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Name : Amanda Nur Azzahra (03)

Class : XI KGSP 1


Flooding is one of the problems that often suffered by many people. Where every
time a flood hits, there will be a lot of losses that occur.
The process of flooding yourself occurs when the rainy season comes and caused
water sources such as rivers, seas, lakes, and ditches no longer holds water that down.
Bare soil without overgrown trees will speed up the process of the frequent air times,
because trees that are supposed to absorb water have been used as furniture material.
When the water reservoir can no longer hold the water discharge, the water will
overflow and flow into settlements, causing an impact that is not arguably a bit.
Floods on a large scale would cause harm and damage to the population. If the
water is overflowing the come from wastewater, the flood will cause disease such as
itching, diarrhea and so on. There is also a flood that occurs because the leaking dike
retaining water, when the embankment is no longer able to hold the mass of the water
that continues to grow.
So, who exactly is to blame? Most communities often blame the Government
over the occurrence of floods that hit their area. However, try to re-think. If the
community itself does not make a pile of garbage in water sources such as rivers,
ditches, even the sea, floods that occur in Jakarta would not have been occurred.

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