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Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: Risk

Factors, Pathophysiology, Assessment, and Potential

Physical Therapy Interventions
Rose M. Pignataro, PT, DPT, CWS1
Anne K. Swisher, PT, PhD, CCS2

Department of Community Medicine, Program in Public Health, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Division of Physical Therapy and Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

ABSTRACT are frequently under-recognized by clinical signs and testing.6

Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) affects Survey research has demonstrated that CIPN is frequently cited
many people treated for various types of cancer. Though advances by patients as one of the most bothersome side-effects of cancer
in cancer treatment have led to improved survival rates, patients treatment with the greatest overall impact on quality of life.7 The
are now exposed to greater levels of neurotoxic agents, result­ situation is further complicated by attempts to balance maximum
ing in increased incidence of CIPN. Symptoms of CIPN include therapeutic effect of chemotherapy with unwanted side-effects,
pain, sensory loss, proprioceptive deficits, distal weakness, including neurotoxicity.5
decreased fine motor control, reduced balance, and gait impair­ The purpose of this review is to present chemotherapeutic
ments. Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy interferes agents frequently associated with CIPN, describe its pathogenesis
with function, social roles, and quality of life. The purpose of this and symptom manifestation, and highlight the potential role of
literature review is to present chemotherapeutic agents frequently physical therapists in the assessment and treatment of persons
associated with peripheral neuropathy, describe pathogenesis and affected by CIPN.
symptoms, and describe potential impact of the physical therapist
in assessment and treatment of persons affected by CIPN. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF CIPN
Though pathogenesis and symptom manifestation may vary,
Key Words: chemotherapy, peripheral neuropathy, physical therapy there are common hypotheses regarding CIPN and the specific
parts of the peripheral nerve affected by different classes of
INTRODUCTION agents (Figure 1). Damage to microtubules within neurological
Approximately 1.5 million new diagnoses of cancer were structures is one such factor.3,8 Paclitaxel and vincristine bind
anticipated in 2009 in the United States.1 Improved medical treat­ to the protein tubulin and likely interfere with axonal transport
ments and advances in technology have allowed many people mechanisms.8 Taxanes also cause tangles of microtubules within
with cancer to increase their lifespan; however, these life-saving the dorsal root ganglion and Schwann cells.9
interventions come with many potential risks. Chemotherapy
induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a debilitating and
disabling condition that affects approximately 3% to 7% of
patients who are treated with a single agent, and more than 38%
of patients being treated with a combination of drugs.2 Damage to
neurologic structures seems to be related to dose. Therefore, prev­
alence is expected to increase as newer medications to counteract
myelosuppression make it possible to administer higher doses of
chemotherapy. Increased prevalence may also be a consequence
of longer life expectancy and improved survival rates, and the
higher possibility of treatment with multiple agents.2
Prevalence of CIPN has been underestimated. Some experts
feel that CIPN may be underdiagnosed because the initial onset of
1. Dorsal root ganglion-cisplatin
symptoms primarily manifests as subjective reports from patients 2. Microtubules-taxanes, vincristine
that are difficult to confirm using objective clinical measures 3. Schwann cells-taxanes
such as electrophysiologic testing and quantitative sensory 4. Excitable membrane-oxaliplatin

assessment.3 Additionally, measures which fail to account for the Figure 1. Locations of chemotherapy-induced peripheral
patient’s perspective may overlook the impact of CIPN on activi­ sensory nerve damage.
ties of daily living and overall quality of life.4 Some patients report
feeling as though their symptoms are ignored or undervalued by The platinum agents, specifically cisplatin, may induce
medical personnel due to lack of objective findings.5 Comparison apoptosis in the dorsal root ganglion by binding to the DNA.8,9
of medical assessment with patient reports shows that symptoms Postmortem studies of patients who had received chemotherapy
most bothersome to the patient such as burning and paresthesias with cisplatin found highest concentrations of the drug in the

10 Rehabilitation Oncology
Vol. 28, No. 2, 2010
dorsal root ganglia.10 Damage to the ganglion is thought to be oxaliplatin), vinca alkaloids (vincristine, vinblastine, vindestine,
responsible for permanent symptoms.11 Oxaliplatin may interfere and vinorelbine), thalidomide, and bortezomib. Pathogenesis for
with the ion exchange across the excitable membrane making it neurological side effects from each of these drug classes differs
difficult for neurons to conduct an action potential.12 with some overlap in symptoms and clinical manifestation.3
Mitochondrial dysfunction is another proposed mechanism Microtubule inhibition and impaired axonal transport is a shared
in CIPN. Animal studies with paclitaxel show abnormalities of mechanism in CIPN due to taxanes, platinum agents, and vinca
mitochondria within the axons of sensory nerves.13 Cisplatin may alkaloids. Damage to the dorsal root ganglion may be seen in
also potentially impair mitochondrial function by contributing to bortezomib and cisplatin therapies. Other mechanisms related
abnormal calcium metabolism.14 to onset of CIPN include disruptions in cellular metabolism and
Damage to neurons and delayed recovery may be explained interference with the function of the excitable membranes within
by reduced levels of nerve growth factor. This has been shown to the neural tissues. When multiple agents are used, there is greater
occur after treatment with cisplatin, oxaliplatin, and paclitaxel.7 likelihood of neurotoxicity.16 A summary of chemotherapy agents,
Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy due to agents that mechanisms of nerve damage, and symptoms is shown in the
primarily affect the nerve fiber without damage to the ganglion Table 1.
show better potential for recovery.14 Some animal studies have Manifestations of CIPN include sensory, motor, and auto­
shown a change in blood supply to peripheral nerves as a result nomic neuropathy depending on the location and extent of
of taxanes and thalidomide.15 neurological damage. Sensory involvement can result in pain
In most cases of CIPN, damage seems to be mostly concen­ and paresthesias, usually with a stocking, glove distribution, as
trated in the sensory fibers. This may be partially explained by well as reduced vibratory and position sense. Motor damage can
the anatomical location of the dorsal root ganglion. It is diffi­ lead to muscle cramps, weakness, ataxia, and gait disturbances.
cult for most chemotherapeutic agents to cross the blood-brain Involvement of the autonomic nervous system can lead to ortho­
barrier, and cell bodies for motor nerves are protected by their static hypotension, as well as bowel and bladder dysfunction.7
location within the spinal cord at the anterior horn as compared
with sensory neurons whose cell bodies are located away from Taxanes
the cord at the dorsal root ganglion. Also, within the peripheral Two specific medications in the taxane class have been associ­
nervous system, motor nerves tend to be more heavily myelin­ ated with CIPN: paclitaxel and docetaxel. Paclitaxel is an agent
ated than the smaller diameter sensory nerves. Myelin may serve commonly used in the treatment of ovarian cancer not responsive
some protective function against axonal damage.3 Symptoms tend to primary treatment methods, metastatic breast cancer, Kaposi’s
to effect the distal upper and lower extremities (stocking-glove sarcoma, bladder, testicular, lung, and head and neck cancers.3,10
distribution) because the longest never fibers have the largest The effectiveness of taxanes as cancer drugs is dependent on
surface area, and are therefore more vulnerable to damage from their effectiveness as microtubule inhibitors.12 By inhibiting the
chemotherapeutic agents.3 microtubules needed for cellular mitosis, taxanes prevent further
In addition to sensory symptoms, some patients also experi­ replication of cancerous cells. However, this same property
ence myalgias, or muscle aches, exacerbated by activity.9 There contributes to neurotoxic side effects. It is thought that taxanes
may also be damage to autonomic nerve fibers leading to symp­ may interfere with axonal transport in peripheral nerves leading
toms such as dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, ortho­ to trophic changes in motor and sensory fibers which then results
static hypotension,9 and irregular pulse.12 Autonomic fibers are in CIPN.12 Peripheral neuropathy induced by paclitaxel seems
poorly myelinated and this may contribute to their vulnerability to be dose-related, with predominance of peripheral sensory
towards developing CIPN.9 symptoms and sparing of motor function at lower doses, while
Individual patient susceptibility to CIPN can be hard to at higher dosages, motor and autonomic involvement also may
predict. However, patients with conditions involving pre-existing be seen.19
neurological damage are at greater risk. Such conditions include Docetaxel, used for treatment of breast cancer,20 is another
diabetes, alcoholism, nutritional issues (ie, low thiamine and B12 taxane drug associated with CIPN, with symptoms similar to
levels), Lyme disease, lupus, and HIV.10,16,17 Since vincristine is those experienced by subjects receiving treatment with pacli­
processed by the liver, pre-existing hepatic impairment could also taxel. Common reported side effects include pain, paresthesias,
increase risk of CIPN.18 hypoesthesias, proprioceptive loss, and unsteady gait. There may
Prognosis for recovery in persons with CIPN is largely also be some motor symptoms, primarily distal weakness at the
dependent on the mechanism responsible for neurological impair­ foot and ankle. Prevalence of neurotoxicity due to treatment with
ments as well as individual variations in susceptibility and resil­ docetaxel ranges from 9.5% to 63% depending on total dose and
ience including age, comorbidities, and predisposing factors for delivery schedule.21
peripheral nerve damage including smoking and alcohol use. For
drugs primarily affecting the axon, regeneration is possible once Platinum Agents
the drug has been metabolized and removed from the system. Platinum agents include cisplatin, carboplatin, and oxaliplatin.
However, the likelihood of recovery is significantly diminished These drugs are generally used to treat lung, ovarian, breast, and
for agents that result in damage to the cell bodies themselves at colorectal cancers.3 The platinum agents also work by inhibi­
the dorsal root ganglion.7 tion of microtubules, decreasing the ability of cancer cells to
undergo mitosis, but also disrupting axonal transport, particularly
CHEMOTHERAPY AGENTS IMPLICATED IN CIPN in longer peripheral nerve fibers.12 Estimated prevalence of CIPN
The most common agents associated with CIPN are the taxanes in patients treated with platinum agents is 30%.11 With cisplatin,
(paclitaxel, docetaxel), platinum drugs (cisplatin, carboplatin, CIPN has been linked to cumulative doses of 300 mg/m2 or more.14
Rehabilitation Oncology 11
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Table 1. Common Chemotherapeutic Agents and Effects of CIPN
Chemotherapeutic Agent Types of Cancer Treated with This Agent Mechanism for CIPN Common Symptoms of CIPN
• Paclitaxel Ovarian Microtubule Distal sensory
Metastatic Breast Inhibition neuropathy
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Bladder Impaired axonal transport In higher doses, motor and auto­
Testicular nomic
Lung May cause microtubule tangles in dorsal Dysfunction
Head and neck root ganglion and Schwann cells

• Docetaxel Breast Ca Same as paclitaxel, usually less

Platinum Drugs Lung Microtubule
Ovarian Inhibition
Colorectal Impaired axonal transport

• Cisplatin Apoptosis in dorsal root ganglion Distal sensory neuropathy

Motor loss is less common

• Carboplatin
Same as cisplatin, usually less

• Oxaliplatin
Acute neurological symptoms may be due Delayed effects: Same as cisplatin
to disruption in Na+ channel function,
hypocalcemia and hypomagnesia resulting Acute symptoms: paresthesias/
in cell hyperexcitability dysesthesias hands, feet & peri­
oral area, jaw spasms, subjective
Vinca Alkaloids
• vincristine Lymphoma Microtubule Distal sensory neuropathy
Leukemia Inhibition
Solid tumors Autonomic dysfunction possible
Impaired axonal transport
Motor loss especially dorsiflexion
and wrist extension
Thalidomide Multiple myeloma Antiangiogenesis leading to impaired Distal sensory neuropathy
Gliomas axonal circulation
Renal cell
Colon Wallerian degeneration
Damage to the dorsal root ganglion

Otherwise unknown
Bortezomib Multiple myeloma Interferes with Ca++ homeostasis Affects C fibers – painful distal
sensory neuropathy
Disrupts cellular metabolism through prote­
asome inhibition

May damage dorsal root ganglion

Patients may also experience “coasting” ie, onset or worsen­ is thought to be less toxic than cisplatin.3,14 Coasting is also less
ing of symptoms after chemotherapy has been terminated. frequent.11 It is likely that higher doses of carboplatin are avoided
Recovery is frequently delayed over the course of months or due to associated hepatoxicity, thus reducing incidence of severe
years. Permanent CIPN as a result of cisplatin occurs in 30% neurologic involvement.14
to 50% of patients even after therapy has been discontinued.12 Like the other platinum agents, damage and symptoms from
However, likelihood of partial return of neurological function oxaliplatin are related to total cumulative dose. However, oxal­
is high.14 Symptoms of cisplatin-induced CIPN include distal platin has the ability to induce both acute onset and delayed
sensory neuropathy with tingling, burning, and/or pinprick-like neurologic symptoms. Acute symptoms tend to occur at higher
paresthesias in a stocking-glove distribution. There is reduced doses and can be partially suppressed by using a slower infusion
proprioception and nerve damage can progress to loss of deep rate while administering the agent.14 The occurrence of oxalipla­
tendon reflexes in the affected extremities. Motor symptoms tin neurotoxicity is much higher than that of cisplatin and carbo­
occur less commonly.14 platin: acute symptoms occur in 85% to 95% of patients.14 Acute
Patients receiving carboplatin experience similar symptoms, symptoms associated with oxaliplatin administration include
although they are less frequent and severe. Generally, carboplatin paresthesias, hypoesthesias, and dysesthesias affecting the
12 Rehabilitation Oncology
Vol. 28, No. 2, 2010
hands, feet, perioral area, and throat.3,14 Particularly distressing induced peripheral neuropathy due to bortezomib is thought to
to patients are reports of jaw spasms and subjective dysphagia.14 target small unmyelinated C-fibers resulting in very painful, burn­
Muscle cramps may occur in the distal extremities, and symp­ ing paresthesias in the distal extremities.9 However, bortezomib
toms are known to be aggravated by exposure to cold.14 It has may also induce changes in the dorsal root ganglion.24 Effects
been suggested that the acute symptoms induced by oxaliplatin may be magnified in patients who have received both bortezo­
may be due to disruption in sodium channel function within the mib and thalidomide.11 Occurrence of peripheral neuropathy due
excitable membrane and at the synapses of affected neurons.3 to chemotherapy with bortezomib is estimated at 9% to 41%25
Acute motor symptoms may be caused by hypocalcemia and and increases with recurrence of cancer and repeated therapy.24
hypomagnesia after infusion of the chemotherapeutic agent.14 Prognosis for recovery from CIPN after reduction of dose or
Longer term onset of symptoms may be the result of damage discontinuation of bortezomib is good.26
to the dorsal root ganglia of sensory neurons where toxins
are known to accumulate.3 Coasting can also occur, making it ASSESSMENT OF CIPN
difficult to regulate dose in an attempt to avoid neurotoxicity.9 Assessment of CIPN can be somewhat difficult since clinical
The delayed onset of symptoms with oxaliplatin is similar to manifestations do not always correlate with severity of patient
those experienced by patients undergoing therapy with cispla­ complaints. Evaluation for CIPN and associated impairments
tin. Patients report reduced sensation in the distal extremities should include electrophysiologic testing, sensory testing and
that can interfere with fine motor control and activities, such as neurological assessment, gait and balance assessment, and evalu­
dressing and fastening buttons.14 The chances of recovery from ation of the impact of symptoms on patients’ quality of life and
chronic CIPN due to oxaliplatin are higher than those following ADLs. Helpful guidelines for physical therapists concerning thor­
treatment with cisplatin.14 ough assessment and treatment planning for persons with CIPN
can be found in the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, practice
Vinca Alkaloids pattern, 5G, “Impaired Motor Function and Sensory Integrity
Vincristine is a chemotherapeutic agent within the class of Associated with Acute or Chronic Polyneuropathies.”27
vinca alkaloids and is used in the treatment of lymphoma, leuke­
mia, and solid tumors.8 It is commonly used in childhood acute Electrophysiologic Testing
lymphoblastic leukemia.22 Like the platinum agents and taxanes, Certain chemotherapeutic agents cause damage to the periph­
vincristine is also a microtubule inhibitor.12 Most commonly, eral nerves that result in characteristic findings on electrophysi­
patients experience sensory neuropathy, although autonomic ologic evaluation. Patients who develop CIPN as a result of cispl­
dysfunction is also possible.8 Chemotherapy induced peripheral atin therapy show a decrease or absence of the compound sensory
neuropathy as a result of vincristine has been tied to individual nerve action potential (CSNAP), delayed conduction velocity in
treatment dose, infusion rate, and cumulative dose.8 Occurrence distal sensory nerves, and a prolonged or absent H-reflex.28 In
of Grade 3 to 4 sensory neuropathy in persons receiving treat­ contrast, electromyography (EMG) results are usually normal.28
ment with vincristine is estimated at 31%.12 Motor symptoms Nerve biopsies reveal evidence of segmental demyelination and
may include distal weakness, especially dorsiflexion and wrist remyelination.28 Following treatment with vincristine, electro­
extension.23 Foot drop may lead to gait impairments.23 Other diagnostic studies may show normal or near normal conduction
vinca alkaloids such as vinblastine, vindesine, and vinorel­ velocity in motor and sensory nerves, with decreased amplitude
bine have similar manifestations, but with less severity and of the compound motor action potential (CMAP) and CSNAP.28
decreased prevalence as compared with vincristine.3 Rates of The EMG may show evidence of denervation, but the H-reflex
recovery of peripheral neuropathy in pediatric patients receiv­ is generally unimpaired, even when deep tendon reflexes show
ing vincristine are high with most symptoms resolving within an absent Achilles tendon response.28 With docetaxel exposure,
months of discontinuing therapy.22 there is a decreased amplitude of the CMAP and CSNAP, with
moderate delay in nerve conduction velocity.10 In bortezomib,
Thalidomide nerve conduction studies generally reveal decreased CSNAP and
Thalidomide is an antiangiogenesis agent used in treatment of increased latency or absence of the H-reflex.23 It is also possible
multiple myeloma, gliomas, renal cell cancer, colon cancer, and to show decreases in CMAP.24 In rat models, thalidomide induced
breast cancer, and Kaposi’s sarcoma.3,5,11,8 Chemotherapy induced CIPN also presents with electrophysiologic evidence of damage
peripheral neuropathy is a common side effect, occurring in up to sensory fibers.13
to 20% to 40% of patients,11 and is likely to be more severe as An important limitation of electrophysiologic testing for
compared with other chemotherapeutic agents, resulting in signif­ CIPN is a lack of sensitivity in detecting small fiber damage.19,17
icant permanent damage. The mechanism behind neurotoxicity The fibers that mediate pain are small diameter and particularly
is unknown, but damage to the dorsal root ganglia is suspected.8 vulnerable to CIPN. These fibers (A-delta and C) correspond to
Research has shown Wallerian degeneration without demyelin­ symptoms most frequently cited as bothersome and distressing by
ation.8 Onset of CIPN related to thalidomide increases with age of patient report. For these reasons, electrodiagnostic studies must
the patient and cumulative dose or length of treatment.11 be augmented by other clinical measures in order to perform an
accurate assessment.4
Bortezomib is an intravenous medication used in the treat­ Sensory Testing and Neurologic Assessment
ment of multiple myeloma. It acts by inhibiting proteasomes In persons with CIPN, the clinician must take into account
and disrupting the cellular metabolism of neoplastic growth.5 It both negative and positive symptoms such as sensory loss (nega­
may also interfere with calcium homeostasis.24 Chemotherapy tive) and pain (positive). Symptoms must be evaluated in a
Rehabilitation Oncology 13
Vol. 28, No. 2, 2010
consistent, organized fashion that is readily reproduced in assess­ cisplatin have been noted to experience vestibular toxicity that may
ing patients’ response to treatment and comparing outcomes.29 lead to balance deficits while those receiving therapy with taxane
Neurologic pain and sensory deficits can manifest in a variety drugs often present with decreased postural stability.34 Decreased
of ways such as dysesthesia, or reports of abnormal, unpleasant distal lower extremity strength and loss of sensation, including
sensations in the affected area, and paresthesias, or abnormal proprioception, are risk factors for increased falls and balance
sensations that are not necessarily unpleasant. Pain can be spon­ deficits.35 In subjects with age-related peripheral neuropathy, the
taneous or in response to a stimulus. Hyperalgesia is an increased greatest risk ratios were associated with sensory loss followed by
nociceptive response to a stimulus that is normally painful. risk due to decreased strength.36 Subjects with diabetic peripheral
Allodynia is pain evoked by a stimulus that is normally benign.30 neuropathy involving loss of sensation at the foot and ankle are
Sensory mapping can assist the physical therapist or other health more likely than those without neuropathy to use a hip strategy
care provider in determining the distribution of these symptoms. when their balance is challenged,35 and gait assessment revealed
The assessment should begin outside the perimeter of the area of reduced ankle range of motion resulting in decreased stride length
interest and progress inward in a set pattern.29 and cadence.37 Patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy also
Assessing light touch provides information regarding the tended to use the hip flexors to advance the limb during swing
integrity of low-threshold mechanoreceptors and large myelin­ phase rather than relying on forceful plantarflexion at push off due
ated A-beta fibers. This can be done by using a piece of cotton or to impaired ability to generate torque at the ankle.37
a small paint brush.29,30 Physical therapists are uniquely positioned through our
Semmes-Weinstein monofilament testing can be used to education and skill set to perform thorough neuromuscular and
assess slowly adapting low-threshold mechanoreceptors and functional assessments that will assist in generating a problem
quantify threshold for tactile perception as well as thresholds for list, identifying appropriate goals, and establishing a tailored
punctate allodynia. In patients with diabetic peripheral neuropa­ intervention strategy based on the individual patient presenta­
thy, the 5.07 diameter monofilament is frequently used as the tion. Within the realm of our professional expertise are measures
threshold for identifying loss of protective sensation.29 such as manual muscle testing, handheld dynamometry, grip
The European Federation of Neurological Societies Task testing, goniometry, sit and reach, timed up and go, qualitative
Force recommends use of a wooden cocktail stick to examine gait assessment, timed sit to stand, as well as the Berg and Tinetti
loss of pin prick or allodynia in response to sharp stimuli. These Scales for balance assessment.34
symptoms reflect involvement of small diameter C-fibers.29
Vibratory perception may be assessed using a 128 Hz tuning Quality of Life Assessment and Activities of Daily Living
fork applied to the hallux, medial malleolus, patella, distal inter­ Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy can result in
phalangeal joint of the second finger, ulnar styloid, and medial disruption of functional abilities in occupational, social and
epicondyle.29 With the Biothesiometer, clinicians can determine the family roles, as well as hobbies and recreational activities.5
threshold of vibration perception.29,31 Pressure pain thresholds can Patients with CIPN sometimes report reduced ability to walk due
be determined using a sphygnomometer that is gradually inflated to burning pain in the feet. They may also experience impaired
according to patient tolerance. Though this is only useful in exam­ fine motor control needed for dressing and other daily tasks due
ining the extremities, it will help assess the integrity of slowly to numbness of the hands and fingers.7 Studies in patients with
adapting mechanoreceptors29 and is well suited to neuropathic pain other types of peripheral neuropathies have found a reduced abil­
due to CIPN, which generally has a stocking-glove distribution. ity to maintain unilateral stance, and an increased fall risk.38 A
Thermal stimuli are perceived through activation of A-delta history of falls or fear of falling may lead to functional decline as
and C fibers. When assessing thermal perception, the clinician patients may tend to self-limit their activities.17
needs to be consistent in stimulus size and duration to account for Standardized patient questionnaires and surveys may be help­
spatial summation.29 Thermal perception may be tested through ful in examining the patient’s perspective and gathering more
the use of cold and warm Lindblom rollers.32 information about impaired daily function and reports of pain.
Possible limitations of sensory testing include fluctuations Such measures include the Patient Neurotoxicity Questionnaire,3
in the subject’s reaction time, level of alertness, compliance the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – General (FACT-
and willingness to participate, as well as psychological status.33 G),33 the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of
Clinicians should consider these factors when interpreting test Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Questionnaire,31 and the Total
results. Strategies for accurate assessment include use of a nonin­ Neuropathy Scale.4 Surveys that are specific to neurological
volved reference site for comparison and use of null stimuli, times symptoms due to chemotherapy include the CIPN-20,4 an inven­
when no stimulus is delivered, spaced at random. Tests should be tory that uses 3 scales to assess sensory, motor and autonomic
considered invalid if a person repeatedly reports perception of the symptoms,4 and questionnaires pertaining to the chosen chemo­
null stimulus.29 Neurological assessment should also include deep therapeutic agents, eg, Oxaliplatin Associated Neurotoxicity
tendon reflex testing,31 although deficits in DTRs may reflect late- Interview,4 and the Oxaliplatin-Specific Neurotoxicity Scale
stage pathology.19 (NTX-12).39 Nonspecific measures familiar to the physical
therapist may also be employed in assessing limitations in the
Gait and Balance Assessment ability to perform daily tasks for oncology patients including
No studies to date have examined gait or balance issues in the Brief Fatigue Inventory and Berg Rating Scale of Perceived
people with CIPN, but patients with CIPN report difficulty with Exertion.34
ambulation and increased fear of falling,7 and literature concern­
ing other forms of peripheral neuropathy strongly suggest that Treatment for CIPN
these areas should be assessed. Persons undergoing treatment with There are several treatment options for CIPN, some primarily
14 Rehabilitation Oncology
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medical, and others where physical therapy could provide poten­ more vulnerable to damage from compression due to impaired
tial avenues for conservative management. function of the microtubules and delayed axonal transport. This
may be more frequent in patients with pre-existing or predispos­
Pharmacologic Intervention ing conditions such as prior occupations or hobbies that involved
Dosing options to mitigate or prevent CIPN include lower repetitive motion or cumulative stress. If clinical assessment
quantities of the agent when possible, a prolonged infusion rate shows signs of a nerve entrapment at a specific site such as the
per treatment, and delivery of the total dose over a longer period carpal or tarsal tunnel in patients with CIPN, selective surgical
of time.40 Some studies suggest the simultaneous administration decompression may provide another treatment alternative.44
of neuroprotective agents, such as amifostine, to prevent toxicity
and damage. Amifostine is thought to prevent or decrease damage Nonpharmacologic Interventions for CIPN
to peripheral nerves while not interfering with the action of the Pharmaceutical management of pain related to CIPN is
agents in treating malignant tissues.16 However, other neuropro­ usually only partly effective.43 Since pain and paresthesias can
tective drugs show limited efficacy. A Cochrane review indicates play such significant roles in reducing function and diminishing
little compelling evidence for the use of neuroprotective agents in patients’ quality of life, noninvasive measures without the associ­
platinum-induced CIPN11 and other authors cite similar concerns ated side-effects of many medications provide an important alter­
for bortezomib.24 native for patients with peripheral neuropathy. Studies involving
Nerve growth factor (NGF) has been effectively used as a the direct effect of adjunctive treatment measures in CIPN are
neuroprotectant in animal studies involving cisplatin and pacli­ difficult to find. However, information may be extrapolated from
taxel.41 Investigations have shown that levels of NGF in the circu­ sources examining effects of interventions in other populations
lation decrease and can sometimes disappear completely when with peripheral neuropathy.
subjects are receiving chemotherapy.25 Nerve growth factor is Research investigating the effects of acupuncture in subjects
also known to have a trophic effect on the dorsal root ganglia, an with HIV-related peripheral neuropathy has demonstrated
area prone to damage from accumulation of cisplatin, leading to decreased pain and paresthesias.45 A second study found similar
severe and lasting neuropathy.41 results and no adverse reactions were noted.44 Proposed mecha­
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) has also been shown to nisms of action for acupuncture include the gate theory and
positively influence nerve regeneration in animal models and release of endogenous opiates. Possible stimulation of NGF has
may serve as a neuroprotectant during chemotherapy using also been suggested.44
vincristine.41 Positive results were obtained using IGF-1 to Gait, balance, and strength impairments may be effectively
preserve motor function in mice during vinca alkaloid treat­ addressed by physical therapy interventions and treatment strat­
ment.24,41 For both IGF-1 and NGF, gene therapy may provide an egies. Two studies found that increased ankle flexibility and
effective vehicle for delivery in future treatment.42 strength improved balance and stability during ambulation in
Vasoendothelial growth factor (VEGF) is another substance subjects with diabetic peripheral neuropathy.35,46 Patients with
that may be used to counteract CIPN by reducing and reversing CIPN at risk for falls may benefit from training with an appro­
damage to the vascular supply of peripheral nerves. Experimental priate assistive device. Studies report reduced loss of balance in
intervention for animal subjects with diabetic and ischemic persons with peripheral neuropathy when using a single axis cane
neuropathy show positive results using gene-therapy to admin­ while ambulating on uneven surfaces or in low lighting condi­
ister VEGF.15 However, there are legitimate concerns that the tions.35,46
administration of VEGF might aide angiogenesis and promote Research examining the effects of therapeutic exercise for
growth of cancerous cells, making this a less attractive treatment people with peripheral neuropathies have shown mixed results,
option.15 probably due to variety in possible exercise prescription and
Several nutrients appear to have potential for CIPN treatment the need to tailor interventions to the individual needs of each
or prevention. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that may reduce the patient rather than the group as a whole. In a systematic review,
incidence and intensity of CIPN induced by cisplatin.2 Glutamine the Cochrane group found evidence that therapeutic exercise
may increase the availability and production of NGF.2 has the potential to increase strength in subjects with peripheral
Infusion with calcium and magnesium may prevent neuro­ neuropathy, however, not enough information exists in the form
toxicity with oxaliplatin.2,9 Oxaliplatin breaks down into oxalate of randomized controlled trials to draw reliable conclusions
that binds to calcium and magnesium, and is thought to affect the about the impact of therapeutic exercise on restored function.47
conductance and threshold in excitable cells.2 Therapeutic exercise does not appear to be detrimental to recov­
Various medications are often used to mitigate pain associated ery47 and could be justified in persons with CIPN accompanied by
with CIPN including NSAIDs,26 narcotics, carbamazepine, and deficits in strength, balance, or flexibility.48
gabapentin.14 Antidepressants may also be prescribed, possibly
producing analgesia by release of endogenous opiates and inhibi­ Therapeutic Exercise
tion of sodium channel activation in nociceptive fibers.43 Narcotic Presence of neuromuscular deficits as a result of CIPN
medications may help reduce conduction in A delta and C fibers suggests potential benefit of therapeutic exercise for this patient
but are less effective in mediating activity in A beta fibers,43 population. Research regarding effects of these interventions
rendering only partial relief. There is little evidence to support vary with severity of disease, treatment rendered, and lifestyle
the effectiveness of narcotics in neuropathic pain.43 Efficacy must of the patient49 as well as stage of treatment.50 Benefits of physi­
be balanced by concern for deleterious consequences including cal activity in improving strength, cardiovascular fitness, gait,
sedation, impaired judgment, and dependence. and endurance must be balanced with patients’ ability to tolerate
Platinum agents and taxanes may make peripheral nerves levels of exercise as well as the potential harms of remaining
Rehabilitation Oncology 15
Vol. 28, No. 2, 2010
inactive.50 Some authors suggest working within the following The analgesic effect of TENS may be related to the gate
stages: “buffering before treatment, coping during treatment, theory of pain relief, ie, modulation of transmission of nocicep­
rehabilitation immediately post-treatment, (and) long-term health tive input at the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Greater likeli­
promotion for those with positive treatment outcomes.”50 While hood of beneficial results were seen when electrical stimulation
previous literature reviews suggest that physical exercise had was applied at a site proximal to the nerve lesion, eg, at the low
little if any adverse effects during and after cancer treatment, back for symptoms affecting the lower extremities.60 Motor level
and could potentially result in less fatigue and greater cardio­ treatment (NMES – neuromuscular electrical stimulation) of the
vascular fitness, the effect sizes were small, indicating a need quadriceps has also been used to address symptoms of diabetic
for further research50 as well as a need to carefully monitor and neuropathy. When NMES treatment was compared with TENS,
adapt the intervention to the individual needs and responses of subjects reported a greater reduction in nonpainful symptoms
each patient. The ability to assess adverse reactions is limited (paresthesias and numbness) when receiving NMES.61
by study designs that tend to favor a per-protocol analysis where
persons with complications or worsening of disease were omitted Patient Education and Supportive Measures
from the outcome measurements due to an inability to complete Patients undergoing treatment with chemotherapy should
the program. Our profession would benefit from future studies receive education regarding possible signs and symptoms of
that examine difference in responders and nonresponders through CIPN with instructions to consult their medical provider if issues
intention-to-treat analyses.50 arise. This allows the provider to monitor doses and adjust the
treatment plan as needed.2 Women with breast cancer treated
Use of Physical Agents with paclitaxel reported improved ability to manage side-effects,
Low intensity light therapy (LILT), or the use of nonthermal red including CIPN, when they were anticipated prior to onset.2
and infrared light sources, has been used successfully to expedite Unexpected symptoms provoked an increase in overall anxiety
healing in peripheral nerve injuries in noncancer populations.51 and distress.6 In a qualitative study, half of participants reported
One proposed mechanism of action is increased production of being surprised by the onset of CIPN and did not recall any
transforming growth factor beta-1, a neuroprotective substance.51 prior counseling regarding this possible side effect.5 This can be
Wound and tissue healing studies have demonstrated an increase in particularly disturbing because of the unfamiliar nature of CIPN
VEGF52 and NGF53 with LILT, suggesting possible utility in CIPN. symptoms, often leading patients to interpret them as signs of
In studies of patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, mono­ other medical problems including heart attack or stroke.5
chromatic infrared energy (MIRE) helped restore loss of sensa­ For patients with CIPN, physical therapists can provide training
tion.53 Another study examining the effects of MIRE in patients in fall reduction strategies, as well as education in proper foot care
with diabetic peripheral neuropathy reported subjective perceptions and guarding against trauma in areas affected by reduced sensa­
of improved balance and decreased fear of falling.54 Low intensity tion.2 Often, rehabilitation specialists will be able to recommend
light therapy may also be a suitable intervention for relief of pain modifications to the home environment to enhance patient safety
in persons with peripheral neuropathy. It has been suggested that such as the use of handrails and removal of fall hazards.12 Patients
LILT helps promote analgesia through both opiod and non-opiod receiving agents thought to cause autonomic symptoms should also
mediated mechanisms.55 However, the use of LILT in patients with be educated in management of orthostatic hypotension.12
cancer presents difficulty as its safety in this population has not yet
been established. The general consensus is that use of LILT directly Clinical Implications
over known malignancies is contraindicated,56 but treatment of Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy is a rela­
peripheral nerves in cancer patients may be a possibility. tively common side effect in patients receiving chemotherapy
Electrical stimulation may provide a viable option in address­ for a variety of malignant conditions including breast cancer,
ing painful symptoms of CIPN, although, once again, treatment myeloma, renal cell cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer.
rationale must be inferred from research studies examining the As survival rates and lifespan for these cancers improve, the
effects in patients with peripheral nerve damage due to diabetes. prevalence of CIPN will likely increase, and so will the impact
Such inference is appropriate since there are several similari­ on patients’ functional ability and quality of life. Chemotherapy-
ties between diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) and CIPN in induced peripheral neuropathy may be under-recognized due to
terms of nature and location of symptoms and the nerve fiber lack of sensitivity in objective screening measures. As reha­
types that are affected. bilitation specialists, physical therapists are uniquely qualified
Use of H-wave electrical stimulation (similar to transcutane­ to measure not only subjective patient reports but disability
ous electrical nerve stimulation - TENS) has been successfully related to CIPN. This skill set enables the physical therapist to
used to reduce pain in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropa­ provide effective patient education and implement strategies
thy.57,58 Subjects also used analgesic medications during interven­ that enhance functional outcomes. The literature suggests that
tion with electrical stimulation, demonstrating its usefulness as an functional deficits and pain associated with cancer treatment
adjunctive treatment measure.57,58 However, symptoms returned represent an unmet need.62 Pharmacologic management of
after treatment was discontinued.57,58 Another option presented CIPN is limited and comes with many undesirable side-effects,
use of frequency modulated electromagnetic stimulation applied making potential physical therapy interventions an attractive
to the legs at subsensory threshold. This approach resulted in alternative. Analgesic treatments as well as gait, balance, and
decreased pain for patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. strength training require much further study to determine opti­
Monofilament testing and vibratory testing with a biothesiometer mal approach, treatment timing, and patient populations who
showed improved sensation. Benefits continued at the 4-month will receive the most benefit.
follow-up without any further treatment.59
16 Rehabilitation Oncology
Vol. 28, No. 2, 2010
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54. Powell M, Carnegie D, Burke T. Reversal of diabetic periph­ There is no charge for publications.
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and the fear of falling and improves activities of daily living 120 Wall Street, Suite 1602
in seniors. Age Ageing. 2006;35:11-16. New York, NY 10005-4035
Tel. 212-509-5188; Toll free 888-862-0999
55. Laasko, E. Dose Thresholds and Effect Mechanisms for Pain Fax 212-509-8492
Maianagement with LASER Phototherapy. WALT 2008 –
International Conference of the World Association of Laser
Therapy. 2008:43-50.

18 Rehabilitation Oncology
Vol. 28, No. 2, 2010

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