleasure of the powers tat be by printing com trovenial (et alone Iconodatie) works. 'To see thi ‘enough to look at government pubictons in ven the mort heal countries or the pubis of he various agen f UNO™ which maybe worth consulting for innocuous Seatitical data but coverup every important problem with Dublic relations verbiage. Or look at the univenty prewes any of them pesorm a weil sevice by publishing scholely ‘wors which ae too etre tobe proftble; but has any of them evr poblshe sn iconcltt bok en ere afte? ‘They nay be ight noe repuing tht rl, bt ome tex man do ii Ee thiang ne survive; and since the big firms, with thes overiding interstate elon, {nvarahy tend towards he lowest common denominator, te tall commercial pubs are lest the wie bastion af Then: “That freedom fom commercial preursnay bes dow ‘eng can aio be sen fn the example of many of the w= called lamed journal which cam suisst on automaticaly fecwed sutnepion hoon the Hares even when nobody Feadh them. The abnene ofthe need Sous interest hat Feroved all retrain om the length to wich vastly and tedium can be pushed on thet? peges Tus, dep and cignbigy may te au obstle in aeatng a wide reader Ship and hey certnly help le than sce and loquaciy, ‘bat even ‘the Iter qualifier require some bin ea rule fut plain dalam, which i 8 lp rather than inpedinent Sn writing “ceniic’ papers cn socal research. If smmebody ‘wites something which the coterie dominating the subject alte, but which suficenty readable to be bought by Bt let ivo-dhousand reader, pulser, who ne ety invaved in seademic psc may take to mae sli bie of money, whereas am etor of «journal will more lien han nt be ged wll by the contdeaon eee Temigh be appropriate at thijuneture toner few words Cassip Though Mass Production 49 about reviewing in order to help studens and other beginners to void certain pital, The Gt thing to remember that one ust never assume without good evidence thc th reviewer Ios beter than the author. Admited, in 8 feld wichost firm randarde the ode are that Ue ook isin fat prewy Awl bo ti equally Hey thatthe reviewer b elder too informed to vaderstand what its all about, of to lazy t0 fead the text on which he it pasing a verdict, orto timorous fo produce anything himself and consequently eager to amage his envy by denigrstion, iF he H aot simply playing clique politics, There are inmumerable art inthe later game, the Hnpl ng weg daaination aa an cutie: fod nlence are ineradicbly scarce wiile the aspirants Ahersto ate legion. Thus even without stacking extablshed es, 2 new writer fey 9 ateac ll will merely by excl- Ting in something, and wil for th reason be attacked bythe feasted mens retainers, On the other band, regards of Mheie meri, books by prominent personales always stand a fod chance of geting fusome praise, which, agin, might be flserved but which cat not be eke 3 ace vale wes we Iow tha the reviewer no courting favours. Hote reviews ‘writen by rivals who have written ~ of who are about to wets — fn the sme subject mast be treated with caution; but equally spect ‘dough forthe oppose reson) are opinions of next fallesgus and individonle belonging to the same ‘deca, Tecate one ofthe most common ploy a tact exchange of priv. Almost nedle wo sa, mutual pra may stem fom 2 [emsincharmony of views, but in a fel insted by charlatans tmore commonly occurs ar an unprincpted callus which fables the partner to creamvent the estomary taboo 02 Toasting. Suh manoeuvre often have the aim of bringing fontol over money tape nto the hand of the eligue Tt would tye an ineeting top for research (though hardly key to tract large finds} to apply to che machinations inside fisdensiistitations and foundation the method which Lewis NNanier used to study eghteentivcentury English polities ‘The mehodlogial lemon which emerges from al this sd the turworthines of the publleaons ia Wi field (ao mater 50 Suis Sims Sey Iho scientific they claim to be) canbe ase only by applying to them the extern which the hiorian ses im evaluating hi Sours, which include an enquiry into the author's passions tnd vested ntrets. a Chapter 6 In the Footsteps of Monsieur Pangloss and Dr Bowdler Rediscovering America i one of the most popular occupations Itong pactioncr of the socal scenes, ad it reqites that The orga ducoverer should be consigned to oblivion, Thur, fr example, Herbert Spencer has been recealy kept it ‘isoon Binge Deesure hess more csp ae wel at some ‘ater, what some ofthe influential theorists of today im a heir dveoveriex. For Spencer not omy inodced the eps of what iy now called “tructrafuncionalia’ but iid bundations fora eyberetic analysis of social pheno ination to developing the ideas which, im an in. cate (and therefore bastarized) form, underie most of fempersry thinking about such matter ax “development find reine to change’ Spencers bey concept was ‘evolution, by which he meant proces ofncreasng ferentiation that 0 say specialns: ‘of faeions) and integration, by which he meaat mutual dependence of the rracturally difeentited parts and ination of their functions. Tn. Preps of Sclpy,* ence redo demonatrate thee main pnt: Sly that ees canbe caida terms of increasing differentiation Integration; seondly, dat there isa necessary ition of per of total socal sructre as well ar of the type of i seactares such a industrial, polial or ecleastic; diy, chat a general end towards growing complexity tye daterned in the Jong run, Tn addition to making luton into the dominant approach tothe study of society rng he Lltime, Herbert Spencer begat a more remote rig arnelyfanetionale, which was developed when the Sete aie eon, Maca, Londen, 168 58 Swiel Sie 1 Sneey These were the fist to gather and otder ethnographic data ‘with an explicit purpose af diventangting.the relationships (of mutual dependenee between various customs and belch ‘This sounds simple enough but it was neither an ey nor an unimportant sep, ax ean be seen by conffonting thelr wos with der ethnography (or Tater but unaffected by the influence) where one finds each ietition or custom deere {in jolation without any atempt to view society moa Fst ‘To avoid unwarranted pretetion, finetionalim can, be interpreted as a diective to search forthe ration of matin dependence between custome and institutions but functor ‘feats sekdom amount wo more than descriptions of effec, fe com be seen fom the enamples examina fr Chapter 4 oF “The Uses of Comerato Sug. There canbe to objection 9 Jong a by netionalsn’ we mean the programe of searching for relations of mutual dependence, the result of which wil ‘comsiutea ‘functional analyst’ which demonstrates how a trator institution A eould ot operate or “uncon witht 2 trait or institution Bin other word how and wy B is © secrsary condition of A. This alone fe normally Gute tall ‘order, but the etire argument becomes in mot tstance very enous, not entely gratuitous, when a statement to Ce fects offered to explain why B has come into extence and ‘ontinucs to exist; at this rales the question (commonly not ‘only left unanswered but even usrecogniaed) of why should A Ite or, indeed, de ene rate to which it belong, exist at all Tei theltde word "otha isthe soure of the diac, ‘5 when we sty thatthe faneion of Bo produce A, Such a ‘atement acquires validity enly when we ean speciy a cawal ‘chain in the form of a regulatory mechanisms whichis set in ‘motion by an abvence of A (due fo the previous disappearance ‘B) in such a way ast bring abouts reappearance of fe B land then A. The complesity ofthis specication of what is aminimally required sufces 9 show that to sty it eannot be sn cauy mater. Indeed, I doubt whether inthe ene iterature reduced by the ‘fnetonalst’ there ia single piece of Analys which satator thir requtement —whicy of coune, should not be taken as implying tae the functionalist approach has produced no worthwhile insights of an intultve and 1 the Fotos of Moni Pals and Dr Bower 53 approximate kind ~at least in anthropology where the wholes, Within which the functional relations are supposed to operate, more solated and not 9 often subject to radial changes Which eat doube on wheher these ens are il in existence for have giea way to something new. Tn const to the modem functionalist, Spencer cannot be accused af propoundiag a theoretical’ framework which fxcludes range. On the conteary: his transforms ocentation (derived fom Lamarck and reinforced by Dacwin) explains social charge very well societies and iasitations ae struaaing for living sce, and oaly thoe survive which ae able to adapt themselves to the changing environment? The extension of the odo of atu! select wo te compeddon hetween polis fn istutionspostively ena change, rather than erly Allowing fr 'Whae iy equally inporian, the selections iewpoint provides a jusieation fr the otherwise gratuitous Punctionlstsssumption tht every ending tatttion mast v6 finetion in the sense af Radlie-rowa’'s deficiton Ot ‘making 4 contribution to the continued exitence a the Ivbole’. We mast rejet the vw ofthe wrealled difasouits that a cule ian atcdental asemblage of eartoms and bei Awe accept Spencers theory of the survival ofthe fest; for the later posts that a sytem consting of structural pars Whoee futons are not adjusted to each other or to the Alemands of the envirooment will be destoyed. by is pet, Tn addin to providing a justifcation forth fundamental xmption of finedonalam, dhe notion ofthe naira eleeion, focal sptems and institutions eooaiates the cornerstone of lutonim, because it acouats for the seclar evolution of al tems towards greater comps, provided we accept ‘additional asumption (more than plausible in soclogy ugh debatable n ology that an increta in dlerentation sperority of powerin the stagger survival No doubt twas hese assodaions widh the iden of the erage for survival Sc Hebert Speer Shay, Pan nd Balin, Miche Jap, 54 Soda Secs as Sey Detween states and other human aggregates that led tothe supplanting of ‘evoludon? by ‘development and ‘change’ = ‘words employed inn much more erly uninear sense than ‘evolution’ ever was; because in the days when everybody roles to lve peace such brutal facts of ie are eagerly swept der the carpet rom algal pont of view, Spencer organicam should be welcomed by dhe ruler of authoritarian collective state, but ‘ological afte derive nt from logic but fom expresions ‘of sentiments; and here the determining fact i that Spencer's feplict pronouncements favoured the ieals and interest of 1h fe ete ata burn at itm ‘rtm who have since heen thoroughly demoted. Whereas Mare thundered aginst this now dfested ‘ches, Spencet {alminatd agunue bureatcracy which has timed ont tobe the ‘winner. So the managerial socety hat justly punished him for Tis anticipatory blasphemies by giving a free rein to the cexproprlators of his theories, who have expurgated his hanker- ings after fee enterprise and fre-thinking individuatiom, and converted hi organi eas into an ideslogy buttresing the feign of bureaucratic and big buries maniplator and Ineuleaing abel in the existence ofa pesfect harmony under which discord ean ony stem from a lack of communication. ‘Ponctonaliens sudden rte to predominance in American sociology alter the Second Werld War spear strange i view fof the American anthropalogits' longutanding rection of Malinowshis and Radeliferown’s brand of fascial, ‘The difference in this respect between anthropalogy in the Unieed Seater and in the Brith catural sphere ea be exe plined bythe environment. It no aceident that the Americ fant concentrated on tal of culture (racing their origin, Alison and clustering, and ealling thei dsl “altoral anthropology’) while che British forused on abate analy af Secial stems wader the Hag of ial antvopology: American. Indian ter no longer fneioned ar coherent ete, and only dijolsted remnants of thelr enka could be sen nthe serve of the musea, while in the Brak colonic large populations continued to Tallow their wadidonal ways of ie, Inthe Rotts of Monier Pants en Dr Bader 55 scarcely disturbed by the remote adeintration and the costal trade, Thee could be studied ful a ving woes fom 8 fnetionalst viewpoint. Nonetheless, even in dus Bed fnetion- slim impued not oniy the methodological Hitatons mene Aone carer, bat alo quite srios distortions of deolgial igi, Indeed one. could say that (although invented by a Poe) anaonalin hs found a well-ngh universal acceptance among Brsh anthropologists not only because of is purely fntlletal merit, but ao because i fied well with the imcept of indirect aly the aim of which was to gover with the lent dsturbaace af mative tains 3By showing how nealy dovetailed were the traditional way, the finotznalis were supplying a eneaton or not presing too hard with modernization, so sulidal for colon rue Sexing what havoe the rash tro-colonalst moderation playing in Afra, one can fel a great deal of sympathy with his quiettc hidden message; but what intrest ua ere i fot whedier this idolopeal message was right or wrong bit hat therewas one. ata matter of at, more than one. “The second ingredient inthe anthropologi's Weslo was & reaction against the racials haughtines of dhe Bet sctes fd admiitrators whieh though very often accompanied by 2 genuine guod wl owards the subject, ws incompatible with the ideal of equality and democracy profes in the meto- poltan conty, to which the inteietuals were particularly fitracted. By showing thatthe native bel and exstoms were Ich subler and more rational than appeared to frelgner At fist sight, dhe anthropologats hoped to defend the Aeane Ad Asiatis agains nj nspueatons of racial inferiority. his was sendable ask, because among dhe uneducated Boro Tacit contempt often went so fr Wat many of them joel hat the rich and highly complex Afican languages ‘no grammar and contained only few simian sunde "Though on the whele Linder tothe common people than hee native succosor, the Brita coli oficals retained Wot the ead a condescending atitude wo dei subjects; and Jy» movernent ofa dialectical pendulum che anthropeogist, Hike mos et te intleeale, have fllen nto the oppsite and ally ational habit of doling eveything exotic. Under 56 Soil Scie a Soery the influence of this revised version of Roaseau’s old myth of the ‘noble savage, unslled bythe depraviies of eilintion, ‘veryting Alcan le to be whitewashed, the importance of ‘warlze played dowa, every cruel custom explained away (if Tentioned at al), every evdence of fad, extortion or terror fSweptunder the carpet unles perpedated by dhe Europea. ‘The anthropologist’ well-intentioned and stary-yed covering “upof the social warts has forded a preview ofthe potentialities (Seacoast a Satreneot of mpg ‘Since after decolonization the Aisne coud no longer be ‘ordered about, but advantages could be obtained by hood ‘winking them withthe aid of fatery, much of anthropology, Sopeeteccly wel ce eli ch sto hes Core fsretil tools of busines ‘and diplomacy. Far from being Teaiue, Gas is only a wenscaly grow snacfstation of the fomman tendency to fter international studies not for the fake offiading the truth but fr the purpoe of cultivating the foreigner good-will by writing nice things about them.* Deapite i aforementioned methodological weaknesses fine- ‘ionalam remained within eazon mo long att presided over the dy of fly slGeontained and sete tribes and primitive ingdoms, But when applied tothe rapidly changing American ‘octet, fl of glaring contrasts, deviations and conics, i st tll value ae an instrament for advancing understanding, and quired the character of pseudovcientieerype-propagands, Wiely claimed in the American univenider and. their Aependencis overex, when the publierdaton minded ‘scademies were winning fends in high places by proclaiming the end of decogy “The degradation of functionliem from a wef, though somewhat oneded, programme for antiroplogieal studies {nto a method of sulsing real ingury by diverting attention {o-mere labels, ook place largely under the influence of KK. Merton, whose service t0 sociology has been more inidious than that of Talott Paso became, fee rom the Iiie’s momemenial mddlebeadedoeny be’ was able. to 1 Aflnk anal of the proce ato, which ba xed ot Ingman and tavatigy en b oud i Tae far Pao (inl Jt, Londen 6 Aron Pre, Now York, 10) ‘the Fotos of Monica Panlss end Dr Broder 57 eclize te subject without fling into absurdity. {do no, of use, maintain that he did ion porpse as there no reason to doutt athe aswell as hs many dip, beloved that they were making great contributions to ene. Nonetheless ‘despite a lw minor real eontstbution to knowedge here and there, the uaiatended effet of cher approach (is latent fanetin, wo we Merton's own tem) on the balance amounted toa thoreughgoing bowileriaation ofthe subject. Very well ‘writen in comparson with the syle which became dominant Inter, his aril (reprinted in the famoor volume, Sivel Thony and Socal Suture) norethles beil down to at Sete reve munding labeling devoid of any explanatory oF {good iptnctona? or detrimental; ‘mani’ and latent Tinto? ‘or proclaimed and rea parpore or razon), oF {0 Tertatements of the obvious sech ar the dictam (tually feprinted a obiance tothe king-make in all nds of publica tom) tha theorising depends on empirical research, and vice ‘ers, or that deviance const of pursuing legitimate ends {eg money) by ilegidimace means (ee the). Another ample the advice (quoted nd naam) that we should ‘concentrate on the dearer of the mile range’, accompanied by no incieston about how wo Gad out where that blesed middle ia, which alone could make this advice worthwhile I evervhing i wonderfully dovetailed and adjusted, then ‘ye should leave ting alone, More isdionly than ninetenth Century oenicim, fmetonalsm propagates comervative Ideology inthe name of science; whale for those things i cident do not like, hey have dhe abrementioned epithet functional’, which enables them to iniauate a eondemna- Aion witheat openly saying so, and to east the authority of Iience fe ther ileloges or penonal preferences For i fomebody says that something good or bad, he might be faked fo what2, or fr whom?, or why?. So he might be ‘obliged to take of the mack of objective omaisience and to Feveal, fy, his values and, secondly, the reasons for vumpeione abou the likely consequences of variowr arrange: Inentsoreoore of ason; where by wing “uneiona” and Naysetonal inetead of ‘good and ad’, a functionalist ean 5 Soil Seine at Sorry hide behind a figade of objectivity and invoke the magic of sence to back his eypto propaganda inintation. Tn comparison with what ame later, Merton exaye (a3 well at the publlcaions of his early followers) appear‘ ‘wonderflly clear, which weakness led 0 the supplanting of Us variant of Pangasan sociology bya more potent medicine For ify reiterate the same few nodons ina langage which (hough open to serio etc) i atleast comprehensible, people vil eventually notice the repetition, whereas i you ‘erap them up in incomprehensible mumbojumbo, you can go ‘nand on safely without anybody knowing what you are ying ‘anyway. And ifyou are a famous man in top positon and. ‘wih 2 ot af infnene, fe pepe wil dare tn ay, or even {Bink that fir all nonsense, Foe hey be acess af norsnce nd lack of intligence, and forfeit thee chances of obtaining sppolntment, inviations or grant. So. the panglosian finedonalisn came to be replaced by a super-panglosian ftrecsralnctonaiam shroded in heavy clonds of opaqiie verbiage Chapter 6 The Smoke Screen of Jargon ‘The human mind i seacely provided with the means of grappling witha realty which i not only stageringly complex ‘hue abo Tui, slarve and opaque —a realty which can be fappschended ‘only widh the aid of abstractions, whic are Aonclv 20 indscelly based on sense poreeptons that they Ie always lipping into the ralm of pre fey completly of torch with reality. As the terminological confsion ie tone pect ofthe general lek of understanding, the defini iver in diedonarir of iological or piel terms ca, rm merely about how people ure thre terms, without if aUCh guidance ca how they ought to be wre eae the present tate ofthe socal scenes current wage lays leaves much tobe desired On the whole, apart fromm the conomist, the anthropologists have sinned mich lew om this ore ian die colleagues in other soil sciences eae, Aescsibng range customs and belie, they had les need 10 > up their findings in. an impresivesounding opaque tho have the sociologists or pyehologsu, wating about tations fmiliar to their renders and abou which, con een its mach more dificult xy something orginal If ate anentaly alert backocoated worker, you might len a ‘orto froma book about your clas, but you are waikly to 14 any exeling news there: But if you are a European ot American ant have notte Moroean ethnography, Yu ld ot gues what goes on in the mountains ofthe Ate ‘What iat leat equally Important, during the gret day of thropology the objects ofthe inquiry were unlikely to Teara ‘the anthropologist had sid about dhem; and even i ey and did noe like, they would not normally be in & ion we cause he author any great annoyance. The shrinking the weeld, combined with decolonization, has radially 60 Sul Scie at Sorcery altered the situation, withthe consequence thatthe anthro. pologist are now just as cagey as anybody ele = mot moreso — ‘wing tothe ouchines ofthe objets of iirenquire, Actually, ‘any had to rename themselves as sociologuts in order 16 feta vie to some ofthe new state. Although the value of conceptual analyst unaccompanied by constructive theoriging must remain limited it dacs not fallow that such analyeis must be entirely woelea. On the contrary, constant attend to the meaning of terms i ie Aispensable in the study of human as Because fa ths ld powerful sca foes operate which continously eat verbal afsion, mach greater than what inevitable in view of the odinety state of dn Urano tari. "The prime example of meus is of oute,Talott Parsons, scan well be seen even in book which i les burdened by, {his vice dan his other work namely, Sct: Beltoay en Gonparatie Pspeties. The great merit ofthis book (ae well ofits author’ other works) i that as higher gptations haa, the popular Image of the sociologist ae an unreflecting fact finder rushing around with quetionnairs, not im the least itereted in such impractical questions st the eyoluion ot ‘mankind or the ature of the social bond. Unfortunately, Towever, and despite the audhor’s good intentions, what he saya sadly lacking in clarity, Indeed he can make the simplest ‘wu appear unfathomably obsoue. As every schoolboy knows, 4 developed brain and acquired aks and. Knowledge ae ‘nessa for attaining specially himan goals, but our shor ‘ek that he must tell ws thi, and di howe pt ‘Skil consute the manipulavetecigue of ham gal attin- ‘en sol onl in eation to the lyse wrld oar aioe e machines especially digo tole donot yt mpplement them Traly fan alee guided by ernie and died Ino of both the thingy to be maniplied andthe human ‘pele ha are seo tanipulate them. Such owe an ‘Spect of clturalteve! symbole proce an, ke eter ect {0'be disused praca, requte the pacer of the human, atv nervous stem, purely the bras Te orp ten [deal ental allo de ymboical oc; acne well know, {he hums brains far sper oh a aay ther specie. The Sate Sem of Jargon 64 ‘The author's addiction to nebulous verbosity shows ite? ‘pecially the fst chaper, where he offers ws sme glimpses of his fous general theory of action which in reality coms ‘finery ponderous restatements ofthe obvious On page 7, for instance, re read Witkin the ini imposed bythe gente mei type on he one and and ie pater of te ele on te other hes the pr toy er given individuals and groups o dese ingen Siractred ‘behvoal seam. Beene an‘ actr sentcaly Ihuman, and ease his ning ecu in the conten soar tia alta! gem tis earned Stoel sen fehch 1 a al his personaly) shares sain broad etues wih ther po evar tr igige bebe Spee Ae sane fine, his wean andi eovrnment phys, nc aed total ar avy in cea ropers nus Hence his tail system wil bem ie tri ofthe entre ado Fricular puters af acto, Te tecoe enna ty cmider {he peony stem as not rei o eit te ogni te cle ll leme part of nether the erucar” a the trannies the wal see Yor featare ofthe cael sn ompsa a enel ent en ‘The idea which the authors ying to expres is that although very indvidual is in many ways timlar to other human Fein, hei abo unique ia’a way which & predetermined nether by the properties of his organism nor by the state of the alture. Agtin..« hardly a revelation, Sornetimes the author's Ansensiviy to the meanings of words and his Tack of feling for logic prompt hmm to make statement which are not merely pltitodinoss But plan ily as wien he writes on page 90, Fin the realm of tcdoo, the gene has been replaced iy the symbol asthe basic structral element, Av if we col be here fat all iTour genes had been replaced by symbol or avi our capacity 10 we symbols did not depend on the tature of out enes. After al, worms cannot speak and crocodiles cannot ‘Aer the ist chapter the book Becomes slightly better, as ‘he author aves his system alone and proceed fo tll us about the societies of the Australian aborigines and the Shilly and Tater about social structure in ancient Egypt, Mesopotana, (62 Soil Scie as Soe Tia, Issel, Grece and Rome, and the Islamic empires. ‘Though hardly novel the account might be of use new omer to comparative historical studies, were i provided in a fcenet and cleat manner instead of beg wrapped up in pompous and nebulowe phrasclopy; as, for instance, om page Bor were (to find out that in ancient Hgypt the common jeople were liable oe conserpted for work) we have to ead ‘the following pasnge: For thee whose rlot primarily involved the peformance of ‘erica, ae dingstied trom aamption of leech respons Dilys the maa ter sooms to hve been a respon tthe alee Lay eam ‘SGipetal nit The nest oder sology ithe mitary vic febrmed by an ordinary ceeny exept at the lndor of the Figypcaa burcoucrcy didnot needs special emergeny to Savoke leplinate oligos. Ferber Spner-wi af we aw cai, nous he it ladon hey ty a laced he {Sin oeparnenccegy pore enone conon, wee ao Te pom an en sic om pe eaonary Terran apc ae fee set ey pm hs Ea he rng ye Samhain te cna erred ESR ais ngs eae ee veto miprtatliegn dea ent oper Tin wont terface wg lingrelae n ce Settee st tect tana Sere ce conic Sctpe de gerat a sey a be nen ately en sei ey fri {Sop Ta ete depen ch cy SGT la tal wr om th more pc Seis alee a Tere, wee th he fle ian nr eo of Spent thy inch per ary oma eno ney twang renin ad {Sepato. Sus wend can nda be dered ate The Smale Sen of Jers 63 hisory o aman ity, whereas Pasion alton ~ ‘he fahancement of adaptive cpa’ untenable and reflects demodel poplar binlogy I the aapave cacy of the Ahan pater than that ofthe By? OF of mn gener an {hat of vin? Ts the adaptive cspacy oft American freer dan that ofthe Eskimo? What bout adapting to Tsing without iron or pelo pape? The rel diference Spencer kas pnt ut, which sil aty ean sb ot cay wie "Nor cua Paom' clanifetory scheme dividing scien nw the pnitve,inemmedne and morn —te ep aa ‘ep fra an iis uc ere han the taxonomies of mach Se Sree ecesite ik irgeoyi be eee tven Adan Feguton sad John aise, Late Leotaed Hobe Tue, Rodel Scinmens and Ricard Thursvaldpeopoed ‘much more sophisticated classifications, os Sometines the veal ubttrons masquerading a con- Irbutonsto knowledge are inept and gros thei edie Ao beleve tat the sth ely think tht they are reveling ev ttl (ich mut be the ca) and tat they ae a Taoghng sp tess atte gully of thi sence (One of te rast cpl of sch deoon eth rte Yosve fir the leur“, chon t dep forthe common trod eed Besar of tats batowkag proper stemming for ix tequent appearances in athena formule: Se Dy secing he eter nal over dcr page some people have succeded in surrouning tr pats withthe ur othe SGactocecesin throw eye, mel he fr eer, Wo migt have sen vane books on mathemati wit Tring able 0 understand hem. As a example of the cone: ocnbs othe btn the oct power of he magi eter, Mr can tea Dok by a Harvard poe, Everett Hagen, Wid « prumptuca le Ox They 9f Sl lange As Herecttaady verything change alls es ad, eee, wor fring theory ofsacial change ont peng sy oscioo he in et loge amon! to compete, Heats on general soogy. However in Hagens boo, Socal hange ans oly one of ts posible vrians: acl, Technical innovation; and, ia trying to find the sures of this 64 Suit Sie as Soy the autor shits de wewpint without warning. emp the {ee moat et poussins ros {eda the pela deternaanr of imoeon in fener. An conomit by profesin, Hage hs cone ie fecinaed wih cemetery othe ae roms tha ef account fe econmebackardnen ad hans tuto wuplament ober splat by pan soloed int may pp na Tada oling Br Ca the rl mental orton of is low exons, Hage entend at he ton wich Acie wher onl ol wil tke place rote sf pyc maar, Tae potl, bt prove et SnEE pt ee prs p tog els ce etn te vei crcl he shad tae compare ces ht Tugiy snr calla, comme ad elas lve srhty dle rapect of th pytniog r te Themben, tad of enoning pytogialcharceis St peo rng wer cman Soran tha ll sas fontatly reese sr tec We nit Iu in the ew alten fs snd sata Chara may have paged a deen the elie fate efit deveopment in Bane and Ocmany tt Ineo atenpt w scout the ow pec fend Iowan among the Sou Idan the ace Gla at tompaed wihe Used Stats of ony by png ont he Siftence in the mod fang hen abd tet ‘raining Sappee the Sows Xd ern the Bie Pestn, of way were ad cn tei iowa, wot Ey thn be ble to make ear recor or ufone Te pcre of she ‘wadionl mel? piney che autor on te ba of aso us of Alcina peri ‘o'er there oan th ngage and wo mca $y apne then ant ofthe Ain er or Bore jt eaiyrmade quinone pepe fr tutes ivaue) son she cel of aves ane ito steer pinnae jae, Novwtanding te satement page tat he Sher of tc nerve ey, ot ‘rey wi ths mindy many inde udedeveiped The Smoke Sec of Jrgn 65 Aountries must fear Americans..." nobody who has had even Brief contact with peasnts and iibeamen will believe at Mey are all aety-fidden obvestonals or that they are les Kapable of reasoning than ordinary dwellers in modern ce A unter or herdsman has more opportunites of making Mecisions and taking risks (and i let likey to be anicey, Fiddea) dan an average employee of General Motors or Dnilever. The authors low opinion of the mental sate of dhe Johabtanu of unindusteialized counties is supported by the fidence of thee inability to give satsetary anowers to ustion which he sega inal siounen, appropriate ‘iterate peasants On page aya he quotes the llwing Bisage ante bok ois worthy colleague, Daniel Larne, Pasig of th Traitoal Sci hoo re: Ifyou were made eto os newspaper 2 paper would you ran and ‘Suppor that yor were brad ofthe government kat se we ete dag you a do” Ae T have sate in Cape jin dieing eld ei, ety pete Spy sabe ater se ck nto it nat? Why no tet the eve of word engin? dati gna Inowledge) af the Preset of tie Una the ear of Feri Ali by aig im whic Wes way af miing a ete, ows Sey in foam fr he dienes teen ices in eapet of these of teens prion, eholgkal considerations shed bp wo expla why iain indvideals make innovations wile the olen do ey, ipeths about the comnetionbeteen infant tating sod retivenes could be tated hy drawing upon biogapial sil fou vento and confensng ith te so ecral hry of ests; bo thi the shor doesnot emt, Hu he dono, he would have sea tat ned of ing the out ging, noveiystcting American i, ny, if net monty the gate fst dacoery wert idan nao recluse ke Newton o had a ey covert i suthortarian upbringing ike Gaus To any cae Hagen ould have bern prevented om dacoerng ny iufsent (5 Sul Sie a8 Sey ial conneton by hs employment ofthe blanket En ntovar, which core ang others Ghengs Khan, ‘four Cin, Al Capone, Dio and hs modein Albert Esti, the Beas and the Prince of Wale, wo inverted itr iced the fiona having tampon tous. What can be {he peyholgic ommon denominator? Its some seca ind Soler ening, remains tobe proved ages ramewert of poylogial alesis bed onthe iden eich he gad 9 a novation, not Sanding the fc that ocr the Bible. Te must be noted, weve, tat une thelr scinte payehologits the ile {5 mt elie el a ne een Mme TRnovation which the author mas or apt om pple in named Henry A, Mrsy: namely a contravention of ne Tike base rule of Engish Gincing American Engh) fgammar whch splat thats noon sed in an adja Ener mat precede the noun hich quale no the oe ‘ey od Hagen emo, ten te expe ed Teveson?~ oo mak, agreion endo deigoat he is ‘ion to commit agresion. Since the dawn of philxopy fanomerble wie ive dhewsed ols pot ~cling gna or combative tnt or aggretve dive or what not ‘ton ented nee wel dee! mae ‘peceh unimelgile, Selene alle seording to ‘Telonary ‘eed autonomy’; ambition ~ "need achievement Secahiiy ‘need aflaton, In Hage's own, words (age To ‘need undetanding i the need to undertand Ile thought comespond f fact. Obviously ‘ned for ude Sanding oe “wah fo undemtand? woud ot be sen “ough On page 16 we read "Neat order isthe need to ul {hing in order "Nr mar i ded wih he se ce For cramp, om page 46 we are tld about Colombia Proms Saewer to the guaion why growth beg rene of the enerprac of the Antoquenc’ Antogy however, wa inated long before dake, but we tor id why ity ababitants waited long ordi ot wal ienger; altiough we are informed that thelr pre-eminence i ‘The Smale Sram of Jorg 67 Colombian bac was de tothe fit tha they manifested high need autonomy, need achievement and need order = which meas that hey wer selena and order ‘Actual a be'eye survey of the agrarian eon in Colombia eaiy sugges an explanation ofthe Antioqueone? tong dea, ora Tt Ca vided ino large ests where the peasants hed no chance of improving tht lt throgh worky wie the landowner had no nec exert themelves mich ofthe ad inAntiogia sat inthe ha ef pesot proctor who, wer nee ‘pleted aor ns poidon to xp ther and or is reason Inore gue developed the has of eleinc, fright fd hard werk son bara ia ne Why ce opr Industa development tok place at ths parielar me rather than another camet, of eure be explained wilowt Ching Into acco the sequence of politcal and economic eum stances net only in Colombia but in tending comarca Durty wel. The explanations of busines enterprise ot frente cat i terms of toe ening ema wdly plausible, Dut sucha factor might have melting oo with the dire 8 deface the language with dsastesl ecreencs ‘No dowst many eres Sf logy are prompted by a obscure prijetice agsint sptcatc tody of buoan Aas. Moreover, there i sometimes a seed fr «cw tenn {on in my Cs of Compo Sacgy Tv ted fo Bh condone whch mae neo jae: bt ute clear that the fskionablesoolgial jargon comin so entrey fence and config verbal Innovations hich represen no new ideas whatever, On the other hand thre are some goad terminological pevaons. Reamast nnendiected and ‘erseted for kta ae very good terns because they point to ing "promo cnt be tepid, by aay evo exiting word snd (hough vaguely slfeplantery, fat long stare to exp ti meting eae, To prove ro myself that oo can mae such dscveio, ae my oppo to this Kad af tig ir not motated by mpotent ey, have witen te llowing report which was Publican one of the ncelogeal poodle To make tis

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