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Agonis dan Antagonis

P Fajri
Asetilkolin dan Reseptor Muskarinik
• Reseptor muskarinik ditemukan Properties and Subtypes of
terutama pada sel efektor Muscarinic Receptors
otonom yang dipersarafi oleh • Terdiri dari M1-M5
saraf parasimpatis
postganglionic • Tipe reseptor adalah G protein-
coupled receptor (GPCR)
• Pemberian Ach sistemik tidak
memberikan efek terapi rapid
metabolism AChE dan
butyrylcholinesterase plasma
• Efek ACh dan obat terkait pada
tempat kerja disebut muskarinik
Asetilkolin dan Reseptor Muskarinik
Properties and Subtypes of
Muscarinic Receptors
• Terdiri dari M1-M5
• Tipe reseptor adalah G protein-
coupled receptor
Pharmacological Effects of Acetylcholine
Cardiovascular System GI Tract
• vasodilation increases tone, amplitude of contractions,
• decrease in heart rate (negative and secretory activity of the stomach and
chronotropic effect) intestine
• decrease in the conduction velocity in the Secretory Effects
AV node (negative dromotropic effect) stimulates secretion lacrimal,
• decrease in the force of cardiac nasopharyngeal, salivary, and sweat glands
contraction (negative inotropic effect) Eye
Respiratory Tract Miosis, accommodation for near vision
bronchoconstriction, Increased CNS Effects
tracheobronchial secretion • has limited CNS penetration, may have an
Urinary Tract important role in cognitive function,
Blader contractions motor control, appetite regulation,
nociception, and other processes
Muscarinic Receptor Agonists
• Terbagi menjadi dua golongan
• choline esters, including ACh and
several synthetic esters
• cholinomimetic alkaloids
(pilocarpine, muscarine, and
Muscarinic Receptor Agonists
• Amin kuartener : Ester kolin
poorly absorbed (oral), limited ability
to cross the blood-brain barrier,
short acting rapid renal
• Amin tertier: pilocarpine dan
Absorbsi baik, dapat menembus
sawar darah otak
• Alkaloid alam dieliminasi lewat
ginjal, eliminasi dapat ditingkatkan
dengan mengasamkan urin MUSKARIN ARECOLINE
Therapeutic Uses of Muscarinic Receptor
Acetylcholine Bethanechol
• used topically for the induction of miosis • treating urinary retention and inadequate
during ophthalmologic surgery (1% emptying of the bladder.
solution) • postoperative urinary retention,
Methacholine • diabetic autonomic neuropathy,
• chronic hypotonic, myogenic, or neurogenic
• administered by inhalation for the bladder
diagnosis of bronchial airway
hyperreactivity in patients who do not • GI: treat postoperative abdominal
have clinically apparent asthma distention, gastric atony, gastroparesis,
adynamic ileus, and gastroesophageal
• Contraindications: severe airflow reflux.
limitation, recent myocardial infarction or
stroke, uncontrolled hypertension, or • Dose: 10-50 mg 3-4 dd ac
pregnancy miosis during surgery. 0.01%–3% solution
• Available as powder dilute in NaCl 0,9%
 nebulizer
Therapeutic Uses of Muscarinic Receptor
Carbachol Cevimeline
• Used topically for the treatment of • agonist M1 and M3 receptors on
glaucoma and the induction of lacrimal and salivary gland
miosis during surgery; 0.01%–3% epithelia
solution • Long lasting, fewer side effects
than pilocarpine
Pilocarpine • Dose: 3 dd 30 mg
• treatment of xerostomia (dry
mouth). Dose: 3 dd 5–10 mg 
lowered with hepatic impairment
• glaucoma and as a miotic agent;
0.5%–6% solution
Contraindications, Precautions, and Adverse
Contraindication Adverse effects
• asthma, • diaphoresis;
• chronic obstructive pulmonary • diarrhea,
disease, • abdominal cramps,
• urinary or GI tract obstruction, nausea/vomiting, and other GI side
• acidpeptic disease, effects;
• cardiovascular disease • sensation of tightness in the
accompanied by bradycardia, urinary bladder;
hypotension, and hyperthyroidism • difficulty in visual accommodation;
(may precipitate atrial fibrillation in • hypotension
hyperthyroid patients)
Toxicology muscarinic agonis
• Poisoning from the ingestion of plants containing pilocarpine,
muscarine, or arecoline is characterized chiefly by exaggeration of
their various parasympathomimetic effects.
• Treatment
• parenteral administration of atropine in doses sufficient to cross the blood-
brain barrier and
• measures to support the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and to
counteract pulmonary edema.
Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists
• Muscarinic antagonists
mencegah efek ACh dengan
memblok ikatan ACh pada
reseptornya di parasimpatik
neuroeffektor dan pd SSP
• Amin quartener tidak mudah
menembus sawar darah otak
dan membrane
• Beberapa organ mempunyai
sensitivitas yang berbeda
terhada antagonis muskarinik
Pharmacological Effects of Muscarinic
Heart Respiratory system
• Respon dominan takikardia • Bronkodilatasi
• Memperpendek refraktori • menurunkan sekresi
period nodus AV tracheobronchial, hidung, mulut
Circulary dan pharynx  mengatasi iritasi
oleh anastesi inhalasi
• Efek sedikit pada pembuluh
darah, namun dapat menlawan • Pada penyakit respiratory
efek vasodilatasi dan penurunan atropine menghambat
tekanan darah pada pemberian bronkokonstriksi yang
ester kolin disebabkan oleh histamine,
bradykinin, dan eicosanoids.
Pharmacological Effects of Muscarinic
Eye Biliary Tract
• dilate the pupil (mydriasis) and paralyze • mild antispasmodic action on the gallbladder
accommodation (cycloplegia) and bile ducts in humans
• Open angle glaucoma • Sweat Glands and Temperature
GI Tract • inhibit the activity of sweat glands innervated
• Motility reduce tone and amplitude and by sympathetic cholinergic fibers, and the skin
becomes hot and dry
frequency of peristaltic contractions  large
dose neded CNS
• Gastric Acid Secretion: partially inhibit gastric • Atropine has minimal effects on the CNS at
secretion therapeutic doses, toxic dose restlessness,
irritability, disorientation, hallucinations, or
• Secretion can completely abolish the copious, delirium  depression, leading to circulatory
watery secretion induced by parasympathetic collapse and respiratory failure after a period
stimulation  dry mouth of paralysis and coma
Urinary Tract • scopolamine has prominent central effects at
• decrease the normal tone and amplitude of low therapeutic doses pass blod brain
contractions of the ureter and bladder barrier
• belladonna alkaloids and the • Ipratropium is administered as an
tertiary synthetic and aerosol or solution for inhalation,
semisynthetic derivatives are whereas tiotropium is
absorbed rapidly from the GI tract. administered as a dry powder.
• Absorption from intact skin is • About 90% of the dose is swallowed.
limited except scopolamine When inhaled, their action is confined
almost completely to the mouth and
• Systemic absorption of inhaled or airways. Most of the swallowed drug
appears in the feces.
orally ingested quaternary
muscarinic receptor antagonists is • maximal responses usually develop
limited. over 30–90 min, with tiotropium
having the slower onset.
• Atropine has a t1/2 of about 4 h; • The effects of ipratropium last for 4–6
hepatic metabolism accounts for h; tiotropium’s effects persist for 24
the elimination of about half of a h, and the drug is amenable to once-
dose, and the remainder is daily dosing.
excreted unchanged in the urine.
Therapeutic Uses of Muscarinic Receptor
Respiratory Tract Genitourinary Tract
• Ipratropium, tiotropium, aclidinium, and • Overactive urinary bladder  reduce
umeclidinium are important agents in the frequency of contraction
treatment of chronic obstructive • Treatment enuresis in children and spastic
pulmonary disease paraplegia.
• Ipratropium is administered 4 dd via a • Agent: oxybutynin, tolterodine, trospium
metered-dose inhaler or nebulizer; chloride, darifenacin, solifenacin, and
aclidinium is 2dd via a dry powder inhaler. fesoterodine.
Tiotropium and umeclidinium are 1 dd
• In normal individual can protect GI Tract
bronchoconstriction from inhalation of • Management of peptic ulcer
such irritants as sulfur dioxide, ozone, or
cigarette smoke • belladonna alkaloids and their synthetic
substitutes can reduce tone and motility
• Diarrhea associated with irritation of the
lower bowel
Therapeutic Uses of Muscarinic Receptor
Salivary Secretions Cardiovascular System
• belladonna alkaloids and • Atropine may be considered in
synthetic substitutes are the initial treatment of patients
effective in reducing excessive with acute myocardial infarction
salivation, such as drug-induced in whom excessive vagal tone
salivation and that associated causes sinus bradycardia or AV
with heavy-metal poisoning and nodal block.
Parkinson disease. • Atropine occasionally is useful in
reducing the severe bradycardia
and syncope associated with a
hyperactive carotid sinus reflex
Therapeutic Uses of Muscarinic Receptor
CNS Anticholinesterase Poisoning
• Beladona and scopolamine to prevent • treatment of poisoning by
motion sickness anticholinesterase organophosphorus
• Treat extrapyramidal symptom and insecticides
parkinson disease  benztropine • antagonize the parasympathomimetic
mesylate, trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride, effects of pyridostigmine or other
and biperiden anticholinesterases administered in the
Anasthesia treatment of myasthenia gravis
• block vagal reflexes induced by surgical
manipulation of visceral organs.
• Atropine or glycopyrrolate are also used
to block the parasympathomimetic
effects of neostigmine when it is
administered to reverse skeletal muscle
relaxation after surgery.
Contraindications and Adverse Effects
• Side Effect xerostomia, constipation, blurred vision, dyspepsia, and
cognitive impairment.
• Contraindication:
• urinary tract obstruction, GI obstruction, and uncontrolled (or susceptibility to
attacks of) angle-closure glaucoma.
• benign prostatic hyperplasia

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