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2. What are the positive attitude have you observed in the illustration number 4?

(Give three) Explain

your answer.

In the 4th illustration, it shows positive attitudes a person must have. Those positive attitudes are starting
with determination, facing obstacles, and celebrating success.

Starting with determination is one of the factors to achieve success. Indeed, it is true that the first step is
always the hardest that is why you need this kind of attitude especially when you are a student. A
student must be determined in doing his/her home works and activities on the modules because one
cannot be able to finish the work unless it has been started.

As we start our work, we always encounter obstacles. Those obstacles might be hard for us to handle
and as a result, we often feel depressed and then give up on continuing the work. The illustration shows
that even we encounter obstacles sometimes, it is important to jump over that obstacle in order to
continue the race. This is similar to making solution over a problem. It is true that it is sometimes hard
so we must take a rest rather than giving up. One must face the obstacles and look on how to overcome
it in order to continue and finish the race.

Finally, when a person already achieved their goals, one must celebrate! Spend time with your family,
have fun doing your hobbies, buy foods that is for you alone! Anything that is good that drains all your
stress from reaching your goal!

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