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• Name; Mark Mcgregor

• School McGrath high school
• SBA Topic How can pollution be solved
• Subject English language

Table of Content

Topic Page
• Plan of Investigation: 1
• Reflection one: 2
• Reflection two: 3
• Reflection three: 4
• Written Group report: 5
• Oral Presentation Plan: 6
• Reference: 7
• Written Group Report 8

Plan of investigation
The topic for this SBA is pollution and sub topic is How can pollution be
The reason why I choose the topic is because over the year's
pollution has been one of the main problems in the environment, I
want to find out how pollution can be prevented in the environment so
that we can have a clean and healthy.
This topic will help me as a student of English because I will know new
words that will improve my vocabulary and mind thinking.
I plan to collect information on my topic by going to the library,
reading newspaper and also watching video.

Reflection One
The audio ‘’Nuh duty up Jamaica ‘’ written by the ministry of Education
enlighten my view on how pollution can be solved. It stated ‘Nuh dash
nuh paper nuh dash nuh plastic dispose yuh garbage responsibly and if
yuh drop it betta pick up every piece of it ‘This showed me that
pollution can be prevented / solved if we disposed our garbage
properly around the world. Hence the environment will be healthier so
would the animals in the oceans and seas.
The article ‘Reuse, reduce, recycle’ written by Ainsworth Morris
emphasize the need of article stated that ‘If we teach the younger
generation how to reuse, reduce and recycle their garbage's pollution
will reduce in the environment ‘This gives me the understanding that
pollution be prevented if we teach the younger generation to reuse
their garbage's rather than throwing it on the streets and in the gullies.
The video’ How can we stop pollution’ by Jacquelin McGlade stated
that ‘If you live in a well-developed country, you can fix it we can use
technical Innovation to kind of the cleanup but the people who live in
a develop country can't’ afford to clean up ‘This showed me that
pollution can be solved if the people who live in a develop country
reuse their garbage's and make something useful rather than throwing
it around the environment.


Reflection Two
The audio’ nuh duty up Jamaica ‘by member of the ministry of
education written in creole is a formal piece, she stated that if people
stop throwing garbage in gullies and drains the water won't be
The article Reuse, reduce and recycle ‘written by Ainsworth Morris is an
expository piece which is used in standard English, the article stated
that if we teach the younger generation how to reuse their garbage's
pollution will reduce in the environment.
My video on ‘How pollution can be solved’ by Jacqueline McGlade is an
expository piece which is written in standard English so people can
understand it more and it will reach out more to people the speaker
uses a formal tone. The video states ‘people who are living in a well-
developed country can use technical innovation to kind of reduce
pollution but the people who live in a developed country can't afford
to clean their surrounding ‘The video give me the understanding that
unwealthy people who are living in a develop country can't afford to
clean up their environment so they must reuse their waste and
pollution will reduce in their environment.


Reflection Three
The researcher has gained many skills and understanding after
accomplishing his English SBA such as, building his vocabulary,
communicating with group members, learn how to use a computer by
surfing the internet, improve my comprehension writing skills also
helps with .my reading and understanding skills, the researcher has
learned that pollution can be solved if we reuse and recycle the waste
and garbage's and make something useful rather than throwing it on
the streets or in the gullies.


Written Group Report


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