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December 14,2020

City Clerk
City of Clearwater


Dear Ms . Call,

As you know, we have submitted a number of public records requests for any and
all documents to, from or regarding Mark Bunker.

I have recently reviewed the past responses to our requests, as well as follow-up
requests we have done and it seems there are still records missing.

1. In response to our November 23, 2020 public records request, Mr. Bunker
produced a Facebook private message conversation he had with Renata Lugli.
Ms. Lugli was requesting Mr. Bunker's input regarding a letter she wished to
send to Tracey McManus at the Times. After amending her letter based on
Mr. Bunker's input, Ms Lugli asked Mr. Bunker to forward it to the Times.
On November 1, 2020, Mr. Bunker told Ms. Lugli "I just sent your message
to Tracey McManus at the Tampa Bay Times. I didn't have an email for you
but I suggested she friend you on F acebook if she hasn't already. "

Mr. Bunker did not produce his communication to Ms. McManus, or any
response he received from her. We request that communication be produced.

2. Mr. Bunker produced an e-mail he received from full-time anti-Scientologist

blogger Tony Ortega on October 21, 2020 wherein Mr. Ortega stated "Hey
man, I'm in a zoom conference right now. I'll be free in about an hour. "

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(727) 445-433" • FOlX :(727) 467-68 5 • •
Mr. Bunker responded "Sounds good" however there is no record of a
telephone call , e-mail, text message, videoconference or any other means of
com municatio n betw een Mr. Bunker and Mr. Ortega following that e-mail.
I request any such records be produced.

3. On November 10, 2020, Mr. Bunker commented on a posting on the

members -only anti-S cientology Facebook page "Outer Banks". In h is
comment, Mr. Bu rer discussed statements he had made at a City Council
meeting. This posting was not produced . We request this posting be
produced, and that Mr. Bunker review and confirm there are no other
postings he may have missed .

4. In a letter I sent to you on August 18 , 2020, I pointed out that on June 8,

2020, Mr. Ortega wrote a blog about the public records requests the Church
has made, noting "Mark [Bunker} sent us an email about his Disqus
postings and asked for help retrieving them. In that email, he attached
Scientology's most recent request from Flag Service Organization secretary
Glen Stilo. " At that time, Mr. Bunker had not produced that email, or any
response from Mr. Ortega and made a new request for those documents.
Although he produced other documents requested in that August 18 letter,
Mr. Bunker did not produce his correspondence with Mr. Ortega. We
reiterate our request for the emails between Mr. Bunker and Mr. Ortega.

5. In a separate records request I made on August 18, 2020, I requested "Any

and all records relating to the website and domain since
March 17, 2020. Such records would include, but not be limited to,
we bjiles, e-mail correspondence using the domain name, and logs of any
type." While records were produced for other categories of documents
contained in that letter, we got no records responsive to this specific request.
We specifically request a response regarding these records.

6. A May 30, 2020 Facebook private message between Mr. Bunker and Eddie
Green, a podcaster, indicates Mr. Bunker had installed a texting and
communications app called "LINE" which he then used to communicate
with Mr. Green. As no records from the LINE app had been produced, we
specifically requested them in the letter I sent to you on August 18, 2020.
While Mr. Bunker did produce the record of the phone call he had with Mr.
Green using LINE, no records of any texting through that app, or other
communication to further arrange his interview was produced by Mr.
Bunker. We again request any texts Mr. Bunker had through LINE.

7. Mr. Bunker produced a Linkedln private message conversation he had with
a Lizzie Noel between October 5 and October 8. He has produced no other
records from his Link dIn account. We therefore specifically request any
records on Mr. Bunker's Linkedln account from March 17 to the present.

8. Based on records Mr. Bunker has provided, it seems there may be some
documents that were not produced due to gaps between records that were
produced. In other words, it appeared Mr. Bunker was in frequent
communication with these individuals but no records were produced for the
time periods noted below. I am therefore requesting he specifically review
and produce any missing documents:
a. Text messages with Aaron Smith-Levin from September 15
through October 13.
b. Text messages with Tracey McManus from April 23 to the present.
c. Text messages with Tony Ortega from April 23 to the present.
d. Records of telephone calls with Tony Ortega from June 6 to the
e. Text messages with Mike Rinder from April 23 to the present.
f. Records of telephone calls with Mike Rinder from May 18 through
July 27.
g. Records of telephone calls with Mike Rinder from August 21
through October 13.
h. Text messages with Leah Remini from April 15 to the present.
1. Records of telephone calls with Leah Remini from March 17 to the
J. Text messages with Michelle Papes from April 14 to the present.
k. Records of telephone calls with Michelle Papes from April 14 to
the present.
1. Records of telephone calls with Jeffrey Augustine from June 7 to
the present.
m. Emails that are public record on Mr. Bunker's private email
account from July 15 through August 27 .

Your assistance in ensuring this public records request is completely fulfilled is

greatly appreciated.


Corporate Secretary
Church of Scientology
Flag Service Organization

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