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Aklan State University

School of Arts and Science

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Banga, Aklan

Submitted by:
Me J P. Popes
BSN 1-1A

Submitted to:
Carol Joy P. Remaneses RN, MHSS
Clinical Instructor
1. Nightingale’s Environmental Theory
1. What is the importance of giving nutritious option in small concentrated amounts rather adding
bulk to food under the concept of nutrition.
2. How does adequate skin moisture under the concept of personal cleanliness connected to the
recovery stage of a patient?
3. Why does uninterrupted meal times under the concept of Taking of Food is essential for the fast
recovery of a patient?
4. Under the concept of Noise, can music help with the fast recovery of a patient?
5. There is a need to turn off the lights under the concept of light when a patient is sleeping, what
is/are the health benefit/s of turning off the lights when someone is recovering from a surgery or

2. Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

1. In Watson’s Theory of Human Caring, how can technology be one of the things that influence
the barriers?
2. What is the factor that greatly impacts the patient and also the nurse in regards with all the
Caritive Factors in Watson’s Theory of Human Caring?
3. If there is a possibility, what is/are the reason/s behind it?
4. is there a possibility that the positive impacts of Watson's Theory of Human Caring to the
patient can also have negative outcomes to the patients?
5. How does trust become a way in order for a patient to recover fast In this theory?

3. Benner’s Stages of Nursing Expertise Nursing Philosophies

1. In the video, what can be the possible barriers in Benner’s Stages of Nursing Expertise
Nursing Philosophies?
2. The long term goals under the Competent category are referred to what?
3. Is experience enough in order for a nurse to be considered an expert as what the video
4. What does it mean to view patients holistically under the proficient stage?
5. How can a person gain knowledge without ever learning theory?

4. Rogers’ Theory of Unitary Human Beings

1. We affect our environment, and our environment affects us, how can this influence the process
to better health?
2. Can negative environment be naturally present or it also created?
3. What is the responsibility of a nurse in this theory?
4. In regards on how unitary human develop, can there be other principles that can widen our
understanding it?
5. How is Pan dimensionality connected to Rogers' Theory?

5. Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Model

1. What is the meaning of “nursing should think nursing” in what Orem stated in the video?
2. How can person's knowledge of potential health problems is necessary for promoting self-care
behaviors possible?
3. People need nursing as what Orem stated. Do nurses also need patients to develop as a nurse?
4. As a nurse how can we help and improve caring using this theory?
5. How did she influence nursing system and improve the skills of nurse?

6. King’s General Systems Framework Nursing Conceptual Model

1. What is role conflict based on the theory?
2. If there is a need to focus on patient goals, what are the examples of it?
3. What is the definition of the words Nursing Language?
4. How does social system influence a person’s goal attainment?
5. How did she further improve the relationship between nurse and patient

7. Neuman’s Systems Model

1. What is ego structure?
2. On the main factors of basic structure, what is accountability of learning?
3. What are examples of Tertiary Intervention?
4. What is the main focus of this model?
5. It is indicated in the video the Physiochemical structure, what is this?

8. Roy’s Adaptation Model

1. Are there occurrences that a nurse can misinterpret a person's adaptive state when making a
nursing diagnosis?
2. What can be the barriers for this theory?
3. What are the examples to further understand the Residual Stimuli?
4. How can this model help give better mode of caring to patient?
5. How can did affect the nurse-patient relationship?
9. Johnson’s Behavioral System Model
1. The term scope affection is mentioned in the video, what is this?
2. In the video, nursing is an external force, what is an external force?
3. Why can't nursing or medicine focus on both Biological system and Behavioral system?
4. What is researched-based knowledge?
5. How can Behavioral system model of nursing help in assessing the patient needs?

10. Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

 What is the importance of giving nutritious option in small concentrated amounts rather adding
bulk to food under the concept of nutrition.
 How does adequate skin moisture under the concept of personal cleanliness connected to the
recovery stage of a patient?
 Why does uninterrupted meal times under the concept of Taking of Food is essential for the fast
recovery of a patient?
 Under the concept of Noise, can music help with the fast recovery of a patient?
 There is a need to turn off the lights under the concept of light when a patient is sleeping, what
is/are the health benefit/s of turning off the lights when someone is recovering from a surgery or

11. Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

 In Watson’s Theory of Human Caring, how can technology be one of the things that influence
the barriers?
 What is the factor that greatly impacts the patient and also the nurse in regards with all the
Caritive Factors in Watson’s Theory of Human Caring?
 If there is a possibility, what is/are the reason/s behind it?
 is there a possibility that the positive impacts of Watson's Theory of Human Caring to the
patient can also have negative outcomes to the patients?
 How does trust become a way in order for a patient to recover fast In this theory?

12. Benner’s Stages of Nursing Expertise Nursing Philosophies

 In the video, what can be the possible barriers in Benner’s Stages of Nursing Expertise
Nursing Philosophies?
 The long term goals under the Competent category are referred to what?
 Is experience enough in order for a nurse to be considered an expert as what the video
 What does it mean to view patients holistically under the proficient stage?
 How can a person gain knowledge without ever learning theory?

13. Rogers’ Theory of Unitary Human Beings

 We affect our environment, and our environment affects us, how can this influence the process
to better health?
 Can negative environment be naturally present or it also created?
 What is the responsibility of a nurse in this theory?
 In regards on how unitary human develop, can there be other principles that can widen our
understanding it?
 How is Pan dimensionality connected to Rogers' Theory?

14. Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Model

 What is the meaning of “nursing should think nursing” in what Orem stated in the video?
 How can person's knowledge of potential health problems is necessary for promoting self-care
behaviors possible?
 People need nursing as what Orem stated. Do nurses also need patients to develop as a nurse?
 As a nurse how can we help and improve caring using this theory?
 How did she influence nursing system and improve the skills of nurse?

15. King’s General Systems Framework Nursing Conceptual Model

 What is role conflict based on the theory?
 If there is a need to focus on patient goals, what are the examples of it?
 What is the definition of the words Nursing Language?
 How does social system influence a person’s goal attainment?
 How did she further improve the relationship between nurse and patient

16. Neuman’s Systems Model

 What is ego structure?
 On the main factors of basic structure, what is accountability of learning?
 What are examples of Tertiary Intervention?
 What is the main focus of this model?
 It is indicated in the video the Physiochemical structure, what is this?

17. Roy’s Adaptation Model

 Are there occurrences that a nurse can misinterpret a person's adaptive state when making a
nursing diagnosis?
 What can be the barriers for this theory?
 What are the examples to further understand the Residual Stimuli?
 How can this model help give better mode of caring to patient?
 How can did affect the nurse-patient relationship?
18. Johnson’s Behavioral System Model
 The term scope affection is mentioned in the video, what is this?
 In the video, nursing is an external force, what is an external force?
 Why can't nursing or medicine focus on both Biological system and Behavioral system?
 What is researched-based knowledge?
 How can Behavioral system model of nursing help in assessing the patient needs?

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