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Test (Adjectives)

1. Give the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives.

Polite, gay, yellow, thin, accurate, unsuitable, real, sweet, dry, recent, near, bad, tender, pale,
2. Supply the appropriate form of the adjective in the sentences below.
1. Henry is … than John.(tall) 2. This is … car I have ever had.( bad) 3. I think John is … than
his father.( smart) 4. The movie was … than the book (good) 5. The boy was as .. as a fox (sly)
6. She is … of us (active) 7. The … , the…. (soon, good).
3. Compose sentences of your own with these phrases.
The English, the cheapest, … than…, the freshest, the wise.
4. Find mistakes and correct them.
1.He looked the youngest than his years. 2. The most you read the better. 3. Shall I speak the
loudest? 4. My sister is older than I am. 5. The show was not so best as it used to be. 6. London
is badder than new york.7. This is the magicest place in the world. 8. We are busyer than they
are.9. I am handsomer than my brother.
5. Translate into English.
1.Я восхищаюсь её детской красотой. 2. Они появились на вечере в одинаковых платьях.
3. Все окна в этом здании высокие.4. У этих подруг похожие черта лица. 5. Берия-
печально известная личность в истории России. 6. Молодёжь не любит классическую
музыку.7.На тарелке меньше масла. 8. Лариса Валерьевна и Анна Борисовна –учителя
английского языка. Первая преподаёт в одной группе, вторая в другой. 9.Я с
удовольствием читаю исторические романы. 10. Последний раз я видела её вчера.11. В
худшем случае я провалюсь на экзамене.

Test (Adjectives)
1. Give the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives.
Polite, gay, yellow, thin, accurate, unsuitable, real, sweet, dry, recent, near, bad, tender, pale,
2. Supply the appropriate form of the adjective in the sentences below.
1. Henry is … than John.(tall) 2. This is … car I have ever had.( bad) 3. I think John is … than
his father.( smart) 4. The movie was … than the book (good) 5. The boy was as .. as a fox (sly)
6. She is … of us (active) 7. The … , the…. (soon, good).
3. Compose sentences of your own with these phrases.
The English, the cheapest, … than…, the freshest, the wise.
4. Find mistakes and correct them.
1.He looked the youngest than his years. 2. The most you read the better. 3. Shall I speak the
loudest? 4. My sister is older than I am. 5. The show was not so best as it used to be. 6. London
is badder than new york.7. This is the magicest place in the world. 8. We are busyer than they
are.9. I am handsomer than my brother.
5. Translate into English.
1.Я восхищаюсь её детской красотой. 2. Они появились на вечере в одинаковых платьях.
3. Все окна в этом здании высокие.4. У этих подруг похожие черта лица. 5. Берия-
печально известная личность в истории России. 6. Молодёжь не любит классическую
музыку.7.На тарелке меньше масла. 8. Лариса Валерьевна и Анна Борисовна –учителя
английского языка. Первая преподаёт в одной группе, вторая в другой. 9.Я с
удовольствием читаю исторические романы. 10. Последний раз я видела её вчера.11. В
худшем случае я провалюсь на экзамене.

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