Sic Schottky Power Diode Modelling in Spice

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Janusz Zar bski, Jacek D browski

Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 83, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland

Department of Marine Electronics, e-mail:,

ABSTRACT dissipated power into the heat in the case of nonideal

cooling conditions, the junction temperature (often much
This paper concerns the problem of SPICE modelling of greater than the ambient one) affects the device
the class of silicon-carbide (SiC) Schottky diodes with characteristics, called the nonisothermal ones. In order to
thermal effects (selfheating) taken into account. Since take into account the selfheating, the models of the
April 2001 the SiC Schottky diodes made by Infineon special kind, called the electrothermal models (ETM)
Technologies have been commercially attainable. In the have to be used for the device simulations.
paper the SPICE electrothermal (including selfheating) Infineon Technologies, on their web-side [9], offers
macromodel of Infineon Technologies SiC Schottky the SiC Schottky’s electrothermal macromodel for
diode is presented and detaily investigated. The SPICE, indicated as Level 3.
considered macromodel has been verified experimentally. In the paper the Level 3 Infineon’s SPICE
The silicon-carbide SDP04S60 rectifier has been tested. macromodel is presented, detaily discussed and
The nonisothermal characteristics obtained from experimentally verified. The SDP04S60 diode: 4A/600V,
measurements and SPICE calculations of SDP04S60 has been chosen for investigations, instead of 6A/600V
diode are compared. Due to the unacceptably large SiC Schottky diode (SDP06S60) considered in [10]. Due
differences between measurements and calculations, to the fact, that obtained results between measurements
some modifications of the macromodel have been and calculations differ from each other significantly,
proposed. therefore some modifications of the macromodel were
Today the silicon carbide (SiC) is a great promising SCHOTKKY DIODE
semiconductor material for manufacturing of power
devices. It occurs in over 170 polytypes, the most To derive the electrothermal macromodel of the
common of which are cubic 3C, hexagonal 4H and 6H considered device, the following dependencies have to be
structures. A number of most important physical aspects used [11]:
of SiC compared to other semiconductors one can find in • the current–voltage–temperature dependence
the literature, e.g. [1,2,3]. As results from the cited (isothermal model),
papers, silicon carbide has an order of magnitude higher • the dependence of the inside (junction) temperature
breakdown electric field and an electron mobility only Tj on the electrical power dissipated in the device,
about 20% lower (for 4H-SiC) than silicon. A high along with the dependence of this electrical power on
breakdown electric field allows to design the SiC power the device terminal currents and voltages (thermal
devices with 10-times thinner and about 100-times higher model).
dopend voltage blocking layers. Smaller dimensions of The structure of such a macromodel is shown in Fig. 1.
SiC material result in higher device switching frequency.
Nowadays, a lot of SiC devices, as transistors,
diodes, thyristors, LED’s, thermistors etc. are
manufactured and investigated in laboratories [4,5]. In the
case of the power SiC devices a high breakdown voltage
is needed. So far, the SiC power diodes, have been the
class of semiconductor devices having the greatest values
of the breakdown voltage equal to 10 kV for Schottky
diodes [6] and 19 kV for PiN diodes [7]. Since 2001 SiC Figure 1. The structure of the electrothermal macromodel
Schottky diodes made by Infineon Technologies have of the SiC Schottky diode
been available in the market [8].
A very important feature of all semiconductor Next, the detailed form of the isothermal model and
devices, including SiC Schottky diodes, is a strong the thermal model, forming the considered electrothermal
influence of the temperature on their characteristics. Due macromodel are presented and discussed.
to the selfheating resulting from the change of the device

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2.1. The isothermal d.c. model whereas ξ and γ are the model parameters. LIMIT denotes
the SPICE standard function.
The network form of the isothermal model of the SiC
Schottky diodes is presented in Fig. 2. [9].
0 if V >0
EFLD = ξ ⋅ LIMIT(− V , 0, VPT ) if − V < VPT
EPT - γ ⋅ +1 if − V ≥ VPT

Figure 2. The network form of the isothermal model In turn, the voltage source ERSCHOTTKY
of the SiC Schottky diode controlled by the current of VIA source models the
influence of the diode series resistance on the i(u)
As seen, the model is composed of three elements: characteristics. Thus
the controlled current GSCHOTTKY source, the
controlled voltage ERSCHOTTKY source and the χ
independent source VIA of the efficiency equal to zero. I (VIA ) ⋅ R0 SQ T0 + T
Due to the d.c. dependencies considered here, the wire U ERS = I (VIA) ⋅ RS (T ) = ⋅ (5)
AREA ⋅V j 2
inductance and junction capacitance are not taken into
account in further considerations.
The control current source GSCHOTTKY is of the where RS(T) is the series resistance dependent on the
efficiency temperature, R0SQ is the specific series resistance at the
reference temperature T0, whereas I(VIA) is the zero voltage
source current and χ, Vj are the model parameters. The
V ⋅q (1) isothermal model parameter values of the diode are
I GS (T ,V ) = I bw ⋅ exp −1
k ⋅ (T0 + T ) collected in the Table 1 [9].

where T – the analysis temperature (T ≡ TEMP) Table 1. The parameters values of the isothermal model
of the SDP04S60 diode
in Celsius degrees, V – voltage between ANODE and
MID nodes, Ibw – reverse (saturation) current, Parameter Value
q – electron charge, k – Boltzmann’s constant,
T0 – the reference temperature. q [C] 1.602 · 10-19
The saturation current is expressed by the formula k [J/K] 1.38 · 10-23
T0 [K] 273
A0 [A · cm-2 · K-2] 110
− q ⋅ φSiC
I bw = AREA ⋅ A0 ⋅ (T0 + T ) ⋅ exp
⋅K (2) φSiC [eV] 1.3
k ⋅ (T0 + T ) AA, AB, AC -1.5, -12.95 · 10-3 , 91 · 10-6
α1 3.8
where AREA – relative device area, A0 – Richardson’s R0SQ [mΩ · cm2] 0.9
constant, φSiC – metal-semiconductor barrier height. VPT [V] 400
In Eq.(2) the factor K models the lowering effect EPT [V/cm] 1.05 · 106
existing in the reverse range of the Schottky diode
β 1.49 · 10-8
operation which is given by the following expression
ξ 2.811 · 109
q ⋅ β ⋅ EFLD(V ) γ 5.33 · 105
K = exp
k ⋅ (T0 + T )

(3) χ 1.5
AREA 0.0116
α ⋅ EFLD(V )
Vj 0.75
⋅ 1 + exp AA + AB ⋅ (T − 127 ) + AC ⋅ (T − 127 ) + 1

5 2.2. The thermal model

where β, AA, AB, AC, α1 and VPT are the model The thermal model of the considered diode has been
parameters. presented in the network form (Cauer leader) consisting
The description of the electric field (EFLD) of four resistors (RTHD) and capacitances (CTHD),
dependent on the junction reverse voltage is divided into representing the junction–to–case thermal impedance of
three ranges according to the value of the anode-katode the diode (Fig. 3.) [9]. The values of those elements are
voltage, up to the pattern (4), where V denotes the voltage given in the Table 2. The nodes TJ and TCASE represent
on the diode, EPT denotes the critical electrical field, the junction and the case temperatures respectively,
whereas the potential value of the node TREF

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representing the ambient temperature, can be fixed by the thermal model can be used in d.c. analysis, if the
efficiency of the voltage source VREF. This form of the time limitations in Eq.(6) are eliminated.
thermal model is not acceptable by SPICE due to the fact,
that the TREF node has not d.c. connection with the other
one. Therefore, in the case of the ideal conditions of the
case cooling, the nodes TREF and TCASE have to be
shorted. Otherwise, between the nodes TCASE and
TREF, the RC network of the Cauer leader, representing
the phenomena of heat removing from the case to the
ambient (e.g. by means of a heat-sink), has to be added.

Figure 4. The thermal model of the SiC Schottky diode

for d.c. analysis


To estimate the correctness of the macromodel described

in the early chapter, SPICE simulations of the forward
and reverse characteristics of the diode SDP04S60 have
Figure 3. The general form of the thermal model of the been compared to the measurements. The diode has been
SiC SDP04S60 Schottky diode operated without the heat-sink. The value of the measured
thermal resistances Rthc-a is equal to 59.26 K/W.
Table 2. The parameter values of the thermal model The results of measurements (points) and SPICE
of the SDP04S60 diode
simulations (lines) in the wide temperatures range are
Parameter Unit Value shown in Fig. 5 (the forward range) and Fig. 6 (the
RTHD0 1.756 reverse range), respectively. As seen in Fig. 5, the
RTHD1 1.717 simulation results based on the original macromodel
[K/W] (the broken lines) differ from the measurements even
RTHD2 0.545
more than 60 %.
RTHD3 0.094
CTHD0 5.243 · 10-4 3,5
CTHD1 1.076 · 10-3 27.3oC
IF - forward current [ A ]

3,0 without heat-sink: Rthc-a = 59.26 K/W

CTHD2 0.044 original electrothermal
2,5 macromodel
CTHD3 2.025 macromodel after modification
RGPOW [Ω] 100 · 106 2,0

CRGPOW [F] 10 · 10-12 1,5

The controlled current source GPOW represents the 151.5 Co

real power dissipated in the diode. Its efficiency
is described by 0,0
0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 2,2

ABS (I (VIA ) ⋅ V( ANODE , KATODE ) ) if t > 25ns UF - forward voltage [ V ]

I GPOW = (6)
0 if t ≤ 25ns
Figure 5. The forward characteristics of the SDP04S60 diode
without the heat-sink
where I(VIA) is the total current flowing through the diode,
V(ANODE,KATODE) is the voltage on the diode, whereas ABS To improve the agreement between simulations and
is the standard SPICE function denoting the absolute measurements the following modification of the
value of any function. parameter χ (existing in Eq.(5)) has been proposed [10]
In the case of the analysis at the steady-state the
simplified, shown in Fig. 4, thermal network is used. In χ = 1.58 + (35 ⋅10 −5 ⋅ T 1 ) + (32 ⋅10 −7 ⋅ T 2 ) (7)
this figure the resistance R1 denotes the junction–to–case
thermal resistance represented by the sum of RTHDi
After these modifications the considered
(i = 0÷3) and equal to 4.112 K/W, whereas the resistance
characteristics obtained both from measurements and
R2 represents the case–to–ambient resistance of the value
SPICE calculations fit well and the error of the current
depending on the case cooling conditions. Note, that the

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estimation at the given voltage is not greater than a few 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
per cent.
The considered macromodel along with the author’s This work is supported by the Polish State Committee
additional modifications presented in the Table 3, has for Scientific Research in 2005-2006, as a research
also been used for modelling the diode characteristics project No. 3T11B08229.
operating in the reverse range [10,12]. Note, that for the
considered two ambient temperature values, different 6. REFERENCES
values of the selected parameters are required.
[1] J.B. Casady, and R.W. Johnson, “Status of Silicon Carbide
Table 3. The macromodel modifications for the SDP04S60 (SiC) as a Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor for High-Temperature
diode operating in the reverse range Applications: a Review”, Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 39, No.
10, pp. 1409-1422, 1996.
Original 75oC 150oC [2]
P.G. Neudeck, “Recent Progress in Silicon Carbide
α1 3.8 2 1.75 Semiconductor Electronics”, 1995.
β 1.49⋅10 -8
2.24⋅10 -7
[3] A. Elasser, and T.P. Chow, “Silicon Carbide Benefits and
q ⋅ β ⋅ EFLD (V )
Advantages for Power Electronics Circuits and Systems”,
V ≤ VPT/5 q ⋅ β ⋅ EFLD(V ) Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 90, No 6, June 2002.
φLS k ⋅ (T + T 0 )
k ⋅ (T + T0 ) φLS(VPT/5) φLS(VPT/5)
V > VPT/5 [4] C.M. Johnson, “Recent Progress and Current Issues in SiC
= 10.87 = 7.55 Semiconductor Devices for Power Applications”, IEE Proc.-
Circ. Dev. Syst., Vol. 148, No 2, pp. 101-108, April 2001.
As seen, also in this case a very good agreement
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electrothermal calculations has been obtained. One can Devices – the Second Electronics Revolution?”, Proc. of the
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J. Palmour, and T. Hayashi, “12-19kV 4H-SiC Pin Diodes with
600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Low Power Loss”, International Symposium on Power
original macromodel
Semiconductor Devices & ICs, Osaka 2001.
IR - reverse current [ µ A ]

modified macromodel 1,E-04

measurements [8] I. Zverev, M. Treu, H. Kapels, O. Hellmund, and R. Rupp,
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75 C
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[10] J. Zar bski, and J. D browski, “Simulations of

150oC Nonisothermal D.C. Characteristics of the SiC Schottky Diode
SDP04S60 with the Use of SPICE”, Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits
and Systems MIXDES, Szczecin, June 2004, pp. 441-444.
Figure 6. The reverse characteristics of the SDP04S60 diode
[11] J. Zar bski, “Modelling, Simulations and Measurements
of Electrothermal Course, in Semiconductor Devices
4. CONCLUSIONS and Electronic Circuits” (in Polish), Maritime Academy
in Gdynia, 1996.
In the paper the electrothermal macromodel of the SiC
Schottky diode has been investigated and verified [12] J. Zar bski, and J. D browski, “Calculations and
experimentally. As was proved, the original macromodel Measurements of the SiC Schottky Diode”, IC–SPETO’04
is of poor accuracy, whereas after the author’s (in Polish), Nidzica, May 2004, pp. 363-366.
modifications the characteristics obtained from
measurements and calculations fit very well. Note, that to
perform the simulations the value of the thermal
resistance from the case to the sourrounding had to be
additionally measured.

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