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Q1. What do you understand by operating system ? Discuss the functionalities of MS-DOS,
Windows and LINUX operarting system.

Q2. Discuss the internal and external commands of MS- DOS and LINUX environment.

Q3. Explain the special features of WINDOWS 8 and WINDOWS 10.

Q4. Write the command VI editor of LINUX operating system and explain them in brief.

Q5. Define Macros and explain its categories.


 An operating system (OS) is the interface between the user and the hardware . It
implements a virtual machine that is easier to program than bare hardware .
 An OS provides standard services (an interface) which are implemented on the
hardware, including: Processes, CPU scheduling, memory management, file system,
networking .
 The OS coordinates multiple applications and users (multiple processes) in a fair and
efficient manner .
 The goal in OS development is to make the machine convenient to use (a software
engineering problem) and efficient (a system and engineering problem)

Functionalities of OS :
(Refer to Oxford book)

Functionalities of MS-DOS:
 Single user system
 Machine independent
 Peripheral Management
 Managing file
 Memory Management

Following are some of the important features of Linux Operating System.

 Portable - Portability means softwares can works on different types of hardwares in same
way.Linux kernel and application programs supports their installation on any kind of hardware

 Open Source - Linux source code is freely available and it is community based development
project. Multiple teams works in collaboration to enhance the capability of Linux operating
system and it is continuously evolving.

 Multi-User - Linux is a multiuser system means multiple users can access system resources
like memory/ ram/ application programs at same time.

 Multiprogramming - Linux is a multiprogramming system means multiple applications can

run at same time.

 Hierarchical File System - Linux provides a standard file structure in which system files/
user files are arranged.

 Shell - Linux provides a special interpreter program which can be used to execute commands
of the operating system. It can be used to do various types of operations, call application
programs etc.

 Security - Linux provides user security using authentication features like password
protection/ controlled access to specific files/ encryption of data.
Windows 8 Features

1. Interactive tiles
 The interactive tile for the Mail application provides snippets from
unread messages in your inbox, the Music tile shows which track is
currently playing, and the Calendar app displays forthcoming
appointments in your diary.

2. Task Manager
 Entries in the Task Manager are now heat-mapped, so it’s simple to see
at a glance which application is chomping through CPU cycles or
 There’s also a column of attractive new graphs under the Performance
tab, allowing you to see at a glance if the CPU, memory or network
connection (either Ethernet or Wi-Fi) is taking an unexpected hit.
 Task Manager now also plays home to the Startup settings, allowing
you to determine which programs are allowed to run automatically on
boot, without having to dive into msconfig.

3. Airplane mode
 A new option in the Settings menu enables a tablet or laptop to be put into Airplane
mode, just like a smartphone,

4. SkyDrive integration
 Until now, Microsoft’s SkyDrive has lacked a purpose in life. Beaten on features and
flexibility by Dropbox and others, its chief benefit was 25GB of free online storage –
but that was hard to take advantage of due to stringent file-size limits.
 The integration of SkyDrive in Windows 8 could be the making of the service. The
Consumer Preview includes a SkyDrive Metro Style app that provides access to any
documents, photos and music you’ve uploaded.

5. Windows Store
The Windows Store, while sparsely populated for the Consumer Preview, shows
tremendous promise. Microsoft has borrowed the best features from other app stores and
added a couple of unique features of its own.

6. Interactive lock screen

The Windows lock screen is no longer a glorified password prompt. The attractive,
customisable lock display now includes snippets of information, such as how many unread
email messages are waiting in the Metro Mail app inbox, or the charge state of a laptop’s

To unlock a Windows 8 PC, simply swipe upwards on a tablet device, or press the
spacebar on a laptop or desktop.

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