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Section 41 ;- After 01 . 11.


police can arrest without warrant ;-

(1) Section 41 (1) (a) ;- Any cognizoble offence conmifted ln presence of

police officer .

(2) Section 41 (1) (b) ;- Cognizoble offence not conmifted in presence of

police officer
punishable with up to 7 years .

No srrest unless condition mentioned under this Sub -

section fulfills.
=> Section 41 (1) (b,a) - Cognizable offence punishable with more than 7

(3) Section 41 (c) -(i)

(4) Section 42

(5) Section 123

(6) Section 432

(7) Section 438 (proviso)

(8) Section 151

Section 41A - Procedure followed by police officer if not arrest .

Section 41B,C ;- Procedure for arrest

Section 41D ;- Right of arrested person in Interogation

Arrest (After 2010)
Without warrant With warrant
I Section 70-81
By police Private person Majistrate
(Section 43) (Section 44)
Section 41(1) (a)
Section 41 (1) (b)
Section 41(1) (a,b)
Section 41(1) (c-i)
Section 123
Section 151
Section 432
Section 438 (1) (proviso)
Section 41 (1) (a,b)
Cognizable offence committed
In presence of police officer In absence of
Section 41 (1) (a) police officer
arrest without warrant I
Up to seven years
More than
section 41 (b) gnenerally
7 years section
no arrest if arrested police officer
41(1) (a,b) Arrest
in writhing give reason for his arrest
without warrant
Guidelines to arrest a person - cases
(1) D.K. Basu v/s states of West Bengal .
(2) Joginder Singh v/s Punjab.
(3) Stat of Maharastea v/s Christion Wefare community .
(4) Arnesh Kumar v/s State of Bihar 2014
Case on Juvenile Justice ;-
Subramaniom Swamyand others v/s Raju throush Juvenile Justice
board and another 2014
S.C. held that max. Age for juvenile trail i.e. 18 years is valid and
lesislature by law can reduce it,
Helpline (1090)
Neha Kotwal v/s LELE
(Guide lione against sexual offences)

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