Time Connectors Bachillerato (NARRATIVE) 3

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These are some of the most common time linkers used to recount what happened in
the past tense. You’ll need these linkers when you want to tell a story! The example
sentences below form a paragraph. Read them all linked together below.

First - indicates the start, the initial step

First, we woke up early.

Then - indicates the next step

Then, we drank coffee and ate breakfast.

Next - indicates what happens immediately after

Next, we drove our car to the National Park.

After - indicates what’s following in time

After, we found where our hiking trail begins.

After that - indicates what’s following an already stated event, implied by that
We found a spot in the busy parking lot. After that, we prepared to start our hike.

Before - indicates what happened at an earlier time

Before starting the hike, we made sure that we had all of the food, water, and gear
to hike safely!

Before that - indicates what happened earlier than an already stated event, implied
by that

Once we were sure we had everything, we packed it all into our backpacks. Before
that, we checked the map to confirm that we were starting on the right trail.

Finally - indicates that something happened last in a process

Finally, we started our hike at 10 AM!

Linked Together Paragraph:

First, we woke up early. Then, we drank coffee and ate breakfast. Next, we drove
our car to the National Park. After, we found where our hiking trail begins. We
found a spot in the busy parking lot. After that, we prepared to start our hike. Before
starting the hike, we made sure that we had all of the food, water, and gear to hike
safely! Once we were sure we had everything, we packed it all into our backpacks.
Before that, we checked the map to confirm that we were starting on the right trail.
Finally, we started our hike at 10 AM!

During - 1) throughout the entire time of (an event, time period, etc.) OR 2) at some
time in the course of something

Definition One Examples:

 She exercises everyday during the week.

 They were a couple during all four years of university.

Definition Two Examples:

 It started to rain during the picnic.

 She delivered her lecture during the conference.

While - happens at the same time as another action

 I fell asleep while he was talking.

 You can rest while I clean the house!
 He’s taking care of two children while working a full-time job.

As soon as - happens directly after something else happened

 I’ll wash the dishes as soon as we finish eating.

 She received a promotion as soon as she finished her master’s degree.
 Please respond to my message as soon as you have the information I requested.

By the time - indicates what has already happened by a certain point in time

 By the time we arrived to the party, all of the guests had already left!
 I had lived in three different states by the time I was 30 years old.
 The fire had already been extinguished by the time the firefighters arrived.

Until - continues up to a certain time or point and then stops

 She’s living in Antofagasta until next year.

 I’m available to answer questions about the project until 5 PM today.
 He’ll stay at the concert until he gets tired.

Since - from a specific point in time until now

 She’s been taking English classes since January of last year.

 He’s been working at the company since 2016.

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