UPSC Political Science Optional Topic Wise Segregated Question Bank PDF

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Political Science Paper - 1

Sl. Page
No. Number
1. Political Theory and Indian Politics
01. Political Theory – Meaning and Approach 1−1
02. Theories of the State 2−3
03. Justice 3−4
04. Equality 4−4
05. Rights 4−5
06. Democracy 6−6
07. Concept of Power 7−7
08. Political Ideologies 7−9
09. Indian Political Thought 9 − 10
10. Western Political Thought 10 − 12
11. Political Thought 12 − 12
2. Indian Government and Politics
Indian Nationalism:
13 − 13
01. (a) Political Strategies of India's Freedom Struggle
13 − 14
(b) Perspectives on Indian National Movement
02. Making of the Indian Constitution 14 − 14
03. Salient Features of the Indian Constitution 14 − 15
04. Principal Organs of the Government 16 − 17
05. Grassroots Democracy 17 − 18
06. Statutory Institutions/Commissions 18 − 19
07. Federalism 19 − 20
08. Planning and Economic Development 20 − 21
09. Caste, Religion and Ethnicity in Indian Politics 21 − 22
10 Party System 22 − 23
11. Social Movements
24 − 24
12. Miscellaneous
Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

1. Political Theory and Indian Politics

01. Political Theory - Meaning and Approaches

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Comment on: Resurgence of political theory. 150 10

2018 Comment on: Decline of Political Theory 150 10

2016 Comment on: The Post-Behavioural Approach. 150 10

Comment on: " ... political theory is not an escape mechanism but an
2014 150 10
arduous calling." (John Plamanetz)

2012 Difference between normative and empirical theories of politics. 150 10

2011 Examine the significance of the behavioural revolution in politics. 200 30

Comment on: Political Theory is, quite simply, mans attempt to consciously
understand and solve the problems of his group life and organization. It is
the disciplined investigation of political problems. Not only to show what a
2009 200 20
political practice is, but also to show what it means. In showing what a
practice means, or what it ought to mean, political theory can alter what it is

Explain the changing analytical perspectives in the development of political

2008 200 60
theory. 60 marks

What is the nature of the crisis in political theory? Suggest remedies to

2004 200 60
overcome it.

Examine the arguments in the Normative vs. Empirical debate in the study of
2002 200 60
political theory.

Comment on: Relevance of contextualist approach to the study of political

2001 200 20

Post-behaviouralism is not a negation of the behavioural revolution but only

2000 its corrective. How does it seeks to raise the status of the discipline of 200 60
political Science? Page 1

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

02. Theories of the State

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Comment on: Pluralist theory of the State. 150 10

2019 Discuss Kautilya's views on the elements of the State. 200 15

2018 Critically examine the neo-liberal theory of State. 250 20

2017 Comment on: Neo-liberal perspective of State. 150 10

2017 Comment on: Hobbesian notion of Political Obligation. 150 10

2015 Comment on: Gandhi’s Views on State. 150 10

2015 Examine the challenges to sovereignty of the State in the contemporary world. 250 20

2015 Discuss the key features of pre-Marxist socialist theory. 200 15

2015 Discuss the relationship between base and superstructure in Marxist theory. 200 15

Comment on: "Covenants without swords are but words and of no strength to
2013 150 10
secure a man at all." (Hobbes)

2013 Analyse, as per Kautilya, the Saptanga theory of the state. 150 15

2012 What is meant bu ‘relative autonomy’ of State in Marxist analysis? 250 20

Comment on: “The worth of a State… Is the worth of individuals composing

2011 200 20
it.” (J. S. Mill)

2011 Comment on: Hobbies as an individualist. 200 20

2011 Make an assessment of the post-colonial understanding of State. 200 30

2010 Evaluate Mark's instrumentalist approach to the State. 200 30

Do you think that the modern nation - state has been declining in the wake of
2010 200 30
globalization? Justify your answer.

2009 Critically examine Hamza Alavis Formulation of the over developed state. 200 60

Comment on: In the happiness of his subjects lies the kings happiness in
2007 200 20
their welfare of his welfare (Kautilya).

Comment on: state is the result of the irreconcilability of class antagonism

2007 200 20
(Lenin). Page 2

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Comment on: Because the society is federal, the authority must also be
2007 200 20
federal (Laski).

Comment on: THE GENERAL WILL is not so much the will of the State as the
2006 200 20
will for the State, … (MacIver)

2006 Comment on: Impact of Globalisation on State Sovereignty. 200 20

Comment on: The discovery of Sovereign in a federal state is an impossible

2005 200 20
adventure (Laski).

The root of politics, according to Marx, does not lie in the state; it lies in the
2005 social conditions underlying this institution, that is, in the material 200 60
conditions of life as reflected through the mode of production. Comment

Comment on: As soon as a nation appoints representatives, it is no longer

2004 200 20
free, it no longer exists (Rousseau).

2002 Comment on: Will, not force, is the basis of the state (T H Green). 200 20

2001 Comment on: Polyarchy. 200 20

Critically examine Marxist theory of the state with reference to the

2001 200 60
dictatorship of the proletariat.

Comment on: I give the name to every state that is governed by laws, no
2000 200 20
matter what the form of its administration (Rousseau).

2000 Comment on: State is a march of God on the Earth (Hegel). 200 20

03. Justice

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Examine communitarian perspectives on justice. 200 15

2018 Comment on: Distributive Justice. 150 10

Analyse John Rawis justification of discrimination to achieve the goals of

2018 200 15

2017 Rawls' theory of justice is both contractual and distributive. Examine. 250 20

2015 Comment on: Difference Principle* in Rawls’ Theory of Justice 150 10

Explicate the conception of justice in the critiques of communitarian

2014 250 20
theorists. Page 3

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2013 Comment on: "Original position". 150 10

2013 Discuss the communitarian critique of liberalism. 150 20

2011 Comment on: Views of Gandhi and Ambedkar on ‘social justice’. 200 20

It is said where there is no law there is no liberty. Give your views on this
2011 200 30

2010 Comment on: 'Veil of ignorance. 200 20

What is the concept of justice in modern political theory? How is it related to

2004 200 60
Liberty and Equality?

To what extent does the Rawlsian goal of achieving social justice depend on
2000 200 60
an overarching consensus among cultural, religious and ideological groups.

04. Equality

Year Question Words Marks

2018 Equality means fair treatment rather than equal treatment. Comment. 200 15

2016 Comment on: Affirmative Action. 150 10

2015 Comment on: Aristotle’s Conception of Equality. 150 10

How is liberty a precondition for equality? Explicate the relationship between

2014 200 15
equality and liberty.

2012 Difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. 150 10

2012 Why is ‘affirmative action’ important in provision of equal opportunity? 200 15

Comment on: Women has always been mans dependent, If not his slave; the
2009 200 20
two sexes have never shared the world in equality (Simone de Beauvoir).

2004 Critically examine the Marxian theory of social stratification 200 60

05. Rights

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Discuss the doctrine of 'rights as trumps'. 200 15

2018 What do you understand by three generations of Human Rights ? 250 20 Page 4

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Differentiate between Freedom and Liberty. Discus's Marx's notion of

2017 200 15

Comment on: "How would I and my fellow human beings behave if we were to
2016 find ourselves in a state of nature, and what does this behaviour tell us about 150 10
our innate predispositions ?" (Thomas Hobbes)

2016 Critically examine John Rawl's argument for democratic equality. 200 15

"The implementation of human rights is regarded as a matter of changing the

2016 200 15
conduct of States." Comment.

2015 Comment on: Idea of Natural Rights 150 10

Comment on: "All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility." ( J.

2014 150 10
S. Mill)

2013 Analyse the relationship between natural rights and human rights. 150 20

Comment on the assertion of Laslett that Filmer and not Hobbes was the
2013 150 15
main antagonist of Locke.

2012 Examine the multi-cultural perspectives on rights. 200 15

2012 ‘Locke is an individualist out and out’. Substantiate this statement. 250 20

2010 Critically examine the cultural relativist approach to human rights. 200 30

Explain as to why Jeremy Bentham dismisses the theory of natural right as

2009 200 20
nonsense upon stilts.

Comment on: "The great and chief aim of men's uniting into a Commonwealth
2008 and putting themselves under Government is the preservation of property." 200 20

Comment on: "Real rights are a result of performance of duty." (Mahatma

2008 200 20

"Human rights are basic moral guarantees that people in all countries and
2008 200 60
cultures possess, simply because they are people." Explain the statement.

Comment on: The end of law is not a abolish or restrain but to preserve and
2004 200 20
enlarge freedom (Locke).

Comment on: The reason why men enter into civil society is the preservation
2003 200 20
of their property (Locke).

Discuss the evaluation of the theories of human rights from natural rights to
2002 200 60
collective and environmental rights. Page 5

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

06. Democracy

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Comment on: Deliberative democracy. 150 10

2019 Comment on: M. K. Gandhi's concept of Swaraj. 150 10

2018 Comment on: Substantive Democracy. 150 10

2018 Critically examine Macpherson's views on Democracy. 200 15

Deliberative democracy does not have its salience without participation and
2017 participatory democracy does not have its credence without deliberations. 200 15

Political democracy coul<;l not last unless social democracy lay at its base -
2017 250 20
B.R. Ambedkar. Comment.

2016 Explicate the features of Representative Democracy. 200 15

2015 Comment on: Difference between Participatory and Deliberative Democracy 150 10

Comment on: "India has thrown up a form of judicial democracy that has no
2014 parallel anywhere else, and has nurtured a kind of civil society that is 150 10
uniquely its own." (Bhikhu Parekh)

2014 Explicate the features of deliberative democracy. 200 15

2012 Issues of debate in contemporary democratic theory. 150 10

2011 Examine the Participatory Model of Democracy. 200 30

2010 Assess the deliberative theories of democracy. 200 30

Comment on the proposition that liberal constitutionalism precedes liberal

2009 200 20

Political process in a country is merely the manifestation of political culture.

2007 200 60

Democratic theory presupposes self-determination, human rights and social

2005 200 60
justice. Discuss this with particular reference to M K Gandhi.

The modern pluralist democracies have posed a great threat to the fabric of
2000 200 60
nation state. Discuss. Page 6

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

07. Concept of Power

Year Question Words Marks

2018 Explain the relationship between power, authority and legitimacy. 200 15

2016 Comment on: Gramsci's concept of Hegemony. 150 10

2015 Distinguish between Power and Authority. 200 15

Examine the conditions that are required for the maintenance of legitimacy in
2014 200 15
modem societies.

2013 Explain, as per Gramsci, the distinction between hegemony and domination. 150 15

2012 Distinguish between the concepts of legitimacy and hegemony. 200 15

Attempt a Comparative examination of the views of Marx and Weber on

2011 200 30

Comment on: "Power flows throughout the system like blood in the capillaries
2010 200 20
of our body." (Foucault)

2010 Comment on: Robert Dahls's concept of deformed polyarchy. 200 20

Examine in detail Marx's prescription for ending alienation and reaching the
2009 200 60
stage of dealienation.

2008 Comment on: Politics as a power concept 200 20

2008 Critically examine Gramsci's concept of Hegemony. 200 60

Comment on: In so far as national events are decided, the power elite are
2002 200 20
those who decide them (C Wright Mills).

2001 Comment on: Constitution as a power map 200 20

08. Political Ideologies

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Comment on: End of Ideology debate. 150 10

2019 Distinguish between liberal fermirnism and radical feminism. 200 15

2019 What is the contemporary relevance of Marxism? 200 15 Page 7

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Comment on: "Nothing against the State, nothing over it, nothing beyond it." -
2018 150 10

2017 Comment on: Post-modernism. 150 10

2017 Comment on: Eco-feminism. 150 10

2017 Define Socialism. Discuss the salient features of Fabian Socialism. 200 15

What do you understand by Multiculturalism? Discuss Bhikhu Parekh's

2017 250 20
views on Multiculturalism.

2017 Write a brief note on The End of History debate. 200 15

2016 "The Political ideology of Globalization is Neo-liberalism." Comment. 250 20

2016 Discuss Feminist theory of the State. 200 15

2016 Explain Mar.x 's understanding of Humau Esst::m.:t:: and Alienation. 200 15

Discuss Hannah Arendt's analysis of the role of Ideology in modern

2016 250 20
totalitarian regtmes.

2015 Discuss the ‘crisis of legitimacy’ in capitalist societies. (Habermas) 250 20

Comment on the view that socialism in the 21st century may be reborn as
2014 250 20

Examine the conception of the State in the ideologies of Fascism and

2014 200 15

Discuss in what sense Marx's understanding of state can be considered as

2013 150 15

2013 Explain Berlin's notion of value pluralism. 150 20

2012 Difference between Liberal and Radical forms of Feminism. 150 10

2011 Examine the debate on the ‘End of Ideology’. 200 30

2010 Comment on: ' Personal is political.' 200 20

2010 Distinguish between liberal feminism and socialist feminism in detail. 200 30

Comment on: Socialism is a much used hat, whose original shape no one can
2009 200 20
define (C E M Joad).

Comment on: "Fascism is the destruction of liberal ideas and institutions in

2008 200 20
the interest of those who own the instruments of economic power." (Laski) Page 8

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Comment on: that the anatomy of this civil society, however, has to be sought
2006 200 20
in political economy (Marx).

Do you agree with the view that liberal theories are based on atomism,
2005 200 60
whereas communitarians have a social thesis? Present your line of argument.

2003 Explain Plato's communism and compare it with modern communism. 200 60

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle (Karl
2003 200 60
Marx). Comment.

2001 Defence ideology. Critically examine the End of Ideology Debate. 200 60

09. Indian Political Thought

Year Question Words Marks

2018 Discuss Ambedkar's ideas on annihilation of caste'. 200 15

Comment on: According to Sri Aurobindo, Swaraj is a necessary condition for

2017 150 10
India to accomplish its destined goal.

What do you understand by the notion of Statecraft ? Discuss the theory of

2017 200 15
statecraft as given by Kautilya.

2016 Comment on: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's idea of state socialism. 150 10

2016 Discuss Sri Aurobindo's views on Cultural Nationalism. 250 20

2016 Examine Gandhi's critique of 'Modernisation'. 200 15

Comment on: "Nationalism is not a mere political programme but a way of life
2014 150 10
like religion." (Aurobindo Ghose).

2014 Evaluate the contributions of Buddhist tradition to Indian political thought. 200 15

2013 Comment on: Sri Aurobindo's "idea of freedom". 150 10

2013 Comment on: Syed Ahmed Khan as a modernizer. 150 10

2013 Examine Ambedkar's critique of Marxism. 150 15

2013 Examine the significance of Dharma in ancient Indian political thought. 150 15

Comment on the Marxist and Radical Humanist phases of M.N. Roy’s

2012 200 15
thought. Page 9

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Examine the Gandhian idea of village community as an ideal unit of

2012 250 20

Draw parallels between Arthashastra tradition and the ‘Realist’ tradition

2012 200 15
represented by Machiavelli.

2012 Write a note on the Buddhist tradition in Indian political thought. 200 15

Compare and contrast Dharmasastra and Arthasastra with reference to State

2010 200 30

2007 Critically examine the Sapta Prakriti of state as envisage by Kautilya. 200 60

Explain Gandhis ideas regarding State and highlight their relationship with
2006 200 60
modern democracy and principles of anarchism.

2005 Comment on: Of those (officers) the ways of embezzlement are forty (Kautilya). 200 20

Comment on: Rulership can be successfully carried out (only) with the help of
2004 200 20
associates: One wheel alone does not turn (Kautilya).

2003 Comment on: The main political ideas contained in the Manusmriti. 200 20

2003 Comment on: Mandal theory. 200 20

Comment on: The true source of light is duty. If we all discharge our duties,
2002 200 20
rights will not be far to see (M K Gandhi).

2002 Analyse M. N Roys ideational journey from Marxism to Radical Humanism. 200 60

Comment on: Validity of the statement that most prominent among Gandhian
2001 200 20
principles are non-violence, adherence to truth and dignity of labour.

What are the major components of Modern Indian Political Though? Examine
2001 200 60
then with reference to Gandhi and M N Roy.

10. Western Political Thought

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Explain Aristotle's critique of Plato's Idealism. 250 20

2019 Compare negative and positive concepts of liberty 200 15

According to Gramsci, hegemony is primarily based on the organisation of

2019 250 20
consent.' Comment

Critically examine Hannah Arendt's conceptual triad of labour, work and

2019 250 20
action. Page 10

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2018 Comment on: John Stuart Mill is a 'reluctant democrat'. - C. L. Wayper 150 10

2018 John Locke is the father of liberalism. Explain. 250 20

2018 Critically examine Machiavelli's views on religion and politics, 200 15

2017 Everywhere, inequality is a cause of revolution- Aristotle. Comment. 200 15

2015 Compare and contrast the views of Kautilya and Machiavelli on Statecraft. 200 15

2015 “Plato was an enemy of the open society.” (Popper) Comment. 250 20

2015 Discuss Gramsci’s notion of ‘organic intellectuals’. 200 15

Comment on: "Power is never the property of an individual; it belongs to a

2014 group and remains in existence only so long as the group keeps together." 150 10
(Hannah Arendt)

Explain how Machiavelli's application of empirical method to human affairs

2014 250 20
marks an important stage in the evolution of political science.

Central to Aristotle's political thought is his classification of the different

2014 200 15
types of political constitutions in the Politics. Evaluate.

2013 Comment on: "Personal is political" 150 10

2012 Hannah Arendt’s conception of the ‘political. 150 10

Comment on: “The State is a creation of nature and man is by nature a

2011 200 20
political animal.” (Aristotle)

Comment on: Western thought, one might say, has been either platonic or
2009 200 20
anti platonic but hardly ever non-platonic (Popper).

Comment on: Platos communism is a supplementary machinery to give effect

2007 200 20
to and reinforce that spirt which education is create (Nettleship).

Discuss the importance of Machiavelli in the history of political thought. Is it

2007 200 60
correct to say that Machiavelis theory is narrowly local and narrowly dated?

2006 Comment on: State is individual write large (Plato) 200 20

2006 Attempt a critique a Aristotles ideas on slavery 200 60

2005 Comment on: The State is Individual Writ Large (Plato). 200 20

Comment on: The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or
2005 collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number is 200 20
self protection (J S Mill). Page 11

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Comment on: The authority of the master and that of the statements are
2004 200 20
different from one another (Aristotle).

Comment on: Machavellis political philosophy was narrowly local and

2003 200 20
narrowly dated (Sabine)

2003 Discuss the political philosophy of Hannah Arendt 200 60

Comment on: The polis exists by nature and that it is prior to the individual
2002 200 20

Comment on: Until philosophers are kings. Or kings and princes of this world
2000 have the spirit and power of philosophy, cities will never have rest from evil 200 20

Comment on: Power is an end in itself and he (Machievelli) inquires into the
means that are best suited to acquire, retain and expand power, thus
2000 200 20
separates power from morality, ethics, religion and metaphysics (Ebenstein
on Machievelli).

11. Political Thought

Year Question Words Marks

2009 Compare and contrast Kautilya and Machiavalli on statecraft 200 20 Page 12

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2. Indian Government and Politics

01. Indian Nationalism: (a) Political strategies of India's Freedom Struggle

Year Question Words Marks

Differentiate Moderate Nationalism from Extremist/Militant Nationalism in

2017 200 15
terms of their objectives and means.

2015 Comment on: Satyagraha as a Strategy in the Indian National Movement 150 10

2012 Comment on: Efficacy of Satygraha as moral resistance colonial rule. 150 10

2011 Comment on: Significance of the Civil Disobedience Movement 200 20

2008 Comment on: "Swaraj is the culmination of Swadeshi and Sarvodaya." 200 20

2007 Political reforms must precede not follow social reform Tilak. Elucidate. 200 60

2005 Comment on: Views of Jaya Prakash Narayan on Total Revolution. 200 20

2004 Political reforms must precede and not follow social reforms (Tilak). Discuss. 200 60

Comment on: Gandhis concept of Truth and Non-violence. Why was he

2003 200 20
opposed to modern civilisation?

01. Indian Nationalism: (b) Perspectives on Indian National Movement

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Dalit perspective on Indian national movement. Discuss. 150 10

National movement in India was anti-imperialist and increasingly radical in

2019 250 20
its socio-economic and political programmes. Discuss.

Comment on: Revolt of 1857 is a 'Sepoy Mutiny' or 'First War of

2018 150 10

Comment on: The success of Mahatma Gandhi lay in transforming both

2017 150 10
political and non-political movements into a unified nationalist movement.

Critically examine the Radical Humanist perspective on Indian National

2016 150 10

2013 Comment on: Marxist understanding of India's freedom movement 150 10 Page 13

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2011 Comment on: Dalit perspective on Indian National Movement 200 20

Comment on: Indian nationalism as depicted in S.N. Banerjee's 'A Nation in

2010 200 20
the making

2009 Comments on: Radical Humanism 200 20

02. Making of the Indian Constitution

Year Question Words Marks

Unity and integrity of India was perhaps the single uppermost factor in the
2019 150 10
minds of the Constitution makers. Comment.
2018 Comment on: Indian Constitution is a "Lawyers' Paradise'. - Ivor Jennings 150 10
Discuss the extent to which the Indian Constitution reflects successful
2012 250 25
reconciliation of alternative perspectives.
Comment on: "The Constituent Assembly was a one party body in an
2010 essentially one party country . The Assembly was the Congress and the 200 20
Congress was India." ( Granville Austin)
Discuss the dominant external and internal influences in the framing of the
2008 200 60
Indian Constitution.
Explain the federal scheme under the Government of India Act, 1935. Why
2005 200 60
could this scheme not be implemented?
2003 Comment on: Simon Commission. 200 20
2002 Comment on: Dyarchy under Montague-Chelmsord Reforms. 200 20
Examine the salient features of the Indian Independence Act (1947) relating
2002 to the transfer of power. What specific provisions did this Act make for the 200 60
lapse of paramountcy.
Critically examine the impact of the national movement on the making of the
2001 200 60
constitution of India.

03. Salient Features of the Indian Constitution

Year Question Words Marks

"The basic structure doctrine is implícit in the Indian Constitution; the

2019 250 20
Supreme Court has only given it an explicit form. Comment.

Comment on the relevance of the Directive Principles of State Policy in an era

2019 200 15
of liberalization and globalization.

2017 Comment on: Right to privacy is an intrinsic part of the right to life. 150 10 Page 14

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

The purpose uf lltt: 42nd Constitutional Amendment was to make the

2016 150 10
economican social democracy explicitly visible.

Discuss the Right to Information and underline challenges being posed before
2016 200 15

2015 Comment on: Secularism in the Indian Constitution. 150 10

2015 Discuss the ‘Right to Education' and the concerns raised by it. 200 15

2014 Comment on: Increasingly higher focus on Directive Principles of State Policy 150 10

What are the provisions for constitutional protection of right to freedom of 20

2014 200 15
religion and how far have they succeeded in promoting secularism in India?

2013 Comment on: Significance of the Preamble. 150 10

2013 Analyse the significance of Article 32 of the Indian Constitution. 200 15

Examine the significance of the verdicts of the Supreme Court in the

2013 Golaknath and Keshavananda Bharati cases for an understanding of the 250 20
scope of Article 368 in regard to Fundamental Rights.

2012 Comment on: Doctrine of Basic Structure of the Indian Constitution. 150 10

Examine the relevance of Directive Principles in the era of liberalisation and

2012 250 25

Examine the significance of the Directive Principles of State Policy in

2011 200 30
achieving the goal of socio-economic justice.

Comment on: The type of Government enshrined in 'the Preamble of the

2008 200 20
Indian Constitution.

Comment on: The Directive principle of state policy are not mere pious
2007 200 20
declaration but clear direction for the guideline of state policy.

2006 Comment on: Judicial Activism. 200 20

Comment on: Fundamental Duties under Article 51a of the Constitution of

2005 200 20

Do you agree with the view that Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
2005 of State Policy Constitute the Core and Conscience of the Indian 200 60
Constitution? Comment on the emerging trends in their interrelationship.

2004 Comment on: Cultural secularisation. 200 20

2003 Comment on: Right against exploitation under the Indian Constitution. 200 20

The Directive Principles of State Policy are not mere pious declarations but
2003 clear directions for the guidance of State Policy. Comment and show how for 200 60
they have been applied in practice. Page 15

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

04. Principal Organs of the Government

Year Question Words Marks

Prime Minister's Office (PMO) has emerged as the most powerful institution in
2019 200 15
India. Discuss.

Whether judicial activism has undermined or strengthened Parliamentary

2018 250 20
Democracy in India 7 Discuss.

Analyse the arguments in favour and against the lateral entry into higher civil
2018 200 15
services in India.

Differentiate parliamentary supremacy from parliamentary sovereignty.

2017 Would you consider the Indian Parliament as a Sovereign Parliament? 250 20

How is the President· of India elected? Outline the salient characteristics of

2017 200 15
the electoral college of the Indian President.

Judiciary has acquired the role of both, a legislature and an executive in

2017 250 20
recent years. Examine with suitable examples.

2015 Discuss the efficacy of judicial review in India. 250 20

Examine the debates on the appointment procedure of judges to the higher

2014 200 15
judiciary in India.

2013 Comment on: Decline of Indian Parliament. 150 10

Examine the role of Supreme Court as the final interpreter of the Indian
2013 200 15

2013 Analyse the position of the Prime Minister of India in a coalition regime. 200 15

2012 Comment on: Judicial activism and social change. 150 10

Comment on: the principle of collective responsibility a la the cabinet system

2010 of Government, has eroded in the context of emergence of coalitions 200 20
governments in India.

Critically examine the arguments being advanced for review of the present
2009 200 30
system of appointment of judges to the higher judiciary of the country.

Explain the concept of judicial activism and examine its impact on the
2007 200 60
relationship between executive and judiciary in India.

Critically examine the role and contribution of Indias bureaucracy in nation

2006 200 60
building. Page 16

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2004 Comment on: Public interests litigation. 200 20

2001 Comment on: The debate over judicial activism in India. 200 20

2001 Comment on: Concept of committed bureaucracy 200 20

Indian democracy began with the unique advantages of an efficient civil

2001 service and a well organized political party yet its record is dismal. What are 200 60
the causes for such poor performance

Comment on: Corruption in Administration in India and its impact on socio-

2000 200 20
economic reconstruction.

Critically evaluate Webers ideas on Bureaucracy and highlight the

2000 200 60
significance of the Weberian model from India’s point of view

The role of Indian Prime Ministers in the federal system was always
2000 controversial. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your 200 60
answer with apt examples

05. Grassroots Democracy

Year Question Words Marks

Political decentralization has not been matched by administrative

2019 150 10
decentralization at the grass roots level. Explain

Comment on: Panchayat Raj is an effective instrument for women

2018 150 10

2018 Examine the provisions of Panchayat Extension Services Act (PESA), 1996. 250 20

Has the 73rd Constitutional Amendment empowered women m panchayats in

2017 200 15
India? Discuss.

The goal of Good governance will be achieved only by strengthening the grass
2016 250 20
root level democracy.

Examine the role of Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodifcs in
2015 250 20
deepening of democracy in India.

Explain how the participation of women impacted the functioning of rural

2014 200 15
local bodies in India.

Examine the changing structure of Panchayati Raj institutions with special

2013 200 15
reference to the 73rd Constitution Amendment Act.

2008 Comment on: The corelation between democracy and development in India. 200 20 Page 17

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Comment on: The panchayati Raj institutions and district administration

2007 200 20
should develop a new relationship for achieving the goal of good governance.

Discuss how far the grass root democratic institutions have remained
2007 successful in accelerating the process of rural development after 73rd 200 60
constitutional amendment.

Highlight the impact of 73rd Constitutional Amendment on the working of the

2006 200 60
Panchyati Raj institutions in India.

Comment on: Role of Gram Sabha under the Constitution (Seventy third-
2005 200 20
Amendment) Act, 1992

Bring out the common and unique features of the 73rd and the 74th
amendments to the Constitution of India. Do you think that these
2002 200 60
amendments would contribute to the achievement of gender and social justice
at the grass root level.

06. Statutory Institutions/Commissions

Year Question Words Marks

Comptroller and Auditor-General of India enhances the accountability of the

2019 Government and serves as the watchdog of the finances of the Government. 200 15

Discuss, in brief, the role of the National Commission for women. Do you
2019 200 15
think it is a toothless organization?'

Comment on: State subvention/funding may be an effective instrument m

2017 150 10
strengthening electoral democracy in India.

Examine the role of the National Commission for Minorities 1n preserving,

2017 200 15
promoting and protecting the rights of minorities in India.

2016 Examine the objective and role of the National Human Rights Commission. 200 15

Critically examine the provisions made in the Constitution for the protection
2016 200 15
of Environment.

2015 Comment on: Structure and Function of NITI Aayog. 150 10

Comment on: The role of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in
2014 150 10
promoting good governance.

Discuss the working of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes to

2014 250 20
curb violence against Dalits.

2012 Comment on: Role of National Commission for Women in India. 150 10 Page 18

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2011 Comment on: Role of National Commission for Scheduled Castes. 200 20

Make an assessment of the role of the Election Commission of India in the

2011 200 30
conduct of free and fair elections.

Assess the effectiveness of the National Human Rights Commission in

2010 200 30
redressing grievances pertaining to human rights violations in India.

Comments on: The Functions, duties and powers of the appropriate National
2009 Commission as laid down in clauses (5) (8), and (9) of Articles-338 of the 200 20

2008 Comment on: Revision in the Election Code of Conduct. 200 20

Make an assessment of the composition, functioning and the role of the

2005 200 60
Election Commission of India in the conduct of free and fair elections.

2003 Comment on: Union Public Service Commission. 200 20

2002 Comment on: Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 200 20

07. Federalism

Year Question Words Marks

Despite constitutional mandate the Inter-State Council has not come of age.
2019 150 10

Comment on: Implementation of GST and NEET is a major challenge to

2018 150 10
Indian federalism.

Do the Lieutenant Governors have more powers than the Goverors of the
2018 200 15
States? Explain.

2018 Discuss asymmetrical federalism in India. 200 15

Comment on: Indian federation has moved from cooperative federation to

2017 150 10
competitive federation.

'Article 368 does not enable Parliament to alter the basic structure or
2016 150 10
framework of the Constitution'.

The philosophy and administration of the distribution of powers between

2016 150 10
Centre and State is required to be re-assessed.

2016 Critically examine the role of Governor in recent times. 200 15

2015 Comment on: 99th Amendment of the Indian Constitution 150 10

2015 Comment on: Cooperative Federalism in India. 150 10

Critically analyze the discretionaiy powers granted to the Governor by the

2015 200 15
Indian Constitution. Page 19

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2015 Identify the contested areas in Centre-State relations in India. 200 15

"Cooperative federalism produces a strong central, or general government, yet

it does not necessarily result in weak provincial governments that are largely
2013 administrative agencies for central policies. Indian federation has 250 20
demonstrated this." (Granville Austin) Examine the uniqueness of Indian
federalism in the light of the above statement.

2012 Comment on: Demands for the creation of new States in India. 150 10

Examine the efficacy of available mechanisms for resolving inter-State dispute

2012 250 25
in India.

In normal conditions, the Governor is a constitutional executive but in case of

2011 constitutional crisis, he can become a powerful and effective executive. 200 30

2010 Comment on: Inter- State water disputes. 200 20

Comment on: "Articles 2 and 3 of the Indian Constitution are inconsistent

2010 200 20
with the spirit of federalism."

2009 Comments on: Inter State Committee. 200 20

2004 Trace and analyse the co-operation trends in Indian federalism. 200 60

It is generally believed that federalism suffers in the system of centralized

2002 planning. Do you agree with this point of view? Would you advocate 200 60
decentralized governance for India in the context of liberalization since 1991.

2001 Comment on: Factors for the growth of regionalism in India. 200 20

Comment on: Shared rule to be as important as self rule in explaining the

2000 200 20
possibility of federal power sharing.

What are the salient features of Sarkaria Commission Report as regard to

2000 federal restructuring in India with special reference to autonomy demand by 200 60

08. Planning and Economic Development

Year Question Words Marks

2019 What has been the political fallout of the Green Revolution in India? Explain. 200 15

Comment on: In the post-liberalization era, Indian politics is moving from

2017 150 10
ascriptive politics to developmental politics.

What do you understand by Green Revolution? Do you think that a Second

2017 Green Revolution is needed to adequately address the agrarian challenges in 200 15
contemporary India? Examine. Page 20

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2016 Critically examine the politics of Economic growth in India. 250 20

2016 Land reforms have failed in the eradication of rural poverty. Comment. 250 20

In the light of neo-economic policies adopted since 1991, examine the

2015 250 20
relevance of the term ‘socialist' in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.

2015 Compare the Nehruvian and Gandhian models of development. 200 15

Comment on: Gandhian perspective of development and its contemporary

2013 150 10

Critically examine Green Revolution as a strategy for sustainable agriculture

2012 250 25

Comment on: Economic liberalisation and uneven development among Indian

2010 200 20

Do you think that post- 1991 reforms in India mark a significant shift from
2010 250 30
the Nehruvian model of economic development? Justify your answer

2007 Comment on: Nehrus View on socialism 200 20

2006 Comment on: Decentralized Planning 200 20

Pandit Jawaharlal Nahru comes before us as a great nationalist,

2003 200 60
Internationalist and Humanist. Discuss

2002 Comment on: New Economic Policy (1991). 200 20

2001 Comment on: Impact of disinvestment and privatization on planning in India. 200 20

09. Caste, Religion and Ethnicity in Indian Politics

Year Question Words Marks

Development has overshadowed the influence of caste in electoral behaviour

2019 250 20
in recent elections. Discuss.

2018 Critically examine the ethnic conflicts in North-East India. 200 15

2017 Religion is still an important factor in Indian politics. Discuss. 200 15

Cultural and Regional differences are the enduring bases on which politics is
2016 150 10
played out in India.

2016 Comment on the emergence of Backward classes in the Indian Politics. 200 15 Page 21

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2014 Comment on: Relation between ethnicity and democracy in India. 150 10

2013 Explain the phenomenon of ethnic politics in India in recent times. 250 20

2011 Indian politics has influenced caste and caste has influenced Indian politics. 200 20

2011 Secularism in Indian politics is a myth. 200 20

"Minorities are the natural custodians of the secular state." (D.E. Smith).
2010 250 30

The OBC politics has challenged the nature of dominant caste politics in the
2009 200 60
states. Critically examine this statement and bring out your conclusion.

Examine the effect of caste and community in Indian politics. Do you foresee
2008 200 60
their continued relevance in the country's politics?

Comment on: the instability of national policies is due to rising influence of

2007 200 20
religious politics.

2000 Comment on: Caste and religion as operative factors with Indian policy 200 20

10. Party System

Year Question Words Marks

The changing socio-economic profile of our legislators does not augur well for
2019 200 15
the health of Indian democracy. Comment

Comment on: Political personalities are more significant than political parties
2018 150 10
in India.

Explain the increasing role of regional political parties in the national

2018 200 15

India has moved from 'one-party dominant system' to 'one-party led coalition'.
2017 250 20

Discuss the pattern of Political Parties from one dominant party system to
2016 200 15
coalition politics in national politics.

2015 “Identity politics has trumped development politics in India.” Comment. 200 15

Account for the rise of regional political parties and assess their role in
2015 200 15
contemporary India.

2014 Comment on: Marginalization of the left ideology in India. 150 10 Page 22

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Discuss the nature of reforms of the electoral process in India and explain the
2014 250 20
further scope for reforms.

Explain how pressure groups have been influencing public policy-making

2014 250 20
with suitable illustrations.

Account for the changes in the socio-economic profile of legislators during

2014 200 15
last one decade in India.

Explain to what extent the concept of "one-party dominance" 20 (W.H. Morris-

2013 200 15
Jones) model is relevant in Indian politics today.

2012 Examine the impact of coalition-politics on Indian political system. 250 25

2011 Comment on: Trade union as pressure group in Indian politics. 200 20

It is not constitutional law but political factors that ultimately determine

2011 200 20
Centre States relations in India.

2011 Examine the changing pattern of electoral behaviour in India. 200 30

Comment on: Upsurge in political aprticipation among the marginalised

2010 200 20
communities in the Indian General Elections during the last two decades.

Comments on: Implication of the use of Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) on

2009 200 20
electoral politics.

Bring out the changing educational profile of the members of the Lok Sabha
2009 200 30
over the years, up to the present (15th) Lok Sabha.

In what ways do pressure groups and movements exert influence in politics?

2008 In the Indian political context, discuss the implications of such influence 200 60
being exerted.

Discuss whether coalitional politics has led to a different patterns of

2006 200 60
federalism in India.

2005 Comment on: Coalition Governments in India at the Centre since 1998. 200 20

How far do regional groupings pose a threat to the stability of Indian political
2004 200 60

Identify the major pressure-group in Indian politics and examine their role in
2003 200 60
it. Page 23

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

11. Social Movements

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Write short note on the significance of Chipko Movement. 150 10
2018 Examine the various causes of agraian crisis in India. 250 20
2018 Critically analyse the environment movement in tuticorn, Tamilnadu. 200 15
2014 Comment on: The dilemmas of the human rights movements in India 150 10
2014 Examine the scope and limitations of women's movements in India. 200 15
Explain how peasant movements promoted nationalist ideas during the 20 15
2014 200 15
struggle for Indian independence.
Comment on: Compare and contrast Chipko Movement with Narmada
2013 150 10
Bachao Andolan.
Point out and comment on the historic importance of the document 'Towards
2013 200 15
Equality (1974)', for women's movement in India.
Discuss the impact of environmentalist movement on government policies in
2012 250 25
recent years.
In what ways do civil liberties and human rights movements influence the
2010 200 30
working of Indian democracy? Give your answer with suitable examples.
The environmental movements have challenged the policy and pattern of
2009 200 60
economic development in post independent India. Analyze with examples.
2006 Comment on: Ambedkars Concept of Social Justice 200 20
2006 Comment on: The Concept of Women Empowerment 200 20
2002 Comment on: Tribal people movement in the North-East. 200 20
The women activists did not support Quota till 1974. What led to the
2001 200 60
subsequent change in their stand.
2000 Comment on: Women empowerment in India and its impact on democracy. 200 20

12. Miscellaneous

Year Question Words Marks

2004 Comment on: Reserve discrimination 200 20
2004 Comment on: Tribalism in Africa 200 20 Page 24

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank Page 25

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Political Science Paper - 2

Sl.No. Topic
Comparative Politics and International Relations
1. Comparative Political Analysis and International Politics
01. Comparative Politics 27 − 28
02. State in Comparative Perspective 28 − 28
03. Politics of Representation and Participation 28 − 29
04. Globalisation 29 − 30
05. Approaches to the Study of International Relations 30 −32
06. Key Concepts in International Relations 32 − 33
07. Changing International Political Order 34 − 35
08. Evolution of the International Economic System 36 − 36
09. United Nations 36 − 37
10. Regionalisation of World Politics 38 − 39
11. Contemporary Global Concerns 39 − 40

2. India and the World

01. Indian Foreign Policy 41 − 43

02. India's Contribution to the Non-Alignment Movement 43 − 43

03. India and South Asia 44 − 46

04. India and the Global South 47 − 47

05. India and the Global Centres of Power 48 − 49

06. India and the UN System 49 − 50

07. India and the Nuclear Question 50 − 51

08. Recent Developments in Indian Foreign Policy 51 − 52 Page 26

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

1. Comparative Political Analysis and International Politics

01. Comparative Politics

Year Question Words Marks

Examine the significance of the comparative method in political analysis

2019 250 20
Discuss its limitations.

Describe the changing nature of Comparative Politics. Briefly explain the

2018 150 10
Political Economy approach to the study of Comparative Polities.

Explain the Political-Sociological Approach in the field of comparative politics

2017 150 10
and discuss its limitations.

Critically examine the Marxist aspect of political economy approach to the

2016 150 10
study of comparative politics.

Which are the major approaches of comparative politics ? Explain in brief, the
2015 150 10
political economy approach to the study of comparative inquiry.

2015 Discuss David Easton’s model of systems analysis. 200 15

Examining political phenomena through a process of cross-global

2012 investigation has become the fundamental function of Comparative Politics.” 150 10

Does the perspective of Dependencies Theory offer a robust critique on the

2012 nature of mainstream development process taking place in Africa and Latin 200 15

Elucidate the transdisciplinary nature of modern comparative politics and

2012 identify the modern comparative politics and identify the contributions of 200 20
political sociologists towards this goal.

“Structural-functional approach to political analysis focuses more on status

2011 200 30
quoism, and less on change.” Elucidate

Explain the uses of systems approach in international relations and examine

2011 200 30
the relevance of Kaplan's system analysis.

How is the modern comparative politics--approach different from the

2010 200 20
traditional legal institutional approach?

How does comparative political sociology help in understanding of socio

2008 200 20
political process of different countries of the world ? Page 27

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Examine the relevance of the political economy approach to the study of

2007 200 20
comparative politics.

Comment on: International politics, like all politics, is a struggle for power.
2006 200 20

2006 Comment on: Input-output functions of political system 200 20

Do you agree with the view that Political culture of a society is highly
2006 significant aspect of the Political System? Give reasons in support of your 200 60

02. State in Comparative Perspective

Year Question Words Marks

Describe the changing nature of the State in the developing societies in the
2018 150 10
context of inclusive growth in the 21st century.

"A combination of internal pressures (ethnic and regional forces) and external
2016 threats (EU, UN, TNC, global market, etc.) has produced what is commonly 150 10
referred to as a 'crisis of the nation-state'." Elaborate.

Do you subscribe to the view that the modern constructs of the State and
2015 politics are pre-eminently Eurocentric and not indigenous and appropriate for 150 10
the analysis of non-western societies ?

‘The struggle for democracy has been marked by bitter strife and
2015 tribulations.’ Examine the statement, illustrating the cases of Pakistan, Nepal 250 20
and Myanmar.

'A minimal State ensures maximum of Individual Liberty.' Examine .the

2013 250 15
concept of Minimal State.

Is it necessary to evolve a distinct theoretical framework for analysis emergent

2009 200 20
politics in the developing world?

2000 Comment on: Rethinking on sovereign state 200 20

03. Politics of Representation and Participation

Year Question Words Marks

Comment on the decline of political parties and examine whether new social
2016 movements shall be alternative strategy for establishing link between 150 10
government and society. Page 28

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Do interest groups help to promote democracy or to undermine it? Give your

2016 200 15

What is the difference between Interest Groups and Pressure Groups ? i Are
2015 the Pressure Groups in India in a position to fully protect or promote the 150 10
interests of their members ?

2014 Party system in India is neither western nor indigenous. Explain 150 10

Is the rise of social movement a sign of opening up of popular space in

2013 200 20
political process or decline of representative politics? Examine.

How did the struggle for representation increase the level and quality of
2012 150 10
democracy in the industrial societies?

Evaluate the nature and distinctions of anomic and associational interest

2012 200 15
groups in the pressure politics of developing countries.

examine the significance of ideological and policy aspects in the structural

2012 250 15
growth of modern political parties.

How does functioning of interest groups differ from political parties? Discuss
2008 200 60
with appropriate examples

04. Globalisation

Year Question Words Marks

"Some feel Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are a vital new road to

2018 economic growth, whereas others feel they perpetuate underdevelopment." 200 15

Critically examine the Globalisation in the past 25 years from the

2017 150 10
perspectives of the Western world.

Discuss the changing nature of modern state with reference to transnational

2017 200 15

2016 Discuss the impact of globalization on the internal functioning of the state. 150 10

Is globalization essentially a process of ‘universalisation’ of capitalist

2015 150 10

How is it that economic and neo-liberal globalization is being interrogated

2015 from inside even in developed countries? What are the economic 200 15
consequences of such globalization?

How do you · explain the growmg importance of multi-national corporations

2014 250 20
(MNCs) and civil society in contemporary international politics? Page 29

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

What is 'global village'? Elaborate its main characteristics and also the factors
2014 200 15
that contributed to its growth.

'Global commons belong to global society and r equires global attention.'

2013 150 10

2013 'Transnational actors have become driving forces of global politics.' Elaborate 250 20

Review the increasing role of Multi National Corporations in the policy making
2012 150 10
process of developing countries.

2011 Examine the nature and dynamics of contemporary globalization. 200 20

2010 Critically examine globalisation from a Third World perspective 200 30

Bring out your perspectives on: The indications of the emergence of a global
2010 200 20
civil society

2009 What are the major critiques of liberal internationalization? 200 20

Elaborate the factors which cause North-South divide in the age of

2008 200 20

2000 Comment on: Information Technology as element of national power 200 20

Liberalization and Globalization are feared by the developing countries, as the

2000 200 60
Trojan Horses of the developed countries. Elucidate

05. Approaches to the Study of International Relations

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Explain the relevance of the Marxist approach in the context of globalization. 250 20

Bring out the major differences between the Classical Realism of Hans
2018 150 10
Morgenthau and the Neorealism of Kenneth Waltz.

Critically examine the Functionlist approach to the study of International

2018 200 15

Is Realist Approach the best method to understand International Relations?

2017 250 20
Examine this in the context of Classical Realism.

2017 Examine the World Systems Approach as developed by Immanuel Wallerstein. 200 15

Critically examine the functional and system approaches to the study of

2016 150 10
international relations. Page 30

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Identify the major differences between the classical realism of Hans J.

2015 Morgenthau and the neorealism of Kenneth Waltz. Which approach is best, 150 10
suited for analysing international relations after the Cold War?

2014 "The Feminist approach to international politics is biased." Comment 150 10

Who was Mr. 'X' in international politics? Elaborate his approach to foreign
2014 200 15

"Morton A. Kaplan's system theory is contrary to the fundamental precepts of

2014 200 15
systems approach." Comment.

Discuss the main factors that have contributed to the gradual transformation
2014 200 15
of the world from 'Billiard Ball Model' to 'Cobweb Model'.

2013 Examine major principles of State centric world views. 200 20

2013 How does Marxist approach explain contemporary International Relations? 200 15

2013 Write a note on Intellectual precursors of Realism. 200 15

2013 'Building ' peace by pieces' is the basis of functionalism.' Elaborate. 200 15

Do you agree that liberal international theories are essentially ‘Eurocentric’

2012 150 10
and not necessarily imperialist?

What are the great debates between ‘classical’ and ‘modern’ realists? Is there
2012 250 20
any thin line of continuity between these two traditions?

2010 Examine the post-modernist critique of Realism in international politics 200 30

Explain how far Deutschs model explains the framework international

2009 interdependence. Do you think that the processes of interdependence and 200 60
integration have grown steadily in the post Cold War Globlisation trajectory?

How has geo-economics replaced geo-politics in the present International

2008 200 20

Discuss the realist and neo-realist approaches to the study of International

2008 200 60

Do you agree with the notion that Marxist approach to the study of
2008 International relations is largely based on economic reductionism? Give 200 60

Analyse and evaluate the role of decision-making theory as a tool of foreign

2006 200 60
policy analysis

Comment on: Game Theory for the study of International Politics and its
2005 200 20

2003 Comment on: Traditional approach and its significance 200 20 Page 31

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2003 Clearly explain Realist theory to the study of International Politics 200 60

2002 Comment on: Marxist approach to international politics. 200 20

06. Key Concepts in International Relations

Year Question Words Marks

How big a role does identity play in determining political participation in the
2018 150 10
developing countries ? Discuss your answer with suitable illustrations

What, according to Joseph Nye, are the major sources of a country's soft
2018 150 10
power? Discuss its relevance in the contemporary world politice.

How has the development of Global Capitalism changed the nature of socialist
2017 200 15
economies and developing societies?

Why does global human security need to be emphasized along with economic
2016 250 20
security? Explain with examples.

Explain the instruments and methods devised for the promotion of national
2016 250 20

"The notion of balance of power is notoriously full of confusion." In the light of

2016 200 15
this quotation, do you think that the concept of balance of power is relevant?

Discuss the theory of Nuclear Deterrence. Did Nuclear Deterrence prevent a

2015 200 15
superpower war ?

2014 Critically assess the changing nature of the concept of national security. 200 15

'National Interests are Dynamic'. Identify the dynamic nature of National

2013 200 15
Interests in the contemporary world politics with suitable examples

Collective Security and Collective Defence are the institutional and State
2013 mechanisms to sustain the domination of powers that be in international 250 15
politics.' Elaborate.

Why is the ‘polarity of power’ thesis less relevant and meaningful in the
2012 150 10
present architecture of ‘balance of power’?

What constitutes ‘national security discourses’ ? How far have the IR

2012 200 15
Feminists questioned how ‘security’ has been problematised ?

How would you explain the future of ‘Nuclear Deterrence’ ? Do you think that
2012 250 15
‘preventive war’ is a good substitute for Nuclear Deterrence ? Page 32

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Examine the idea of a ‘balance’ between ‘security’ and ‘liberty’ in modern

2012 international politics. Do you think that the liberal international order is more 250 15

2011 What is comprehensive approach to national security? 200 30

Do you agree with the view that over-widening of the concept of ‘national
2011 200 30
security’ has made it a more amorphous concept? Discuss.

2010 Examine the changing nature of security in the recent times. 200 20

2010 Explain the meaning and application of the concept of 'strategic engagement'. 200 20

Bring out your perspectives on: Should National Interest be viewed as a

2010 200 20
constant category or is it situation-specific

2008 Explain the difference between security dilemma and insecurity dilemma. 200 20

2008 Explain the concept of 'hegemonic stability'. 200 20

Define geopolitical and account for its prevalence even in the modern nuclear
2007 200 20

Comment on: A well-established system of collective security is a guarantee of

2006 200 20
world peace. Explain.

Critically evaluate the nature of capitalist model of development and its

2005 200 60
usefulness and limitations for developing countries

Describe and assess the role and importance of Geopolitical and Geo-
2005 200 60
economic factors in the determination of foreign policy of a country

Comment on: Sovereign National State and International concern for Human
2004 200 20

2003 Comment on: Balance of power and its impact on world politics 200 20

2002 Comment on: Changing nature and dynamics of national security. 200 20

2002 Discuss various elements and limitations of national power 200 60

Comment on: National interest and national peculiarities: A guide to foreign

2001 200 20

2000 International politics, like all politics is a struggle for power. Comment 200 60 Page 33

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

07. Changing International Political Order

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Identify the benefits of a multi-polar world. 200 15

Discuss the significance of Non-Aligned Movement as a unique contribution

2018 250 20
of the Non-Western world to World Politics.

"The development of advanced missile technology and nuclear threat by North

2017 Korea has challenged the American hegemony in South-East Asia." Evaluate 250 20
the above statement in the context of recent developments in the region

Do you endorse the view that the end of Bipolarity and the rise of multiple
2017 regional organisations has made Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) more or less 200 15

Discuss the evolution of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in the post-

2016 200 15
Cold War period.

2016 Examine in brief the rise and fall of the Cold War. 200 15

Discuss the positive and negative impacts of Soviet Union's disintegration on

2016 200 15
developing nations.

Discuss the collapse of the Soviet Union and its impact on international
2015 200 15

Vision of a new world order has emerged as the major objective of India’s
2015 foreign policy. Discuss the policy initiative taken by India in this regard and 250 20
the challenges faced by it.

2014 "Ukraine crisis is a product of power politics and geo-politics." Comment 150 10

2014 Discuss the grounds for India's opposition to NPT. 150 10

2014 Analyse the drivers of Indo - Russian relations in the pqst-Cold-War era. 250 20

What roles do norms, taboos and epistemic communities play in the context
2013 200 20
of nuclear proliferation?

Identify the major changes in the International Political economy in post Cold
2013 200 15
War period.

2013 Highlight the major features of Non-alignment 2.0 document 200 15

2013 Identify the challenges to American hegemony in post Soviet world 150 10 Page 34

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2013 What does the pace of nuclear proliferation in post Cold War suggest ? 150 10

Assess in detail the prospects of the emergence of a nuclear-weapons-free

2010 200 30

Bring out your perspectives on: Plausible aims of the Non-Aligned Movement
2010 200 20
in the post-Cold War period

Examine the comparative advantages of democracy and autocracy in

restraining political violence. Do you think that autocratic societies are more
2009 200 60
prone to political violence? Illustrate your answer with a comparative study of
a few societies.

The Afghanistan Civil War gave the US a long awaited upper hand in south
2007 200 20

How would you differentiate the post cold war global order from its
2007 200 60

2005 Comment on: Relevance of Non-Alignment in Post-Cold war era 200 20

2004 Comment on: An oligopolistic global system. 200 20

One of the truisms in world politics is that nothing is distributed equally on

2004 the face of the globenot people or their talent, not resources, not even climate, 200 60
geographic features, technology or air quality. Elucidate

2003 Do you think Cold War still exists after the disintegration of the Soviet Union? 200 60

Critically examine the roots of Afghan Civil War. What role the Soviet Union
2002 200 60
and the United States played in it

2001 Comment on: Nature of political process in the Third World. 200 20

2001 Comment on: Cuban Missile as a factor in U. S relationship with the USS. R. 200 20

2001 Identify some of the major issues challenging the North-South countries 200 60

The Arab-Israeli conflict is basically a conflict between two resurgent

2001 200 60

2000 Comment on: Pan-Americanism 200 20

Do you agree with the stand that the Non-Alignment Movement needs to be
2000 200 60
reinvented Page 35

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

08. Evolution of the International Economic System

Year Question Words Marks

How are the rising powers challenging the USA and Western dominance in
2019 250 20
the IMF and the World Bank?

Analyse the stalled progress of Doha Round of WTO negotiations over the
2017 200 15
differences between the developed and the developing countries.

2013 Sketch the leadership role of India in WTO negotiations 150 10

Sketch the journey of global political economy from Washington consensus to

2013 150 10
the present.

How far institutions like WTO and IMF have influenced Indias political and
2005 200 60
economic sovereignty? What has been India's response to these?

2004 Comment on: GATT treaty and developing countries 200 20

How far the existing international economic order is unjust and hegemonic
2002 200 60
towards developing countries?

2000 Comment on: The New International Economic Order 200 20

09. United Nations

Year Question Words Marks

In what way does the predominance of the USA in the UN funding affect its
2019 150 10

Do you think that sustainable development goals are really attainable by

2019 150 10

Evaluate the role of the International Court of Justice in inter-State

2019 200 15

Discuss the relevance of UN Security Council Resolution 1825 on the

2018 250 20
security of women in conflict zones.

Do you agree with the view that despite the limitations in the functioning
2017 200 15
of the UN, it has distinguished and unique achievements to its credit?

Do you endorse that the United Nations needs major changes in its
2016 structures and functioning? Suggest the changes for efficient 200 15
improvements. Page 36

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

How far are the world governance mechanisms, dominated by IMF and
2015 World Bank, legitimate and relevant ? What measures do you suggest to 200 15
improve their effectiveness in global governance ?

Has the reform of the economic and social arrangements of the United
2015 250 20
Nations been effective ?

Do you agree that the U.N. has ·failed to contain transnational terrorism?
2014 150 10
Elaborate your answer with examples.

2014 Argue a case for U.N. reform in the context of changing global milieu 250 20

How far have the UN reform efforts of 2004-05, transformed the concept of
‘Sovereignty’ as a fundamental principle of International Law ? Do you
2012 250 20
think that UN reform discourse represents a ‘biopolitical reprogramming’
of contemporary sovereignty and global governance?

How for the efforts to maintain international order in the post-Cold War
2011 200 30
period by the UN have been successful?

2011 What are the major impediments to UN Security Council reform? 200 30

Explain the role of non state actors, like IMF, World Bank, European
2009 Union and MNCs, in modulating and transforming the broad dynamics of 200 60
international relations

Analyze critically the major changes in the role of United Nations (UN)
2007 200 60
since the onset of new millennium.

2006 Comment on: International Court of Justice. 200 20

Few agencies of International co-operation have been more successful in

tending to the welfare of humanity than the I. L. O Discuss the
2006 200 60
organization of activities of the International Labour Organization in the
light of the above statement

2004 Comment on: UNs peacekeeping role in domestic conflicts 200 20

2003 Comment on: Main features of WTO 200 20

Critically examine the protection and enforcement of Human Rights under

2003 200 60
the U. N. System

2003 Comment on: IMF and India's development 200 20

Comment on: The compulsory jurisdiction clause under the statute of the
2001 200 20
International Court of Justice

2000 Comment on: The U. N General Assembly Millenium Summit (Sept. 2000). 200 20 Page 37

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

10. Regionalisation of World Politics

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Write a brief note on the 17th NAM Summit in Venezuela. 150 10

Evaluate the role of BIMSTEC in multi-sectoral technical and economic

2019 150 10

Discuss the consequences of Trump's "America First and Xi's "Chinese

2018 200 15
Dream" on World Politics.

"Since its inception the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
2018 (SAARC) has failed to deliver on its promises. What initiatives should be taken 200 15
to reinvigorate the organization?

American President Donald Trump's proposal to withdraw from the 'NAFTA'

2017 would bring unforeseen consequences to the regionalisation of world politics. 150 10

How has 'BREXIT' affected the regionalisation process initiated by European

2017 Union and what could be its likely impacts in the regionalisation process of 200 15
world politics?

"The IMF, World Bank, G-7, GATT and other structures are designed to serve
2016 the interests of TNCs, banks and investment firms in a 'new imperial age'." 250 20
Substantiate with examples of governance of new world order.

2016 How does the regionalism shape the world politics? Explain with Examples 200 15

‘The European Union has become, the most politically influential, ,

2015 economically powerful and demographically diverse regional entity in the 200 15
world.’ Discuss.

"Despite so many agreed areas of cooperation, innumerable institutional

mechanisms and a permanent secretariat, South Asian Association for
2014 250 20
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has not taken off as a meaningful regional
grouping." Discuss.

2013 Give reasons for Regionalisation of world politics. 200 15

2013 Substantiate APEC as a regional economic and trade arrangement 200 15

Discuss the different perspectives on global environment that have emerged

2010 200 30
in the context of the Copenhagen Summit.

Outline the constraints SAARC is facing to emerge as an effective regional

2008 200 20
organisation Page 38

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

The establishment of South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation

(SAARC) has opened the gargets of mutual co-operation among the State of
2006 200 60
South Asia. In the light of this statement examine Indias role in the South
Asian region

Analyse the basic goals of Third World movement for global justice. What is
2005 200 60
the importance of South-South co-operation to achieve these?

2003 Comment on: Obstacles in the way of SAARCs smooth functioning 200 20

2002 Comment on: ASEAN as third would model of regional cooperation. 200 20

11. Contemporary Global Concerns

Year Question Words Marks

Explain the reasons for low voter turnout in democratic countries with
2019 200 15
suitable examples.

Discuss the importance of personal data protection in the context of human

2019 200 15

2019 Write an essay on 'New Social Movements' in developing countries 200 15

2019 Is democracy promotion in developing countries a feasible idea? 200 15

Would you agree that the on-going debates on international environmental

polities continue to be marred by a new North-South ideological divide over
2018 200 15
historical responsibility and developmental mode) ? Dlustrate your answer
with suitable examples.

Critically examine the notion of "Asian Values" in the context of the on-going
2018 250 20
debates on human rights.

Discuss the implications of the Trump-Kim Singapore summit on the

2018 200 15
prospects of denuclearisation of the Korean Penisula

Examine the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) movement in

2017 developed societies and how it is affecting the political participation in 150 10
developing societies.

2017 Give an assessment of the Feminist critique of contemporary global issues. 150 10

The recent move of USA to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement is a in
2017 the consensus achieved on protecting the world environment. In this context, 250 20
assess the future prospectives on climate control.

Examine the main problems and challenges involved in looking after

2016 250 20
environmental concerns in world politics. Page 39

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

What are the real objectives of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) ? Do

2015 you think that millennium development goals have been able to achieve the 200 15
desired goals of poverty alleviation and sustainable development?

Do you endorse that the conventional discourse on human rights has failed to
2015 250 20
include women’s rights ? Explain in the context of feminist theories.

2014 In what respect is the new social movement new in nature? Discuss. 150 10

Critically evaluate the approaches of global south towards addressing

2014 200 15
environment concerns.

Compare and contrast social movements in advanced industrial and

2013 200 20
developing societies

Compare and contrast Sino-India approaches to global Environmental

2013 200 15

2013 Identify the role and place of Gender in the global economy. 200 15

2013 State the place of Gender Justice in global political agenda. 150 10

Is ‘terrorism’ an essentially ‘contested’ concept ? What are the different

2012 200 15
manifestations of ‘terrorism’ as a concept, and as practice?

“Either terrorism triumphs or civilization triumphs.” Comment on the above

2011 200 20

What is New Social Movement (NSM)? Explain the main challenges of the
2011 200 20
NSM in the developing countries

What is the significance of the increasing global diffusion of nuclear and long
2009 200 20
range delivery vehicle technology?

Comment on the contribution of global feminism to the consolidation of global

2009 200 20

2007 In What sense has gender justice become an urgent global concern today. 200 20

Development in contemporary discourse has dimension larger than just

2007 200 60
economic. Bring out the significance of the statement.

2005 Comment on: Sustainable Development 200 20

2005 Comment on: Basic issues in movements for Gender Justice 200 20

2002 Comment on: Human rights and humanitarian intervention. 200 20

Moral claims of today becomes the human rights of tomorrow. Trace the
2001 efforts in the international protection of human rights in the twentieth 200 60

2000 Comment on: Potentials of Non-conventional energy sources 200 20 Page 40

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

2. India and the World

01. Indian Foreign Policy

Year Question Words Marks

Discuss the utility of Nuclear Deterrence Theory in the context of the recent
2019 150 10
standoff between India and Pakistan,

2019 Examine the role of parliamentary diplomacy in India's foreigru policy. 150 10

2019 How is India responding to the idea of Indo-Pacific? 150 10

Examine the increasing significance of maritime security in India's foreign

2019 250 20

2019 Evaluate India's vision of a new world order 250 20

Given the recent developments in the region, do you think that there is a
2019 200 15
need to change India's 'No First Use NFU' nuclear policy?

Do you agree with the view that the Indian Foreign Policy is increasingly
2018 150 10
being shaped by the Neoliberal outlook? Elaborate 10

2018 "India is often said to have a rich strategic culture. Discuss, 150 10

"India's current foreign policy marks significant qualitative shifts from that of
2018 150 10
the previous regimes." Discuss.

Examine the Indian National Movement and geographical location of India as

2017 150 10
determinants of India's foreign policy.

Which determinant factors play an important role in making India's foreign

2016 150 10
policy? Illustrate with examples.

The social structure of a country influences its foreign policy-making. How

2015 does the social structure of India impact the course and direction of its 150 10
foreign policy ?

How does the Parliament determine and influence the making of India’s ; ;
2015 150 10
foreign policy ?

‘Economic interest has emerged as the main component of India’s foreign

2015 policy.’ Discuss the statement in the light of India’s initiatives to improve 200 15
relations with China, Japan and the Central Asian republics. Page 41

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

"Federal units are critical in the making of India's foreign policy." Examine
2014 200 15
this statement with reference to the role of West Bengal vis-a-vis Bangladesh.

The Ministry of External Affairs is losing its importance in the making of

2014 250 20
India's foreign policy with the parallel rise of the P.M.O. Explain

2013 Identify the elements of change in India's foreign policy. · 150 10

'The economic content of India's foreign trade is increasingly growing.'

2013 Substantiate the statement with economic diplomatic engagements of India in 200 20
the last decade.

What have been the main challenges to India’s foreign policy in the last two
2012 decades? Are these essentially ‘concerns’ with domestic politics or ‘strategic’ 200 20

is it correct to conclude that the ‘Arab Street’ revolutions have radically

2012 150 10
altered the political power scenario of the West Asian countries?

How would you describe the contemporary words beyond the language of
‘North/South’ and ‘Developed/Developing’? Is the present transformation
2012 250 20
driven by domestic compulsion, or external overall crisis of the global

Is power a zero-sum or variable game in international relations? Can zero-

2012 sum game explain the mixture of conflict and cooperation of the present 250 15
dynamics of international relations?

Assess the scope and importance of setting up the Public Diplomacy Division
2012 250 15
in the Ministry of External Affairs in strengthening India’s Foreign Policy.

2012 “Nations and States have become virtually synonymous.” Elucidate 200 15

Explain the role of the Parliament in the shaping of 123 Agreement between
2011 200 20
India and the US on Civil-nuclear Cooperation

Explain the statement and elucidate their implications: “India's policy in post-
2011 200 30
Cold War era is tilted towards pragmatism and wisdom.”

To what extent is multi-lateralism a reality with regard to India's constructive

2011 200 30
strategic partnership with Central Asian states?

Explain the impact of coalition politics on India's Foreign Policy since late
2011 200 30

2010 Can Israel be termed a 'natural ally' of India? 200 20

Domestic problems and Historic legacies, apart from other factors, constitute
2009 major strains on Indian foreign policy. Discuss this statement with suitable 200 60
examples. Page 42

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Comment on: India's Foreign Policy could have matched with the fast-
2006 200 20
changing international system.

Diplomacy is not only a technique of foreign policy implementation, but also

an instrument by which other techniques-military and economic can be
2004 200 60
successfully deployed. Discuss the significance of diplomacy in the conduct of
foreign relations.

Discuss, the illustrations, the way decision making is influenced by the

2004 200 60
external and internal environment as perceived by the decision maker.

2000 Comment on: Summit Diplomacy 200 20

02. India's Contribution to the Non-Alignment Movement

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Compare and contrast Non-alignment 1.0 with Non-alignment 150 10

Comment on India's contribution to Non-Alignment Movement and its

2016 150 10
contemporary relevance.

‘Non-alignment’ has been the basic principle of India’s foreign policy since
2015 150 10
independence. Discuss its relevance in the contemporary context.

"India's policy of non-alignment has been guided by the genius of the Indian
2014 200 15
people and their interests." Explain.

Do you think that Iran’s ‘victory’ in the NAM on the nuclear issue has
2012 250 20
brought in a new debate on the relevance of the Non-Aligned Movement.?

Explain the statement and elucidate their implications: “India's policy of non-
2011 200 30
alignment was based on both idealist and realist calculations.”

Was there any domestic socio-political basis for India to pursue the policy of
2007 200 20

Comment on: Give a critical estimate of Indias role in the Non-Aligned

2006 200 20

2005 Comment on: India as leader of Non-Aligned movement 200 20

Critically examine the view that in the Post-Cold War era India policy of non-
2003 200 60
alignment has become irrelevant

Discuss Indias contribution to the growth and development of the Non-

2002 200 60
Aligned Movement

Has the Non-Alignment Movement lost its relevance in the present day
2001 situation? And how India has evolved its foreign policy goals to the changing 200 60
international scenario? Page 43
Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

03. India and South Asia

Year Question Words Marks

Describe briefly China's One Belt One Road (OBOR)' Initiative and analyze
2019 250 20
India's major concerns.

What are the current issues in Brahmaputra River water sharing between
2019 200 15
India and China?

2018 Evaluate India's stand on the recent Rohingya refugee issue, 150 10

Analyse the significance of India's Look East Policy in the light of concerns of
2018 150 10
the indigenous peoples of North-east India.

"India's Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) is a

2018 200 15
major initiative in the area of South-South Cooperation, Discuss.

Critically assess the evolving convergence of India and China in the areas of
2018 200 15
trade and environment.

What are the impediments in the development of South Asian Free Trade Area
2017 150 10

"The Treaty of Perpetual Peace and Friendship between India and Bhutan
2017 needs to be revised with more pragmatic, realistic obligations and 150 10
responsibilities." Comment.

"Despite the differences between India and Pakistan on various issues, Indus
2017 Water Treaty has stood the test of times." In the light of this statement, 200 15
discuss the recent developments over this issue

How is the 'Belt and Road Initiative' of China going to affect India-China
2017 250 20

Illustrate the main causes of tension between India and China. Suggest the
2016 150 10
possibilities of improving relationship.

"Sometimes we visualize that SAARC's efforts come to halt because of various

2016 impediments to regional cooperation." Elaborate with reasonable examples of 150 10

2016 What are the hopes and aspirations of 'Look East Policy' of India? Explain. 200 15

Discuss the shift of India's foreign policy towards Pakistan in the light of
2016 200 15
Pathankot incident.

Identify the constraints/challenges to the regional cooperation in . South

2015 150 10
Asia. Page 44

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Ethnic conflicts and insurgencies in North-East India can be better managed

2015 by improving relations with the neighbouring countries. Substantiate the 150 10
statement with suitable examples.

River water disputes are emerging as a major source of irritation between

2015 India and its neighbours. Identify the sources of conflicts and suggest the 200 15
remedial measures.

"Some of the major changes that occurred in India's policy after the Sino -
2014 200 15
India war in 1962 were within the larger framework of continuity." Discuss.

Illustrate the issue of illegal cross-border migration in South Asia and its
2012 150 10
impact on regional alliances and bilateral relations

Is there any linkage between a shift in China’s relations with Japan to a

2012 perceived shift in her relations with India? Examine in the light of China’s so- 150 10
called ‘antiencirclement struggle’

Comment on the essential elements of India’s foreign policy that are required
2012 150 10
to secure energy and security in the Indian Ocean region.

“Despite the potentialities, India’s ‘Look East Policy’ requires a major course
2012 200 20
correction”. Discuss.

What are the political and environmental contexts of the Siachen Glacier
2012 conflict? Comment on the possibility of environmental peace-keeping and 250 15
collaborative arrangements being worked out with Pakistan on this aspects

Do you think that India should sign a treaty with China on water-sharing of
2011 Brahmaputra River, similar to what she did with Nepal and other neighboring 200 20

Explain the major flaws in India's ‘Look East Policy’ Is it possible to steer and
2011 implement the policy successfully in views of China's emergence as a high- 200 30
tech power in Asia-Pacific?

Discuss the implications of ethnicity and nation-building in South Asia, and

2011 200 30
their impact in the relations of states within South Asia

Would it be to India's benefit if it were to pursue a more serious relationship

2010 200 30
with SouthEast Asia? Critically evaluate

Do you think that Indias Look East policy would help a common Asian
2009 200 20
market, unlike European common market

In the context of developments on the nuclear weapons front in the

2009 neighbourhood, do you think that any change in India s defence strategy is 200 20
indicated? Page 45

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Examine Indias role in strategic terms with regard to the land-locked

countries in South Asia. With regard to Nepal, to what extent has the
2009 200 60
involvement of major posers such as China, the US and the EU impacted
India s strategic interests

The relationship between India and China is characterised by high levels of

2008 200 20
conflict and cooperation.' Comment.

2007 What are the motivations for India's Look East Policy? 200 20

Identify the persistent points of frictions between India and Bangladesh at

2007 200 20

Critically review the progress of India-Pakistan peace process since Kargil

2007 200 60

Domestic turmoil in neighbouring South Asian countries often constitutes a

2007 200 60
strain on Indian Foreign policy. Discuss with illustration

2005 Comment on: India's interest in ASEAN 200 20

Explain the importance and limitations of recent Confidence Building

2005 200 60
Measures in IndoPak relations

2004 Comment on: China one China policy 200 20

2004 Comment on: Political and legal status of C. I. S 200 20

Regional cooperation makes sense only in the event of there being, at least as
2004 the bottom line, a degree of ideological cohesion and/or economic 200 60
dependence. The SAARC members have neither.

2003 Comment on: Impact of Sino-Indian conflict of 1962 on International Politics 200 20

2003 Comment on: Indias role in the independence of Bangladesh 200 20

2002 Comment on: Look Eat policy of India. 200 20

2002 Comment on: Role and consequences of IPKF in Sri Lanka. 200 20

2002 Examine the recent developments in Sino-Indian relations 200 60

2001 Comment on: SAARC: Problems and Prospects. 200 20

Indo-Pak relationship veers around the peaceful settlement of the Kashmir

2000 200 60
issue. Critically evaluate various alternatives for its solution Page 46

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

04. India and the Global South

Year Question Words Marks

How is India pursuing her foreign policy objectives through the IBSA Dialogue
2019 150 10
Forum (India, Brazil and South Africa)?

India's coalitional diplomacy within the WTO has earned it wide appreciation.
2018 250 20
What accounts for the success of India's coalitional diplomacy?

"India's capacity building programmes under the Indian Technical and

2018 Economic Cooperation (ITEC) has earned much goodwill for it in Africa." 200 15

Discuss the role of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in
2018 250 20
promoting India's soft power abroad.

Suggest measures so that India's partnership with Africa becomes a true

2017 symbol of South-South Cooperation, delivering clear-cut economic and 250 20
political dividends to both sides of the equation.

Explain the concept of the North-South divide and suggest how structural
2016 inequalities between the high wage, high investment industrial North and low 200 15
wage, low investment predominantly rural South can be reduced.

2015 Discuss the factors for the decline of India’s presence in Latin America. 200 15

Identify Indias contributions and assistance in the process of nation-building

2009 200 20
in South Africa

`The constant breakdown in WTO negotiations suggest too many

2008 200 60
disagreements in world politics.' Would you agree ?

Does India's rise as a -major market power in a globalised world mean that it
2008 is no longer concerned with the 'new international economic order' that it 200 60
once championed ? Discuss

Give a critical account of Indias rule in the affairs of the Third World
2006 200 60

2001 Comment on: India and Handung Conference: Hope and Reality. 200 20 Page 47

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

05. India and the Global Centres of Power

Year Question Words Marks

2018 Discuss the role of Indian diaspora in promoting Indo-US relations. 200 15

Do you agree that the growing assertiveness of China is leading to

2018 200 15
multilayered Indo-Japan relations ? Comment.

The recent differences between India and Russia are the result of
2017 200 15
misconceptions than facts. Elucidate.

The natural behaviour of India and the United States is likely to serve each
2017 other's interests. Hence, a deliberate strategy of dovetailing their efforts will 250 20
obviously benefit both. Elaborate.

Do you subscribe to the idea that in the new evolving Asian dynamics, Japan
2017 and India have not only moved closer in economic cooperation, but also in 200 15
strategic partnership?

Explain Britain's ouster from EU and bring out its consequences on world
2016 250 20
economy in general and India in particular.

Comment on India's growing relationship with USA in the background of

2016 200 15
constrained relations between India and China.

Before the year 2000, the Indo-U.S. relationship has been marked more with
2015 250 20
estrangement than cordiality. Why ?

"EU - India relations have a long way to go before they can purposely be
2014 150 10
termed strategic." Discuss.

Do you agree with the view that the USA is of late willing to treat India '1 as a
2014 150 10
partner rather than merely a camp-follower? Give reasons for your answer

2014 Evaluate the recent changes in Indo -Japan relations 250 20

2013 Examine the recent developments in India-Japan relationship 150 10

The effort in restricting illegal migration from Mexico to U.S.A. and Canada
2012 200 20
has been one major gain for the United States through NAFTA. Comment

Examine the nature of the issues currently being debated with the European
2010 200 30

2010 Comment on the recent trends in Russia's foreign policy 200 30

2007 Examine the trends in India's relations with the European Union 200 20 Page 48

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Comprehensively examine the major developoement/trends in Indo-US

2007 relations since the early 1990's. Do you visualized the strengthening of ties 200 60
between the two nations? Substantiate

2006 Discuss the present state of Indo-Russian relations. 200 60

2005 Comment on: Emerging areas of co-operation between India and Japan 200 20

2004 Comment on: US trade relations with Japan 200 20

2003 Comment on: Areas of cooperation between India and Russia 200 20

2003 Examine the areas of cooperation and conflict in the Indo-American relations 200 60

2002 Comment on: India and European Union. 200 20

2001 Examine Pakistan as a factor in Indo-American relations during the Cold War 200 60

06. India and the UN System

Year Question Words Marks

2019 Analyze the recent trends in India's role in the UN peacekeeping operations 200 15

Discuss the various impediments in India's way to a permanent seat in the

2018 200 15
Security Council.

"India has been the largest and consistent country contributing to the UN
2017 150 10
peacekeepers worldwide." Examine India's role in this perspective.

Uniting for Consensus' also known as 'Coffee Club' has opposed the claims of
2017 India and other countries over permanent membership of the UN Security 200 15
Council. Point out their major objections.

Critically analyze China's role in international politics against India's demand

2016 200 15
for permanent seat in UN Security Council.

The United Nations completes 70 years of its establishment in 2015. What

2015 reforms is India asking for to strengthen the global institutions of governance 250 20
and why ?

Is India's quest for a permanent seat in the Security Council a possibility or

2014 150 10
just a pipedream? Elaborate with reasons.

Evaluate India's participation in United Nations peace- keeping operations

2014 200 15
over the years.

2013 Bring out the objectives of India seeking permanent seat in Security Council. 150 10 Page 49

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Bring out the role played by Indian armed forces in UN peace-keeping efforts
2010 200 20
in various parts of the world.

"The UN today is more of a social service organisation than an exclusively

2010 200 30
security oriented body." Critically examine.

Bring out India's perspectives and concerns on reform in the UN Security

2010 200 30

2008 Outline India's contribution to UN Peace Keeping activities ? 200 20

Evaluate the role India has played in U. N. Peace-keeping activities and the
2005 200 60
cause of global disarmament

2002 Comment on: India's claim for permanent seat in the UN Security Council. 200 20

2001 Comment on: India and the U. N Peace-keeping Force 200 20

Is the reforms of the UN and India's claim on the permanent seat in the
2000 200 60
Security Council is rational and equally justifiable? Elucidate.

07. India and the Nuclear Question

Year Question Words Marks

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) has failed to achieve the ultimate
2017 objective of Global Nuclear Disarmament. Discuss the deficiency in the 200 15
provision of NPT

2016 Critically analyze India's nuclear policy. 150 10

In 1998, India declared itself as a nuclear weapon state. India refuses to sign,
2015 NPT and CTBT. What would be the implications for India’s nuclear - policy in 200 15
case it signs both the treaties ?

2013 Is India's Nuclear doctrine a viable one ? 150 10

“While India opposes NPT as discriminatory, it opposes CTBT on the ground

2011 200 20
of ineffectiveness.” Comment

The growth and possession of WMD has seriously undermined international

2008 200 60
security. Discuss.

Give a arguments in defence of Indias approach to Comprehensive Test Ban

2006 200 60
Treaty (CTBT)

2005 Comment on: India's claim for acceptance as a nuclear power. 200 20 Page 50

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

Non-proliferation has now acquired the status of a vested interest with the
nuclear weapon state which, in the name of political stability, are trying to
2004 200 60
perpetuate a global order which will preserve their hegemonic position.

Despite some problems which USA is facing in Asia, it is unlikely that

2004 pressure on India over the nuclear issue, Kashmir and missile programme 200 60
will be released. Discuss.

Assess the merits of Indias case against signing the Comprehensive Test Ban
2003 200 60

2002 Critical examine Indias objectives to CTBT and NPT 200 60

Comment on: Indias opposition to the Non Proliferation Treaty: A realist

2001 200 20

2001 Explain Indias role in global disarmament 200 60

2000 Comment on: Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (PNE) 200 20

08. Recent Developments in Indian Foreign Policy

Year Question Words Marks

"The growing closeness between India and Israel will strengthen the cause of
2019 150 10
Palestine. Comment.

2019 Write a brief note on India's interests in West Asia. 200 15

How is the current standoff between the USA and Iran affecting India's energy
2019 200 15

2019 Critically exatnine India's position on South China Sea Dispute. 200 15

Do you think that India's capacity building role in Afghanistan has shrunk
2018 250 20
the strategic space for Pakistan there ? Discuss.

Has the recent Indo-Israeli relationships given a new dynamics to India's

2017 150 10
stand on Palestinian statehood?

Explain the socio-economic impacts of arms race and identify the obstacles in
2016 250 20
the way of disarmament.

Discuss the realistic foreign policy initiatives taken by India to balance its
2015 200 15
relations between Israel and the Arab world.

Discuss the humanitarian role played by India in the crisis-stricken Gulf

2015 200 15
countries like Yemen and Iraq. Page 51

Political Science UPSC Previous Year Question Bank

"Afghanistan is a litmus test· for India's ascendance as a regional and global

2014 150 10
power." Discuss

Examine the implications of turmoil in Iraq and West Asia for India's security
2014 200 15
and foreign policy concerns.

In the history of foreign policy, seldom have relations between any two.
2014 nations blossomed as fast as they have 1n the case of Indi.& 3.¥d IsraeL 200 15

“Human Rights constitute the Third Generation of Rights.” Analyse the range
2012 150 10
and complex dimension of Human Rights in the globalised era.

Bring out linkage between environmental degradation and neo-corporatism in

2012 200 15
the globalised era.

2010 Examine India's response to the Af-Pak policy of the US. 200 20

Assess the problems being faced by India on account of illegal migration into
2010 200 30
the country

To what extent is Indias policy in regard to Afghanistan dictated by a vision of

2009 200 20
Global South, rather than compulsions?

Analyze the basic causes of insurgency and terrorism in two majors areas
2009 that are affected in the country. In this regard, to what extent have state 200 60
policies to counter terrorism been effective in these areas?

2006 Comment on: India and the emerging International Economic Order 200 20

2006 Comment on: Oil crisis: Its impact on India's development strategy 200 20

2004 Comment on: Peace in West Asia 200 20

Examine the Israel-Arab conflict as a conflict of interest between the USA and
2000 200 60
the Soviet Union

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