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Nama : Selma selyvia

Kelas : X1-Keperawatan
No : 28

1. Complete the following dialogue

Billy: We're 10 minutes late. It's no way we could be at the school before the first
lesson begin.
Joe: Wait a minute, I think we could.
Billy: How? Joe: . . . . . . . . . . take a short cut, there's a way behind gas station, that
way lead directly to the school, we won't be trapped in traffic jam.
Billy: You're genius
Jawab:B. Why don't we

2. Anthony: There's someone in the backyard, I don't know who, but I'm scared. . . . . . . . . ?
 Dilla: Yes, let them check.
Jawab:A.should I call the police

3. Complete the following dialogue

 Dhika: Oh no, I'm so dead?
 Igo: Why? What happened?
Dhika: My mom's tupperware is gone. . . . . . . . . . . . ?
Igo: You could tell her the truth, she'll be fine.
Dhika: You don't understand.
Jawab:D. What shall I say to my mom.

4. Complete the following dialogue

Eddy: Hey Nat, your arm is bleeding, what happened?
Natasha: I fall at the parking area. I didn't realize, I thought it's just a scratch. . . . . . . . ?
Eddy: Of course, you need a medical attention immediately.
Jawab:A. Should I go to clinic

5. Complete the following dialogue

Lex: I have an important call from my uncle, shall I pick up the phone?
Eza: . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Dita will be okay.
Jawab: A.Yes, you shall pick up the phone

6. "Your friend should attend OSIS meeting, but he also has to pick up his brother." Your
best suggestion will be . . . . . . . . . . .
Jawab:C. If I were you I would ask for permission for minutes to OSIS leader to pick up the
brother and then back to attend the meeting.

7. "You and your friend have a birthday invitation from a friend, but your mom expects you
and your friend to be at home on time to join the dinner." Your best suggestion will be . . . . . .
Jawab:D. What if going home early.

8. Complete the following dialogue

Wildan: It's really boring Sunday. Everything feels so boring. Gadget is boring, online game
is boring, social media is boring and TV program is also boring. I want to do something else.
Oni: Hey, . . . . . . . . . .  it will be fun.
 Wildan: Yes, that's a fun out door activity, let's do that.
Jawab:B.Let's swim at the river

9. Complete the following dialogue

Erica: I need to download some files, but I have an unstable internet connection.
 Lilly: I think you should go to the lobby, there's a free wifi, the connection is stable.
Erica: . . . . . . . . . . Thanks for your suggestion.
Lilly: No problem.
Jawab:D.That's a good idea

10. Complete the offer below with the most correct order.
Would you like . . . . . . .
Jawab:B. a cup of hot chocolate?

11. Complete the offer below with the most correct order.
Would you like . . . . . . . .
Jawab:D. to go home with me? I'll give you a ride.

12. Complete the following dialogue

Arif: Are you thirsty?
Ria: A little bit.
Arif: Do you want a bottle of spring water? Here you are.
Ria: . . . . . . . . . .
Arif: Don't mention it.
Jawab:B. That's very kind of you  

13. Complete the following dialogue  

Siska: Have you finished your report?
Linda: Not yet, I'm still working on it. I have to check some data on the computer and
then copy those documents.
Siska: That's a lot of things to do.
Linda: I know. Siska: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda: Thank you, you're so helpful.
Jawab:B. Would you like me to copy this documents?

14. Complete the following dialogue

Student: Welcome back professor, how was your trip?
Professor: Thank you, it was nice and tiring.
Student: May I bring your briefcase Sir?
Professor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Just help me with my car, can you park my car?
Student: Very well Sir.
Jawab:C.Yes please
15. You see an old man is trying to open a bottle. What is your help offer?
Jawab:A. Could I help you with that bottle?

16. Complete the following dialogue  

Adam: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e-learning?
 Rika: In my point of view, e-learning is more practical. You can learn anytime and
anywhere. It's simple.
Jawab:A. What do you think of

17. Complete the following dialogue

Seth: Tell me what do you feel about replacing human with robots in a factory?
Tisa: . . . . . . . . Robot can work faster and more effective, but we can't completely
relay on robots, we still need human to take control and make sure everything runs
Jawab:A.I agree
18. Complete the following dialogue
Ruben: If you see teenagers' life today, they prefer to spend most of their time on the
gadget than have real interaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
Mika: Well, there's no much I can say about it. Technology, the internet and gadget
change some habits in our today's society.
Jawab:D. Have you got any comments on that.

19. What is your opinion about Chelsea Islan?

Jawab:A. I think Chelsea is a young talented actress. She is adorable and smart.
20. The following expressions is used to ask for someone's opinion, except . . .

Jawab:B. What is your opinion about.

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