Solutions For Edr 1 Probs PDF

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S. Gusmão 
Dr. Tam 
CHE – 175B  
Due on May 30th, 2012  
Chemical Process Design – Problem Set 3

1. A pipeline constructed of carbon steel failed after 3 years of operation. On

examination it was found that the wall thickness had been reduced by corrosion to
about half the original value. The pipeline was constructed of nominal 100 mm
(4 in) schedule 40, pipe, inside diameter 102.3 mm (4.026 in), outside diameter
114.3 mm (4.5 in). Estimate the rate of corrosion in ipy (inches per year) and mm
per year.

The average rate of corrosion per year, throughout the three consecutive years of
exposure to the environment can be obtained by analyzing the thickness ( ) loss.
114.3 102.3 /2 2
0.5 6 3 0.118
6 1 0.5 ⁄3 ⁄ .

2. The pipeline described in question 1 was used to carry wastewater to a hold‐up

tank. The effluent is not hazardous. A decision has to be made on what material to
use to replace the pipe. Three suggestions have been made:
a. Replace with the same schedule carbon steel pipe and accept renewal at 3‐
year intervals.
b. Replace with a thicker pipe, schedule 80, outside diameter 114.3 mm (4.5
in), inside diameter 97.2 mm (3.826 in).
c. Use stainless steel pipe, which will not corrode.

The estimated cost of the pipes, per unit length is schedule 40 carbon steel $5, schedule 80
carbon steel $8.30, stainless steel (304) schedule 40 $24.80. Installation and fittings for all
the materials adds $16.50 per unit length. The downtime required to replace the pipe does
not result in a loss of production. If the expected future life of the plant is 7 years,
recommend which pipe to use.

Answer: The cost per unit of length ( ̅ ) of each alternative for the expected future life of
the plant of 7 years can be estimated as follows.

Gabriel S. Gusmão 
Dr. Tam 
CHE – 175B  
Due on May 30th, 2012  
̅ ̅ ̅

Since the schedule 40 carbon steel pipe has to be replaced every three years and the
expected future life of the plant is 7 years, the cost that incurs from installing and fitting
the pipe will occur three times: in the year 0, 3 and 6.

̅ $5.00 $16.50 3 $64.50

For the schedule 80 carbon steel pipe, its replacement rate can be estimated by assuming
that the corrosion rate on the pipe walls is the same as for the schedule 40 carbon steel
pipe and that the maximum allowed thickness at which the pipe may be susceptible to
failure is the same as the previous question, whereas they are made of the same material.

114.3 97.2 ⁄2 8.55 0.337

3 0.118 0.337 Δt

→ Δ ≅ 5.5

Therefore, assuming that the reduction in the carbon steel pipe inner diameter due to the
increase in schedule does not affect the process, the schedule 80 carbon steel pipe would
have to be replaced one more time before the plant ceases its operation.

̅ $8.30 $16.50 2 $49.60

As the stainless steel does not suffer corrosion, its cost incurs only once, and it turns to be
the best alternative.

$ . $ . $ .

Gabriel S. Gusmão 
Dr. Tam 
CHE – 175B  
Due on May 30th, 2012  
3. Six tanks of different construction materials and six different materials to be stored
in these tanks are listed in the following columns:

Tanks Materials
Brass‐Lined 20% hydrochloric acid
Carbon Steel 10% caustic soda
Concrete 75% Phosphoric Acid For food Products
Nickel‐Lined 98% sulfuric acid
Stainless Steel Type 316 Vinegar
Wood Water

All tanks must be used, and all materials must be stored without using more than one tank
for any one material. Indicate the material that should be stored in each tank.

Answer: From the data available for corrosion characteristics for some materials of
constructions in the course reference book and class lecture on materials and corrosion,
the construction material for each solution can be assessed.

Brass (Copper Alloy):

 Corrosion resistance to strong alkalis, except ammonium hydroxide
 Resistant against organic solvents and organic acids.

Nickel Alloys (Chromium, Copper, Iron, Molybdenum):

 Resistance to sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acids, salt water and some caustic
 Withstands attack from hot concentrated aqueous solutions containing
chloride ions.

Cement and Concrete (Perry et al.)

 Limited resistance to acids and bases and will fail mechanically following
absorption of crystalforming solutions such as brines and various organic.

Wood (Perry et al.[1] and [2])

 Fairly inert chemically, wood is readily dehydrated by concentrated solutions.
It is also slowly hydrolyzed by acids and alkalis, especially when hot. In tank
construction, if sufficient shrinkage once takes place to allow crystals to form
between the staves, it becomes very difficult to make the tank tight again.

Gabriel S. Gusmão 
Dr. Tam 
CHE – 175B  
Due on May 30th, 2012  
Chemical Carbon Stainless
Component Brass Steel Nickel Steel 316
20% HCl sol. N N A N
10% NaOH sol. N A A A
75% H3PO4 sol. ‐ C A C
98% H2SO4 sol. ‐ N A N
Vinegar A A A A

A = acceptable; C = cautious use at certain conditions; N = not recommended

By alternative analysis and material compatibility provided it is possible to match each

specific solution to the preferred tank which material has resistance against.

Tank Material Component
Brass‐Lined Water
Carbon Steel [1] 10% NaOH sol.
Concrete 98% H2SO4 sol
Nickel‐Lined 20% HCl sol.
Stainless Steel Type 316 [2] 75% H3PO4 sol.
Wood Vinegar

From general knowledge, as sugar and other carbohydrates fermentation for alcoholic
beverage production usually takes place in wooden barrels, vinegar, which is a further
step of the fermentation process, could probably be stored in wooden tanks. Concrete
should not be used with water given that it presents certain permeability for water with
the time.


I. Turton, R.; Bailie, R.C.; Whiting, W. B.; Shaeiwitz, J. A.; “Anaysis, Synthesis and Design of
Chemical Processes” – 3rd ed.; 2010 by Prentice Hall PTR.

II. Peter, M. S.; Timmerhaus, K. D.; “Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers”;
Fourth Edition; McGraw‐Hill, 1991.


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