7 Most Haunted Places in Delhi

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Delhi is the capital city of India. It is a city which is known for its cultural heritage.

It has many
famous tourist attractions like Red Fort, Qutub Minar, Humayun’s Tomb, India Gate, Jama
Masjid and Lotus Temple. However, there are a few places in Delhi which you might not heard
of. In this article, I would be telling you about the haunted places in Delhi. There would always
be 2 sections in the society regarding these things. One would believe while the other one would
laugh it out; I leave this for you to decide. These places are considered to be very dangerous and
very few daring souls have the audacity to visit these places.
1. Delhi Cantonment
This place happens to be the most haunted place in the city of Delhi. The story behind this place
is that there used to be lady who used to ask people for lifts to get to places; but on one occasion
this practice of hers got her killed. It is said that it is the ghost of this lady which haunts the
place. Imagine a middle-aged woman in a white dress asking for a lift; you ignore her request
and move forward but after a mile away you can see the same woman asking for a lift yet again.
What you can’t imagine has happened with people at this place.
2. House number W-3
The second place to make it to the list of haunted places in Delhi is a house which is located in
greater Kailash. I don’t ask you to enter this place because you won’t be able to; just make an
effort to reach this building at have a look at the abandoned house. If it doesn’t give you scary
chills then nothing will. The story behind this place is that a elderly couple was murdered inside
their house; it is said that the ghost of this couple haunts this house. People who stay nearby say
that they hear strange noises during the night from this place.
3. Dwarka sector IX metro station
I don’t know for some reason metro stations are always a part of the discussion whenever we
are talking about haunted places in India. Some passengers have said while they were coming to
this station a woman appeared just out of nowhere in front of them and disspeared in a fraction
of a second. All these incidents have happened in the night; which makes it even more
dangerious. All those who have not came across the woman have admitted that they felt a
different kind of energy blocking or startling them.
4. Jamali Kamali Tomb and Mosque
This is located near the Mehrauli Archaelogical Park. The tombs of saint Kamali & Jamali are
located here. For all the historians this is the perfect place; a place where they can recall
history. But some people have reported that they have heard voices which calls out to them to
come into the central dome of the tombs. It is considered to be one of the most haunted places in
India due to eerie feeling which people get when they visit this place.
5. Khoon Nadi
“Khoon” means blood. Imagine a steam of water being named after blood. The reason why it is
named Khoon Nadi is because people believe that all those who go near this particular water
stream are sucked by the stream. This place is responsible for the disappearances of my souls.
Initially I found it very hard to believe in this but after searching the internet I found it very hard
not to. Places like Bermuda triangle are also infamous for such mysterious disappearances. If
you think you have the guts and audacity then make sure that you don’t miss out on this place.
6. Lothian Cemetery
Graveyards are a place which already look very scary but what if I tell you that there is a
paranormal story related to a graveyard? Will you still dare to visit the cemetery? This is an
Christian burial ground located near the Kashmiri gate. It is considered to be one of the most
haunted places in Delhi. It is said that there was once a soldier who loved a girl dearly but the
girl dejected him due to which he had committed suicide. People claim to see a headless figure
near the graveyard; and they believe that it is the ghost of that particular soldier. It is said that
the ghost of this particular soldier becomes prominent on few days of the year like the new moon
7. Khooni Darwaza
The last place that I would like to talk about in this article is the Khooni Darwaza. “Khooni
Darwza” or the bloody gate is the place at which the sons of the last Mughal emperor Bahadur
Shah Zafar were executed. It is said that this place doesn’t cause any sort of disturbances to
anyone but a few foreigners have had a strange experience when they have visited this place.
You may or may not believe in ghosts and haunted places. But one thing that I have learned in
my life that you should never ever make fun of someone beliefs. You may or may not like it that is
a separate thing all together; but you should never disrespect someone’s feelings. So, these are
the 7 most haunted places in Delhi. If you are up for an adventure then go for it!

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