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Chapter 2 Accounting 300 Exam Review

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1. a. consistency Changing the method of inventory 5. a. provide information that is What is a primary objective
valuation should be reported in the helpful to present and of financial reporting as
financial statements under what potential investors, creditors indicated in the conceptual
qualitative characteristic of and other users in assessing framework?
accounting information? the amounts, timing and a. Provide information that is
a. Consistency. uncertainty of future cash helpful to present and
b. Verifiability. flows potential investors, creditors,
c. Timeliness. and other users in assessing
d. Comparability. the amounts, timing, and
uncertainty of future cash
2. a. decision The pervasive criterion by which
usefulness accounting information can be judged
b. Provide information that is
is that of
helpful to present investors,
a. decision usefulness.
creditors, and other users in
b. freedom from bias.
assessing the amounts,
c. timeliness.
timing, and uncertainty of
d. comparability.
future cash flows.
3. a. faithful Neutrality is an ingredient of which c. Provide information that is
representation fundamental quality of information? helpful to potential
a. Faithful representation. investors, creditors, and
b. Comparability. other users in assessing the
c. Relevance. amounts, timing, and
d. Understandability. uncertainty of future cash
4. a. information that is What is meant by consistency when flows.
measured and discussing financial accounting d. None of the above.
reported in a similar information? 6. a. provide information that is What is a primary objective
fashion across points a. Information that is measured and useful to making those of financial reporting as
in time reported in a similar fashion across investing and credit decisions indicated in the conceptual
points in time. framework?
b. Information is timely. a. provide information that is
c. Information is measured similarly useful to those making
across the industry. investing and credit
d. Information is verifiable. decisions.
b. provide information that is
useful to management.
c. provide information about
those investing in the entity.
d. All of the above.
7. b. faithful represntation The quality of information
that means the numbers and
descriptions match what
really existed or happened is
a. relevance.
b. faithful representation.
c. completeness.
d. neutrality.
8. b. is capable of Accounting information is considered to 14. c. relevance The two fundamental qualities that make
making a be relevant when it and faithful accounting information useful for decision
difference in a a. can be depended on to represent the representation making are
decision economic conditions and events that it a. comparability and timeliness.
is intended to represent. b. materiality and neutrality.
b. is capable of making a difference in a c. relevance and faithful representation.
decision. d. faithful representation and comparability.
c. is understandable by reasonably
15. c. yes no According to Statement of Financial
informed users of accounting
Accounting Concepts No. 2, materiality is
an ingredient of the fundamental quality of
9. b. relevance Which of the following is a fundamental Relevance Faithful Representation
characteristic of useful accounting a. Yes Yes
information? b. No Yes
a. Comparability. c. Yes No
b. Relevance. d. No No
c. Neutrality.
16. d. all of these Which of the following does not relate to
d. Materiality.
relate to relevance?
10. b. timeliness Company A issuing its annual financial relevance a. Materiality
reports within one month of the end of b. Predictive value
the year is an example of which c. Confirmatory value
ingredient of fundamental quality of d. All of these relate to relevance
accounting information?
17. d. consistency If the FIFO inventory method was used last
a. Neutrality.
period, it should be used for the current
b. Timeliness.
and following periods because of
c. Predictive value.
a. relevance.
d. Completeness.
b. neutrality.
11. c. faithful Which of the following is a primary c. understandability.
representation characteristic of useful accounting d. consistency.
18. d. materiality . Which of the following is an ingredient of
a. Conservatism.
b. Comparability.
a. Verifiability.
c. Faithful representation.
b. Neutrality.
d. Consistency.
c. Timeliness.
12. c. information that What is meant by comparability when d. Materiality.
is measured and discussing financial accounting
19. d. no yes According to Statement of Financial
reported in a information?
Accounting Concepts No. 2, completeness
similar fashion a. Information has predictive or
is an ingredient of the fundamental quality
across companies confirmatory value.
b. Information is reasonably free from
Relevance Faithful Representation
a. Yes Yes
c. Information that is measured and
b. No Yes
reported in a similar fashion across
c. No No
d. No yes
d. Information is timely.
20. d.relevance What is the quality of information that
13. c. neturality Which of the following is an ingredient
enables users to better forecast future
of faithful representation?
a. Predictive value.
a. Faithful representation.
b. Materiality.
b. Materiality.
c. Neutrality.
c. Timeliness.
d. Confirmatory value.
d. Relevance.

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