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Post Graduate Programme 2019-21

Form for Enrolling to Audit Courses

Roll No. PGP/23/313

Name of the student Agalya S

Title of the course that the Artificial Intelligence for Business (Section A)
student wants to audit
Course credit 3
Term & Academic Year Term 4 (2019-21)

Instructor's name M.P.Sebastin

I understand that the PGP office will not consider my enrollment to this course (as an Audit
student) during parallel scheduling of classes/examinations and I agree to abide by the
norms of PGP office in this regard.

I also understand that I will not be permitted to take more than three audit courses in the
second year, and not more than one in each term.

Signature of the

Date: 09.08.2020 Signature of the Student

Artificial Intelligence for Business

The above student has been permitted to audit the course ----------------------------------------------
(course title) that I am conducting during the current term.

Date: ___________ Instructor's Signature:

Instructor's Name: M.P. Sebastin

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