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Assalamualaikum, wr. Wb, my name is eldawati.

Today I will explain about ANAMNESA



Anamnesis is a directed question aimed at postpartum mothers, to determine the condition

of the mother and the risk factors it has. The objectives of the history are:
1. Obtain data or information about problems that are being experienced or felt by the
patient. An accurate history can help establish the assessment and diagnosis.
2. Build a good relationship between a health worker and his patient. A proper history can
open a good relationship and cooperation which is useful for further examination.


a. Able to carry out anamnesa on postpartum mothers.


Anamnesis is a focused question addressed to pregnant women, to determine the condition

of the mother and the risk factors it has. The objectives of the history are:
1. Obtain data or information about problems that are being experienced or felt by the patient.
An accurate history can help establish the assessment and diagnosis.
2. Build a good relationship between a health worker and his patient. A proper history can
open a good relationship and cooperation which is useful for further examination.

Anamnesa can be done in two ways, namely:

1. Autoanamnesa, is anamnesa that is done directly to the patient. The patient himself answers
all questions and describes his condition.
2. Allonamnesa, is anamnesa conducted with other people in order to obtain accurate
information about the patient's condition. Usually in unconscious patients, infants,
children. In this type of history taking, the health worker / midwife must ensure that the
source of the information comes from the right person.
The types of questions that are given when taking an anmnesa to pregnant women are
questions that can dig deeper into the information needed by health workers to determine
whether or not there are risk factors that can lead to complications in pregnancy, childbirth,
childbirth and LBW. The types of questions given include:
a. Identity
Asked the identity of the mother and husband: Name, age, religion, ethnicity / nationality,
education, occupation, complete address.
b. Reason for coming / Mother's complaint
Maternal complaints: is there anything related to what was felt by the mother during the
postpartum period? Are there any problems faced by the mother that need to be addressed
during the examination.
c. Menstrual history
Menarche, regular / no cycle, duration, amount of blood, color, odor, pain complaints +/-
→ assess the function of uterine apparatus
d. Marriage History
Married / not, how many times, age at marriage, how long / long was the marriage
(expensive child?)
e. KB history
Have you ever used contraception? Types of contraception? When is it used? Where? By
whom? Duration of use? Any complaints? When is it released? Where? By whom?
Reasons to stop / change contraception?
f. Past Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum History
1. Childbirth history
Spontaneous / artificial? Atterm / Premature? When? Where were you born? Help
whom? Any problems during labor?
2. Postpartum History
Are there any problems during the puerperium? Infection? Bleeding?
3. Child
Gender? BB? Life and death? If you die, why? Healthy? Are there any defects?
Breastfeeding? How is the condition now?
g. History of Disease
1) Current medical history
Are you sick now? Complaint? Is the mother on treatment?
2) Past medical history
History of other systemic diseases that may affect or be aggravated by pregnancy (heart,
lung, kidney, liver disease, diabetes mellitus), history of certain food / drug allergies and so
on. Whether or not there is a history of general / other surgery or uterine surgery
(myomectomy, cesarean section, etc.).
3) Family history
History of systemic disease, metabolic disease, congenital defects ,? Hereditary diseases
+/- (diabetes mellitus, genetic disorders), infectious diseases +/- (tuberculosis)

H, Marital Status
a. Marriage age
b. Marital status
c. Length of marriage
d. This is the husband to

i. Nutritional needs
a. Menu
b. Frequency
c. A lot
d. Abstinence
e. Get iron

J. Fluid Requirement
a. Type of drink
b. Drinking frequency
c. Drink lots

k. Sleep Needs
a. Rest / nap
b. Sleep at night
c. Distraction
d. Complaint
l. Ambulation History
a. How often
b. Dizziness during ambulation
c. Independent or need help from others

m. Everyday activities

n. Lokhia

o. Elimination History
· Frequency
· Consistency
· Color
· Complaints
b. BAK
· Frequency
· Color
· Complaints
p. Perineal Tear or Episiotomy

q. The Breastfeeding Process

r. Postpartum Hazard Signs

a. Easily tired or have trouble sleeping
b. Fever
c. Pain or feeling hot when you urinate
d. Constipation / hemorrhoids
e. Continuous headache, pain, swelling
f. Abdominal pain
g. Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
h. The breasts are very painful to the touch, swollen, cracked nipples
i. Difficulty breastfeeding
j. Sadness
k. Feeling less able to care for their own baby

· S. Personal Hygiene Care

a. Bath
b. Washing hair
c. Tooth brush
d. Change clothes
e. Change underwear and bandages
f. Cutting nails
t. Sexual activity
a. Frequency
b. Distraction

u.Family response to the birth of a baby

v.Client Feelings of the Birth of a Baby

w.Response of the Father to the Birth of the Baby

x.Patient Knowledge in Caring for Babies

 Family planning planning
 Knowledge of the condition and care performed on the patient
 The existence of customs in the patient environment related to newborns and
postpartum mothers
 Feelings and Satisfaction with the Care Obtained
A few conclusions:
Anamnesis is a focused question addressed to pregnant women, to determine the
condition of the mother and the risk factors it has. The objectives of the history are:
1. Obtain data or information about problems that are being experienced or felt by the patient. An
accurate history can help establish the assessment and diagnosis.
2. Build a good relationship between a health worker and his patient. A proper history can open a
good relationship and cooperation which is useful for further examination.
Anamnesa can be done in two ways, namely:
1. Autoanamnesa, is anamnesa that is done directly to the patient. The patient himself answers all
questions and describes his condition.
2. Allonamnesa, is anamnesa conducted with other people in order to obtain accurate information
about the patient's condition. Usually in unconscious patients, infants, children. In this type of
history taking, the health worker / midwife must ensure that the source of the information comes
from the right person.

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