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Unit5 lesson3 House Parts and furniture

I. Pre-reading
a. Idioms about houses and house parts

 Hit the roof / go through the roof: If someone hits the roof or goes through the roof, they become very
"My father went through the roof when Paul damaged his new car."
 Raise the roof: When people raise the roof, they make a lot of noise by cheering, shouting, whistling or
clapping their hands.
"The concert was such a success, the audience raised the roof."

 Creature comforts: The expression” creature comforts” refers to modern conveniences (such as hot water
or central heating) that make life comfortable and pleasant.
"I need my creature comforts. I don't know how I'd survive without air-conditioning in this climate!"

b. Word scramble. Use words from the grid to fill in the table.

s l a t e g w q d
l f z g a b l e p
i c e m e n t r a
d h l i m e f c l
e p s c o p p e r
r o t i r s i i a
h r u r t a s l t
t c d o a n t i t
p h y n r d e n i
m f f e n c e g c
r e s i n q l g s

Parts of a House Materials used for Building a House

c. Fill in the missing words.

 Our house has a large …………………………………… where we grow lots of beautiful plants and flowers.
 From my bedroom …………….……………….. I can look out and see a bus stop.
 There is a bookcase,a desk and a chair in my………………………… .
 Last week, we bought lots of new …………………………………for our home: some tables, chairs, and a new bed.
 In the winter, when it’s snowing outside, we keep our bicycles down in the …………………………. .
 A set of steps inside a building is called……………………………. .
 The area after the stairs that leads to different rooms is ……………………….. .
II. While-reading


a. Read the following description of house A

The house is a single-storey building with a rectangular-shaped plan. It contains eight spaces. The entrance which is
located on the south side leads into an L-shaped corridor. On the right, side there is the toilet. On the left, there is a
living room and beyond that the dining area. The kitchen is in the north-west corner of the house adjacent to the
dining area and with an adjoining swing-door. The two bedrooms are located in the north side of the house with a
tiny office in between. Both bedrooms have exit to two identical square porches. The bathroom is located at the
center of the house with access from the corridor.

b. Follow the description and try to draw a plan for house A

c. The following picture represents house A from the outside .label its different parts.

 Which elevations does the drawing represent?

 Focus on the below types of roofs and try to identify the roof of house A.

Part 2

a. The following description is for house B .Read carefully.

The house had survived years and gales, the merciless cold of winter, the shocking and sudden heat of high
summer. Now, Miranda thought with a little twist of guilt, it was surviving benign neglect. Neither she nor
Andrew seemed to find the time to arrange for painters or lawn care. The house that had been a show place
now displayed its sags and scars, she thought, rather like an old woman not afraid to act her age. Rather
than rambling, it stood in straight, soldierly angles, its gray stone dignified, its gables and turrets

On the sound side a pergola offered charm and fancy. Wisteria tangled up its sides, buried its roof in
blossoms in the spring. Miranda always meant to make time to sit on one of the marble benches under that
fragrant canopy, to enjoy the scents, the shade, the quiet.

Perhaps some of the boards on the wide front porch of the house needed replacing. Certainly the trim and
shutters, faded from blue to gray, needed to be scraped and painted. The wisteria on the pergola probably
needed to be pruned or fed or whatever you did with such things. But the windows glinted, and the
ferocious faces of the gargoyles crouched on the eaves grinned. Long terraces and narrow balconies offered
views in every direction. The chimneys would puff smoke when someone took the time to light fire. Grand
old oaks rose high and a thick stand of pines broke the wind.
b. Identify the category of Miranda’s house and provide and adjective to describe it.

c. What are the different reparation tasks needed for house B?


d. Describe Miranda’s feelings towards the house.


e. Match the underlined words in the passage with the appropriate pictures.

1. ……………………………. 2. …………………………………… 3. …………………………

f. Here is the interior of house B. Provide a word for each interior item.

1. ………………………… 13. ………………………..

2. ………………………… 14. ……………………….
3. ………………………. 15. ……………………….
4. ……………………… 16. ………………………
5. ………………………. 17. ……………………….
6. ……………………….. 18. ………………………
7. ……………………….. 19. …………………………
8. ………………………. 20. ………………………….
9. ………………………. 21. …………………………
10. ………………………. 22. ………………………….
11. ……………………….. 23. …………………………
12. ………………………… 24. ………………………..
III. Post –reading


Complete the sentences by writing one word or phrase in each gap.

1. The woman tripped as she was walking down the ………………………………………. .

2. My friend has built a games room in the ………………………… under the roof.

3. I love to chill out in the …………………………. sitting on the couch watching TV.

4. Our house has a ……………………… where we sit and have snacks in the summer.

5. There are no …………………………….cupboards in the kitchen, so we have nowhere to store our food.

6. Work has began on the ……………………………………. of the homes destroyed by the hurricane.

7. This house has some lovely features including open …………………………….and exposed beams in the living room.

Task 2

Identify types of roofs


Circle the right answer

1. The type of basement in which one can't stand up is known as a __________________________.
crawl space/crawlspace
crawling space
lying down basement

2. There's a little bit of __________________________ ( = stains, etc. due to a water leak) on the
water damage
water problem
liquid trouble

3. The roof would have to be __________________________. = You would have to get a new roof.

4. There's lots of __________________________ room in the attic.


5.The bedrooms are __________________________ from the main entertaining area, so noise won't
be a problem.
put away
tucked away
set down

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