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2/10/2014 Calling XSJS Service using SAP UI5 | SCN

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Calling XSJS Service using SAP UI5

Posted by Vivek Singh Bhoj in SAP HANA Developer Center on Jun 20, 2013 8:41:19 PM

Hi Everyone,

In the blog SAP HANA Extended Application Services(

center/hana/blog/2012/11/29/sap-hana-extended-application-services) by Thomas Jung, he showed us lots of things
about XS development and one of them was how to create and extend Server Side JavaScript and it was explained
beautifully in the video :

At the end in the above video, Thomas told us about Calling the XSJS Service From the User Interface :

Here i would like to tell how to create the UI files and then call xsjs service step by step postpost

1. We will go to Project Explorer tab in SAP HANA Development perspective and then R-Click and select Other:

2. Select SAP UI5 Application Development and then select Application Project: 1/11
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3. We will enter project name and select Desktop for rendering the ui on our desktop and also select create an initial
view so that wizard creates a view for us

4. Enter the name of the View that we need to create Select JavaScript rendering for our purpose 2/11
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5. We found that wizard created three objects for us:

In index.html file we will enter the full path of Source as
01. src="/sap/ui5/1/resources/sap-ui-core.js"

6. After that enter the following code in XSUI.view.js file

01. sap.ui.jsview("xsui.XSUI", {
02. getControllerName : function() {
03. return "xsui.XSUI";
04. },
05. createContent : function(mController) {
06. var mPanel = new sap.ui.commons.Panel().setText("XS Service Test - Multiplication");
07. mPanel.setAreaDesign(sap.ui.commons.enums.AreaDesign.Fill);
08. mPanel.setBorderDesign(sap.ui.commons.enums.BorderDesign.Box);
09. var mlayout = new sap.ui.commons.layout.MatrixLayout({width:"auto"});
10. mPanel.addContent(mlayout);
11. var V1 = new sap.ui.commons.TextField("val1",{tooltip: "Value #1", editable:true});
12. var V2 = new sap.ui.commons.TextField("val2",{tooltip: "Value #2", editable:true});
13. var mResult = new sap.ui.commons.TextView("result",{tooltip: "Results"});
14. var mEqual = new sap.ui.commons.TextView("equal",{tooltip: "Equals", text: " = "});
15. var mMultiply = new sap.ui.commons.TextView("multiply",{tooltip: "Multiply by", text: " * "});
16. V1.attachEvent("liveChange", function(mEvent){
17. mController.onLiveChangeV1(mEvent,V2); });
18. V2.attachEvent("liveChange", function(mEvent){
19. mController.onLiveChangeV2(mEvent,V1); }); 3/11
2/10/2014 Calling XSJS Service using SAP UI5 | SCN
20. mlayout.createRow(V1, mMultiply, V2, mEqual, mResult );
21. return mPanel;
23. }
24. });

7. After that enter the following code in XSUI.controller.js file :

01. sap.ui.controller("xsui.XSUI", {
02. onLiveChangeV1: function(mEvent,V2){
03. var aUrl = '../../../Services/Func.xsjs?cmd=multiply'+'&n1='+escape(mEvent.getParameters().liveValue)+
04. jQuery.ajax({
05. url: aUrl,
06. method: 'GET',
07. dataType: 'json',
08. success: this.onCompleteMultiply,
09. error: this.onErrorCall });
10. },
11. onLiveChangeV2: function(mEvent,V1){
12. var aUrl = '../../../services/Func.xsjs?cmd=multiply'+'&n1='+escape(V1.getValue())+'&n2='+escape(mEvent.getParameters().liveValue);
13. jQuery.ajax({
14. url: aUrl,
15. method: 'GET',
16. dataType: 'json',
17. success: this.onCompleteMultiply,
18. error: this.onErrorCall });
19. },
20. onCompleteMultiply: function(mt){
21. var mResult = sap.ui.getCore().byId("result");
22. if(mt==undefined){ mResult.setText(0); }
23. else{
25. var oNumberFormat = sap.ui.core.format.NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance({
26. maxFractionDigits: 10,
27. minFractionDigits: 0,
28. groupingEnabled: true });
29. mResult.setText(oNumberFormat.format(mt)); }
30. },
31. onErrorCall: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
33. "ERROR",
34. "Error in calling Service" );
35. return;
36. }
37. });

8. Now we will save all the files and share the project

9. Now Select SAP HANA Repository: 4/11
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10. Inside the repository select the folder where you would like to share it : I selected UI5 folder here

11. Now we will commit and activate our UI5 project : 5/11
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12. As we share our XSUI project in UI5 folder in the repository, so now we can see that in our project explorer also :

13. Now in Services folder we will create Func.xsjs file that we have used in our Controller and View in XSUI project.

14. Now enter the following code in Func.xsjs file :

01. function Multiply(){ 6/11
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02. var body = '';
03. var n1 = $.request.parameters.get('n1');
04. var n2 = $.request.parameters.get('n2');
05. var ans;
06. ans = n1 * n2;
07. body = ans.toString();
08. $.response.setBody(body);
09. $.response.status = $.net.http.OK;
10. }
11. var a = $.request.parameters.get('cmd');
12. switch (a) {
13. case "multiply":
14. Multiply();
15. break;
16. default:
17. $.response.status = $.net.http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
18. $.response.setBody('Invalid Command: '+a);
19. }

15. In the browser enter address : http://ipaddress:8000/path/index.html

As in the aboveexample we have used JavaScript, JSON, Ajax and JQuery, so i would also like to tell you some basics
about them

First i will start with JavaScript

JavaScript is a Object based Scripting language. It is not a Object Oriented language.

• Client-side JavaScript allows an application to place elements on an HTML form and respond to user events such
as mouse clicks, form input, and page navigation.
• Server-side JavaScript allows an application to communicate with a relational database, provide continuity of
information from one invocation to another of the application, or perform file manipulations on a server.

JavaScript is very light language
JavaScript supports only supports data type but doesn't support variable type.
For Example:
In Java or C++, if we define a variable of integer type we will define it as :
01. int a; // so 'a' cannot hold anything other than integer

But in case of JavaScript, we only define:

01. var a; // here 'a' can be a string an integer or anything else
02. a = hello; // 'a' becomes string
03. a = '10'; // here 'a' becomes an integer

JavaScript doesn't have Keywords like Class, Private, Public but there are different ways through which we can make
an object Public or Private and we can even use Inheritance concept in JavaScript through the use of prototype and
inherit from.
To learn more about JavaScript, please visit or

SAP HANA has JavaScript editor that includes the JSLint open-source library, which helps to validate JavaScript code.
For debugging purpose:
We can use SPA HANA debug perspective or any browser like Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Chrome has default JavaScript debugger and for Mozilla, we can download a plugin called Firebug.
There is also a free online tool called jsfiddle that can be used to create, debug and run your JavaScript code along
with HTML and CSS.
jsfiddle : 7/11
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Now moving on to JQuery :

JQuery is a JavaScript Library and it simplifies our JavaScript Coding as we don't need to write many lengthy codes.
In the OPenSAP course in Week 4 Unit 3 example a JQuery function fadeout() was used on Button.

To learn more about JQuery, visit or

Now about JSON :

Well JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

It is a light weight data interchange format and it is preferred over XML because:
In XML, Parsing is difficult and XML doesn't support rich data type( everything is written in the form of string )
Other benefits of JSON are that :
Data is typeless and values can be assigned dynamically.
Its Syntax is written in key and value pair
For Example => User(Key) : Name(Value)

We can use eval and JSON.parse functions to convert JSON String into JavaScript string.
JSON.parse is preferref over eval because of the following reason :
When we use eval to parse JSON data, eval is always active and it might be used to create malicious data that can be
harmful to our sources.
For learning JSON visit :

Finally AJAX :

AJAX stands for Ashynchronous JavaScript and XML

It is one of the Web 2.0 standards and is used by web applications to send data to and retrieve data from a
server asynchrously without interfering in the display and beahaviour of the existing page.
It runs completely independent of the browser and no plugins are required.
Google Suggest was the very first example of using AJAX.
In most of the payment sites we generally see " Please Wait! Your Order is being processed" - this is done through
the help of AJAX only.
One of the sites from where we can download those moving GIFs for our web design is :
For learning AJAX visit :

Thank You for reading the Blog.

As this is my very first Blog so i would like to get feedback

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Benedict Vasanth Jun 20, 2013 9:52 PM

Seriously, is this your first blog?

The blog was exceptional and I think anybody who reads this blog would want to go out and try it out.

Good luck and we expect more!!!

You have raised the bar with your very first blog so keep the future ones as simple and interesting as
this one.

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Vivek Singh Bhoj Jun 21, 2013 5:03 AM (in response to Benedict Vasanth)

Hi Benedict,
Thanks for such appreciating and kind words
This has given me alot of confidence.
I would try to write more blogs and will try my best to keep them informative and simple
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David Watson Jun 30, 2013 8:47 PM


I agree with Benedict and hope that you will proceed with similar efforts.

You are probably well aware of the on-going openSAP course "An Introduction to Software
Development on SAP HANA".

In case not, wanted to mention that the course features over 30 videos delivered by Thomas Jung.
Many would likely benefit from your approach.

Ample material!

Will post a link in the course forum to your Blog post.

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Vivek Singh Bhoj Jul 1, 2013 5:55 PM (in response to David Watson)

Hi David,
I am well aware of OpenSAP course and i have also been following it closely.
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Luis Soares Jul 17, 2013 4:39 PM (in response to Vivek Singh Bhoj)

So closely that you make a copy of it...

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Vivek Singh Bhoj Jul 17, 2013 4:48 PM (in response to Luis Soares)

Hi Luis,
In the first line, i have clearly mentioned that this is based on Thomas's
Video shown in Youtube that was out last year - if you check that video no
code was mentioned.
And i created this blog before the Week 5 Material was released.
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Luis Soares Jul 18, 2013 9:55 AM (in response to Vivek Singh Bhoj)

Ok. Then it was my mistake and so I apologize.

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Raj Kumar Salla Jul 23, 2013 10:42 PM

Hi Vivek,

Really a nice blog from you. Keep up the good work.

I never tried this as I am not good at JAVA related stuff.

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Vivek Singh Bhoj Jul 24, 2013 1:32 PM (in response to Raj Kumar Salla)

Thanks Raj!
JavaScript is different from Java and is much easier to learn.
Very less keywords are used here.
You should give it a try someday....
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Kamal Mehta Aug 5, 2013 11:22 AM

Nice one Vivek !!!!!!!!!

Keep it up .

Could have been better if you could provide some explanation on the code as well.


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Vivek Singh Bhoj Aug 5, 2013 11:49 AM (in response to Kamal Mehta)

Hi Kamal,

I didn't explain code because it would have made blog even more lengthy, but as you said
i could have at least added comments in the code.
Next time onwards going to keep this in mind.


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Kamal Mehta Aug 5, 2013 1:35 PM (in response to Vivek Singh Bhoj)

Thanks Vivek.

This would help learn the basics about the code as well.

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Christoph Pohl Aug 15, 2013 11:33 AM

Nice write-up!

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Ramanjaneyulu Korrapati Oct 13, 2013 2:11 PM

Good command on code. Good content. Thanks for your efforts.

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Vivek Singh Bhoj Oct 13, 2013 2:16 PM (in response to Ramanjaneyulu Korrapati)

Thanks a lot Raman

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Sakthivel Elango Feb 3, 2014 7:00 AM

Why are you getting the value of request parameters 'num1' & 'num2' , when you're passing the value
through parameters 'n1' & 'n2' ?
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Vivek Singh Bhoj Feb 3, 2014 12:43 PM (in response to Sakthivel Elango)

Hi Sakthivel,

It should be 'n1' and 'n2' only - thanks for pointing out

I was making some changes in my blogs and this is what happens when you don't pay
attention on what you are editing

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2/10/2014 Calling XSJS Service using SAP UI5 | SCN

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