English Report Daniela

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English Report

Francisca Reyes Palma

Daniela Arévalo Sepúlveda

Unit 1 Making friends

Description of the unit

In this unit we have learned use the simple present and preset of
Also we learned to give answers and talk about ourselves, our
family and our favorite things.
Finally to use the right words to give information to others.

 A. What´s your favorite color.
B. red
 a. I watch a lot of TV.
b. I do too.
 My favorite weekend activities sleep late

Unit 2 Interest
Description of the unit

Is this unit we will learn to use different verb forms to use

pronouns. Also talk about hobbies, interests and taste in music.

Finally to use really and not really to make statements stronger or



 I can play the piano.

 I love rock music.
 I like hip-hop.
 I don´t care for jazz.
 I can´t stand pop music.
 I listen to hip-hop a lot. Do you listen to it, too?
Of course I do. Everybody knows Ricky Martin.

Unit 3 Healt
Description of the unit

We meet again the simple present but now add the present
continuous, which is used to indicate temporary events.

And use expressions like Wow! And You´re kidding! To show



 I have a fever. I think I´m getting the flu.

 I have a bad cough. I´m coughing a lot.
 I need a lot of sleep.
Really? How much sleep do you need?
 I´m feeling stressed about my exams. Help!

Unit 4 Celebrations

In this unit, you learned to:

 Use going to and the present continuous to talk about the

 Use indirect object pronouns.
 Talk about birthdays,celebrations, and favorite holidays.

Future with going to, indirect objects

I´m going to buy something special.

You´re going to get a present.

She´s going to be 50.

We´re going to send some flowers.

They´re going to have a party.


 What are you going to do for your birthday?

I´m not going to do anything special

 Are you going to have a party?

Yes, we are. We´re going to invite all our friends.

No,we´re not. We´re not going to do much.

Indirect object pronouns

I Me

You You

He Him

She Her

It It

We Us

They Them


I´m going to buy her something special.

Alicia isn´t going to give him anything.

Let´s send them some flowers.

Special days


Valentine´s day


Graduation day

New year´s

Wedding day
Unit 5 Growing up

Growing up

In this unit, you learned to:

 Use the simple past in statements and questions (review).

 Use time expressions to talk about the past.
 Use all, most, a lot of, a few, ect.
 Correct yourself whit expressions like wait, actually, and I

Be born; simple past (review); time expressions

 Where were you born?

I was born in Sao Paulo.

I wasn`t born in Seattle.

 Did you live there for a long time?

Yes,(I did). I lived there for six years.

No, (I didn´t). I didn´t live there long.

 Did she move here last year?

Yes, (she did). She moved in May.

No,(she didn´t).She moved in 2002.

 How long did you live in Sao Paulo?
We lived there until I was six. From 1986 to 1992.

We didn´t leave until 1992. Then we came to the U.S

 When did they come here?

They came here about three years ago.

They came when ling was sixteen.

All, Most, A lot of, A few.


All children learn a language.

Most Canadians need French.
Some Students take Spanish.
A few People are good at latin.
No Students like exams.

But: A lot of people speak English well.


All (of) the children in my town take English.

Most of the people in my office know french.
Some of the students in my class take greek.
A few of my classmates got as.
None of my friends failed the exams.

But: A lot of the people in this city speak English.

Well, Actually


 All my friends were very nice

Well, most of them, not all of them.

 I lived with my grandparents for a year.

No, wait. Actually, it was two years.

Unit 6 Around town

Around town

 In this unit, you learned to:

 Use is there? An are there? To ask about places in a town.
 Use location expressions like across from and outside.
 Use can and could to offer help and ask for directions.
 Talk about stores and favorite places in your city or town.

Is there? Are there?; location expressions

 Is there an internet café near here?

Yes, there is. There´s one on Main Street.

It´s across from the department store.

No, there isn´t (one).

 Are there any cash machines near here?

Yes, there are. There are some outside the bank.

Yes,there´s one over there.

No,there aren´t (any)

Location Expressions:
 Behind
 In front of
 Next to
 Between
 Inside
 Outside
 On firts Street
 On the corner of Main and Firts
 Across(the street) from opposite


 Is there a bank Around here?

Yeah,there´s one right on Main Street

 Is there an internet café near here?

There´s one on Main Street, across from the big departament

store. It´s right up this Street.

Offers and requests with CAN and COULD

Offers: Requests:

Can I help you? Can you help me?

What can I do? Can you me how to get to the


How can I help? Could you give me



 Can you recommend a place to go running?

Let me think. There´s a running path in Floral Park. Go left and you
´re lef.

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