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Assessing ​Project Based Learning 

Brooklynn Ramos 
Students, in small groups, will be able to collaboratively create a two variable relationship graph 
with increasing, decreasing, and constant intervals, then create a situation with a story and video 
that matches the graph's qualitative features. The graph, story, and video will be submitted as a 
collaborative google slide presentation. All members of the small group will orally present their 
story, graph, and video to exhibit their understanding, challenges, and responsibilities. This 
project aims to create collaboration in a virtual setting and solidify individuals ability to 
interpret graphs as well as their understanding of intervals of two variable relationships and 
possible representations.  
Subject: A
​ lgebra 1-Virtual Learning 
Length: ​Approximately a week, 3 hours of class time total 
Story of a Graph P
​ r​ oject Description: 
Create a graph of a two variable relationship (distance, elevation, or speed vs. time). The graph 
should tell a story you create, which will be written out and visually represented by a video. The 
video can be made creatively in any way. Some examples include a reenactment, slideshow, stop 
motion, and animation. Make sure to include labels and different intervals in your graph. Then 
you will present your story, graph, and video to the class.  
Link to example from 20-21 school year ​(note that this was not an original video, which added to 
the real-world application of this project, and makes it okay for sharing) 
Project Rubric 

Criteria  Points   Feedback 

Rough Draft: R
​ ough Draft submitted on  ______ / 4   
time and complete with the type of story, 
information on the story idea, and video 
idea. In addition roles are clear and 
​ : ​Graph drawn is neat, correct, and  ______ / 10   
includes at least 5 intervals. Includes 
increasing, decreasing, and constant 
intervals. Includes units, scales, title. 
Important descriptions of intervals and 
related representations are included and 
clearly stated.  

Story: S​ tory describes all 5 intervals  ______ / 10   

accurately, is creative, with no spelling or 
grammar errors, and written neatly 

Video: V
​ ideo visual included accurately  ______ / 10   
shows all 5 intervals shown on the graph. 

Oral Presentation: P
​ resentation was loud,  ______ / 4   
clear, and understandable. Graph and story 
explained to the audience. Roles and 
responsibilities were stated. 

TOTAL  ______ / 38   


Monitoring and Feedback plan:  

Students will be working in their groups in breakout rooms on Zoom. A rough draft, on google 
slides, with brainstormed story and video ideas, beginning of a graph, and clear responsibilities 
for each member, will be due at the end of the first class day. Students will receive feedback via 
the google classroom assignment posted, once turned in. The rough draft feedback will ask 
probing questions to facilitate modifications or criteria to keep in mind.  
● Brainstormed ideas for story 
● Type of story (distance vs time, elevation vs. time, speed vs. time) 
● Video plan: how and when will it be made and who is in charge? 
For the following two class periods, students working in breakout rooms will be visited by the 
teacher, at least twice each period, for a minimum of five minutes to observe collaboration, 
participation, progress, and provide feedback. In addition to verbal feedback, the teacher will add 
comments or suggestions to the groups google slides presentation to prompt discussion and 
● Checking that graph includes 5 intervals, labels, descriptions 
● Checking that story is accurate to graph 
● Story is creative-- not from lessons or examples 
● Understanding video requirements 
Since the project is mostly completed via virtual learning from home, a student who does not 
participate or show up will receive an email, with their parents or guardians cc’d. The email 
includes solutions to either catch the student up or clarify the expectations of the students 
Daily Self Reflection: 

Today I...  Not Really  Sometimes  Often  Self-Reflection 

Contributed new ideas.         

Listened to my         
groupmates new ideas. 

Made progress on the         


Asked questions and         

accepted feedback. 

Self Evaluation:  

My project includes...  ✔ 

A labeled graph with at least 5 intervals.   

A graph with at least one of each interval: increasing, decreasing,   


Descriptions or relationships of intervals.   

A creative story that describes the intervals.   

A video that describes the intervals.   

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