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Tagum College




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Chapter 1



All over the world, students encountered various problem on achieving

goals. Despite their training and efforts, students and their coaches exerted
great effort in order to achieve their goal which is to win. Obtaining the victory
was the thrilling part. However, at the end of every competition it was
unavoidable for someone feel extreme pain caused by failing to achieve goal.
In every students or competition, there is always a winner or loser, a winning
team or a losing one. Winners may feel satisfied, confident, superior, happy,
revealed, and empathy for the loser. On the other hand, the loser experiences
his own wide array of emotions from feeling distraught, depressed, angry, and
sad. Sometimes, they also felt satisfied and successful. Some students kept
their feelings to themselves, while other share what they felt inside and their
emotional experiences with those trusted people around them (Turner, 2018).
Failure of goal is important because failures teaches lessons that successful
cannot. Competition follow a set of relationship with one another, which could
led to a negative and positive feedback of being a successful or failures
(Karaman, 2016).

The coaching leadership style is about inspiring your team, building their
confidence, and teaching them the skills they need in order to develop and
work together successfully while ensuring they feel supported by the coaching
leader along the way. It relies on the coaching leader having good
communication and social skills - as constructive feedback is important in this
leadership style - but the most successful coach will also ask questions of
their employees to encourage brainstorming and problem-solving (Lyle, 2012).

There are many coaching styles that can be embraced or adapted by any
individual coach as their own when they are in control of a squad, irrespective
of their age or skill level. Each type of coaching appears to display its own
unique habits and characteristics, resulting in various impacts on the students
they are working with. Coaching is described as a dynamic relationship that
encourages the individual being coaches’ leaning, growth, and success
(Lennard, 2010). It is a way to promote balance and harmony (Martin, 2013)
by supporting clients in living to their fullest potential. The style of coaching is
defined when a coach’s conduct is aggregated by descriptive categorization of
a person. In the study of coaching practice, this may be a useful tool or maybe
a simplistic way to caricature the most obvious aspect of a coach’s actions
(Cross & Lyle, 2012). Coaching is a structured provision of assistance not
only to build but also to enhance performance for a community or an
individual. Coaching style also reflect the value framework of coaches. (Lyle,

However, the researcher did not come across any research carried out at
University of Mindanao Tagum College on the impact of styles of coaching on
goal orientation. It just shows that current research can make a clear impact
and produce new knowledge on the coaching style in relation to goal
orientation. The scenario mentioned persuaded the researcher to examine the
variables that could affect the goal orientation of the University of Mindanao. It
is in the sense that the researcher is interested in evaluating if the orientation
of the target is influenced by coaching styles, as this can raise awareness of
the intended beneficiaries of this study and can establish an action plan to
improve the style of the coach, hence the need to perform this study.

This study shall aim to determine what domains of coaching styles of

PE teacher significantly influence the goal orientation of students.

Specifically, it shall aim:

1. To describe the level of coaching styles of PE teacher in terms of:

1.1 autocratic;

1.2 participative;

1.3 democratic;

1.4 authoritarian;

1.5 holistic; and

1.6 vision;

2. To describe the level of goal orientation of students in terms of:

2.1 achievement goals,

2.2 perceived ability, and
2.3 achievement behavior

3. To find out the significant relationship between coaching styles and

goal orientation of students.

4. To determine what domains of coaching styles of PE teacher

significantly influence the goal orientation of students.


The following hypotheses will be tested at 0.05 level of significance:

1. There is no significant relationship between coaching styles and
goal orientation of students.

2. There is no domain of coaching styles of PE teacher significantly

influence the goal orientation of students.


Theories, concepts, details, knowledge, views and readings related to

coaching styles and goal orientation in UM Tagum College are presented in
this section.

Coaching Style in UM Tagum

There are six generally accepted coaching styles: autocratic, participative,

democratic, authoritarian, holistic and vision. Each style has its advantages
and understanding all six is important. Establishing a personal coaching style
for each coach will require a firm understanding of their own natural
tendencies, and it usually involves integrating elements that work from each of
the six major styles of coaching. The six coaching styles are based on
leadership research by Kur Lewin, a German-American social psychologist
and pioneer in the psychological study of group dynamics, conducted in the
1930s. His dissertion concentrated on researching the impact of and of the six
styles of leadership he indetified on the group cohesion (Kurt Lewin, 2018).

A coach is not only responsible for taking the authoritative position of a

team or group of athletes, teaching technical abilities, and winning in certain
instances; he or she is responsible for inspiring, encouraging, and
empowering athletes to achieve their fullest potential (Hyun-Duck & Cruz,

The style of coaching can be described as the way a coach handles

himself when practicing, teaching, or advising his athletes. While various
scholars may use a different term or expression to refer to each style, the
common majority classify the two coaching types as either the coach of
autonomy help and the coach of power. In order to enhance their physical and
emotional success in their sport, a mentor is called someone who teaches,
instructs, or provides guidance to an athlete. It stated that the coach's primary
role is to help improve the success of his or her athletes. In certain cases,
they will spend much of their time with their mentor after an athlete has began
their journey of competing in professional sports Per Moen, Hoigaard and
Peters (2014)

In athletics, the enthusiasm of athletes can be the secret to success. The

coach-athlete relationship is one of the most influential influences on athlete
motivation and success of the numerous external forces that have an effect
on athletes during their athletic experience (Mageau & Vallerand, 2003). Tens
of millions of young athletes compete in professional sports every year on a
weekly and in many cases, regular basis, in the United States. If tens of
millions of young athletes compete in athletics during the year, this suggests
that they communicate with millions of separate coaches who also engage in
athletics (Britton, Hill & Ward, 2017). It is the duty of teachers, players,
parents, and league officials to acquire information and better grasp the
influence that these coaches and their coaching styles have on the athletes
they work with.

The use of targets as a way of directing the activities the team does is a
prominent psychological problem in team sports. In general, there are goal
orientation for coaches and players that impact how they feel about playing
sports and what they think is relevant in the team environment. It is not
necessary to overstate the importance of a person’s goal orientation. The goal
orientation affects most every aspect of the attitudes and behaviors of an
individual. It is just as important to understand the impact of goal orientation
as to understand how coaches and players influence each other. The
motivation atmosphere is one particular dimension of the team sport
community that is affected by goal orientations. The motivating environment is
strongly related to the objective orientation of an individual and has a direct
impact on the perception and actions of a person. It is important to consider
the relationship of these problems within a team sports context, considering
the importance of the coach-player relationship and the impacts of both goal
orientations and the motivational atmosphere. It is important to first address
goal orientations in order to obtain a better understanding of this relationship,
since goal orientation affects both the individuals involved in the team and
motivational environment that is generated.

The coaching style developed or embraced by a coach may have a

positive or negative effect on his or her players, and it is important to consider
the impact on athletes that demeanor, attitude, personality, and overall
leadership style has. Since coaches play such a crucial role in sports teams
and they are responsible for establishing and sustaining an optimal
environment for players to achieve their fullest potential, if a coach does not
cultivate a coaching style that will draw the interest, admiration and desire of
his or her athletes to succeed, it is possible that he or she will not be able to
inspire them.

Being a supportive coach of autonomy ensures that the person takes into
account the viewpoint of their athletes, engages with and respects the
emotions of their athletes, and provides athletes with appropriate facts and
opportunities for choice (Deci & Ryan, 1985). In a study completed by
Mageau and Vallerand (2003), a number of behaviors have been identified
that coincide with the display of supportive coaches for behavioral autonomy.
These specific behaviors include: providing their athletes with choice within
specific rules and limits, providing their athletes with a rationale for tasks and
limits, recognizing the feelings and perspectives of athletes, providing
opportunities for initiative-taking and independent work for athletes, providing
non-controlling feedback on skills, avoiding behavior control such as criticism,
control. Coaches who are identified by their athletes as autonomy supportive
are also described as pro-social and approachable. In contrast to this
coaching style, there is the controlling coach who displays a different set of

Even though literature tends to concentrate on the characteristics of the

supporting coach for autonomy, there are a number of features and behaviors
that can be identified in a controlling coach, and the vast majority of these
behaviors are in direct contrast to those of a supporting coach for autonomy.
Control coaches tend to provide their athletes with no choices or rationales,
and although they offer feedback, it is often negative (Mageau & Vallerand,
2003). The managing coach often uses power-assertive strategies that cope
with the pressure of athletes. This can be most closely related to the notion of
punishing athletes for not undertaking such activities, or whether they are
done in an unwanted way (Mageau & Vallerand, 2003). It is possible to
describe motivation as the explanation that an athlete attempts or completes
an event. Over the years, extensive research has been conducted on the idea
of motivation, and more specifically, athlete motivation. The Self
Determination Principle (Ryan & Deci, 2000) is a central scientific concept
related to the inspiration of athletes. Two main forms of motivation have been
identified as a result of this theory and have been discussed consistently
throughout the literature and studies conducted in recent years. Using multiple
words or expressions, these two forms of motivation may be referred to, but
are most frequently known as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

The coach-athlete relationship is one of the most significant factors on

athlete motivation in many of the variables that impact athletes during their
athletic experience (Mageau & Vallerand, 2003). In the above review by
Mageau and Vallerand, it is discussed that all the supportive behaviors of
autonomy presented have been repeatedly linked to increased intrinsic and
self-determined extrinsic motivation.

There has been extensive research on coaching styles and their impact
on the motivation of athletes in recent years. Rieke, Hammermeister, and
Chase (2008) explored how coaches who were seen as supportive of
autonomy, or referred to as "servant leaders" in their report, were correlated
with the inspiration of their athletes. The participants in this study were 195
high school basketball players in the United States from the Pacific Northwest.
Ses athletes were asked to finish a questionnaire that took about 30 minutes
to complete. It was found that after undertaking their study and evaluating the
results, athletes who viewed their coach as tolerant of autonomy not only
exhibited higher levels of intrinsic motivation, but were more fulfilled and task-
oriented than athletes who perceived their coach as commanding.

Another study that supports this research is Gillet, Vallerand, Amoura and
Baldes (2010), which investigated whether or not the autonomy of coaches
supporting athletes facilitates self-determined motivation for a sporting activity.
For this research, the participants were 101 French athletes participating in a
national Judo tournament. Approximately one to two hours before the start of
the competition, each participant was required to complete a questionnaire
and the questionnaire evaluated the athletes' perception of their coach's
autonomous support. The findings from this study showed that perceptions of
support for autonomy were positively associated with self-determined
contextual motivation. Simply put, athletes who perceived their coach as
supportive of autonomy in this study showed self-determined motivation to
practice and engage in their sport.
Another study conducted by Horn, Bloom, Berglund and Packard (2011)
investigated whether the psychological characteristics of athletes are
correlated with their respective coaches' coaching style and behaviors. The
two previous studies were supported by these results. The participants for this
study were 195 athletes from Division III who all completed self-reporting
questionnaires on their motivation and their perception and preference of the
behaviors of their coaches. The findings found that athletes who were high in
self-determined sources of motivation considered and favored their coaches
to demonstrate a democratic style of leadership, offer high standards of
preparation, and provide constructive input.

Goal Orientation in UM Tagum

This goal orientation notes that a person’s motivation is developed

through the collaboration of three factors: achievement goals, perceived
ability, and achievement behavior. The theory also suggests that the goal
orientation of athletes are influenced by the social environments the athletes
are exposed to, such as the atmosphere created by coaches. (Weinberg &
Gould, 2007).

The goal orientation of a person has is mainly based on one thing, the
self-concept of skill of the person. A very simple construct is a self-concept of
capacity. It relates to the conception of a person of how much skill they think
they have to perform a task. The ability to carry out a task is something that is
assessed by each person. There are two basic conceptions of capacity that
can be formed by an individual. The undifferentiated conception is observed in
younger children mainly. When a child grows older, the differentiated
conception of potential progresses, which can be seen in the teenage years.
A differentiated definition of capacity refers to the point at which an individual
has distinguished with regard to performing any task between the concepts of
effort and abilities (Nicholls, 2013).
Effort and ability are now considered to be two separate things, and the
effect of how an individual thinks about effort as opposed to ability can have a
strong impact on a person's target orientation. In reality, the target orientation
of an individual comes directly from their capability conception. When our
purpose is simply to improve our skill in an undifferentiated context, a task-
involved target orientation is most prevalent (Nicholls, 2013). In comparison to
other individuals, the other target orientation, the ego-involved orientation, is
more prevalent when a person is concerned with showing high ability and
avoiding showing low ability (Nicholls, 2013). The orientation of the ego thus
demonstrates a distinct definition of capacity. The level of ability of an
individual is compared and distinguished from that of other people's ability

The concepts of mission and ego target orientations are actually very
clear, although they may sound quite complicated. A task orientation is
defined by the intent to enhance the abilities of a person and the assumption
that performance depends on interest, effort, and cooperation with other
individuals (Nicholls, 1992). Task-involved people aspire to enhance their
talents to the utmost and do not associate the amount of knowledge with other
people. At an earlier time, the task-involved person could compare his or her
skill level to where it was to evaluate his or her own ability. On the other hand,
in comparison to other people, an ego-involved individual evaluates his or her

Most of the previous target orientation research focused essentially on

one of the two environments. The educational environment is one area,
mainly based on success in classrooms for academic and physical activity,
and the other is a real sporting area. The influence of the target orientation on
the participant has been the subject of interest in the education study for
some time. Solmon and colleagues have conducted multiple studies in order
to explore the different impacts of the target orientations on students in
physical education classes. Xiang, McBride, and Solmon (2013) carried out
an analysis to determine what kind of motivational environment physical
education teachers choose to use and how those situations impact students.
Xiang, et al. (2012) found that a mastery-focused environment was most
frequently generated by physical education teachers. This study has shone
some light on the importance of the sense of authority in the relationship
between teacher and pupil and coach-player.

The significance of the positive goal orientation of the task becomes even
clearer because the teacher is very important in deciding the objectives of his
or her students (by expressing his or her own expectations). Positive attitudes
appear to lead the members of a class or team to more persistent actions.
Students, or performers, understand the expectations of their leader, and
internalize those expectations to direct their ideas and behaviors. The effect of
an instructor or coach's target orientation on the players of the students or
coaches begins to make itself obvious.

In goal orientation, motivation is undoubtedly an important concept in

sport. One theory of motivation, known as the Performance Motivation Theory
(McClelland, 1961), suggests that in circumstances of achievement, people
are motivated to appear competent (to themselves and others) and therefore
strive to illustrate a high ability and avoid demonstrating a low ability to self.
Within motivation for accomplishment, achievement goal constructs, typically
studied in terms of the goal orientation of a person, are thought to reflect an
organized system or scheme that frames how an individual in an
accomplishment situation will approach, engage, and evaluate his or her
performance (Pintrich, 2000). In this way, objective orientation is considered
to represent the general focus or objective of one's achievement (Pintrich,
2000) and the beliefs of a person about the causes of success (Lochbaum &
Roberts, 1993).

Researchers were not in agreement as to whether objective orientation

should be conceptualized as a disposition trait or a situational characteristic.
Button, Mathieu, and Zajac (1996) find data showing that objective orientation
has both dispositional and situational characteristics. Button et al. believe that
while dispositional objectives predispose individuals to adopt specific patterns
of response across situations, situational characteristics may cause them to
take a different or less acute pattern of response to a specific situation."
Supporting the idea of goal orientation can be influenced by external factors,
research has shown that the motivational climate affects the gaol orientation
of the individual. The present research followed Button et
alconceptualization .'s of objective orientation, understanding that these
orientations are dispositional characteristics that can be affected by situational
variables (Ames & Archer, 1988; Gano-Overway & Ewing, 2004; Trenz &
Zusho, 2011).

Two general styles were defined by early studies on target orientation:

mastery orientation and success. People who are mastery-oriented focus on
learning a process or mastering skills. To determine their level of success,
those who are mastery-oriented measure their performance against their own
past performances. On the other hand, performance-oriented individuals
place their focus on others. Those who are performance-oriented feel that
their success depends on the performance of others and emphasize the beat
of their competition (Button et al., 1996; Elliot & Dweck, 1988; Nicholls, 1984).

Before proceeding, it is important to note the different terminology used to

refer to the target orientation categories. Mastery orientation was also referred
to as the orientation of learning (Dweck, 1986), the orientation of the task or
the involvement of the task (Nicholls, 1984), while the orientation of
performance was referred to as the orientation of the ego or the involvement
of the ego (Nicholls, 1984). For clarification, when addressing these two
essential target orientations, the terms mastery orientation and success
orientation are consistently used in the present analysis.

In recent years, the conceptualization of the target orientation construct

has shifted considerably. Initially, goal orientation was treated as a single
construct, with orientation of mastery at one end of the continuum and
orientation of performance at the other end (e.g., Dweck, 1986). Proof,
however, indicated that two separate constructs were mastery orientation and
success orientation and that the two constructs were orthogonal or statistically
independent of each other (Button et al., 1996; Jõesaar, Hein, & Hagger,
2011; Smith, Balaguer, & Duda, 2006).

Further studies showed that target orientation could have three different
structures instead. While mastery orientation was understood as a single
feature of target orientation, performance orientation was proposed to be split
into two components: performance approach and avoidance of performance.
By showing their ability and dominance over others, people who have an
approach geared towards success outcomes may be positively influenced.
Individuals with an orientation to escape performance are driven by an ability
to eliminate defeat or appear inept. The distinction between performance
approach and performance ignoring goal orientation in sport is likely to be
important. Sports achievement scenarios (i.e. practices, games, meetings,
other competitions) are often highly focused on performance as the objective
is typically to win, so the separation of the two performance goal orientation
constructs could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the
mechanisms that drive coaches and athletes. (Elliot, Church & Jackson et al.,

Elliot and Church (1997) observed that the two-construct model of goal
orientation (mastery and performance mainly centered on achieving success
in circumstances of achievement. By contrast, the three-construction model
(mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoid) incorporated the
basic premise of the theory of achievement motivation, of which achievement
and failure avoidance are the central objectives. Although target orientation
has been recognized as an effective predictor of intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation levels for swimmers (Petherick & Weigand, 2002), it has not yet
been studied as a predictor of coach-athlete interaction or coach-athlete
contact. It is rational to consider personal characteristics of both dyadic
participants when analyzing a possible indicator of a dyadic relationship, since
the relationship is possibly influenced by the characteristics of each individual
(Koberg, Boss, & Goodman, 1998).When examining individual characteristics
of members in a dyad, one consideration might be the congruence, or
similarity, between the members’ characteristics. In this case, the congruence
between coach and athlete goal orientation is considered.

The orientation of the mastery goal is usually seen as a positive trait. That
is the higher one's degree of target orientation mastery, the greater. Past
research has suggested that people who are mastery-oriented typically follow
methods for adaptive accomplishment (Lochbaum & Roberts, 1993), leading
to optimistic effects such as happiness and resilience. The present study
showed that the orientation of the mastery goal is actually an important
component in the development of a high-quality relationship within the coach-
athlete dyad and high-quality communication. As anticipated, the quality of the
relationship and contact quality were at their peak when the orientation of
athlete mastery target and coach mastery GO athlete perceptions were all
maximized. Furthermore, even when the level of orientation of the mastery
goal of both members was very low, the quality of results remained high given
that the level of orientation of the coach and athlete mastery goal was
congruent. This supports the prediction that coaches and athletes who
concentrate on similar goals and define success in a similar way will develop
a stronger relationship and experience better communication (regardless of
the specific type of goals they have or what success looks like to them than
coach-athlete dyads who do not agree on these points. (Trenz & Zusho,

Results found that, regardless of the athlete's degree of mastery target

focus, the interaction consistency and contact quality within the dyad were
high as long as the athlete considered their mentor to be extremely mastery-
oriented. If however, an athlete who was extremely mastery-oriented
considered his or her mentor to have a poor target orientation for mastery, it
was stated that partnership consistency and contact quality were of very low
quality. The position of the difference thus plays a major role in determining
the results of the congruence of the orientation of the mastery target.

The use of targets as a way of directing the activities the team does is a
prominent psychological problem in team sports. In general, there are goal
orientation for coaches and players that impact how they feel about playing
sports and what they think is relevant in the team environment. It is not
necessary to overstate the importance of a person’s goal orientation. The goal
orientation affects most every aspect of the attitudes and behaviors of an
individual. It is just as important to understand the impact of goal orientation
as to understand how coaches and players influence each other. The
motivation atmosphere is one particular dimension of the team sport
community that is affected by goal orientations. The motivating environment is
strongly related to the objective orientation of an individual and has a direct
impact on the perception and actions of a person. It is important to consider
the relationship of these problems within a team sports context, considering
the importance of the coach-player relationship and the impacts of both goal
orientations and the motivational atmosphere. It is important to first address
goal orientations in order to obtain a better understanding of this relationship,
since goal orientation affects both the individuals involved in the team and
motivational environment that is generated.

The focus of the coach on learning and personal development seems to

be more influential than the athlete's focus on learning and personal
development in determining the quality of results. For a number of reasons,
this may be the case. Trenz and Zusho found that a strong indicator of
mastery-approach goals was a mastery-oriented motivational environment. It
is possible for coaches who have high levels of GO mastery to build a
mastery-oriented motivational environment. A motivational atmosphere that is
mastery-oriented creates an area in which athletes can learn and develop.
The building of personal relationships and leadership skills could be
encouraged by an environment like this. Although an athlete may not be solely
focused on learning and self-improvement, it is possible that the coach would
tend to the individual needs of his or her students if the coach supports these
things. From the perspective of the athlete, the results could imply that an
athlete who has a coach with different goals with a strong focus on learning
and self-improvement may feel that the coach does not care to help the
athlete build his or her skill set. Since the coach can be seen as a figure of
authority, the athlete may feel uncomfortable asking for additional assistance
or consider it a lost cause. Such a disconnect between the coach and the
athlete may create suffering in their relationship and their ability to engage
with each other (Trenz & Zusho, 2011).

In comparison, success targets are hypothesized to be correlated with

detrimental effects, such as research sample surface processing or
diminished work enjoyment. Therefore, several works propose that learners
should be allowed to follow mastery goals and minimize their success target
adoption (e.g., Ames, 1992). More modern findings disagree with the
viewpoint of the mastery goal. They suggest that performance goals should
also facilitate the creation of competencies in particular circumstances (e.g.
Harackiewicz and Sansone 1991) and advocate for a reconceptualization of
aim theory that considers the beneficial impacts of performance goals. It has
also been pointed out that it is not inherently appropriate to consider the
multiple target orientations as opposites. Meece and Holt (1993), for instance,
observed that students could be high in motivation for mastery and also high
in orientation for success, whereas others could be poor in both dimensions.

This research explores the relationship between the direction of student

aspirations and the satisfaction of students, academic engagement and
achievement. A number of experiments have found that the sort of objective
orientation influences the emotional and behavioral responses of students as
well as their educational success (e.g., Ames, 1992; Ames and Archer, 1988;
Valle et al., 2003). This research analyzes the association between various
forms of target orientations and student conduct and academic performance
using information on 2309 college students from the University of California
Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES). In this article three questions
are addressed: First it discusses how students can be identified according to
their target orientation. Second, the research explores how diverse
achievement objectives apply to various socio-demographic attributes. Third,
the relative impact of target orientation among undergraduate students on
indices of happiness, success, and academic participation is measured. The
findings support the idea that students pursuing both mastery and
performance objectives are more satisfied with their academic experience,
demonstrate a higher degree of academic engagement, and achieve better
grades than students pursuing a mastery orientation alone or a work-
avoidance/performance orientation. One practical implication of the goal
orientation research is that on the basis of both a high mastery as well as a
high performance orientation, student applicants could be screened.
Correlation Between Measure

The relationship between coach and player is very important in a team

sports setting. Without this relationship, team sports would not exist. The
coach is accountable for training the players, help them develop their abilities,
and preparing them for competition, as well as a host of other problems. In
one way or another the players experience what the coach say and does.
Since relationship between the coach and the players is crucial for team
sports, it is definitely necessary to understand how the participants
communicate and influence each other in this relationship. With a clearer
understanding of how the players view coaching activities and how those
expectations impact the thoughts and action of the players, a more positive
and successful coach-player relationship can be established. The impact of a
coaching style on the motivation of athletes can be distinguished throughout
the literature, with the results of each study revealing the same information.
Coaching styles have a significant impact on the motivation of athletes and
therefore have a significant impact on the performance of athletes.

In UM Tagum College, there is a major relationship between the two

variables in which the coaching style comparatively affects the goal
orientation. The style of coaching influences the thinking, feelings and
behavior that impact the orientation of the goal.

Finally, findings from different studies show a significant connection

between the coaching styles relatively affects the goal orientation at UM
Tagum College, which we can conclude that coaching style and goal
orientation consists of elements that seek to understand coherence and
connectedness of all life in a coaching style on the goal orientation.

The above presentation and discussion of different literature helped to put

into focus the value of U Tagum’s coaching style and goal orientation setting.
The literature presented also made the investigator understanding that the
style of coaching has a significant impact on the goal orientation in UM Tagum

Theoretical Framework

This study examined the validity of the achievement goal theory by seeing
if an athlete’s goal orientation is dependent on a certain coaching style. The
research also explored whether the goal orientation of an athlete had an
impact on the level of enjoyment in sports. Not only will this research
contribute to the field of sports psychology, but it will also make coaches more
aware of what kind of atmosphere they create, their athletes’ target focus, and
what kinds of athletes enjoy their sport more. Research by Newton & Duda
(1990), illustrated by climate of motivation, is the strongest predictor of
enjoyment/interest and pressure/tension in their study of female volleyball
players within the scope of motivation. Similarity, a study on adolescent
athletes by Walling, Duda and Chi (1993), showed that the relationship
between one’s perception of the climate of motivation and goal orientation
influences his/her motivation. Perceived, according to the Achievement Goal
Theory (Duda & Nicholls, 1989). A task orientated motivational climate is an
environment in which the athletes are strengthened by the coach when they
work hard, experience improvement and realize the each team member
contributes to the efforts of the team. Motivational environments in sports
enviroments can be characterized by being task oriented and ego oriented. In
comparison, athletes in an ego oriented motivational envornment expect that
bad performance and errors will be punished, that members of the high
capacity team will be remembered more often and that rivalry between team
members will be recognized more often. The coach helps participants
(Newton & Duda, 1998).

The theory of the achievement goal states that the motivation of an individual
is developed through the collaboration of three factors: objective of
achievement, perceived skill, and actions of achievement (Weinberg & Gould,
2007). The theory also indicates that athletes’ goal orientations are influenced
by the social environments to which athletes are exposed, such as the
atmosphere created by parents and coaches (Waldron & Krane, 2005).

The focus of this research was the achievement goal theory. In the early
20th century, this theory originated, but after 1985, it became an important
theoretical framework in academic motivation. Although it is primarily used in
the field of education, it has also been used (Yough & Anderman) in sports,
social, and health psychology.

Achievement goal theory suggests that through different socialization

processes, including the motivation climate by coaches and parents, the
target orientations were developed and altered (Nicholls 2017).

Figure 1: Conceptual framework

The paradigm illustrates the conceptual framework of the study and what
coaching style is more effective in a dance performance. The basis of
conceptualizing the effectiveness of coaching style in dance performance is to
provide an opportunity of understanding factors that may affect group
performance. In this study, coaching style is the umbrella of performance. The
coaching styles used in this study focuses on the different coaching styles.
These coaching styles was tested to see which will best influence dancers by
significantly increasing their performance.

The independent variable of the study is the coaching styles of coaches

which is indicated by Autocratic coaching in some instances, autocratic
coaching could be beneficial, such as when decisions need to be made
quickly without consulting a large group of individuals. When a certain kind of
leadership style is used, nothing meaningful can be effectively achieved.
Magsood, Bilal and Baig (2013), however, argued the group members may
actually prefer an autocratic styles during military conflicts. This style enables
employees to concentrate on performing specific tasks without worrying about
making complex decisions and to become highly qualified to perform certain
tasks, which can be beneficial to the organization, Participative coaching
described that since they always listen to the coach who thought they were
dancing, the member could understand and know the right routine and proper
execution. It’s a matter of listening. This approach gives workers flexibility and
transparency, with the coach only stepping in when required to keep the
process going (Baric & Burick, 2012), Democratic coaching bulging around
the principle of consensus by cooperation (Daniel Goleman, 2020).
Authoritarian coaching with little to no feedback from the remainder of the
group, authoritarian coaching make decisions individually. By explicitly
governing laws, methodologies and acts, they uphold strict control over their
followers. In order to emphasize role distinctions, authoritarian leaders
construct gaps and establish space between themselves and their followers.
The earliest tribes and empires date back to this style of leadership. It is also
used today where there is no space for errors, such as construction workers
or production jobs (Bob Altemeyer 2012), Holistic Coaching by Margaret
Moore (2010), you are empowered to become a coach and change leader
equipped with the skills to drive your customers forward more rapidly and
deliver results more efficiently and effectively, Vision coaching As a theory-
based alternative to conventional coaching methods, vision-based coaching.
Vision-based coaching stresses discovery and articulation of the ideal self of a
person as the catalyst of the developmental process, in comparison to using
feedback as the primary intervention technique. Vision-based coaching,
based on an increasing body of research on the theory of intentional change
(ICT; Boyatzis, 2001, 2006, 2008), suggests that emphasizing one's personal
vision evokes a growth-oriented psychophysiological state that gives rise to
resources that are crucial to the developmental process. In particular, vision-
based coaching is postulated to enhance conventional approaches by
speeding up the creation of positive coaching relationships, encouraging the
expansion of leadership identity, increasing vitality or energy for improvement,
triggering learning-oriented goals, and promoting a promotion-oriented self-
regulatory role in the coached individual.

The dependent variable of the study is the goal orientation of students

which is indicated by Achievement goal refers to how beliefs and cognitions,
especially in relation to two types, task (mastery) and ego (performance),
orient us towards accomplishment or achievement, Achievement goal theory
has emphasized the role of achievement goals in regulating a wide range of
affective, behavioral and cognitive results during the pursuits of competence
of people. More recently, the hierarchical model of achievement motivation
has been developed through research on achievement goal theory, which
incorporates a number of theories of achievement motivation, (Dweck C.S,
2010), Achievement behavior Achieving behavior that is better represented
as actions on competency tasks or at least, on tasks involving individuals.
Believe or feel that their ability affects results. Achievement practice is
different from that. Other types of action are by its intent: the aim of
achievement activity is to be competent or to feel competent, Perceive
Ability characterized by an entity's evaluation of his or her own abilities. In
sports, it is considered a significant construct of achievement behavior and an
essential determinant of motivation. Individuals who consider themselves to
be highly capable tend to be more motivated than those who perceive
themselves to be poorly capable. Wilhelm Wundt (2010) established contrast
as a fundamental concept of perception in the early 20th century, and since
then the effect in different areas of mang has been verified. These influences
not only influence visual characteristics such as color and brightness, but also
other perceptions, like the heaviness of an object.
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Coaching Style in UMTC Goal Orientation in UMTC

 Autocratic. Achievement goal

 Participative Achievement behavior

 Democratic → Percieved ability

 Authoritarian

 Holistic

 Vision

Significance of the study

The results of the study will serve as the basis for the formulation of goal
orientation styles and to ensure a higher degree of cultivating a better style
and to enhance more as they reflect their style of coaching. The outcome of
this study can provide all PE teachers with insights to enhance their coaching
strategies for a harmonious relationship between students and coaches.
Especially in the coaching style of the coach in school, it can provide data to
all school administrators. The understanding of both sides can improve. The
outcome of this study will give the teachers inspiration, they may continue to
participate and work on their duty. It will advise teachers on how to behave
with respect and function efficiency at all times in school. It will enable
educators and their students to deal with changes in the environment.

In addition, as this research is carried out to determine the coaching style

and goal orientation at University of Mindanao Tagum College, the results of
the study will eventually benefit the students. It can inspire and allow them to
make a larger process possible. Finally, the results of this study may provide a
starting point for the future researcher how to extend the coverage if the
research is focused on the variables covered in the study.

Coaching is an established, strong component of effective growth in

leadership. But only if the trained coaches provide the coaching. And only if
those coaches are the client’s best match. And it is only if specific priorities
are set that an agreed procedure is followed and all outcomes are calculated.
In a smooth, optimistic coaching experience that delivers outcomes,
everything must come together. In sports teams, coaches play such a crucial
role because they are responsible for developing and sustaining the concept
condition for players to fulfill their fullest potential, if a coach does not cultivate
a coaching style that is capable of attracting interest, appreciation and eager
to learn from his or her students, it is likely that he or she will not be able to
inspire them in any way, this leads to a lack of progress that leads to a lack of
achievement. It is important to consider that characteristic and behaviors
displayed by various coaching types when talking about their consequential
effects on the motivation and success of students.

The numerous coaching styles that can be embraced or adapted as their

own by any individual coach when they are in charge of a group of students;
irrespective of their age, sports, or level of competence in those sports or
activities. These types of coaching exhibit various habits that influence the
athletes with whom the coaches are affiliated quite differently. Although
believing that the various types of coaching have an effect on the motivation
of the athlete and subsequent in this synthesis, results an analysis of these
various coaching techniques, as well as their effects on students, will be
analyzed to assess the coaching style has the greatest positive effects on the
student’s motivation and performance.

Definition of Terms
For easy understanding the following terms employed in this study are
defined operationally.

Coaching as used in the study, coaching style is the independent variable

in the study which is indicated by autocratic, participative, democratic,
authoritarian, holistic and vision.

Goal orientation in this study, it is the dependent variable which is

indicated by achievement goal, perceived ability and achievement behavior.

Chapter 2


This chapter shall discuss the research design, research locale,

population and sampling, research instrument, data gathering procedure and
statistical treatment.

Research Design
This study shall a quantitative non experimental research design utilizing
correlation methodology. This approach was used where the goal is to define
the state of the situation as it occur at the time of the analysis to investigate
the causes of specific phenomenon. It requires data collection in correlation
research to assess if the degree of a relationship occurs between two more
quantifiable variables (Gay, 2006).

This survey deals with quantitative data on the phenomenon in question.

The quantitative aspect is an adequate schedule for collecting the data to
answer the questions designed for the target respondents. The method of
collecting the data was based on the use of questionnaire. The aim of the
study was to establish the impact of the style of coaching on the University of
Mindanao Tagum College goal orientation.

The post-test between participants design was performed participants

design was performed by the researcher. The impact of treatment on six
separate groups is calculated by this design. If participants are randomly
allocated to conditions that take into account some of the features they have,
it does not employ pre-test steps. Since researcher criteria were met by
participants in the study, they were randomly allocated to six group and were
subjected to various experimental treatment conditions: autocratic coaching,
participative coaching, democratic coaching, authoritarian coaching, holistic
coaching and dance community vision coaching. The concepts of the
independent variable, which was the style of leadership, accounted for certain
circumstances. The variations in their results are then assessed after the

Research Locale

In the province of Davao del Norte, Philippines, Tagum City is one of the
1st class cities. A 3rd year BPE students in UM Tagum are selected from all the
colleges here in Tagum as the subject of the study BPE students are taken in
the school and the sample will differ according to the size of BPE 3 rd year
level. The findings of this study are specific to the context of the teachers and
students of UM Tagum College.

Population and Sample

In conducting this study, purposeful sampling will be used to set limits

when selecting participants. In order to be consistent with the protocol,
purposeful sampling by means of the fishbowl methods will separate and
allocated participants into experiment conditioning classes. This was to
prevent bias and through arbitrary screening, randomizing participants. This is
often used to ensure that they were “equally distributed without deliberately
grouping together particular people in the researchers’ own judgment.

Distribution of Respondents

Name of school Number of Respondents

University of Mindanao Tagum College 300


Total 300

Research Instrument

For the independent variable and for the dependent variable but modified
questionnaire, the instrument used in the study was researcher-made
questionnaire checklist and survey for the purpose to gather the needed data
of accomplishing the objective and quesries of the said research topic. The
first set of the questionnaire deals with the coaching styles of autocratic,
participative, democratic, authoritarian, and holistic and vision indicators at the
University of Mindanao Tagum College.

The five orderable gradations with their respective range of means and
definition be considered in evaluating the standard of coaching style at the
University of Mindanao Tagum College.

Range of means Level of description Meaning

4.30- 5.00 Very high This means that the coaching

style is very much manifested

3.50-4.20 High This means that the coaching

style is much manifested

2.70-3.40 Moderate This means that the coaching

style is fairly manifested

1.90-2.60 Low This means that the coaching

style is less manifested

1.00- 1.80 Very low This means that the coaching
style is not manifested

The following five orderable gradations with their respective range of

means and descriptive grades were considered for the goal orientation.

Range of means Level of description Meaning

4.30- 5.00 Very high This means that the goal

orientation of the students is

very much positive

3.50-4.20 High This means that the goal

orientation of the students is

much positive
2.70-3.40 Moderate This means that the goal

orientation of the students is

fairly positive
1.90-2.60 Low This means that the goal

orientation of the students is

less positive
1.00- 1.80 Very low This means that the goal

orientation of the students is

not positive

Data Collection

After the approval of panel members, the researchers will undergo the

following steps and procedures in gathering data for the study.

The researchers will ask permission from the office of the Dean of College

to conduct study to the different courses in the University of Mindanao Tagum

College. Upon the approval, the letter of endorsement will seek to

accommodate the researcher to administer the survey questionnaire to the

respondents of the study. Moreover, the researcher will make another letter to

conduct the study to the department heads of University of Mindanao Tagum

College and seek the approval to distribute survey questionnaire to the

college students. Researchers will conduct pilot testing for the questionnaires.

After the pilot testing and analysis, researchers will personally submit the

questionnaire and explain the purpose of the research tool to the

respondents. In addition, researchers will retrieve the survey questionnaire

after all the items have been answered by the respondents. Finally, the

researchers will compile and tabulate all the data collected from the

respondents, subject to statistical analysis. The statistical results shall be

analyzed and interpreted. Based on the data, conclusions will be drawn and

recommendations will be formulated on the basis of the findings of the study.

We used the most common way of gathering data by survey.

Statistical Tools

The statistical tools that will be used for data analysis and interpretations

are the following:

Weighted Mean. This statistical tool will be used to determine the level of
coaching styles and the level of goal orientation.

Pearson (r). This statistical tool will be employed to determine the

significance on the relationship between the level of coaching styles and the

level of goal orientation.

Regression Analysis. This statistical tool will be used to determine the

domain of coaching styles on the level of goal orientation.


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